Bound by Fate by confused_bliss


Summary: Three years have gone by since Brian’s world was ripped apart by the tragedy of Justin’s supposed death. Is Justin truly lost to him forever or will destiny intervene?


Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny, Other Cast Regulars, Sap aka Gary Saperstein, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Abduction, Implied Death, Jealousy, M/M, Minor Violence
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 59191 Read: 18833 Published: Jun 24, 2021 Updated: Jun 25, 2021
Chapter 15: A Reunion Gone Awry by confused_bliss


Carl cleared his throat, his eyes warily watching Brian, and the anger that transformed his entire expression. Moving forward to be closer to the group, Carl firmly reprimanded, "Brian, let's not get carried away here. I know that emotions are at an unpleasant high right now, but you can't take the law into your own hands. You did what was right by calling in the authorities, even the Federal Government. We will make this right for both of you."


"Shut the hell up, Carl!" Debbie barked. "Where were the authorities when that bastard took Sunshine from us? Brian has every right to feel as he does." She snickered as she looked at Brian's surprised expression. "That's right, asshole. Once in a while, I do agree with you."


Brian laughed. "I'll make note of it."


Sighing in resignation, Carl knew better than to argue with his wife here and now. She wouldn't back down, especially knowing the truth behind Justin's disappearance. He shook his head sadly as he watched Justin looking away from the heated exchange, the young man's discomfort in all the attention he now received was more than apparent. Justin had changed a great deal in the past three years. He couldn't imagine how he had endured his fate at the evil Gary Sapperstein's hands. At this point, he wondered if Sapperstein's capture would be the only thing to bring Justin back completely. For his sake, and Brian's as well... he hoped that happened quickly.


"Now isn't the time for arguments or threats. This meeting has multiple purposes. We should get on with that... and allow Justin a chance to settle back into his home." Carl knew the last part was what the young man needed most of all. This homecoming was overwhelming for him. Anyone could see that. What he needed right now was to be alone with Brian. Sadly, until Sapperstein was apprehended, they would never be totally alone. But Justin didn't need to see the guards on the premises.


"Carl's right..." Jennifer agreed. "As much as I don't want to let my son out of my sight anytime soon, he needs this time with Brian."


"Thanks, Mom." Justin smiled at his mom, knowing her as he did, this was a sacrifice for her.


Michael looked around the room, amazed at the pitiful looks they all sent in Justin's direction. He didn't care that Brian loved Justin and that he wanted to make a life with him. He'd gotten over that a long time ago. What he didn't like was how everyone continued to be sucked into the ‘poor little Justin' routine. Why wasn't anyone angry at how long he'd kept his whereabouts a secret? There was no way he believed Justin hadn't been given the opportunity to contact someone at some time or another. No. As always, everything was about him. He had allowed everyone to suffer while he lived in the lap of luxury in Barbados.


Ben glanced at his husband, his eyes narrowing when he saw the condemnation on Michael's face. Underneath his breath, Ben warned him, "Don't do it, Michael. This kid has been through hell. Attack him and you will have everyone in this room against you..."


"Whatever..." Michael groused, his eyes stabbing accusingly at Justin's still form.


Brian arched a brow at Michael's glowering expression. He hadn't heard the exchange between Ben and Michael, but he did know that look. Now was the absolute worst time for Michael to start this shit. "Is there a problem, Michael?"


All eyes were on him when he answered, "No. Well, yes I guess there is."


Ben hissed, "Michael, don't do it!"


Ignoring his husband, Michael continued, "Hasn't anyone wondered why Justin didn't attempt to contact anyone over the past three years? Think about it. Three damned years!? He couldn't one time find a way to get to a phone? I don't buy it. I think if he was going to be miserable, he wanted everyone else to be too." Uncaring about the outraged gasps around him, Michael spat out, "Congratulations, Justin. You more than succeeded!"


Brian pushed Justin from his lap, before standing abruptly to his feet. He advanced toward Michael, murder in his eyes. "You sanctimonious prick! I should hit you just like I did years ago. I think you remember that. You have no idea of the hell Justin suffered, and the sacrifices he made to keep the people he loved safe."


Justin rushed forward, not wanting to be the cause of another fight between Brian and his best friend. He hadn't liked it before, even knowing Michael had been in the wrong... and he certainly didn't like it now. Today shouldn't be about that. Sliding in between them, Justin looked beseechingly up at Brian, while censure was on his face when he glanced back at Michael. "I'm not going to fight with you, or explain anything to you. Why should I? You don't like me. In fact, you never have. I don't intend on coming between you and Brian, but I don't want to be part of your future meetings."


"As usual... you explain nothing!" Michael muttered, ignoring the glares that every person in the room sent his way.


"Michael Novotny! What's gotten into you!?" Debbie exploded, advancing toward him with hands flailing about her. "Justin has clearly been through hell at the hands of a madman. He doesn't owe you an explanation."


Turning to face his mother, he looked at her in total disbelief. Once again, she was rallying to her precious Sunshine's cause. "I'm not saying he didn't suffer; I'm just saying he could have done more to help himself and let someone else know he was alive."


"You don't know shit!" Brian was raging inside. Would Michael's drama never end? This was the last thing Justin needed right now. "Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a crazed drug dealer that wanted the most beautiful blond in the kingdom. He couldn't have him by traditional means because the young man loved another, and he found the man repulsive. So... what did he do?"


Justin groaned. He knew the events of his captivity would need to come out, but not like this. It was his story to tell, and painful or not, he needed to tell it. "Brian, stop. I'll finish." Turning back to face Michael, Justin coldly told him, "Gary had me kidnapped, and brought to him. Meanwhile, he had my death falsified. I managed a year before he intimately touched me. That first year he baited me constantly... inferring so many things. Finally, I succumbed when he began to beat a man to death because he had dared to make a pass at me. Oh, and in addition, he continuously threatened Brian's life if I wasn't compliant. So, the time came when I stopped being rebellious and just did what Gary wanted - all to keep Brian alive."


Michael flinched as the words sunk in, his head lowering as he realized everyone was hating on him now. But how could he have known? "I'm sorry, Justin. I didn't know..."


"Poor little Mikey. Childishly you believe ‘sorry' makes everything better," Brian sneered at his childhood friend, uncertain of how much longer that association would last. "It doesn't! As I've always said - Sorry is bullshit! Your actions are what counts... and right now, yours fucking suck." He looked around the room, noticing everyone watching with widened, and shocked eyes. "This little reunion is over. If you want to visit with Justin tomorrow, call ahead and set something up. Justin will be under constant supervision by the Feds. Everyone will need to pass their security clearance."


Ben stood to his feet, his eyes apologetic. He cast a warm look on both Brian and Justin. "I'm glad you found each other again. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask."


"Thank you, Ben." Justin smiled at Ben, not a doubt in his mind of Ben's sincerity. He looked around the room, sensing everyone would want to prolong their goodbyes... most especially his mom and Daphne. Right now, he just wanted to be alone with Brian, and hopefully, forget all the unpleasantness for the moment.


Brian smiled encouragingly at Justin, knowing he wanted this reunion to end as much as he did. "I'm going to speak with the guards outside... and you can say your goodbyes." He looked around at each of them, before graciously offering, "Thank you all for coming. A great deal of danger still exists, the agents are working on that. For now, knowledge is power... or so the Feds believe. Knowing Justin is alive and visible in the media, makes the Sap need to proceed differently."


Justin swallowed tremulously, not really wanting Brian out of his sight for one moment... and certainly not caring to hear one more word about the threat Gary posed to them. They hadn't been separated since they had found each other again. Any kind of distance was a horrid thought to him now. "Don't be long... okay?"


Brian's eyes were filled with love and the promise of a new beginning. "I wouldn't dream of it, Sunshine."


Daphne grinned from ear to ear as she saw the love in each of their eyes for the other. Even with all that had happened, that variable hadn't changed. Brian and Justin were still completely in love. In the midst of this tragedy, that was the most wonderful of realizations.



Gary disembarked his train, his carry-on baggage in one hand as he idly strolled down the various corridors of Grand Central Terminal. New York City. The land of opportunity... and where much of his plan had begun. While Justin had been in Pittsburgh, his chances of success had been limited. Kinney or Justin's little childhood friend had always been around him. In New York, everything changed.


He took a slight detour to reach the men's room, now that he was back to an area that he would be more well known, a change in his disguise, as well as ID being in order. Slipping into an empty stall, Gary pulled out a pocket mirror and went to work. As much as it would be more convenient to do this part in front of the bathroom mirrors, he realized this area was far too busy for that. He placed an average-sized light-brown mustache above his upper lip, slipping on a pair of sandy brown tinted sunglasses, along with an inconspicuous appearing baseball cap. He scowled at his reflection. Once he changed into a polo shirt, and basic denim, he would look like a fucking tourist. However, in a city of millions, that was exactly the look he needed to keep him ordinary... and more importantly - unnoticed.


Tossing his previous disguise into a plastic bag, he stepped from the stall, discarding the bag into the nearest trash can. He looked in the larger mirror, turning his head side to side... his eyes coldly calculating his appearance, knowing it more than coincided with the fake ID he intended to use next. Glancing down at the sub-standard over-the-counter watch strapped around his wrist, Gary cursed Brian Kinney for all of the degradations he was forced to endure while he safely proceeded with his plan.


As he exited the men's room and proceeded down the ramp and out into the bustling streets of New York City, Gary walked in the direction of Central Park, mindful that his contact would be meeting him there... and thankful it wasn't too long of a walk from his current location. He smiled as he made his way through the crowds of tourists, and New Yorkers. It was so easy to tell the two apart, and right now, he was confident he wouldn't be observed with any undue interest from anyone - law enforcement in particular.


Once he entered the park, he was instantly approached by the homeless seeking his help, and peddlers trying to make a few bucks. He sent them on their way with a phrase anyone connected to New York would understand. Forget about it. The three words were spoken in a firm voice, often sounding like one word when spoken correctly was the end to a conversation with varied meanings. The only definition that mattered was that it meant the discussion was finished, and it was time to move on. Each time he used it now, the effect was immediate. He loved this city. For a man like him, his opportunities were always golden. He would make the most of them, lining his pockets further... and then, Pittsburgh would be his destination.


He sat down on an empty bench nearly halfway into Central Park, his eyes watchful for his contact. A curt nod followed when the man arrived, each of them silent until any passing by were safely out of sight, and hearing. "You made the drop?" Gary asked in a low, monotone voice.


Reaching into his pocket, the man pulled out an envelope... one that they both knew to be filled with cash. "Here you go, Sir. The dealers were thrilled to get something of higher quality. They didn't dispute the price."


Gary laughed mockingly. "They know I'm back... they wouldn't dare to haggle."


"Good point." Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved a newspaper, passing it and the envelope over. "I have contacts in Pittsburgh. I thought this might interest you."


Not doubting what he would find, Gary unfolded the newspaper, finding Justin's picture on the front page, with a long article heralding his return from the dead. His own picture had also been included, although not one that was recent. He scanned the article seeing the Feds were being more than thorough. For once, they weren't keeping things close to the vest. They wanted every street bum and dealer to see his picture... selling him out for a meager reward. "Very good work, Phil."


"Thank you, Sir. I would suggest laying low for a while. As you know, you can't trust anyone in this city..."


Gary wasn't a fool. He knew that without being told. In fact, he didn't even trust the man that supplied the information. Standing to his feet, Gary pulled out a smaller envelope, one that contained ten 100-dollar bills, handing it to the man that he needed whether he trusted him or not. "Your discretion is valued, Phil... and benefits you the same as it does me. Remember that."


Bobbing his head, knowing the last thing he wanted was to make an enemy of this man, he heartily agreed. "You don't have to worry about that. I will do whatever I can to help you while you're in town."


His eyes as cold as his smile, Gary nastily told him, "I know you will; after all, you have a family to consider. That's always something to keep in mind."


Watching as the man physically ran from him, Gary smiled, an immense feeling of satisfaction swelling in him at the power he so effortlessly could exert. Next was Kinney. Walking even deeper into the park, Gary powered on the prepaid phone and dialed Kinney's cell phone - certain of two things. First, Kinney would answer if at all possible... and two, he would try to trace it. He would fail on this unregistered device.


He held no surprise when the phone was answered on the second ring, his lips twisting savagely when the odious man responded. "Kinney..." he hissed into the phone. "I do hope you're enjoying your little reunion..."


"Sap..." he sneered, jerking his head in the Federal agent's direction, telling him with one word who was on the line. He debated on placing it on speakerphone, but he didn't want to alert Sapperstein, either. "I've been expecting your call."


"I won't be on the line long. I know that you have the Feds on the case, and are trying to trace this call. It won't be that easy..."


Brian decided to bait him. That was the best way for the lunatic to lose track of the time, although he doubted Sapperstein was using a landline or any sort of line that could be traced. "Who needs to track you, Sap? Your mistakes will reveal you just as quickly."


"Mistakes!? I hadn't made any until you stepped onto my island. If not for that, Justin would still be in my bed - where he belongs!" Gary laughed as he heard Brian's breathing quicken. He would build on that with ease. "It's no wonder I'm so obsessed with him. Any man that's fucked that ass would be. Well, you should know..."


"You had better hope the Feds find you first. If I do - I will kill you myself!" Brian ignored the look of reproof on the agent's face, uncaring of any consequences. Right now all he sought was revenge on Justin's behalf and protecting him from any further abuse.


"Brave words, Kinney. You can remind me when I am fucking my property again in front of your eyes... making it the last thing you ever see. Goodbye for now. I'll be seeing you soon..."


"Fuck!" Brian exploded as he ended the call. "Did you hear enough to know that we need surveillance 24/7!? That parasite isn't getting anywhere near Justin again!"


Nodding emphatically, the agent concurred. "Yes, Mr. Kinney. The government wants Sapperstein apprehended. That message is enough to increase Justin's protection... as well as your own. Right now, both of you appear to be equal targets."


"I don't give a fuck!" Brian hissed, careful to keep his voice down and away from where Justin was still saying his goodbyes. "I'm telling you now - your people had better do their fucking jobs. If I find Sapperstein first, I will kill myself. To hell with the consequences!"




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