The Detective's Son by SLHR



Craig is not Justin's father. Brian and Justin meet in a different way than in canon. This is a completed story.

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anti-Ethan, Family, Justin/Other, Language, M/M, Mental Health Issues, Non-Consent, Out of Character, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: The Detective's Son series
Chapters: 39 Completed: Yes Word count: 87390 Read: 97337 Published: May 25, 2016 Updated: May 25, 2016
Road Trip by SLHR



"Don't look at him," Justin said, snapping his fingers in front of Daphne.


They were eating breakfast at a small diner just over the Tennessee line. He still couldn't believe that their parents let them go. They left Friday right after school, it was now Saturday morning. Before the end of the day they would be in sunny Florida. Panama City Beach, Florida to be specific.


They pulled over and stopped at more rest stops than they planned. Their plans for one to drive and the other sleep and vice versa didn't work. Turns out they both can only stay awake with someone to talk with.


"How can I not look at him? He's rubbing himself through the glass, where am I supposed to look?" She broke in to a fit of giggles.


"If you keep looking he'll continue doing it," Justin told her. Too bad he didn't listen to his own advice.


He looked up out the window. Instead of just rubbing his crotch and leering at them he was—


"Sick," he said, grimacing.




"Do not turn around," he told her. He shouldn't have really bothered.


Daphne looked over her shoulder. "Oh my god. He's waving his thing at us."


"Where is the staff?" It seemed like after they got their food the waitress disappeared.


"She's going to hate herself for missing the show," Daphne said before shuddering and turning back around.


"Just ignore him."


"But a woman or kid could come by," Daphne said worriedly.


"You are a woman," he reminded her.


"Well, I'm pretty worldly. There could be someone that had never seen the male form." She giggled nervously.


"Oh yeah, you're so worldly. The only male form that you have seen is me, well that you're not related to."


Daphne threw a ketchup covered home fry at him. He slapped to away before it could hit his face.


Soon a waitress was running through the dining area yelling.


"I'm calling the police!" she yelled out the door to the fleeing exhibitionist. "Don't you ever come back here."


She wasn't the waitress that had taken their orders. That one had been young, brunette and perky. This one looked like she could be the first one's grandmother.


"I'm so sorry about that, we've had problems before. He scares Angie, it took me a minute to calm her down. The meal is on the house," the flustered looking waitress said warmly.


"No, it's okay. We're okay with paying our own bill. We're both in the service industry," Daphne said.


It was true, he worked at a bowling alley and Daphne worked as clerk at a hotel. Looking around the place he could tell they needed every paying customer. It wasn't dirty but it was outdated and at the moment they were the only customers. It was a little after eight in the morning, being the only customers was not a good thing.


Justin threw the jack and four-way back into the trunk. Daphne lifted up the tire that looked like the road chewed.


"I can't believe we had a tire blow out. Whatever you do you can't tell your parents," he told her.


"No duh, we had to beg all of them for this trip. Telling them about almost slamming into a semi and skidding off the road doesn't so smart."


He just wanted to get to the hotel shower then sleep… for a week. The idea to drive seemed like so much fun at the time. Their parents tried to talk them into flying. But Daphne had her heart set on an epic road trip.


It had been that, so far they had seen a pervert's junk. Then they had some creep offer to pay them for a threesome at a gas station. Finally, they almost died in a fiery crash when their tire blew out on the interstate.


Once they were both in the car Justin drove; Daphne was still shaken up.


"Are you going to bring any guys back to the room?" Daphne suddenly asked.


"Um. I don't know, I guess if I meet someone but I don't really want to lose my virginity in a dodgy hotel room." They couldn't afford the real nice places.


"You're not a virgin," Daphne countered.


He rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."


"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean it doesn't count," she said sadly.


Looking over at her, he realized he hurt her. When they had sex, everything was messed up for a while. When the pregnancy test came back positive, they both were devastated. Telling their parents was bad. Her parents were pissed off, his dad was disappointed. Daphne was seven weeks along when she miscarried. He held her in bed for days afterward.


That was when he decided just to be honest. Secrets were hurting all of them. He told his family and Daphne's that he was gay. Daphne had known since they were twelve.


"I'm sorry, Daph."


"I know, let's talk about something happier." She tapped her finger on her chin. "So you think your dad went to the PFLAG meeting last night?"


"I don't know he said he was going. He's trying, that has to mean something right?" He knew the question sounded childish.


"Right, it'll be good for him. Meeting other parents and families. All he has now are his bigoted friends on the force," she said voice darkening.


"I know, can you believe that dickhead is running for mayor. Stockwell's an asshole, I met his old partner once. Trust me it was one time too many." He shuttered at the memory.


"I'm your best friend, you already told me when it happened. Really what kind of guy offers a co-workers sixteen year old son money to blow him?" She was chewing on her nail, a dead giveaway of her being pissed.


"He was a creep, I'm just glad dad didn't make me go back to those cookouts." He smiled as he looked at the sign. "We're almost there, this week we have no problems."


That seemed to brighten Daphne up. She looked like she was going to start bouncing in her seat any moment.


"Welcome to Florida," Daphne screeched.


It was going to be an unforgettable week, he could just feel it.

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