New York here i come by Sweetcheeks76

Brian is betrayed by Michael so heads of to New York

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney
Tags: MPreg (Yup! Went THERE!)
Genres: Fantasy
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: No Word count: 19645 Read: 31205 Published: Nov 21, 2020 Updated: May 07, 2021
Chapter 14 by Sweetcheeks76


The next morning Debbie tried getting hold of Michael but there was no answer so she decided to go down to breakfast to see if Brian and Justin were there. She knew Lindsey didn't know where Brian was. She got downstairs and saw Ted, Vic and Emmett sitting down. 

"Good morning to the wonderful and beautiful Debbie Novatny" Said Emmett as pulled a chair out for Debbie.

Debbie sat down and ordered. "Ted you work quite close with Brian and you and Emmett are really good friends with him aren't you?" Emmett and Ted both nodded. Vic wondered what Debbie was going to say.

"Well is there any way that Lindsey knows where Brian is living?" Debbie asked them

"I'm not sure" replied Ted "But Brian is on his way down so we can ask him then"

5 minutes later Brian and Justin arrived and Brian ordered for the both of them.

Debbie asked Brian about Lindsey and told him Mel had said Brian was the father of both their babies.

"I can assure you Deb's that neither Mel or Lindsey's babies are any part of me. You know i have only had sex with Justin"

"When are you going on your honeymoon?" Asked Debbie

"Hhhhhoneymmmoon?"  Asked Justin surprised.

"Yes Justin we are going on a honeymoon for 2 weeks. We leave in an hour for our flight at 10.00 and we are going to the caribbean."

"Nice one baby" Said Emmett as he put his arms around Justin.

Brian took Emmetts arms off Justin "Now i can say he is mine, because he is so hands off."

Emmett just laughed and so did Vic.

 Everyone soon went upstairs to start packing to leave.

Soon Brian and Justin were off to the airport. They had to go through security and quickly boarded the plane. A few hours later they arrived in the caribbean. It was beautiful. Golden sand beaches and water so blue you could see the bottom of the ocean. Justin loved it.

Justin had become good friends with a young man called Sam. Sam worked in the hotel where Brian and Justin were staying. He looked after Justin when Brian attended some meetings to get extra business. Sam was 25 and was straight. Sam guessed Justin was pregnant and made sure he got the good stuff. He got on well with Brian aswell and they all had a good laugh.

Soon the honeymoon had to come to an end and it was time to go back home to New York. They caught the flight back and landed in New York around lunchtime. 

The next day Justin started his speech and language and physio on his right side. He would never get full mobility with his leg and arm but he wanted his speech to improve a lot. 

His therapist was called Martin Crook who looked to be around 50ish. He was very patient and helped with words that Justin got stuck on, which was most of them.

A few months later Brian got a call from Ted saying Mel had her baby and that Mel demanded Brian had to start paying for it. 

Brian knew Marty Ryder wanted to see him, so he decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and go to Pittsburgh. Brian knew Justin would come with him.

3 days later they had landed in Pittsburgh. Justin was very cold so Brian soon got them in a cab and off to Debbie's and Vic's, where they were going to stay for a few days. When they arrived at Debbie's, they found Emmett, Ted.and Vic waiting for them. They all hugged each other. Debbie started fussing over Justin.

"Deb let Justin take his coat off and why don't you make us all a nice hot drink" Vic said to Debbie.

"Thankyou" Mouthed Brian. Brian could see Justin was getting tired. When they had come back from their honeymoon they went to the doctors and had the pregnancy confirmed. Now Justin was 5mths and was glowing but got tired easily.

"So what's the gossip" Asked Brian "What's happened to Michael and that guy who is having his baby, and what the fuck is this about Mel demanding me to pay for a baby that is not fucking mine" Said Brian going from quiet to shouting in a nano second

"Brian calm down" Justin said slowly as he put his hand on Brian's arm. Martin the therapist recommended that Justin slows his speech down as he talked, and it was working.

Brian put his arms around Justin and kissed him "Hey it's ok i am calm ok, just angry but not with you." Brian knew Justin still didn't like people shouting so he bent down and gave a longer kiss, and then sat down pulling Justin onto his lap.

Emmett started first "Well as i said i will find out about Rex when i came back, and i did. Apparently Rex met someone older and they moved away together. The other man is going to bring the baby up as his."

Next it was Vic's turn "Well Michael has met a lovely bloke called Ben. He is a professor for gay studies."

"Thank fuck for that. At least he will now stop trying to fuck me" Brian said with a look of disgust on his face.

Emmett came over to Justin "How are you doing baby" 

"I'm doing ok Emms. Just getting tired" answered Justin

"But his sex drive is on overdrive. He even has me knackered, not that i mind of course" Brian said, giving Justin a smirk. Justin laughed. It made Brian happy to know Justin as happy because of him.

"Wwww" Justin stopped and gathered his thought before he started again "Wwhat about Mel and the baby?" 

Brian looked at Justin with Pride.

"Well" said Ted "Mel is adamant the baby is yours and says that she has proof."

"NO no way" Shouted Brian. "And i will prove it. Justin you stay here and Ted will come with me to Mel's place"

"No Brian i want to come with you." Justin said surprising Brian.

"If you are sure then yes you may come with me and Ted."

Emmett, Debbie and Vic ended up going as well. Soon they all arrived at the Munchers. Brian knocked and Justin looked nervous. Brian took Justin's hand in his and whispered to him "Let me do all the talking ok. Everything will work out fine, ok baby" Justin nodded just as the door opened.

"Well look what the fucking dog dragged in. Brian fucking Kinney. You owe me money for your baby" Just then she looked at Justin and gave him such a dirty look "And who the fuck are you"

Brian stepped in between Justin and Mel "This is my husband Justin Kinney. Now fucking move so i can find out what the fuck is going on." With that Brian barged past Mel holding Justin's hand. Lindsey was in the living room. "Oh you are here as well i see. Well that is good, we can sort everything out in one go. Go and make me and my husband a cuppa and the rest of the tribe and then come and sit down." Brian sat down pulling Justin beside him. He wanted everything sorted now.

Brian wondered what the outcome would be.


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