Beguiled by confused_bliss


Summary: Brian Kinney is the owner of Babylon, not only in Pittsburgh... but in cities all over the world. He visits and plays in all of them, but frequents none for long. That is all about to change when he visits his Pittsburgh club to find the new dancer that has his club soaring to new heights. Not only is he an international playboy and club owner, but he's also immortal. What happens when the young blond that beguiles him so, is immune to his brand of magic?


Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Jealousy, M/M, Out of Character, Toppy Justin
Genres: Alternate Universe, Magical/Supernatural
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 33545 Read: 9939 Published: May 13, 2021 Updated: May 18, 2021
Chapter 5: A Day for Confrontations by confused_bliss

Justin glared at his friend as he watched him staggering from his bedroom, a hand pressed against his temple as he slowly moved towards the kitchen to pour his morning coffee. Deliberately, he dropped the cast iron skillet he'd used to cook his breakfast into the sink, smiling when Emmett winced in sudden pain. "Oh, I'm sorry, Em. I guess I dropped it."


Emmett glared at his friend, not focusing enough to realize Justin was truly pissed at him. "Can you possibly keep it down to a low roar? My head is splitting."


"Really?" Justin asked in a loud voice. "Probably from too many Cosmos."


A flinch was Emmett's immediate answer. "Baby... please. Must you talk so loud? At least let me get about two gallons of coffee in me first."


Justin snorted. "I don't have time to wait for you to sober up. I have classes. I'll bring the coffee pot over to the table while you guzzle it down. We need to talk before I go."


Emmett curled his lip as he watched Justin's progress... his friend's determination to have things go his way never in doubt. He admired that about Justin - usually. Today wasn't one of those days. "I'm sure it can keep until later. I'm not up for in-depth conversation."


"I hadn't noticed," Justin drawled sarcastically. He sat down at the table, watching as Emmett did the same, waiting only until Emmett had finished half a cup of coffee before he exploded. "Do you want to tell me what possessed you to share such personal... and confidential information about me with none other than Brian Kinney last night!?"


Bloodshot and unfocused eyes stared straight ahead the entire time of Justin's speech, until the name Brian Kinney penetrated the fog that lived around Emmett's brain. He choked and spat out his coffee in a succession of motions, his eyes turning to look at his roommate in sudden awareness. "Fuck! I remember now. Brian pulled you away from Woody's. I tried to stop you. Please tell me you turned back, baby. Tell me you didn't let the dark one take you home."


Justin rolled his eyes. Here we go again, he thought. "Em, you said that last night. Dark one? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? He's just a man. Perhaps more potent than others... yet still, only a man."


Emmett's voice dropped, having nothing to do with the pounding in his head. He whispered almost in a conspiratorial fashion. "That's what he wants you to think."


"This is obviously going nowhere." Justin glanced at the wall clock, seeing that he needed to be leaving in less than ten minutes. "I have to get to class, Em. I can't believe you did this to me... and with such a predator! Do you know how much trouble he's going to be?"


He waved Justin's concerns away with a flamboyant twist of the wrist. "I wouldn't worry too much. Brian never stays for long." He frowned, wondering what he had said that had been so bad. Right now he couldn't remember anything other than trying to steer Justin away from Brian. "What exactly did I say?"


"What did you say?" he mimicked. "Let me play that back to you, Emmett - word for word." Justin's blue eyes were blazing in anger, his voice rising once again as he dictated, "Protect your untried little ass from the beast of the jungle. He'll break your heart!"


Emmett screeched, the sound hurting both his head and his ears, as he instantly placed his hands over all he could cover. He looked at Justin in wide-eyed horror. "I couldn't have said that. I would never do that to you... not with Brian!" Standing up from the table, despite his queasy stomach, he began pacing back and forth. He began mumbling, some words incoherently, others very clear. "Impossible. He didn't hear me. Surely, he didn't. If so, you wouldn't be here now. You'd still be with him." Emmett looked back at Justin's blank, bored expression. "No, he didn't hear me. I doubt you could walk yet if he had."


"Really? That's all you have to say? Of course, he heard you!" Justin snapped in irritation.


"Oh Justin, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that... and Brian of all people."


Justin snorted. "I can't believe you did either. It's okay, though. I can handle him." He laughed as Emmett's eyes grew even wider. "I left him behind at Babylon, didn't I? I handled him just fine."


"Sweetie, you are in deep trouble if you believe that. He's playing a sick game with you. The only chance you have is to stay far away from him. The best start is to quit your job at Babylon. You can survive without that. You have to!"


"Quit my job at Babylon?" Justin looked at Emmett incredulously. "Are you out of your fucking mind? That's how I am paying my tuition. It's certainly not the tips at the diner!" Justin decided to get Emmett back for his antics of last night... and knew the perfect way to do it. The part that concerned him most was that his temptation to do this was almost overwhelming. "Besides... I'm not so sure I want to stay away from Brian."


"W-what!?" Emmett began to sputter in true Emmett Honeycutt's dramatic fashion. "That's the first sign that he's got your mind messed up, baby. After all the warnings I've given you... there's no way you can want to see him again."


Justin shrugged as he walked towards the door, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "He thinks he's the ultimate top... and well, I think I am. So, it might be interesting to prove him wrong. That's all I'm saying." He turned long enough to wave and smirk at Emmett's outraged expression. "See you later, Em. I do hope you feel better."


Once Justin slipped through the door, Emmett discontinued all pretense of a hangover. He hated lying to him. More than anyone he hated misleading Justin. It couldn't be helped. Slumping down onto the sofa, he waited for the visitor that he knew would soon be arriving. Perhaps he could talk sense into the asshole. After what he'd witnessed last night, he didn't think the odds of that were very likely at all.



"Good morning, Sunshine..." a sexy voice purred as Justin stepped from the building.


Justin groaned. He would never make it to class on time today. "Well well, Mr. Kinney himself. Isn't it a bit early for lotharios such as yourself to be out?"


"I'm wounded, Justin. Deeply and mortally." He opened the passenger side door, waving him towards it with a quick motion of his hand. "Get in. I'll give you a ride to class."


"Class? What the fuck? How did you find out so much about me... and so damned fast?" Justin shook his head, unable to believe the lengths this man had apparently gone... and so quickly.


Brian pierced his challenging prey with his most intense stare. "You'd be surprised at how resourceful I can be when I want something so much..."


Justin rolled his eyes. "We had this talk last night, Boss. You can chase me - morning, noon, and night. It won't change the outcome."


"So you say," Brian replied in his most bored tone. "Now, stop wasting time." He glanced at his watch. "It appears as if little Justin is about to be late for class. Get in the car... unless you're afraid to be alone with me."


His neck arched at the mocking tone. Justin knew he was just laying out another trap... yet one that he felt safe enough to succumb to - this time. Rolling his eyes, he slid into the low seat, his eyes turning to glare at his driver after fastening his seat belt. "I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Kinney." He turned his head to peer out the window, realizing his words weren't fooling either one of them. "In time you'll give up."


Brian pulled the car onto the road, laughing huskily in response. "You don't know me at all, Justin Taylor... but you will."


"Sounds ominous," Justin returned blankly, not turning to face the man that he knew was quickly turning out to be his greatest challenge to resist. He never doubted his ability to stay strong... but he figured any horny, gay male would be tempted by Brian. And he definitely fit that criterion.


"Not really," Brian answered, skillfully, yet with excessive speed, weaving in and out of traffic. In a matter of minutes, Brian braked to a stop in front of the PIFA entrance, not relinquishing the lock mechanism on the door, waiting for Justin to return his attentive stare. When Justin finally looked at him, Brian reached out to run his finger along Justin's cheek, whispering almost fervently, "Nothing ominous at all. I am a man that keeps after what I want until it becomes mine... that is if I want it that badly. Barriers don't disturb me much either. I find ways to remove them."


Justin laughed. "That sounds almost threatening."


"No. It's merely a statement of intent." Brian gave Justin a deep, soulful look... his eyes hungrily moving to fasten on his lips. "How about you give me a kiss before you start the day?"


"I don't think so, Brian. That would only heighten your interest more in the chase." Justin's eyes moved up and down the brunet's perfect form, his tongue sliding out to moisten his lips. "You know what you need to do in order to get anywhere with me. Give that up... and then we will have something to talk about."


Brian arched his brow, his thumb reaching out to rub across Justin's lower lip. His voice became smoky, full of both purpose and need - "Play your little game all you like, Justin. But hear me well. Your hot little mouth will be on my cock soon. Each time we see each other, you'll move a step closer." He reached over to unlock the passenger door. "It's just a matter of time... and not much at that."


Justin slid out of the car, moving around to Brian's side, waiting for Brian to roll down his window... knowing the arrogant and lusty brunet couldn't resist. He leaned down to lick along Brian's neck, trailing it slowly up and down, his warm breath tickling the hair on his neck. When Brian growled, Justin laughed in response. "That's as much of my tongue as you'll get until you take my cock up your ass." He pulled away, smirking as Brian glared at him ferociously, the lust in his eyes seeming to cause the hazel eyes to change color. Very strange, he thought... although, very hot too. Fuck. Everything was hot about this man. Perhaps this game wasn't his best idea yet... but it was so much fun.


Brian didn't pull away until Justin walked into the building, his tires peeling out of the parking lot shortly after. "Cocky little fucker..." Brian grumbled. He shook his head as his thickening cock reminded him that he needed some relief. Obviously, it wasn't going to be by the man of his choice. It would be, though. Brian always got his man... and young Justin Taylor wouldn't be an exception. He needed to change up his game plan a bit... and find out more about the boy. What didn't trouble him any longer was how Justin was blocking him. The barrier made sense to him now. All it had taken was a little more information supplied by Michael. Reliable Mikey, as always. Unfortunately, his crush still seemed as strong as ever, if not stronger. He was afraid he would need to deal with that at some point. But for now, it was all about dealing with the spell that was protecting Justin. He would resolve that impediment today.



It only took a matter of minutes to return to the apartment building Justin shared with Emmett. He proceeded up the steps and to their apartment with an almost lazy gait. There was no hurry now. Justin was in school for the day, and he already had learned a great deal. This visit was just to put one last piece of the puzzle together. He knocked on the door with solid, strong knocks. Brian knew Emmett wouldn't try to avoid him. They understood each other too well. This meeting had been predetermined the moment Brian realized Justin was his roommate.


Emmett opened the door almost instantly. He sighed dramatically, before he waved him inside. Snidely he greeted him. "I'm surprised it took you so long."


Brian quirked a brow. "You know it wouldn't have... but I didn't want Justin to be late for school, so I gave him a ride."


"He wouldn't have needed a ride if you hadn't made him late! Leave him alone, Brian. I'm not going to let you play your games with him!" Emmett exploded, his face red with anger as he got in Brian's face.


"You're not going to let me?" Brian sneered at the weaker man before him. "Hear me well, little brother, you are at the short end of the magic stick. Now, why don't you tell me exactly what sort of spell you've placed on Justin."


"Half-brother!" Emmett squawked. Never was he more thankful for his magical abilities than now. If he couldn't have cast a spell to relieve himself of his hangover, he knew a more pounding headache would have arrived in the form of his brother.


"Semantics. Tell me what I want to know." Brian's eyes were fierce with angry and primal lights as he stared his brother down. "I suggest you answer me now, brother. I'm not leaving until this is resolved. And I doubt you want me here when Justin comes home. Tell me what I want to know - now!"


The two magically enhanced brothers stared each other down, one infinitely more powerful than the other... but both of them determined to win. In time they would realize they were on the same side, but that was a realization neither of these two stubborn siblings would accept today.



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