The Story Teller by mandagrammy

This story is the result of the request by a wonderful reader of mine named Lorie.  It begins in 2005.  Justin is a young man in NYC who makes his living as the writer of gay porn and adult fiction.  He has bigger goals for himself.  He dreams of publishing the great American gay romance novel, but he has little to base it on.  Justin does not do relationships and has little trust of others due to a painful childhood.  Brian Kinney is the owner of his own ad agency which has taken on Justin's publishing house as a new client.  What will happen when Brian and Justin meet eventually...two lost souls afraid of commitment.  I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my Granddaughter, Amy, for the banner and my friend Pat for beta help.  I also want to thank Lorie for trusting me with her idea.  So enjoy and remember that comments are always welcome.   


Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Out of Character, Real Life Issues
Genres: Alternate Universe, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 65005 Read: 36576 Published: Nov 16, 2016 Updated: Nov 16, 2016
6. The Morning After by mandagrammy
Author's Notes:

Justin wakes the next morning with the Mother of all hangovers and wonders what happened the night before.  Meanwhile Brian can't get the young writer off his mind, especially after having another one of those dreams with a distinctive blond featured again.    

Justin stumbled out of bed after finally forcing his eyes to pry themselves open. His head throbbed as if a jackhammer was playing a tune inside it. His first two steps out of bed was all it took. He was forced to make a mad dash for the bathroom where he quickly buried his head in the porcelain bowl. For the next few minutes Justin gave back every ounce of his previous night's festivities into the swirling water of his commode. When his poor body stopped retching and he had flushed, he laid his cheek on the cold porcelain and prayed he was through. He promised whatever gods there be that he wouldn't have another wave of nausea to deal with and promised them that he would never ever overindulge again if they spared him. After another ten minutes of hugging the commode, he finally got the courage to rise and walk on wobbly legs back to his bedroom.

His vision was finally clearing and he could see his beautiful new clothes draped carefully over the bedroom chair. He flushed a deep red when he realized that the ad man had been forced to take care of him last night and undress him to boot. He doubted seriously if he'd done it for himself. He certainly hadn't been in any condition to be so neat. As he shakily maneuvered his way back to bed, Justin began having flashes of memory from the previous night. He sank onto the bed and held his head between his hands. Much of the latter part of his evening at the dance club was still very much a blur but he was beginning to remember the feel of dancing in Brian's arms. The memory brought a fresh blush to his face which in turn caused a stab right behind his eyes. He slammed them shut.

Justin couldn't remember whether he had openly flirted with Brian Kinney but he could definitely remember feeling like he wanted to. He might as well face it...there was something enormously attractive about the man. For a brief moment he wondered if Brian had taken advantage of his defenseless position last night in the bedroom. Something told Justin that that wasn't the case with  Brian. There really was no good reason to be so trusting of the ad man, but despite that he did feel he could trust him. He would have to come right out and ask Brian what had happened after they left the club, but he didn't want to come off as accusatory. He would have to be careful how he made his inquiry once he saw Brian again, and right now he wasn't even sure when that would be. For all he knew he had made such a fool of himself that Brian wouldn't be in any hurry to see him any time soon. That thought, for some reason, caused another sharp stab to his poor throbbing head.

Justin finally decided that he'd had enough of thinking. It was time to bite the bullet and try to ease his hangover. Maybe some good strong coffee would help, he decided. He checked his bedside clock and realized it was nearly noon. He couldn't believe he'd slept so late, but then again he really didn't know what time he got home anyway. He dragged himself off his bed and carefully made his way out to his living room. On the way to the kitchen he noticed that there was a message in exceptionally large letters on his computer screen. He made his way over to the alcove and blinked several times so he could focus. It was a good thing the words were in large print. It read, 'Good night Sleeping Beauty. I'll call you tomorrow. We'll make plans to go out again. B.'

Justin felt an involuntary thrill of anticipation at the same moment he flushed again at the opening comment. 'Sleeping Beauty', the man had called him. Was it at all possible that Brian Kinney found him attractive too? But of course, the comment could simply be his attempt at levity given Justin's condition when Brian got him home. Well one thing was certain, Justin now knew his behavior had not been a deterrent to future meetings. He prayed that he'd hear from Brian soon. He was really hurting right now, but each passing minute brought back fresh memories of a truly fun evening. Just then there was a buzz from the lobby. He walked to the intercom and heard the voice of a delivery boy from the menswear store that they had visited the previous day. He had forgotten all about the new clothes. He hurriedly buzzed the boy up and waited.

Twenty minutes later, Justin sat in his living room with a cup of strong coffee in one hand and one of the many boxes from the store in his lap. He set the coffee down after several more sips and began opening the boxes, taking each item out and feeling the expensive material between his fingers. His pleasure grew with each new item of pants, jackets, shirts, ties, and even two new pairs of shoes. The only wearable item that Brian had not bought new for him was underwear. Justin felt like he was set for life, which of course was an exaggeration, but he had not felt this excited about anything new in his entire adult life. He knew it was all thanks to Brian Kinney and he was truly grateful. He could hardly wait till the man called so he could tell him how he felt.


Brian had awakened early in the morning feeling as horny as hell. He had a raging hard-on that was nothing like his usual morning woody. He knew what this was because the dream he had just been having was still vividly in his mind just like the previous time. He had been buried deep and fully inside the softest pillowy pale butt cheeks of the most adorable blond young man he'd ever seen and the feeling was sheer heaven. The blond, who looked suspiciously like Justin from the back, was moaning and begging for more in desperate tones that kept spurring Brian his dream. He was within seconds of shooting when the fucking wake up call from the hotel had caused coital interruptus and jerked him right out of his pleasure. Brian quickly checked to make sure he hadn't shot reality. One wet dream was enough for one week. Dry...but now he was stuck with a cock that was angry as hell and demanding relief.

Brian grabbed a couple of tissues from the bed side table and proceeded to give himself a five finger exercise that brought him rapidly to the release he needed so badly. As he shot into the wad of tissues he realized that his eyes were shut tight and that same blond was floating behind his eyeballs. Damn, he thought to himself, if that kid can make him feel like this and he hadn't even touched him once...not counting that he had to strip the poor boy last night...then what would it be like if he could actually have the real thing for a night? As Brian came down from the high he'd just given himself, he gave himself another mental shake...something he'd been doing a hell of a lot of since meeting young Justin. Justin, he knew in his heart, was not someone you could just fuck for a night or two and walk away from as if it had never happened. If he really wanted a taste of the young writer he was not going to be able to handle it like all the other fucks of his life...not this time. But now he was intrigued. Brian made up his mind then and there that somehow he was going to get together with Justin Taylor. And when Brian Kinney made up his mind, things got done.

Brian spent the rest of the morning making contacts and meeting with clients. He accompanied a couple of writers to their interviews and shared lunch with Dan, filling him in on the progress so far. He was impressed when Dan didn't even blink when Brian brought up his night with young Taylor, including the shopping trip to improve the young writer's wardrobe. Brian was well aware that Dan played for their side whenever wifey wasn't around but he had no doubt at all that there had never been any hanky panky between Dan and Justin. He wasn't sure why the old man seemed so solicitous of Justin and it wasn't any of his business, but somehow he was glad to know that Justin was well cared for by his boss. He knew New York City could chew a person up and spit them out if they didn't have some kind of support system. From what Brian had seen so far, Justin only had Dan. For the first time, Brian began wondering what Justin's life story was.

Brian could remember not wanting to deal with Justin at first because it was clear he had daddy issues and he had put that kind of thing behind him long ago, but now he was glad he'd changed his mind. He had been blessed with help in dealing with his prick of a father thanks to the Novotny family, consisting of best schoolmate friend Michael and his mother and uncle. Debbie and Vic had been the only stable and loving adult relationship in Brian's young life and he loved them in a way he could never and would never love his blood family. Just thinking about Jack and Joan Kinney and his sister, Claire, made Brian's stomach turn sour so he did what he always did when they popped into his mind...he threw them out like yesterday's garbage. Brian Kinney was having the best revenge against his travesty of a family...he was one hell of a big fat fucking success...and he didn't have time to waste thinking of them.

The one thing Brian Kinney never bothered to do was admit to himself that it was thanks to his family that he had worked so hard since graduating high school to become the great success he was. He also would never have admitted to himself that it was his parent's rejection of him from the time he was barely able to walk that had formed the hard shell around him that made it impossible for him to trust any one man enough to form a real connection with them. Michael was the exception to the rule, but only because he had never felt a physical attraction to the kid. It wasn't that Mikey was a troll...actually he was kind of cute...but it was that Brian still to this day thought of him as a baby brother, despite the fact that they were the exact same age. You just didn't go around fucking your brother. So despite Mikey's decades long crush on him, Brian never even considered Michael for dating material.

Not that Brian considered anyone dating material. He didn't date. He didn't do relationships, boyfriends, dating, or commitments. He fucked, he sucked, he played around and that was it. Another thing Brian never did was worry about the feelings of the other guy. Oh, he was never mean to any of his pick ups. He never got physical in a rough way. He abhorred physical violence...he'd had enough of that growing up...and he never ever lied to anyone, making false promises to them. The thing was, he never worried about how they felt about being with him. He figured that if they didn't like being with him, that was their problem although he was more than confident about his ability to please a man. He just didn't have time to worry about any emotional feelings they might have. If anyone felt slighted that Brian only messed with them once or twice, Brian never knew, nor did he care. That was why he was surprised at himself for wanting to make sure that Justin was going to be alright once they had their little fling. If he decided to pursue the young writer for a little fun after all, he didn't want to leave the kid hurt. Feeling like this was really new for Brian, but there was no getting around it. He did care that the kid would be alright, so he was going to have to be more cautious in his actions with Justin than ever before.

Thinking about Justin so much made him realize he hadn't called the poor guy yet to make sure he survived the night. He smiled inwardly remembering the note he had left Justin on his computer. Sleeping Beauty....that was an apt description of the beautiful blond as he lay stretched out on his bed with nothing but his tightie whities on. Picturing Justin like that again brought an involuntary tingle to Brian's crotch. He reached down and readjusted himself as he placed a call to Justin's apartment. The young writer's cheerful voice brought another little tingle to Brian's middle as he answered. Brian didn't even realize he was smiling broadly as he answered Justin's 'hello'.

"Hey kiddo. So, you sound better than I expected. I was expecting a death knell in your voice after last night," Brian laughed.

"If you had called a couple of hours earlier you would have gotten what you expected. Damn Brian, I've never been wasted like that in my entire life. I'm so sorry if I embarrassed you or anything. I would apologize for something specific except that I can't remember anything specific. It's taken me the last two hours just to remember up to some of our dancing. By the way, did you really think I danced good or were you just being polite?"

"Trust me, Justin, I'm never just being polite. You have rhythm kid and I enjoyed dancing with you. You may not remember it but I had to beat off quite a few other guys who wanted to take you away to dance with them by the end of the evening."

"Well thanks Brian...and I'm not a kid," he said laughing. " I am glad to know that I didn't make a complete idiot of myself on the dance floor though. Does this mean you still want to take me for some more lessons and give me a chance to start interviewing some of the other party goers?"

"Yep. I have no problem with helping you to break out of your shell even more and get a little more experience to help with your story. And trust me, I don't think of you as a kid. It's just that you have a lot to learn yet. If you still want me to teach you then I'm more than happy to give you a bigger taste of the outside world."

"Well geez Brian, you do make it sound like I've been living in a cave somewhere in outer Mongolia, but I get your point. And yes, I would love to have a few more lessons...Professor."

"Professor? Hmmm, kinda like that. Okay I'll tell you what, why don't we meet for dinner here at the hotel and then we can go clubbing again. Oh, I talked with Dan about your clothes and he was fine with it so wear one of your best new outfits. They have been delivered by now, right?"

"Yes, they came and I can't thank you enough Brian. I'll take a taxi over to the hotel. What time do you want me there?"

Brian wanted to say...right this second, but instead he replied, "It's nearly three now. I still have a couple of interviews to go on with a couple of writers so why don't I meet you here at the hotel by seven? We'll have time to eat, chat, and then head out."

"That's sounds good to me. I guess I'll see you around seven then."

"Okay, seven it is."

Both men seemed to be hesitating saying good bye but Brian knew he had other commitments so he quickly wished Justin a good day and hung up. He held onto the phone for several seconds after as if he could stay connected to Justin that way, but then laughed to himself and placed it into the base. If he hadn't been in such a hurry he might have tried to analyze why this one young man was having such an effect on him, but he really didn't have the time. He grabbed his briefcase and jacket and headed for the door.

Justin sat at his desk and placed the phone carefully onto its stand. He was having a really hard time wiping the smile off his face. For the first time in his life he was really looking forward to spending a lot more hours with just one man and his name was Brian Kinney. He didn't know how it had happened but he was beginning to trust someone...someone who had been a total stranger such a short time ago. He just hoped he wasn't making a mistake. Justin turned back to his computer. He had been having trouble describing the new character he was writing into his brand new story. He had come up with a whole new idea for a story while nursing his hangover and he was working on the first chapter when Brian called. As he laid his hands onto the keyboard, he began typing out his description of the tall lanky man with the brown hair and hazel eyes. The words flowed and Justin smiled.

To be continued............................


This story archived at