The Story Teller by mandagrammy

This story is the result of the request by a wonderful reader of mine named Lorie.  It begins in 2005.  Justin is a young man in NYC who makes his living as the writer of gay porn and adult fiction.  He has bigger goals for himself.  He dreams of publishing the great American gay romance novel, but he has little to base it on.  Justin does not do relationships and has little trust of others due to a painful childhood.  Brian Kinney is the owner of his own ad agency which has taken on Justin's publishing house as a new client.  What will happen when Brian and Justin meet eventually...two lost souls afraid of commitment.  I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my Granddaughter, Amy, for the banner and my friend Pat for beta help.  I also want to thank Lorie for trusting me with her idea.  So enjoy and remember that comments are always welcome.   


Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Out of Character, Real Life Issues
Genres: Alternate Universe, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 65005 Read: 36572 Published: Nov 16, 2016 Updated: Nov 16, 2016
10. Falling in Love, Maybe by mandagrammy
Author's Notes:

Weeks have passed since that fateful night that Brian rescued his protege, Justin, from the clutches of a drunken attacker.  Everything has changed between the men and they've fallen into a comfortable affair that is slowly growing, and yet still undefined.  Is this a relationship that can stand the test of time?


Brian thrust forward with one last determined move that brought them both to the edge of bliss. It had been several weeks since he had first taken Justin's virginity and they had fucked every night since, but each time seemed like the first (except for the fact that Justin was enjoying it more every time he let Brian in). He heard the deep groan escape Justin's throat as he shot his orgasm over his heaving chest when Brian hit that sweet spot inside one last time. Brian filled the condom head at almost that same instant. Just the sight of Justin's face glowing from the lights reflected off the sheen of sweat that covered his brow and cheeks was enough to bring Brian to the point of no return. This wasn't the first time that he thought of how absolutely beautiful Justin's face was in the throes of his orgasmic high.

Justin had proved to a fucking miracle, and more than that...he was a true gift to the jaded older man. After that first night with Justin in his bed, Brian had discovered for the first time that he had never come close to making love to a man before that night. He had fucked, oh yes indeed, but he hadn't made love to a single one of the countless partners he had been with. With Justin, there was something different...something intangible that he simply couldn't put a name too. If you had had the nerve to tell him he might be falling in love with the young writer, he would have snorted and called you a romantic idiot. Being in love was simply not possible. It was a game that people played so that they could justify all kinds of actions. It was a ploy to sell movies, wedding crap, songs, honeymoons, and books. You could love somebody, after all he did love his friends, but in way!

Brian did have to admit that he felt a deep affection for Justin. That was to be expected. After all, he had taken the young writer under his wing and vowed to teach him all about being a gay man so the writer could write the great American gay novel. The fact that Justin wanted to make it a romance novel was a minor point. He had to learn to be an out and proud gay man first. That was Brian's forte. Brian had already sunk a lot more of his time into Justin than he had planned. He had given the other writers that Dan had wanted to promote a good degree of his time, but his nights were all Justin's. Brian had even been forced to hand over a bit more of his workload to his competent staff back home in Pittsburgh just so that he could devote more time to Justin. The young man had shown his gratitude over and over.

After the first shower the two men had shared, they had eaten their breakfast and then sat and talked for a while. Justin had opened up just a bit but Brian knew there was a lot more to the story of why Justin had been so repressed. Justin had gone back to his apartment while Brian conducted some more business for the Publishing House and then met up with Justin at a radio station where Brian had arranged an interview with the young writer and two of his colleagues. The interview had gone smoothly and the interviewer had laughed when Justin compared his stories to the old Harlequin romances that were still popular among the ladies. He pointed out that his stories were simply aimed at men who wanted to believe in that dashing lover riding up on the white horse and carrying them away to a far away land where they could live happily ever after too. Brian winced at the image but the statement went over well with the audience, which was primarily GLBT based. Calls poured in agreeing with Justin's thoughts.

Once the interview was over and the other two men had left, Brian and Justin were left standing on the streets of New York City with no particular plan in mind. It was still a little early for clubbing and Justin was a little hesitant to do that again quite so soon after his painful encounter the previous night. He assured Brian he wasn't against the idea, but he needed a break. Brian agreed and suggested a drink at one of the nightclubs that his hotel housed. They had a great jazz band and a couple of drinks might just hit the spot. Justin agreed and the couple hailed a cab and gave the name of Brian's hotel. The club was dimly lit and beautifully appointed with one long bar to one side of the room with leather covered stools lined in front of it and a couple of dozen tables placed strategically around a raised dais where the jazz band was normally seated.

The room was only a quarter full at this early hour so the couple took a seat off to the side and ordered their drinks. Justin was again impressed with Brian's tastes. It was obvious that Brian only went in for the best of everything. It was heady stuff for a young man who had learned to pinch every penny he made. Spending time with Brian reminded Justin of how badly he wanted to be a success in his own life. It was not so much for the money or even prestige as it was for the recognition his father would be forced to give him. He had let that little bit of information slip out during the talk with Brian that morning over breakfast. He couldn't help telling Brian that his father had made it clear that he didn't think his son would ever amount to anything. He revealed how angry his father had been when he had refused to attend a business college so that Justin could join the family business. He left off the part about his father driving him away from home that very day. He also didn't mention that his dad knew nothing of his son's sexual orientation. He didn't have to say it. Brian already suspected it, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

They had been in the club for a half hour and were nursing their second drink along with some lively conversation when the band filed in. The band members took their places and the couple sat back to enjoy the music. This was not dancing music. This was mellow music to put one in a certain mood. By the time the men had finished their drink they were ready to go upstairs and order a light dinner. Dinner was cold by the time they got to it. That evening Brian introduced Justin to the joys of full on fucking for the first time. He had been hesitant to move forward so rapidly, but Justin's insistence on wanting to know as much about the love two men could share was too much to resist, not that he had wanted to resist that badly. He had to admit to himself that he had been wanting to get a piece of Justin for some time now. What he hadn't counted on was just how addictive Justin, the inexperienced young man he hadn't even known about such a short time before, would become. Every night since that first one, they had gone at it as if they'd never get it again.

Justin had wanted to learn as much as he could about gay life from his mentor, but even he had been shocked at the ferocity with which he craved being intimate with Brian. The first time he had been possessed fully by Brian he had wept afterwards, scaring the shit out of the ad man. It had taken more than a few minutes for Justin to convince Brian that he wasn't crying from the pain, although there was certainly some of that. He finally was able to get through to Brian that he was crying from the sheer joy of the feelings he had just experienced. He was still flying on a cloud the next day despite his truly sore ass. It didn't stop him from wanting Brian inside him again the very next night. He doubted if anything would ever make him stop wanting that. Brian's educational skills were thorough and the two men spent every night trying new positions and tactics of lovemaking.

Justin already knew he was in love with Brian. It wasn't the sex alone, although that was certainly a plus. It had as much to do with Brian's caring attitude. For the first time in his life Justin felt that he had met someone he might be able to trust completely. He had even begun to open up a tiny bit about his past. He still wasn't as comfortable about talking of things from his childhood as, say the places he would like to visit someday in the future or his dreams of the home he would someday own, but he was beginning to feel that Brian wouldn't judge him for all the mistakes he had made in his youth the way his father had. A little of the deep-seated insecurity that his father had bred into him was starting to dissipate. Brian made him feel he could accomplish anything he set his mind to. It was just one more reason to be in love with the man.

Now Justin was hoping he could help Brian to open up more too and return the favor. It hadn't taken Justin long to realize that Brian was using the avoidance tactic whenever his own past was mentioned. Justin certainly recognized the gesture since he had perfected it himself. Neither man had mentioned love to the other, and Justin got the feeling that fear of rejection might be behind it. He knew that was why he hadn't come right out and said those words to Brian. If Brian laughed at him when he told him he had fallen in love with him, Justin knew it would break his spirit. He had to be sure that Brian felt the same way or it could never be said. Brian, of course, didn't even want to think of being in love with Justin. He knew that if you said those words to someone they would have the power to hurt you from that day on and he simply couldn't give that power to anyone else. His family had possessed it when he was young and Brian would never be able to forget what they had done with it. The pain was still buried deep in his heart, despite his protest that he never thought about the past anymore. In Brian's eyes, the last few wonderful weeks were the only past he was interested in remembering.

Brian fell to the side of Justin and pulled the young man into his arms. They were both glistening with the sweat of their exertions. Their breathing slowly returned to normal as Justin listened to Brian's calming heartbeat under his ear. He loved the feel of Brian's chest rising and falling under his fingertips as he lay against the man. He wondered if he could possibly have the chance of feeling this comforting emotion after making love with Brian for many more years to come. He dreaded that it would ever stop. He couldn't be as sure as he'd like to be that it wouldn't end since Brian hadn't really said much about their futures together, or anything for that matter, but he was certain that no one would be as attentive to him as Brian was being if this thing they had going was a casual fling only. The emotions it brought out in Justin were certainly a reward all by themselves. His story was moving along at a much more rapid pace now and the loving words and descriptions of his characters were finally taking on a real life of their own. As if reading his thoughts, Brian looked down at the blond head resting on his chest and smiled.

"So Justin, I know I've kept you kind of busy lately but have you made any progress on your novel? You haven't mentioned it lately and heaven knows, you haven't been home too much in recent weeks." Brian grinned with self-satisfaction.

"Well smart ass, believe it or not I've actually gotten a lot done. I wasn't just gathering up a clean outfit to wear all those times you dropped me off at the apartment so you could take care of your business deals. I seem to have a brand new muse inspiring me as of late and this one keeps kicking my butt, or tickling it as the case may be." Brian grinned even broader. Justin sensed Brian's amusement. "Anyway, I think I understand my characters much better now and what motivates them to fall in love." He wanted to add, because he had fallen in love himself but thought better of it.

"I'm glad to hear it Justin. And if I've been of any help to you then I feel I've done my job. It isn't right to let talent like yours go untapped. I don't think you'll have to worry about being an anonymous writer forever Justin. I honestly believe you'll be a big fat fucking success some day soon and blow all your father's doubts out of the water. Then that man won't be able to deny your talent once you've sold a million copies of your story."

Justin smiled against Brian's chest. His heart felt full to overflowing with Brian's encouraging words to him. The men were about to settle down into a good night's sleep when Justin's cell began to ring. He knew right away that it was his mother from the song he'd chosen for her ringtone. 'I Will Survive' blared out at him as he flung himself over Brian's chest and rummaged through his pants next to the bed. He found his phone and flipped it open. Brian began nibbling on Justin's nipple in an attempt to distract his young lover as Justin tried to contain himself while greeting his mom.

"Hey Mom, what's up. It's kind of late to call. Everything alright?"

"Everything is just fine, Darling. And it's only ten o'clock. You've never been one to go to bed early before. Did I wake you?"

Justin sucked in his breath as Brian began trailing his tongue lower down Justin's stomach.

"I'm...ahhh...I'm fine Mom. I've...ahhh...just had a really busy day today and thought I'd get to bed early. So, why'd you call?"

"Nothing much Dear. I just wanted to remind you that you promised to go with us to your Sister's birthday party tomorrow. I haven't heard from you in a while and I wasn't sure if you still planned on attending."

"Oh geez, I did almost forget. God Mom, don't tell the squirt I said that. Turning thirteen is a big event so of course I'll be there." Brian had stopped just short of Justin's softened cock. His ears pricked up. "Mom," Justin continued, "is Dad going to be there?"

Jennifer's heart squeezed tight. She hated to hear the longing that still filled her son's voice when he mentioned his father. She had long since given up on her ex ever being the decent father he should have been to their son. She was afraid that Justin would always long for his dad's acceptance. She sensed that he would never get it, but she understood her son's desire for it. All little boys wanted their dad to love them unconditionally. Craig only had room in his heart for his daughter. There hadn't even been room for his wife which was why he was now an ex...that and the fact that she couldn't forgive her husband for driving away their son. But right now, Justin was waiting for her answer.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be there Son, but don't expect too much of him. He hasn't changed that much since I left him. I'm afraid he'll never forgive you for having a mind of your own and wanting to live your life on your own terms."

"I know Mom. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Love ya."

Brian popped his head back up and saw the frown that had formed on Justin's beautiful face. He didn't like seeing it there.

"So what's up Justin? I take it that was your Mom."

"Yeah. She reminded me that I had promised to come to Molly's birthday party." Justin had a sudden wild thought. "Brian, would you be interested in coming with me?"

The minute he said it, Justin regretted it. He didn't want to put Brian on the spot like that, plus how would he explain who Brian was...especially to his dad. Not that he cared what his dad thought, he told himself (knowing he was lying to himself even as he thought it). Brian either sensed his regret for asking or simply wasn't interested in going anyway because he quickly begged off, telling Justin that he had too many appointments to keep the next day. He had conveniently forgotten that he had already told Justin that they would have the whole weekend free for the first time since they had started this new adventure with each other. Justin hadn't forgotten, but chose to ignore it.

"Then this works out for both of us. You'll get your work done and I'll live up to my familial responsibilities." Justin laughed, but he wasn't feeling as light hearted as he had been just minutes before the call. He wasn't sure if it was the dread of seeing his dad again after such a long time or being away from Brian all day, but something didn't feel right about tomorrow. If he could have foreseen the future, he would have believed in premonitions because a call that Brian would receive the next day would test their relationship even more than Justin's call on this night. It was a test that might even nip their relationship in the bud before it even had a chance to bloom.

To be continued.........................

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