Painting by Triciaqaf

"When the cramp hits my hand, I watch the brush fall to the floor in slow motion. I can’t help the curse even though I know Brian’s watching me now . . ."

Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: None
Genres: Porny, PWP (Plot? What Plot?)
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 17615 Read: 7525 Published: Oct 22, 2016 Updated: Oct 22, 2016
Chapter 3 by Triciaqaf

Part 3


After I’ve unbuckled the clasps of the cuffs, he pulls his arms away from the wall, rotating his wrists as he sits up. I don’t know how I’ve gone from fucking him senseless to scrambling to my hands and knees, but my ass pushes up and my head drops to the bed anyway.

I hear his small chuckle, then feel his hands on my hips, moving me to where he wants me. My dick is starting to harden again, despite the two orgasms tonight. I can tell that he isn’t hard yet, but I’m sure he will be.

My heart stops when I hear his voice. It’s quiet, but that tone always makes me shiver.

“Spread yourself for me.”

I try to breathe normally as I bring my hands to my ass, pulling myself apart. It forces my head into the bed more, means the weight of my upper body is on my face. He likes me like this.

I can feel him moving behind me, but I can’t see anything. I hold myself wide, hoping to god that he’s going to fuck me with his dick. It should be his dick, he wouldn’t do it with something else. Would he…?

I feel the fear grasp my heart as I wait. He won’t really hurt me, he’d never truly hurt me. But I know he’s going to be ruthless about regaining control after I surprised him tonight. He doesn’t like surprises.

I feel a flush of heat slink through my body as I think about what he might do to me. I close my eyes, wondering if he’ll use the paddle or the flogger. Or maybe his hand. I can feel my cock throb just from the thought. It’s going to hurt, but he’s going to make it so worthwhile. He always does.

I feel something against my ass, pushing into me. I hold still, trying not to tense my muscles – that will only make it hurt. I grunt out a moan when I feel the push, then yelp a little when he’s all the way in – it’s so fast, I wasn’t ready for it.

He holds my hips as he pulls out, then slides forward again. It’s slower than I expected, but he’s probably just warming up. I follow his hips as he pulls away, then push back as he thrusts in again. I want it hard. I want him to make me sorry I ever handcuffed him in the first place. Well, I don’t know that I’ll ever be sorry - remembering the sounds he made when he realized I was pushing the beads into my body too, then when I pulled them out of him...

I whimper at the thought, trying to hold still but he’s just waiting, not moving. Why isn’t he fucking me faster yet? I push back again, but feel his hands tighten on my hips, holding me still. I stop, understanding the message. He sets the pace, I know that.

He pushes in so slowly, it makes my legs shake not to move back against him. I can’t get a lot of leverage in the position I’m in anyway, at least with him holding back away from me the way he is.

I hear a small sound come from my mouth, making me blush as I realize it’s a complaint and he knows it. He laughs a little, but he doesn’t speed up. He pushes in again, fucking me at this leisurely pace, like he has no urgency whatsoever. Like he doesn’t even care if he comes.

I’m fighting it, trying to get more, get him harder and deeper. I clench my muscles around him, smiling when I hear his breath catch. But he still keeps moving at the same pace, dragging his cock so slowly across my prostate that it’s barely making me moan. I mean, it feels good – of course it feels good – but it’s so much more gentle and languid than I expected. I figured he’d fuck me into the mattress, then flip me over and fuck me into the wall. Then spank me till I cried.

“I can do this all night, Justin.” His voice is half-mocking, half-warning. “You’re going to have to let go at some point.”

He’s right. I take a deep breath, feeling my body relax a bit as I exhale. He changes angles and I feel the pleasure light up inside me.

“Better…” he whispers.

I feel a flush of pleasure that he’s happy with me. I try to relax further, but suddenly I’m tense again.

“It’s up to me, Justin.” His voice helps me focus. “Give it to me, Justin.”

I breathe through my nose, trying to let go. He just keeps moving, his cock hard and hot inside me. I try to focus on how it feels, but all I can think is, Why aren’t you going faster? Why aren’t you fucking me harder? Aren’t you going to punish me?

There. He’s moving a bit faster. It’s still not the pace I want, but it’s better. I start to push back, and he’s letting me, but then I feel him shake and the wet warmth floods me and I realize he’s coming. God, how is he coming already?

He slumps over me, his breath harsh against my back. I let my hands move to his sides, stroking him softly. Let him catch his breath and then he can start again. He must have needed to get this out of the way before he started.

Then he leans up, and slowly pulls out. I wince as he exits my body, not because it hurts but just because it’s so empty now. My cock is hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. As it will be, I think happily.

I feel his hand pulling me onto my side as he lays down, curling me up against him. I snuggle back into him, his arm wrapping around my waist as we lie there. I hold his fingers in my hand, looking at them. Wondering what he’ll do.

I keep wondering, and he keeps lying there, and then I realize his breathing is getting slower and he’s falling asleep. Falling asleep!? But I haven’t come, and he hasn’t punished me, and…

I sulk quietly, wiggling a bit to make sure he knows I’m still here. He makes those little noises he usually makes when he’s done for the night, when he’s drifting off. Asshole. My cock’s… I look down at my cock and realize it’s not really even hard anymore. Shit.

The last thing I remember was thinking evil thoughts about him, and then it was morning. Some end to my evening.


I’m not so happy when I’m at work during the day, but then I realize he was probably just too tired after bottoming for me. He doesn’t do it often, so I’m sure it tires him out. I’m much more cheerful going about my day as I realize he’ll probably exact his revenge tonight.

When I get home, he’s pleasant and normal and everything seems perfectly fine. No tone. No eyebrow. I’m perplexed. We eat dinner in what appears - from his side - to be companionable silence, but I’m getting annoyed. When he’s cleaning up I put on a movie and don’t even notice that an hour has passed when he’s kissing me goodnight. What?

I’m too pissed to follow him to bed, so I sulk on the sofa and stare at the rest of the movie without seeing it. I climb the stairs to bed when it’s over but he’s sound asleep and I’m tired and grumpy. The next morning comes much faster than I thought it would.


He’s gone when I wake up, a note on the counter about an early meeting. He’s even made enough coffee for me, the fucker. I spend the whole day in a pissy mood.

He calls in the afternoon to remind me that he has a dinner meeting tonight too, and I’m not sure if I’m more mad that I’ve forgotten, or that he’s being charming on the phone. Where are the demands, the threats? Why isn’t he telling me what he’s going to do to me? I’m totally confused, and completely miserable.

The shitty sleep I’ve had for the last two nights catches up with me, and I wake up on the sofa at three in the morning with a blanket over me and his snoring coming from the bedroom. I stay on the sofa.


I walk into the bathroom in the morning and realize he’s jerking off in the shower. I stand there, watching, my first reaction shock, then desire, then anger. What the fuck is he doing jerking off without me? If he’s horny, why didn’t he wake me up with a blindfold and my legs tied to a spreader bar?

I piss in the toilet, flushing it with gusto as he showers. Too bad the water in this building is decent enough that it won’t scald him.

I try not to look at him as I leave, but the water is blurring him just enough that I have to stare a little longer to get a look at his face. He comes as I stand there, his eyes closed, oblivious to my presence.

I go to work with a hard-on and a headache.


I spend the whole day trying to figure it out. Why is he being so nice? Why am I so mad that he’s being nice? What do I want from him?

I want him to tie me up, and whip me until I cry. Then fuck me until I beg. Then start all over again. I thought that’s what he’d do after I topped him. Especially since I surprised him with it. He even told me he was going to do it before I untied him. And shit, I gave him enough hints that it was what I wanted. He knows it’s what I want.

I stare at my coffee, stirring it listlessly. Why isn’t he punishing me? Is he bored with it? Does he just want vanilla sex all the time? Not that I mind vanilla sex – ours has never been boring, no matter what the flavour – but why isn’t he taking his revenge? Why isn’t he making me pay like I want him to?

It hits me as I’m sitting there, makes me shake my head. I’m such an idiot. I grab my bag, hurrying out of the coffee shop.


I double-check everything, looking around one more time to make sure it’s all exactly right. I’ve cleaned up, the loft is spotless. Dinner’s in the fridge, the beer is cold, the bourbon is his favourite - everything’s ready. Including me.

I breathe in as I hear the elevator, then get ready for the door to open.

I hear his footsteps stop as he sees me, but I can’t see the look on his face because my head is down. I take another breath, trying to calm my heart.

It feels like forever before he moves, his Prada shoes stopping in front of me as I look at the floor. He stands there for an eternity, then starts to walk again. He circles me slowly, making my cock ache. I try to breathe.

He stops in front of me again, and I can hear his breathing in the quiet of the loft. That and my thudding heart are the only sounds.

“Very nice, Justin.”

His voice makes me swoon. I bow my head deeper, letting my clasped hands push farther behind my back. My knees are already sore from the wood floor but it’s the best pain I’ve felt in a week.

His foot slides forward, his shiny black shoe nudging my thighs, pushing under my balls. I try to stay still as he lifts my balls with his foot, then bite my lip so I won’t moan when he rubs the smooth leather over my rigid cock.

“Very nice, indeed.” He pulls his foot away, walking around me again. His breath makes me jump when he leans all the way over to put his lips at my ear. “Took you long enough to figure it out.” I shiver as he licks the rim of my ear.

“I told you that you had to give it to me.” His hand threads through my hair, making my head lift a bit. “I won’t take it, Justin, you have to give it to me. Willingly.”

I nod, tears starting in my eyes. Half because I’m sorry I didn’t get it until now, and half because he’s pulling my hair, forcing my head up. He yanks, my head tipping all the way back, my face exposed.

He licks my mouth, and I can feel the heat of his eyes on my skin. I keep my gaze down even though my head is back.

“Did you make dinner?” His fingers brush my lips as he straightens up. I nod.

“I’m hungry. You can bring it to me.” He starts to walk towards the table. I start to get up when I hear his voice.

“On your hands and knees.”


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