Friend or Enemy by DramaQueen

Justin and Brian never met on Liberty Avenue. Justin becomes a single father at the age of 19 and has to rely off his friends and family, meanwhile Brian fights in the battle of Lindsay wanting to play mother and Melanie wanting to play mistress. Brian, Michael, Ben, Emmett, Blake, Drew, and Ted also are dealing with the lose of Deb and Vic.

Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Peter, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Anti-Ethan, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Melanie, MPreg (Yup! Went THERE!)
Genres: None
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 5722 Read: 15458 Published: Apr 16, 2018 Updated: Mar 30, 2020
Chapter 1: What a Life to be living by DramaQueen


Justin POV




My name is Justin Taylor. I am the only son and child of Jennifer and Craig Taylor. I was born with the male pregnancy gene and due to the fact that I am homosexual, that fact had to be known when I started showing. My good for nothing ex-boyfriend, Ethan, left me pregnant forcing me to come out to my parents. That was my greatest fear and I was scared of losing the only family that I had ever known. My parents and grandparents were surprisingly accepting of me and my pregnancy. My best friends, Daphne and Chris, were there to have my back if things didn’t work out with my family. We have been best friends since we were in diapers and were together when Chris came out to his parents and when Daphne was raped and pregnant at the age of 16. Daphne’s ex-boyfriend, Jordan, was killed in prison 3 years into his sentencing. I remember my last words said to him was “Don’t drop the soap, actually drop it so you can be someone’s bitch.” I know you are probably wondering why it matters who our family is, it’s because we are the only grandchildren of Cole Matthew, Jonathan Hobbs, and Adam Williams. They were born with silver spoons in their mouths and decided that they didn’t want their parents’ money and owns most of Texas, Pittsburgh, and New York. I had a son, Aaron Chris Taylor and Daphne had a son as well, Adam Justin Chandler. Chris is just waiting for his prince to come along. Together we own the biggest Graphic Design company. We moved out of Pittsburgh two years ago when I was pregnant and now it’s time to return home. Chris and I just bought two lofts in the building on Tremont Street.




Brian POV




My name is Brian Kinney. I rather not talk about my biological family; however, I do have a surrogate family. I have just got home from the hospital after having my son, Gus Aiden Kinney. I decided to do artificial insemination. I wanted a child because I didn’t want to be the only good Kinney around. My egg and sperm donor have already poisoned my nephews against me. I am waiting for my friends to show up for the welcoming of Gus. My surrogate mother and father will not make it. Debbie and Vic died two years ago in an unfortunate house fire. Around that time, I had just denied Lindsay and Melanie my sperm donation so that they could have a baby. They asked in front of everyone at Deb’s annual Sunday Dinner. Everyone was against it because we knew that they just wanted to use me for money. I decided to have Gus a few months later. I hear the loft door being unlocked and Gus starts crying. It is Michael and his husband, Ben with their son little James “Hunter” Montgomery. Due to Michael and Ben being unable to have kids of their own, they adopted Hunter when his mother tried to sell him to Ben when he was heading to work one day and stopped in the local bad neighborhood to donate to the homeless shelter as he does every other week. I am calming Gus down when Ted and Blake arrive. We are waiting Emmy Lou and Drew, so we can start. There is a knock on the door, which is weird considering Emmy has a key. I open the door and Emmy does not look happy.  I look behind Emmy to see why he is upset. I hand Gus to a pregnant Blake who is standing near a sleep deprived Michael Novotny. Emmy and Drew walk in and the two-uninvited guests attempt to follow them in. Lindsay is looking at Gus as if she would like to take him and runaway.




“What are you doing here Melanie and Lindsay?”




“We are here for our son. We thank you for carrying him for us. Lindsay go get Gus.”




“Melanie, take your girlfriend and leave. I am not giving you my son. You are not about to use him as a way to get my money or so that Lindsay can play scorned wife and you her mistress.”




“We will file for custody. You know that he should be raised inside a loving home.”




“You have no connection to him so the chances of you actually getting custody is slim to none-----”


“Hey, I would hate to interrupt your enlightening conversation, however I have a kid here who is trying to take a nap.”




“I apologize, they were just going. Your son is adorable by the way. I just had a son myself, so I understand how important nap time is. Leave Melanie and Lindsay and never come back or I will file for a restraining area.”




They leave but I know they will be back. I look at the man holding a child who is sleeping on his shoulder turn around to leave and I stop him.


“I apologize again, and I am Brian Kinney, your upstairs neighbor. I did not mean to wake your son.”




“I wish it was my blood that ran through this kid’s veins, but unfortunately only one of his parents are worthy of having him.”




I went to say something else when I hear someone coming up the elevator. When the door open, I see a young blond man walk to the door.




“Give me my kid.”




“Justin, I know your parents taught better manner than that.”




“Hello, I am Justin Taylor and this Christopher Hobbs. This my son, Aaron. Now give me back my kid, Chris. He needs to be fed.”




I watch as the baby goes from one set of arms to the next. It was a deepest pleasure of finding out that Justin’s ass is to die for and that these two men are not a couple. As I am thinking about of the things I would love to do that ass, their names are registering to me.




“Taylor, Hobbs, as in Taylor, Hobbs, Chandler Graphic Designs.”








“I am looking to sign your company to do their advertising----”




“We have a meeting with an Ad company called Kinnetik, however if we chose to go with a different company, give us your business card. Vanguard has been trying to set up a meeting, but they did Stockwell’s campaign so working with a homophobic company is not really in the plans.”




“Well, you do not need my card because-----”




“Brian, here is Gus. We all except Blake, are going to get the food from Em’s car.”




“Alright, hurry up before Gus decides he want to cry because he has not been fed. As I was saying before, I own Kinnetik.”




“Just because you are hot and have a cute kid won’t get you the job.”




“If I didn’t know any better, Justin, I would say you are flirting with me.”




“He is. I will take Aaron away from his daddy’s attempt to get laid in front of him.”




They say bye and start to walk away. Maybe I should invite them in so that I can get to know Justin better. I start to say something when a dark-skinned girl with a baby comes up the stair clearly confused or looking for someone. When her eyes land on Justin and Chris, she quickly approaches and hands the child off to Chris. Now I am confused as to who the couple is.




“There is no couple. We all like the same gender and Chris and Justin would kill each other if they dated.”




“Who is the baby that you just pawned off on Chris?”




“That is my son. My name is Daphne Chandler.”




“You three are going to be given the pitch of your lives, but first would you like to stay and eat? Oh shit, Deb would smack me in the head if she was here for forgetting my manners. This is my son Gus and I did not catch the name of your son’s name?”




“This is Adam and we would love to stay; however, we have dinner plans with grandpa and grandma. I just need to go change. My dad wants Chris to come as well so that he can set up one of the two of you. Considering Justin’s stubbornness, he is going to start with the easiest person which is Chris.”




“So, Aaron and I are alone for dinner. Well I guess we can order in------”




“You could always join my friends and I.”




“We would love to, thank you, Brian.”



This story archived at