Forever in Darkness: A New Enemy by confused_bliss


Summary: Six months later a new enemy arrives with an evil plan to separate Brian and Justin. Can they survive sacrifices and deception to save their future together?



Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Jealousy, M/M, Out of Character, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Magical/Supernatural
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 32892 Read: 10644 Published: Jul 27, 2021 Updated: Jul 27, 2021
Chapter 5 by confused_bliss


"Well?" Brian demanded, staring Justin down ferociously. "What the fuck is he?"


Justin artfully edged toward the door after slipping his jacket on to cover his shirt that hung in threads, deciding space was much needed between him and his impossible vampire lover. He had absolutely no intention of allowing him to get his hands on him again tonight after the stunt he had just pulled. He was still seething in fury at how Brian had so methodically manipulated him. His eyes lifting to meet Brian's fierce and savage stare, Justin groaned seeing that his lover had no intention of relenting. In fact, the coldness in his eyes that he knew to be directed toward Brandon looked to be close to making Brian lose control in yet another way. Soundproof office walls or not, Justin knew he needed to find a way to eradicate that anger.


He had made his declaration about Brandon in a moment of anger... anger that was solely directed at Brian. Justin wasn't entirely certain about Brandon yet. He had felt something, but there was a hidden variable that he couldn't define yet. He needed Lindsay's expertise in that matter. Her vast experience often had proven to be immeasurable. This was one of those times. Justin could only see one immediate problem... and one that required an immediate resolution. Extricating himself from Brian and going to his sister wasn't going to be an easy task.


"Brian, you need to find some control. This behavior that you have exhibited tonight cannot continue," Justin said in warning. "You risk exposing yourself in such unguarded moments. I won't allow that to persist."


"You won't allow it?" Brian snarled, his fangs immediately extracting. "Listen here you precocious little witch..." he hissed, advancing forward to effectively pin Justin against the door. Bracketing his hands next to Justin's head, Brian's eyes drilled into Justin's - his determination like nothing ever before. "You will tell me NOW... or we will have ourselves a little replay. This time I won't be so lenient."


"Lenient?" Justin shouted back, having no intention of allowing Brian to maneuver him again. This time he would not be caught unaware. He had ways of counteracting Brian. Earlier, Brian had ruthlessly taken control while he had been feeding, an intimacy that never failed to physically arouse Justin to almost unbearable proportions. At that moment every defense mechanism he possessed was not only compromised, but totally shattered. "There will be no replay, my darling savage. We are about to say good night. I must confer with Lindsay about a few things... and you will be patient and understand this."


"Patient and understanding are not in my arsenal, little twat. Now... this is how it's going to be..." Brian growled, as his eyes began to redden and his fangs moved even closer.


Justin's breathing quickened, as he clearly read Brian's intentions in his eyes. He hadn't learned anything. Brian was going to attempt to lure and conquer him again. He wouldn't have it. This unacceptable behavior would end tonight. "Stop right there," Justin hissed in anger. "Think about what you are doing. Remember all that we've been through together... all that we've shared. Using me in this way disrespects both me and our commitment to each other. I'm asking you to stop before I am forced to stop you. One lapse in the heat of the moment and the shock of learning you had the power to do so was one thing, to do so again in deliberation, would be unforgivable."


Brian's lip curled into a slight sneer, showing Justin he was already past the stage of reasoning. His eyes fixed and dilated on the rapid pulse in Justin's throat, Brian rasped, "You should turn in your paint brushes for a pen and fancy stationery. No doubt you could make a fortune writing greeting cards. However, let's get back on track. I am not doing this to disrespect you. You know exactly what drives me. I can't allow you to place yourself in the path of danger. Convince me that you are not. Then, I will back off."


"I love that you want to take care of me... but it's not necessary, Brian. Not with me. I have a great deal of power to draw upon - you know this. I can take care of myself," Justin answered, placing his hands against Brian's chest to look up at him imploringly.


"In most cases, I would agree, but something is very off with Brandon. I don't like the way he looked at you. You can call it jealousy, and fuck it could have been in part... but it was more. There was a predatory light in his eyes of one that seeks to own something." Laughing harshly, he continued, "I know that look only too well. I perfected it."


Justin reached up to stroke Brian's cheek before he whispered softly, "That you have, my love. Now, please retract your fangs... for me."


Brian glared at Justin for a long moment, his most primal instincts urging him to secure his victim... while the softer side of him - the one that this special and utterly adorable man had brought to life in him - reminded him this wasn't any ordinary victim. No, not a nameless or even faceless prey. This was Justin. His Justin. The one that he cherished above anything or anyone - now or ever. That was unchanging. This was his destiny for eternity. He had accepted this long ago, and it was a constant in his life that he didn't want to change. Battling fiercely with the predator within himself, Brian reluctantly, yet willingly retracted his fangs, stepping back to allow Justin some breathing room.


After a long moment, averting his eyes from Justin's knowing glance, Brian clipped out, "Don't get cocky. This is nothing more than a temporary aberration."


"Of course it is, darling," Justin murmured soothingly, knowing the primal beast in Brian, not to mention his colossal ego, needed a bit of placation. "We both know you don't make your best decisions in the midst of your wild and untamed shows of spirit. Don't we?"


Brian curled his lips under as he looked at Justin, his brow arching in affronted disbelief. "Are you implying that I react and think later?"


Justin laughed. "I don't recall inferring what you think after, either. That's just one of the many things I love about you. That total submission to your passions no matter what that might entail is always a very exciting ingredient to our lives, although it's not always the most practical."


"Well, practicality and vampires... not to mention witches don't always go hand in hand."


"Warlock, if you please..." Justin smiled, as his eyes flared knowing at this moment Brian wasn't attempting to provoke him. "I really do need to discuss some matters with Lindsay."


Brian watched him closely, deciding he had no intention of letting his blond supernatural out of his sight. He had a bad feeling about what he seemed to know about Brandon. For him to be stalling in telling him what he knew was even more alarming. It could mean one of two things: Brandon was more dangerous than Justin felt Brian could handle - something he found to be less than likely - and he was protecting him, or Justin wasn't entirely certain himself. Brian hoped that it was the latter of the two. "Fine, then. Let's go."


"You don't need to come with me," Justin protested, knowing who was going to win this battle.


This time unintentionally, Brian reached out to Justin with his mind. Oh, but I do, my own. I need to know exactly what I'm dealing with in order to effectively combat it. You will not fight me in this, boy.


Justin gritted his teeth as his eyes pierced Brian's sharply, his brow marred in confusion that it wasn't compelling him as it had earlier. What was the difference? Unable to concentrate at the moment to put the pieces together that he knew to be right in front of him, combined with his irritation and disbelief at Brian's continued audacity, Justin's eyes became fiery and accusatory. "I don't believe you are pulling this crap on me again.  Or should I say trying to..."


"Trying?" Brian smiled with his teeth bared, advancing toward Justin once more. "To be precise I wasn't intending to compel you. It's just a natural response for me. You should know that. However, if you want me to place more effort into it, I am more than willing to oblige you."


"My new weakness is a joke to you?" Justin snapped with rage burning in his eyes.


"Not at all, oh sensitive one. Granted, I don't mind that I can maneuver you into doing my bidding... especially in certain moments; however, I don't like the thought that you could be weak to me or anyone. I admire your strength. I always have. But let's take a step back. You said try. Does that mean it didn't affect you the same this time?" Brian queried, needing to get to the bottom of this mystery of Justin's responses, once and for all.


"No, it didn't. I could hear you... but not like before. Earlier, I couldn't resist. I just had to submit it to your will. This time it was just like a glimpse of your inner thoughts."


Brian looked at Justin thoughtfully. "Okay. I obviously wasn't in the middle of an animalistic passion as I was earlier, so it wasn't nearly as intense. However, I notice you didn't even flinch right now. What else was different from then and now?"


"I don't know, Brian. If I did - this mystery would be solved," Justin said with a long sigh, running his fingers through his hair in agitation. His eyes probed deeply into Brian's when an instant realization suddenly materialized. He answered in a soft-spoken gasp. "My blood. You are gaining control over me through the power of my blood. The effects have been increasing gradually. But earlier when I couldn't resist you... it was as you were feeding on me. It all makes perfect sense now."


"Of course. I have a great deal of your blood flowing within me now. Your blood is extremely powerful. I have never tasted anything like it - ever. Recently, I have been so much stronger in every way. It's you, Justin. Your blood is increasing my strength... and making you vulnerable to me. What I want to know is very simple - is this transferred only to me, or will you be weakened to any supernatural creature?" Brian asked, the concern more than evident in his voice.


Justin shook his head. "No. My strength has never been stronger... that is, when not challenged by you. I believe you are the only one that compromises it. Fuck. Why didn't I see this before now? It's all falling into place now."


"As much as I hate to suggest it, maybe I should limit our feedings..." Brian offered, hating the words that he had never thought to speak tumbling out of his mouth, yet his bottom line - protecting Justin.


"No! Absolutely not! We will work through this. I enjoy feeding you, Brian. I feel so close to you in those moments. I hate that I can't be your only source of sustenance... but I accept that isn't realistic. It will be fine, Brian. You just have to be strong and try not to compel me during those times. Can you do that?" Justin asked as he stared his lover down fiercely. He didn't care how vulnerable he was with Brian when his blood was freshly flowing through his vampire's veins... he wouldn't give up that variable in their life. He loved feeding Brian. When in the midst of one of their many fucking sessions it provoked the most orgasmic experiences Justin had ever known. He would not change it... not for anything.


Brian moved forward cupping his hand behind Justin's neck, bringing him closer to kiss him slowly, deeply... love and desire flowing freely from the primal being into his much-adored lover and partner. Releasing his lips after long moments, Brian whispered, "I am what I am, Justin. I can't promise that I won't ever lose control and use all that I have to get to you. All I can do is try. However, bear this in mind - if you are in danger I don't care what methods I need to employ to keep you safe."


"I know that, Brian... and I love you for it. That you are willing to try is all that I can either ask or expect. I love you, Brian Kinney... madly and irrevocably forever." Narrowing his eyes in stern reprimand, Justin continued, "However, that doesn't mean you are off the hook for your actions earlier. But as long as it isn't repeated, I'll attempt to show some understanding and leniency."


Brian curled his lips under, surveying the blond dynamo he loved more than anything he had ever known in his entire existence. Smirking, Brian toyed with Justin's soft blond hair, before responding, "How generous of my little twat. Now, let's go see Lindsay and get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Brandon."


Justin nodded, turning to link his hand into Brian's squeezing it in comforting reassurance. "I feel magic in him, Brian. It's somewhat dormant. I don't know what that means. He could be suppressing it for some reason, or he just isn't that powerful. I felt immense lust projecting from him."


Lust for you?" Brian snarled savagely, knowing it to be true. He had felt it... seen it in Brandon's eyes.


Justin sighed, knowing the situation with Brandon could turn heated and ugly very quickly. He could see the possessiveness and jealousy eating at Brian. Justin hadn't even looked at another man since he had met Brian... and he knew his volatile vampire knew this - but that didn't change the fact that others looked at Justin in lust. Brian had done well in controlling that primal force in him for so long. However, in the case of Brandon, he wasn't certain that would always be the case. Nodding, Justin answered, "Yes. You knew that, though. His desire was more than evident... However, it ran deeper. I have no doubt he knows what I am. He not only lusts for my body... but also my power. What I don't understand is how he hopes to obtain it."


"Let's go. I want answers... and I want them tonight." He didn't care who or what form of supernatural being Brandon turned out to be - if he attempted to touch Justin in any way... he would kill him. Slowly and painfully. No matter what he had to do to achieve that result - it would be done. Pulling Justin close as he led him out the back doors of Babylon, Brian whispered into Justin's ear, "I love you, my hot little warlock. I will keep you safe. Today, tomorrow... and forever."




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