Beguiled by confused_bliss


Summary: Brian Kinney is the owner of Babylon, not only in Pittsburgh... but in cities all over the world. He visits and plays in all of them, but frequents none for long. That is all about to change when he visits his Pittsburgh club to find the new dancer that has his club soaring to new heights. Not only is he an international playboy and club owner, but he's also immortal. What happens when the young blond that beguiles him so, is immune to his brand of magic?


Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Jealousy, M/M, Out of Character, Toppy Justin
Genres: Alternate Universe, Magical/Supernatural
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 33545 Read: 9937 Published: May 13, 2021 Updated: May 18, 2021
Chapter 12: Together at Last by confused_bliss

Brian watched with lust-laden eyes as Justin quickly, yet sinuously slid from his clothes. He had actually heard him right; Justin meant his words. Not only could he feel it... he could read it in the trust in Justin's blue eyes. As confident as he'd projected himself to be from the start of this erotic little game, he hadn't been totally convinced of winning this battle. Now that he had, Brian wasn't certain this was how he wanted it... nor how he thought it should be. Hesitation was clearly evident on his face; it only took Justin an instant to sense his turmoil. Brian ran a hand through his hair, his eyes moving up and down the beautiful, naked man before him; not just any man, but Justin - the one he had craved from the moment he'd first seen him.


Justin frowned. Something was very off with Brian... but what? "Brian? What's wrong?" When Brian remained unmoving, along with staying silent, a pout formed on Justin's lips. "You don't want me?"


It wasn't until he heard the last words that Brian responded. Not want him? Was he out of his little blond head? "You're kidding, right?" Brian looked at him incredulously. "I've been hunting you from the first night we met... and you ask me that?!"


"Well, what am I to think, Brian? I offer you what you say you've wanted all this time... and you're not taking it!" Justin looked at Brian in utter confusion. "Do you have a better explanation?"


Brian smiled as he walked closer to his naked, and oh so adorable blond in his outraged anger. "As a matter of fact, I do." Gently he cupped the side of Justin's face, his mouth lowering to move over his perfect lips. A sigh that turned into a moan escaped as their lips parted, clung, and tongues quickly became engaged. Brian knew he could kiss him all night... but they both needed so much more. It was his intention they both would have it. Their hands clutched at the other, teeth grinding together as they tried to attain a close enough connection; both of them knowing none could possibly be forged. Brian forced himself to pull back, his forehead resting against Justin's, breathing coming in and out raggedly. "I want you, Justin... more than anything else in the world. Fuck, you've got to believe that."


"I thought I did." Justin's pout had quickly returned. His lower lip quivered as he pulled free to look into Brian's eyes. "I need you, Brian. I have no words to tell you how much."


"You don't have to say the words. Don't forget... I can feel everything you feel." Brian's heart was thundering in his chest, on all counts - his love for this man was overtaking him. There was only one solution that he could accept; he had the feeling Justin would more than reciprocate. "All along you've battled with trust. Like me, you are a dominant... a top." Brian gnawed at his lip for a moment in an uncharacteristic gesture of anxiety. He knew he had to finish explaining himself. If not, they would never move forward. Moving ahead was something he very much wanted to do. "I'm in love with you, Justin. I don't understand it, but I know it's real. That changes things for me."


A tremulous smile appeared on Justin's lips. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say that. Brian Kinney actually loves me. It doesn't get any bigger and better than that."


"I think it's about to get a lot bigger." Brian began to strip his clothing, his eyes never wavering from Justin's attentive gaze. He reached into his pants and retrieved a bottle of lube; tossing it onto the bed, Brian answered, "I'm always prepared."


"I see that." Justin glanced pointedly at Brian's pants, then at the bed. "No condoms?"


"You forget that we don't need them, Sunshine. We are both immortal now. Condoms no longer need to exist in our world." Brian's dick thickened and throbbed at that thought. Bare sex with Justin would be indescribable. He already knew that.


"That's right." Justin moaned thinking of how that would feel. Not only his first time, but nothing to separate the two of them. Pure bliss. He couldn't wait any longer. Justin crawled onto the bed, sprawling invitingly on his stomach; he looked over his shoulder to see Brian watching him with a rapt, yet still torn expression. "Brian, there's nothing to think about any longer. I want you... and I know you want me. Fuck me now."


Brian finished removing his clothes, his motions quick and precise. He slid into the bed next to Justin, his hand reaching out to run a stroking path from his neck, all the way down to the crack of his ass. Fuck, how he wanted to be inside him. His cock was leaking in anticipation of that pleasure. Soon. But, not quite yet. His finger slid up and down that tempting opening; his mouth lowered to lick and suck one cheek, and then the other. A groan of need resounded from each man. Brian's voice was ragged when he spoke, "I'm going to fuck you, Justin. Slow, fast, and hard... every way I know how to fuck you - that is what I'm going to do. However, there's been a change of plans."


"Change?" Justin asked, barely able to speak after Brian's sultry words.


Nodding, Brian began to elaborate. "I want you to fuck me first. Right here and now... only then will I fuck you."


Justin gasped. This was the last thing he had expected... yet it was so Brian. He could never be defined as predictable. In this moment even less than others. Justin had no problem with fucking him; it was what he'd wanted from day one. The thought of his bare dick moving inside Brian did things to him he couldn't begin to explain. "Tell me why. I've offered you everything you wanted. Now, you're reneging."


"Not exactly," Brian murmured, tongue-in-cheek. "I think you need this. Surrendering control is hard for you. I get that. We will never be equals in regard to magic... but in this, we can be." Brian continued stroking Justin. The feel of his skin was an addiction... one he hoped to never outgrow. "Fuck me, Justin."


Deep, raspy moans ripped from Justin's throat. He had wanted Brian to be first... but he couldn't resist this offer. "Roll over, Brian." Justin watched as Brian slid onto his stomach, his hand reaching out to pump his cock before slathering the lube generously over him. It felt odd to lube his bare cock; he'd never thought to fuck a man raw. Having it be Brian was enough to make him cum before even sliding his cock inside. Justin wanted to pace himself, but as soon as he lubed his fingers and began to slip them into Brian's ass, Justin knew he wouldn't last very long. "You feel so good, Brian. I can't wait to feel your ass clenching around my cock."


"The preparations aren't necessary, Justin. I am impervious to pain." Brian bit into the side of his cheek as he spoke, never gladder of the truth of those words. "Get your hot little dick inside of me now!"


"So demanding..." Justin purred. He wasn't about to provoke his primitive lover by teasing him with ‘bossy bottom' references. Justin was more than aware of the fact that this man could never be placed in that category, nor any other for that matter. Almost reverently, Justin moved into position over the gorgeous brunet, Brian's ass a temptation he could no longer deny. He placed his lips at the base of Brian's spine, kissing and licking into the slight groove, more than anything wishing he had the time to explore him to his leisure. Unfortunately, that wasn't for tonight. This night was for solidifying their union... and the easing of an unbearable desire. They would have a lifetime and more of such explorations. It was time to begin this one now.


Brian moaned at the first contact of Justin's hot skin against his own; they were both in the grip of an agonizing need. Nothing could be slow and easy for them tonight. This desire had raged and ate at them for too long. Fulfillment was all that mattered now for either of them. Brian growled as he felt Justin skillfully pushing his way inside; each measured stroke had him reeling - his pleasure quickly intensifying. His hot-headed little blond knew exactly what he was doing. In actuality, he hadn't had any doubts about that. Brian found himself wishing they had done this face-to-face. He wanted to watch Justin reaching his pleasure; the growls and moans Justin was now eliciting told him that Justin was in a very special place. Brian decided that next time, he would be looking into Justin's eyes... but for now, all he wanted was to give Justin this release, and strengthen their trust further. Everything else would fall into place over time.


Justin nudged forward, his hips rocking into Brian's; his breath escaping in panting rasps of need and unparalleled pleasure. Nothing had ever felt like this... it was remarkable in itself. He had fucked a lot of men, although he was quite certain not nearly as many as the man beneath him had... but it was almost as if he was doing it for the first time. Fucking Brian was unlike any other experience ever. On all levels - it stood alone. "Fuck... you're so tight, Brian." When he heard Brian swearing violently, muffled mostly by the pillow, Justin asked in concern, "Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"


"I'm fine..." Brian clipped out. "My cock is close to exploding from the feel of you plowing my ass. You need to move this along, twat."


"Twat." Justin throatily chuckled. The man on the bottom is calling the one with the cock inside of him a twat. Only Brian would do that. "Alright then. Let's see if you notice the difference..." Justin clasped his hands around Brian's hips, his cock bottoming out in one smooth thrust. They both groaned simultaneously. This was what they'd both been waiting for... the only path that would end the frustration too long endured. Justin lowered his lips once more to lick and bite at the skin of Brian's back... his tongue sliding everywhere he could reach; his hips didn't still in the process. He panted in the most sublime of bliss when he felt his cock hammering against Brian's prostate; his dick leaking more profusely when he heard Brian's far-reaching moans. Nothing was like fucking Brian. He had known it would be like this all along... but never had he realized to what degree.


Brian reached back and closed his hands over the perfect flesh of Justin's ass; his intentions both to touch him and speed this along. He was going out of his mind here. Desperately he wanted to feel Justin shooting inside of him; not to mention the fact - he needed to come in the worst possible way. "Harder, Justin. Finish this!"


"Fuck! You are so bossy..." Justin quickened his pace, his eyes rolling back in his head as he felt Brian's muscles clenching and unclenching around his cock. He was panting with bated breath when he heard Brian shouting out his release... his cock spurting inside his lover at essentially the same time. Justin continued to push into Brian, every last drop shooting deeply into his lover; all cohesive thoughts escaping him that didn't center around the incredible feeling of being inside this primitive man that he loved so much. As he pulled free and rolled onto his side, Justin's lips kissed Brian's neck and shoulders, one thought in mind - as many times as he had topped in the past, one thing had been different. Love hadn't been involved. He couldn't begin to measure this experience against others of the past. There wasn't a doubt in his mind - love made all the difference.


Rolling onto his back, Brian clasped his hand around Justin's neck, pulling him down to kiss him voraciously. His tongue immediately gained entrance, proceeding to tongue-fuck his lover until they were both gasping in renewed need. Brian was in no hurry to move things along. Justin's mouth was an addiction all on its own. He would never tire of kissing him. That was something that had never existed for him with any other man. Brian couldn't care less about that reflection now. As far as he was concerned, other men were a thing of the past. This was the only man he wanted in his bed from here on out. Brian knew Justin felt exactly the same.


When he finally released his possession of Justin's lips, he whispered against them, "That was hot. I can see why your dick has been in such demand." Brian didn't add that he hoped Justin planned to be more exclusive in his pursuits now; he really didn't see the need. Justin loved him; he did not doubt that.


Justin cast a seductive smile on his lover. Damn, how he loved this man. He still couldn't get over the fact that Brian had let him top first. Brian had won the war. He had been eagerly anticipating Brian's possession... but once again, Brian surprised him by his offer. Justin knew it had been an extension of love and trust. What it had done was make him want Brian more... and without a doubt deepen the love he already had soaring in his heart. "Speaking of dicks. I'm still waiting to experience the renowned cock of Brian Kinney."


In what took less than an instant, Brian had covered Justin with his body, his mouth once again smothering the beautiful blond with ardent kisses. Brian wasn't sure what he wanted to do more - kiss him or fuck the living hell out of him. Both were a win/win scenario to him. Brian decided he would go about doing both... and not only for tonight, but for an eternity. He pulled back to stare at his welcoming lover with yearning and love in his eyes. "I think we can fix that lacking."


"Good. It's not every day I place such a generous offer..." Justin's eyes were filled with trust as he looked up at Brian. One thing came to mind as Brian prepared them both and began to join them together - it hadn't been fear that had held him back from this incredible experience all these years. He had been waiting for love. As Brian took him with power, and the greatest of care, Justin knew that was exactly what he had done. His years of restraint hadn't been any form of self-sacrifice or lack of sexual desire. It had been an exercise of patience. The end results more than clear. He had been waiting for Brian.


Love had amazingly been waiting for them both... and now, they would have an eternity to celebrate that.



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