Taxi to New York by MissMerlot

After Brian and Justin cancel the wedding, Lindsay and Michael try to persuade, or some would say bully, Justin into going and taking his chance in New York. Unfortunately for them, Brian has his own Cyrano to help him and Justin get to where they need to be.

**Now Complete**


Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Business Brian, Established Relationship, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Post-series, Raw Sex, Rimming, Toppy Justin, Vulnerable Brian, Wedding
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben
Challenges: None
Series: Taxi to New York
Chapters: 88 Completed: Yes Word count: 298393 Read: 754385 Published: May 25, 2017 Updated: Nov 02, 2017
Michael Pays Towards the Future and Gus Explains by MissMerlot





Ten minutes after his momentous announcement, Gus is asleep. I try to move as gently as I can so as not to wake him then send Brian and Justin a text, asking them to come to Michael and Lindsay’s with me. Naturally, Brian asks if I want to escape for a snatch date so I say yes. I seriously don't know what to do!








He just keeps staring at the paperwork. “So what happens now?”


“You need to start a file and put everything in there. Then we need to have a talk.” He looks worried. “Nothing is wrong with me; it’s a Michael discussion.”


“Oh...okay.” Ten minutes later, we’re sitting down on the sofa. “What about him?” He sighs wearily.


“I have been speaking to my lawyer and although he has behaved abominably, him having a criminal record will not help him when the money runs out…”


“I’m not dropping the charges.” He interrupts firmly.


“I’m not asking you to do that...well I am a bit, but hear me out first. I agree he needs to take responsibility for what he tried to do. My lawyer said a restitution offer wouldn’t get him a criminal record but would it would be placed on file if he tries something like this again.”


He regards me carefully and slowly nods. “So has he come up with a figure?”


“Yes.” I hand him the paper and watch his eyes bulge out of his head.


“That takes into consideration what he called you.” He looks at the paper again. “And you need to tell him, just like Justin had to tell them, about the keys.”




“When the loft was finished, Justin was the person to tell them they weren’t getting keys and Brian backed him up. That's what I’m going to do for you; I need to do this.”


“Thanks dad. So when we are calling him?”


“Well, why not today? It's as good a time as any. We need to strike while the iron is hot.”


I reach for the phone and call him and then Mel.






Mel has been in an odd mood since she got here. Gus is pulling stuff out of his pack and JR...she is JR when she’s here instead of that damn ‘Gummy’ still napping.


“Mel, is everything okay?” Lindsay asks. “You look a mite distressed.”


“I’m fine. Shall I put their stuff in the bedroom?”


“Please. Actually let me help you with that. We have specific places for things.”


I watch them walk to the room but Mel still has a frown on her face and then the door goes. I’m surprised to find Brian and Boy Ass on the other side. “What are you guys doing here?”


“Mel wanted to talk to us…”  Brian starts.


“What are you guys doing here?!” Boy Ass exclaims when he sees Ben and Hunter coming out of the lift.


“Wanted to speak to Michael and Mel.” Ben replies. He sounds as off as Mel looks.  “Are you going to let us in?”


“Oh yes! Come on. You’ve not seen the place, have you Brian? Lindsay! You aren’t going to believe who else is here.”


As she comes out, she looks as surprised as I was. “What are you…”


“Daddy! Papa! I thought I was seeing you next weekend!” Gus runs to Brian and is immediately picked up.


“You are, but momma wanted to see us so we’re here for a bit.” Gus leans across to Boy Ass and Brian looks at me. “So are we going to move from the hallway?”


“Of course, come in! Let us show you around.”


“It’s a loft Michael, pretty much like ours but with an extra bedroom on the same floor.” Brian says dismissively. “Where’s Mel?”


“In the bathroom. She seems a little off today. I think she had a bad date last night.” Lindsay whispers conspiratorially. “So let’s not mention it.”


“Is momma sick?” Gus looks concerned.


“Sick?” Boy Ass asks.


“Yes. Bad food makes your stomach hurt and a date is a food. Daddy likes them especially stuffed with…”




“Oops, sorry daddy!” Gus claps his hand over his mouth and looks big eyed.


“I’m going to go with bacon?” Boy Ass nudges Brian. “Just nod if it’s bacon.”


Brian smiles and nods. “And when it is just me, bacon and chilli.”


“Ooh that sounds good. Can you…” Boy Ass bats his eyes and smiles that fucking annoying smile of his.


“So papa, you’ve got to share the crunchy oranges now that daddy is sharing that. It’s only fair.”


“And you’re all about fairness, aren’t you Gus?” Mel comes out with JR, who she had been changing.


“Crunchy oranges?” Brian looks at Justin, who is starting his embarrassed routine.


“Caramelised clementines.” He answers. “Got the idea from Mama G.”


“I see...we are definitely sharing tomorrow. One a J-plate methinks.”


Again with the embarrassed routine!


“I’ll take her, Mel.” I reach for JR and carry her to the sofa. “Do you want a drink or something?”


“Brian, Justin can I talk to you for a minute?” Mel asks and they follow her to the bedroom.






I pace for a bit before sitting on the bed. “Okay here’s the thing... can you watch how Michael is with Gummy while you’re here? I’ll explain later but can you stay for at least a couple of hours?”


“Okay. Want to give us a clue as to why?” Justin asks.


“Not yet. I just want to observe for a bit. Come on, let’s go back in.”






I come back with coffees and a tea for Boy Ass...I mean Justin. Michael is terrible! Apart from whatever is bothering Mel, I don’t understand what Ben and Hunter are doing here and then there’s what Gus said about next weekend.


“So to what do we owe the pleasure of a fuller house?” I ask, looking around. “Do you want put her in her pen while you have your tea, Michael?”


“No, it’s fine. I love holding JR.” He replies but she’s starting to squirm.


“Let her walk about a bit. She’s been asleep for a while.” Mel suggests.


“She’s fine! So what are you all doing here?”


“Well, uh Michael...” Hunter begins before looking at Ben, who nods. “It’s about the charges levied against you...”


I quickly look at Gus, who is too busy playing with Justin to pay us any attention.


“What about them?” Michael bristles, causing JR to squirm some more.


“Seriously Michael, just let her get down. She’s not happy there…” Mel tries.


“Wait a second…” He gets up and pulls her pen closer to him then puts her inside. “There you go JR. Now wait a bit for daddy to finish talking and we’ll have cuddles again.”


“Oh for God sake, Michael!” Mel snaps and takes her out. Immediately, she toddles off to Ben.


“Hey little one. How is my princess?” She grins up at him before moving along to Hunter.


“Oh, that reminds me. Hunter...” I put my cup down.


“Actually, I want to finish speaking to Michael first. The charges could be dropped against you…”


“Wait why?” Mel asks.


“The money is not going to last forever and a criminal record is not going to help your chances of employment.” He says to Michael and she nods in understanding.


“I have enough money thank you and…”


“Teddy only took a year’s worth of support. You’ll still be paying that for years and years. You are not getting any more money from us.” Brian interrupts. “So you will need to get a job.”


“Teddy? Since when do you call Ted that?” Michael scoffs.


“Bigger picture, Michael. You aren’t going to get away with what you did and said scot free. There is a condition to me withdrawing the charges.” Hunter says firmly. “You need to listen, are you listening?”


“Yes. So they are what?” He rolls his eyes and takes the paper that Hunter gives him. “You want what?!” He gasps. “Mel, can he do that?”


“Let me see.” Mel reads it and frowns. “How did you arrive at that figure?”


“I didn’t. My lawyer did…” Ben replies warily. “Why?”


“Need a number and somewhere to make the call.”


“Sure, it’s on the other side. Do we need to be involved in the call?” Ben stands up but she waves him back down.


“No, oh one question... who paid the mortgage on the house?”


“I did.” Ben is looking confused and to be honest, so are the rest of us.


“Be right back. I’ll use their room.”


Twenty minutes of sitting in stilted silence later, Ben’s phone rings and he and Hunter go and join Mel.


I take that opportunity to speak to Justin. “Justin, I just want to check something that Gus said about being with you next weekend. Isn’t that the Rathman Show?”


“Yes. He and Gummy are coming with us as well as Mel.”


“What do you mean that Mel is going with you?” I ask, my voice sounding alien even to me.


“She’s going to be looking after Gus and Gummy while we are doing the show.” Brian answers and picks her up. “Oh Justin, that reminds me, we need to fly out Friday so I can get her that dress and the shoes, even though they won’t be on very long!” Justin pokes his head around and nods, then smiles as Brian’s hair gets ruffled with sticky fingers. “You are washing this tonight, twat.”


“It will be my pleasure.” He drawls and then goes back to join Gus.


You are fucking kidding me! Focus people!


“But why is Mel…?” I can feel the tears of fury, jealousy and frustration clogging my throat.


“As I just said because she’s looking after them with Ruth. And before you say anything else, Gus wanted Gummy to come. It’s our weekend and that’s all you need to know.” He shifts her in his arms and leans closer to me. “Now I suggest you go to the bathroom and have your temper tantrum before Gus notices that his mommy is being a brat!”  When I look in his face, I see the coldness in his eyes, which is normally reserved for Michael. I can’t believe that it is now directed at me.


“Daddy lookit!” Gus comes running in with Justin, who’s smiling and eating a cookie. I stare at him and he returns to the kitchen mouthing apologies.


Now Lindsay!” Brian hisses and then turns his attention back to Gus. “What you got there, Sonny Boy?”


“I did...oh I am so happy!” Gus exclaims.




“About what?” I put Gummy on the floor.


“Come to daddy, JR.” Michael calls out but she heads determinedly towards her toys.


“You were holding Gummy! Normally only Uncle Michael gets to hold her, especially when Uncle Ben is here.” He looks around the room. “Where is Uncle Ben and Hunter? Have they gone?”


“No, they are talking with momma. They won’t be long.”


“Oh okay. Here, I’ve drawn Ruthie!” I look at the picture and smile. I can’t believe how much he likes her. “Where’s Frick and Frack?”


He looks at the picture and then heads back to the table. “Papa, how did we miss them and Arno out? We have to put them in!”


Lindsay comes back in but makes it a point of not looking in my direction. For that, I am extremely thankful.


“Shall we eat? Gus is a little hungry.” Justin asks. “I can whip up…”


“No. We can whip something up, thank you very much! Come on, Lindsay.” Michael interjects.


“Actually Michael, we need to speak first. Let Justin and Brian whip something up.” Mel calls out. “Did I spot some things from Delicious Foods in there?”


“Yes but…”


“Now, Michael!” Mel tells him firmly and actually blocks him from moving. “Lindsay, why don’t you take Gummy to the garden so she can toddle off some of that energy? Gus, do you want to go too?”


“Oh yes, please momma!” Gus barrels to get his shoes back on and in minutes it’s just, and I use this term loosely for some people, the grown-ups.


“Okay. So Brian and Justin can go sort the food and you three stay with me.” Mel orders.




“Okay, this is the revised figure.” I tell Michael, handing him the paper and again his eyes almost pop out of his head…


“This is more than before!” He gasps.


“Seems that the mortgage payments, or lack thereof on your part, were not factored in. This represents a truer figure. You have two choices: a) pay Hunter the restitution figure or b) go to trial and get a criminal record because you will be found guilty. You went in there with the intention of unlawfully taking possession of Hunter’s house and you were going to illegally evict them.” I raise my hand to forestall whatever argument is rattling around in that pea-brain of his. “No don’t even try that innocent act, Michael. That’s exactly what you intended. If I were you, I would sign, pay and look for a job quickly.”


“When would I have to pay this by?” He starts to regain some colour.


“Now. Do it now and get it over with.” I hand him a pen and with one more glower at Hunter, he signs and then logs onto his computer. Ten minutes later, the charges are dropped and Hunter has $10,000 in his bank account. It’s moments like this that I’m reminded why I took up law to begin with. I always believed in defending the underdogs and Michael was a first rate bully where Ben and Hunter were concerned.


“So Mel, was this bit of viciousness because you had a crap date last night?!” Michael snarls.


“What are you bitching about now?” I sigh.


“We saw you in Delicious Foods yesterday buying stuff for your date. I take it all that food and wine still didn’t get you laid?!”


“No it didn’t…” I retort and I itch to smack the smirk off his face.


“What did I miss? Oh, before you say anything, let me put her down.” Lindsay comes in with a slightly upset Gummy and puts her in her pen. That seems to cheer her up.


“Gus, do you want to help your daddies with lunch?” Lindsay asks him and he trots happily away. “Well?”


I see they are daddies when it suits her! What is she up to?


“Lindsay, Mel’s date didn’t go well and she’s taking it out on me.” Michael explains, whining heatedly and then tells her what has just happened.


“So all the food was for naught!” She crows.


“No it wasn’t as I didn’t have a date, not that it’s any of your business! Neither one of you have any right to question me in that department. But anyway, the food was for Hunter for him to do his culinary arts exam for the scholarship at CG. Which he didn’t know about until he was offered it and will be sponsored by Heavenly Retreats…”


“Of course it will be!” Michael snipes. “And where is CG anyway?”


“Carnegie...people call it CG for short.” Lindsay explains. “Why the hell is Ruth constantly interfering in our lives?!”




“Stop being ridiculous, Lindsay!” Ben hisses and I flinch. “She is not interfering, as you say. She is offering Hunter a better opportunity! Which is more than you would do for anyone, other than perhaps, your... roommate.”


“So why is it okay for her to offer a ‘better opportunity’ but not okay for me to do the same for Justin?” I retort.


“Because Ruth doesn’t have an ulterior motive for doing so!” Ben sneers at me. “Ruth wants Hunter to progress and be better in his life. You want Justin gone from Brian’s life and for what? Please explain to me why you have gone from his friend to his very public enemy number one? But I will give you time to think about know, so you can get the lie straight!”


“Ben, this is my house and…”


“Are you on the lease? Are you paying anything towards the rent or is that just Michael?”


“Michael and I don’t work like that.” I bristle.


“No you don’t work like that. Michael does. What's his is his and unless you are on the lease or contributing, he sees it all as his. He’s just paid $10 grand to Hunter because even though he had no right to the house, he tried to take it. You would do well to remember that.”


“Michael wouldn’t do that to me.”


“And I didn’t think he would behave the way he did after we got married, but he did. He looks like butter wouldn’t melt but he’s more like you than you realise Lindsay.” And like Brian, he leans closer to me. “As a seasoned WASP you should’ve spotted that trait by now, shouldn’t you? I mean, like recognises like and now at close quarters you should be able to see the avariciousness in him. Let me ask long did it take him to pay Mel back? Don’t bother answering since I’ll do it for you. Even though he had the money, he had to be forced. Anything that means him paying out is a last minute thing for him...he’s always waiting for Brian to ride to his rescue, to save him at the last moment. But Brian has his own stallion to ride and who rides him, raw and regularly. And he’s called Justin Taylor-Kinney and even if it wasn't him, it still would never be either of you two. Because you two aren't good enough...and you never will be!


“Okay, lunch is ready!” Justin comes out of the kitchen carrying a salad.






I have been thinking about what momma and I think but I need to speak to daddy and papa first.


“Daddy?” I put my fork down and look at him.


“Yes Sonny Boy.”


“I talked to momma last night and I was going to ask Ruthie first but I’ve been thinking and I need to talk to you and papa first.”


“Okay, then talk to us.” Daddy said.


“Ruthie said I could have anything for my birthday and I want to ask her for a caramel Gummy. What do you and papa think?”


“Oh Lambskin, I think she expected you to pick something a bit bigger than a bag of…”


“Lindsay.” Mel interrupts. “Please just wait...”


“All I was going to say was that Ruth would be expecting you to ask for more than a bag of sweets, Lambskin.”


“No mommy. I mean a caramel Gummy, like our Gummy. That way Uncle Michael can cuddle Gummy all he wants and everyone can cuddle the Gummy that daddy or papa gives to Ruthie, especially Uncle Ben when Uncle Michael is in the room.”


“I take it this is what you wanted to talk about?” Papa asks momma.


“Yeah, that would be it.” Momma tells him. “So what do you think?”


“I think that this is a ridicu…” Mommy starts to talk before daddy can.


“I’m not sure what Ruth would say about it and…” Papa looks at daddy but he’s looking at him funny.


“And besides, she’s too old for…” Mommy tries to cut in again but is stopped by me this time.


“She doesn’t look as old as you do mommy so maybe she’s not.” I point out and Hunner is making a funny noise. “So daddy and papa, what do you think?”


“I think that maybe papa and I should speak to Ruth before you ask her. How about that?”


“Okay daddy! Can I have some more salad please?”


“Of course Sonny Boy.”






“Well that didn’t go as badly as I thought. What about you?” I ask. We’ve just spoken to Ruth and Arno and they were as stunned as we were. But she is also pleased that he would think of her like that.


“I’m with you. Not bad at all.” He pulls me in for a kiss before we head back to the condo.






“Well what do you think?” I ask her, switching on the light and looking at her.


“I have just gotten you back in my life and…”


“For this, I don't count because I can't give you that, but you’ve always wanted kids. So, don't cry. This is not a crying situation yet.” She wipes her eyes and nods for me to continue. “Tell me something. If I gave you my blessing to try, just the once, what would you do?”








“ would you feel if she said no?” I ask him.


“How would you feel? Actually, let’s answer at the same messing about this is too important.” He is shaking so I nod and start to stroke his hair.






“One time each or just one time?” I ask, shifting slightly...


“Stop stalling and answer my question.” He orders.






“Okay on…oh hi you want...okay, no problem. I’ll tell him.”


He turns to face me. “So with Arno’s blessing, it’s a one shot deal but after we come back from Italy. She wants to give us all time to really think about it. But you really don't need to, do you?” He shakes his head and squirrels into my chest. “If Ruth doesn't work, then we will ask someone else to give Gus our Caramel Gummy.”


“Only Gus could come up with that.”


“Yeah our son is a genius!” I inhale his scent to calm down. He sniffs and tightens his arms around me. Then the first of my tears drop onto his forehead.




“Yeah.” I bury my face in his hair and we hold each other for a long time.



End Notes:

Please review kindly and constructively. Thanks

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