Thief of Food and Hearts by MissMerlot, soirsagrey, Midgardsnake

What happens when someone else starts playing mind games with Brian. How do Debs and the Novotny-Bruckners feel and who is the mysterious player? Messing with his food, fine...messing with his clothes...

Thanks ever to our wonderful betas, Kathy, Brandi and Bea

Disclaimer: we own nothing, not a damn thing, no copyright infringement is intended whatsoever.

Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Michael Novotny, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Anal Beads, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Ben, Anti-Debbie, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Friendship, Jealousy, Out of Character, Redeemed Behavior, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Spanking, Toppy Justin, Vulnerable Brian
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Emmett/Other, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 313181 Read: 410323 Published: Jan 01, 2018 Updated: Jun 18, 2019
The Verdict is Out! Bring the Tar and Feathers! by MissMerlot
Author's Notes:

Tissue warning!



I watch the door. The diner is buzzing with excitement. It smells wonderful in here, but of course it does, it is my food after all! I am so glad that he expanded it. The door opening brings in more guests, and one very important one! “Vic!” I scream and rush to greet him.

“Hey, Ems. You look flamboyantly beautiful!” He gives me a cheek warming kiss and a heart soothing hug. “Where is my boy?” He looks around and I sigh. “Oh, let me guess, he’s stuck at Kinnetic is he?” I have to swallow down my tears of relief and just nod. “He knows I’m coming, right? It’s he that does, but them that don’t, correct?”

“That’s right. Now, how strong can we go booze wise? There’s a selection of Pride cocktails, now let me see here. Right red is, of course, a Strawberry Cosmoi...that is how it’s spelt and said correctly, it is Cosmoi not Cosmo. Orange is Tequila Sunrise. Yellow is a Rum Punch. Blue is Blue Curacao with vodka. Green is a Midori Martini and purple is a Boozefreeberry Mojito for those oddities who would like something alcohol free. So what you gonna have?”

“I will have a...Cosmoi, thank you. Can I see the food menu?” I hand it to him and he whistles. “Whoever is putting down the dough on this, must hold her in some esteem.”

“He holds her in something, that’s for sure.” I say to myself.

“VIC! VIC!” Her dulcet tones shatter the peace for several miles and she runs over to us. “I can’t believe you are here!” She holds him at arm’s length. “You look fantastic! New York agrees with you! Can you believe this spread and this place now?!”


I look around at the diner and can’t believe how fabulous, I am an old style queen and we say fabulous, this is. Not that I would ever tell her, but it is so much better than when she used to, and I am quoting directly here, used to tart it up to look fancy! I look around and it just feels like a hug.

“Hey, Ems!” I call out to him and he trots over, Cosmoi in hand. “What’s with the empty table in the middle?”

“No idea. That’s what I was asked to do. Now, can you excuse me? I have a waiter to chat to, and you have a nephew to greet.”

Something is off. Emmett is practically spitting feathers. It’s as if he can’t abide to be in their company…


I had to move as soon as I saw Michael come in. I know I have to keep as far away from him as possible; otherwise I will finish him off before Brian even has a chance to do his bit. So my MO this evening is to keep moving as much as I can until Armageddon. Thankfully, we have waiters to cater, but not until after the speeches. I look across at the pair of them, and spot the expressions on their faces. She is trying not to glower at Jennifer and Craig, and he is staring fixedly at the door...I roll my eyes. But then they alight on Justin. That poor little Tigger has done everything right, and now, because of them, it could go horribly wrong. I recognise the signs in Brian, he’s stepping back...he’s letting him go. I stride over to Jennifer, gently take her elbow, and lead her to a quiet corner.

“What is it?  I have a shoe I need to jam up the ass of someone!” She is like a coiled snake.

“Brian loves Justin. Justin loves Brian. But, Brian loves Justin so much he’s prepared to live without him. I need the contact details of the people in Tuscany.”

“Leave it with me!” She replies, her eyes briefly shimmering before she takes a big breath. “I will get Craig to sort this out. He’s, much to my annoyance, better at this than me.”

“Men normally are, darling.” I tease, and then tense up. “He’s coming.”

She looks where I am looking and as they enter the diner goes quiet. While Ted and Cyn carry the boxes to the back, he leans against the counter before turning his back to us all. Dressed in black and white, he looks both hostile and breakable. He radiates desperation and tension. I know he’s ready to blow any minute now.

“Nice of you to join us!” Michael snipes. “Even nicer of you to dress up for the occasion! Liberty Avenue honours your mother and you are dressed like a hobo.”

It is very slow but he looks over his shoulder and raises his coffee cup. “Hobos do not wear Armani, Michael.”

“Uncle Vic is here. You remember him, don’t you? He practically raised you, with, like I said, my mother!”

“Michael stop being a prick!” Vic retorts sharply as he makes his way over to Brian. “Nope, definitely not a Hobo. You are looking…” He pauses before he nods. “...handsome.”

“You are looking well, Vic. Very well. And…”

“Uncle Vic, remember me? Your nephew?! Did you hear…” Michael bites out.

“My prick of a nephew? Yes, I do remember, and I can hear you clearly. What the hell is wrong with you tonight? You’re behaving like your client’s check bounced!”

“I just want everything…”

“And I am sure that Emmett and Brian will make sure it is perfect for your Mother. Now stop being an ass and go get me another red drink.”


My so-called best friend storms to the drinks counter, and that provides a brief bit of levity. I look around the room at the great, the good and the two bad who are having a high on the hog time on my dime. Briefly, my eyes rest on Tigger, but he has his back to me, which happily affords me a delicious view. I am brought out of my ogling by Vic clearing his throat and nudging me.

“Your superb taste has extended to partners I see.” He says quietly.


“Brian.” He cuts me off. “What’s going on?” He looks me full in the face and holds my gaze like only he can.

“You’ll be the first to know, I promise.” He nods and we both turn to watch the crowd. “I will be right back.” I tell him and head to a glowering and about to explode Emmett. “Office, now!”


I practically throw him into the chair and then lean over him. “Calm down. This will only work if they think they are cocks of the walk. Let them bask. Let them be vainglorious. Let them be them. Now, get your shit together and be the Emmy Lou I know and love! Get it!”

“Got it.”



I can’t believe how many people are here! And to think I organised this. Yeah, so Brian is paying for it, but this was put together by me. I am taking credit as Lindsay is gallivanting in Canada, having abandoned her post for a cock or a pussy. I look around and still can’t understand why that blonde is here! His parents, yes, because Ma invited them to show her how much she is valued but him, not so much. The door opens and Mel and Ben come in, I pointedly ignore them, well after I give them filthy looks. But then I wonder where Jenny is, so I stride over to them.

“So where is my daughter?”

My daughter is with my parents.” Mel snaps. “Ben, baby, shall we get a...oh a Cosmoi?”

“Yes, darling, let’s do that and maybe I can take some home to suck out of your belly button.”

“Don’t you have any shame?! Any compassion?!” I bitch.

“Do you?” Ben calls over his shoulder as they disappear into the throng.

“Ouch!” I wince as a slap connects with the back of my head and I turn around. “What did you do that for, Uncle Vic?!”

“For fucking up your marriage to that fine man and pissing about with the support for my granddaughter. That has been a long time coming. You and I are going to have a serious talk tomorrow…” He looks at the drinks to my side. “ matter how many of those you have.”

I rub the back of my head as it still tingles and watch him sweep Ben into a hug...he never greeted me like that.

“What’s with the face, Mikey?” I shiver as the warmth of Brian’s coffee scented breath hits the back of my neck.

“Uncle Vic is being a bitch. I mean, look at him hugging it up with Ben. He’s my Uncle. He should be on my side doing things for me, like you did when we first met.”

“Yeah. I remember that. Good times. Now…”

“You haven’t said hi to Ma yet I notice.” I snark testily.

“Was just going to do that.” He retorts, and then saunters over, draping an arm over her shoulders.

And this is why I love and hate him! The way he, no they, are, as Uncle Vic joins them and puts an arm around his waist, with him nauseates me! He’s not this perfect prince, he’s not Jesus, so why the fuck does everybody think he can walk on water no matter what he does! The one person who wouldn’t let him get away with shit was his father. He made sure he toed the line!

“Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention please!” Ted shouts out and I am not having that! I am her son, I get to do this!

I pick up the microphone on the table and switch it on. “Everyone shut the fuck up!” I bellow and crow inside as it goes quiet instantly, and everyone turns to me instead of him. “Now that we are all, finally, here. I would like to start this evening off officially. As you know, my Mother has been the Queen Mother to the Avenue for many years. She’s been here for all of you through thick and thin. Helping each and every one of you without expecting anything but thanks in return…” I pause as there are some odd looks amongst the family but Ma nods at me to continue. “ she’s returned from her well deserved break, her other son is honouring her as he should. He, and Uncle Vic, are the ones, apart from me, who have benefited most from her love and support. Now before we hear from her, charge your glasses and toast Debbie Novotny the Queen Mother of the Avenue!”

“To Debbie Novotny, the Queen Mother of the Avenue!” They shout and I feel very proud of myself indeed. Let him try and top that! “Ma, come on! Make your speech!” I order and then pull her into the middle of the room.

“Michael! Stop dragging her about! She’s not a dog!” Uncle Vic snaps. “You okay sis?”

“I’m fine Vic.” She turns to me glaring, leans into me and snarls. “Let go of my arm! He’s right I’m not a dog and can walk unaided!” She tugs her arm out of my grasp.

“I just want you to take…”

“Uh, guys, can you argue later? Let’s hear from the Queen of the Avenue!” Kiki interrupts, and takes the mic off me and hands it to her.

“Thanks Kiki.” Ma says and then looks at me until I back away. “And thank you. Thank you all for coming to this little shindig of mine. I still can’t believe that this has been held for me or how much I am loved on the Avenue. I’ve only done what any other mother would do for her kids. And that’s how I see you all here as my babies. I want you all to be loved as much as I love my lost boys and will always love them…”


I feel sick but I stay where I am. The moment I feel the warmth of a hand in the small of my back I know instantly that it is Ben. I breathe out and then in and tune her traitorous babbling out. A gentle nudge a few minutes later gets my attention and I tune back in.

“ before we come onto the speech from my brother and son from another mother, though you could hardly call her that as most of you know. Let’s have at the food!”

She and Michael head to the main table and I go to join them. “What a lovely spread you’ve got here, Debs. Can I see the menu?” I read it carefully forcing myself to remain when they both step closer to me. “Oh, where’s the truffle macancini?” She points to it and I take the dish. “You can’t have that. Definitely not.”

“But why?” Michael whines before glowering and crossing his arms. “I picked those especially, never had truffle before and…”

“You’re not going to tonight.” I repeat and hand the dish to Wolverine. “Think there is one over there too.” He nods and heads to collect it.

“Kiddo, stop being an asshole and let him have it!” Debs hisses at me.

“Oh, I will Ma, I will.” I inhale my drink and give Justin a tight smile. “I’m just waiting for the right time and tonight is not it.”

Uncle Vic comes over and pulls me gently to one side. “Whatever the fuck is going on, get it done now. Now, do you understand?” I nod, signal Ted and Cyn and they head to the office.

“Go by the table and wait okay?” I tell him and grim faced he does so.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” I call out into the mic as I follow him. “Before you all start to eat, I would like to share some things!” The place goes quiet and I wait for Ted and Cyn to finish stacking the books on the table. I shake my head at Uncle Vic when he goes to take one up.

“What’s going on, asshole?!” Debs chuckles. “What is this, a queer version of This is Your Life?”

“Yeah, Ma, something like that.” I reply, and the door opens again, I tilt the mic as the Gaggle come in.

“Who the hell are those people?!” Michael demands. “We didn’t invite them!”

“I invited them!” Jennifer calls out. “That’s not a problem is it, Madam Chairman?”

“Madam’re stepping down?!” Michael exclaims. “Well done. I mean, you should never have been voted on in the first place, but…”

“Michael, be quiet and let Brian have his say. You’ve said more than enough!” Uncle Vic barks out, and I turn to face him. His face is ashen and he is holding an open notebook in his hand, Ted and Cyn flank him on either side. “More than enough. You both have.”

“Uncle Vic…” Michael trails off as he stares at the table. “...what are they…”

“These!” Uncle Vic shouts. “You mean to say you don’t know?! Don’t give me that bullshit! I can’t believe…” He clears his throat. “This is the diary of my nephew talking about his best friend. Ma said that she knew he would be trouble. That he would cause shit for me and she’s right he did. Because of hanging around with him, I got into a fight. I ended up with a bloody nose. Okay, so I did spit at the jock that called me a name first, but she doesn’t need to know that. Brian leapt in and kicked his ass, but because of my bloody nose she’s fucked off. So fucked off that she told his old man. And now she’s tending to the bloody nose and black eye that he gave him! She should be looking after me!” He takes a sip of his drink and again clears his throat. “Now this is a few days later. You don’t put a date in it, more’s the pity; she went around again to his folks after I told her he shoved me down the stairs. In truth, it was a nudge and I tripped on my shoelace, but when I told her the truth she said that it was too late now, what’s done is done. We did feel a bit bad when he came around with a split lip and a cut above his eye, but like she said what’s done is done...she patched him up as per usual.

People are staring at me, but I remain where I am. I want to hear it, there is silence as he turns over the pages.

“Oh, how about this? I am in agony! I was walking down the street and the jock I spat on a few weeks back was with his friends and they beat me up. Brian was in A&E with Uncle Vic, so he couldn’t protect me from the kicking I got. Ma was fuming. She didn’t think Jack would beat him so bad that he’d break bones, but she said if he didn’t open up a mouth and cause problems for me and himself then she wouldn’t have to tell on him. But seeing me, she said that she’s not going to do that anymore, tell on him I mean. She needs him to look after me in school. And then next…”

“Enough, Vic. I’ve heard enough.” I interrupt, and then turn to them. They are both stock still and pale as ghosts. “So wasn’t that nice? To hear what my mother and best friend did? Aren't you proud, MOM, that you and your offspring did all you could to make sure I felt loved? Believe me, Jack really made me feel special! I can still feel the broken arm, the cracked ribs and the bruise at my stomach so bad that I couldn't eat for 3 days. Is that how you wanted to make me feel? And for what reason? To make sure I owe you more and more for patching me up again? But you know what? This shit ends now! You hear me? I AM DONE! You and your placenta that you accidentally raised as a child are leaving now! You wanted to meet the new owner? Well, meet the final nail to your's me and you are FIRED! Get out of here, make it quick and permanent before I make what Jack did to me look like a weekend at the spa, no wait, that not right. What was it you yelled outside my loft? Oh yes, I will make what Jack did seem like a walk in the fucking park! And it will be compared to what I will do to both of you! You are less than the dirt under my shoes, you are DONE here! And now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.” She goes to say something, but I talk over her. “For years you pissed down my back and told me it was raining, well guess what...mother dear...I am cutting off your water supply. Not only are you fired, but you are homeless! Oh yes, I may have paid off the mortgage, but that doesn’t mean you own the house, it’s mine! I bought my place of refuge...oh the irony! Now all your bits of crap are currently posing a safety hazard on my front lawn!”

“You can’t do that! After everything I…”

“Yes after every fucking thing! I can do that! I will do that!”

“Bri…” Michael unwisely begins to speak.

“And I haven’t forgotten you, my dear, dear sweet best friend and brother. You want to know the irony of our relationship? For one minute, a long time ago, I thought I did love you like you wanted me to, but then something happened. I was transfixed by a pair of big blue eyes and pouty pink lips, and that’s when I knew that what I felt for you was not love...but what I feel for Justin most definitely is.” I get a tearful smile for that and again my heart flips as he joins me and takes my hand. “Now, is there anybody else who wants to say anything? And by anyone I mean a member of the human race?”

“Yes, I want to say something to the former PFLAG Chair.” Jennifer strides towards me and I hand her the mic, but she stops me from moving away. “Look at him! Look what you have done, Queen Mother of the Avenue! Now I want you listen to me very closely! Should you ever try to get back at Brian by going to Gardner Vance for example, oh yes I know about you and your files on people! If you only even think about trying to fuck with him ever again, I will hurt you so badly that you will beg the devil himself to kill you!”


“My turn, Foghorn Wighorn!” Craig yells and comes to join us holding a piece of paper in his hand. “This document is a contract of sale of ownership of Red Cape Comics to me by that thing over there. One of the stipulations is that they leave here, never to return. As most of you know they feel they are a law unto themselves, so most probably won’t abide by that. So, on behalf of Brian, I am sending out a warning. Anyone who takes their money, helps them in any way, shape or form will be as dead to the Avenue as they are to him.”


“Shut up, Deborah!” Uncle Vic shouts. “Anybody else?”

“Michael, since you were nothing but in name only.” Mel’s voice quavers as she comes to stand with us. “Your rights to Jenny have been revoked. The papers are in your office in your former store as I can’t trust myself to be too close to you and not do you harm. And naturally, my queen…” She sneers. “...the only child in your life is the one you inflicted on the world!”

“Does anybody else, except you two, want to say something?” Vic asks as he looks around, his eyes filled with anger and disappointment but I am oddly proud of him for not shedding tears, well not yet anyway.

Even though he has tears on his cheeks, Emmett holds his head up high as he strides towards us. “You think I want you near us after your animalistic and lowdown behaviour? Oh, I think not. I am never ever again going to listen to either of your bullshit platitudes, it is platitudes not plastitudes Michael, you fuckadick, again. You will spout about repenting and being oh so very sorry! Just fuck off you low rent Divine! But know this, try to do anything to hurt the Avenue, my family and friends and I will plug your camel toe with my Manolo...which I will be buying especially for you!”


“Wait! Can everyone just wait…” Michael screams as more and more people start to surround Brian and leave them by themselves by the table.

“No! We will not wait! We will no longer listen!” I retort before looking back at Brian and point at him. “Look behind you, Brian, look around you, just look at who is supporting you, surrounding you...keeping you safe. Don’t look behind you at what they did. The moment I read those heinous words and felt the relish and glee with which they were written, because I know how they operate, I decided that I don’t have a sister, I don’t have a nephew. The only family I have and want is you. So, if you want me, here I am, as nothing would make me prouder than calling you son! I am coming home to you to show you how a Grassi looks after his own!”

“And don’t forget about the Gaggle. We’re yours too!” One of them yells. “Now, excuse us a minute, we have to take out the trash. Gaggle! Wagons roll!”

I watch incredulously as four octogenarians march up to where they are still standing, grab the pair of them firmly, then drag them pleading, struggling and screaming out of the diner. Once the door is firmly locked there is silence and I gawp as a squad car pulls up and they are arrested!

Carl clears his throat after the sirens fade into the distance. “Thought you’d need some back up.” Smiling, he points to me and then himself. “Every child has two parents, right son?”

Brian blinks back tears and nods, before turning into Del’s embrace. I finally break down when I hear him whisper; my two dads.

He clears his throat and looks at me again. “My two dads.” He says with a little hint of a smug grin. “Can my life get any gayer than this?”


End Notes:

Please review kindly and constructively. Thank you.

This story archived at