Taxi to New York by MissMerlot

After Brian and Justin cancel the wedding, Lindsay and Michael try to persuade, or some would say bully, Justin into going and taking his chance in New York. Unfortunately for them, Brian has his own Cyrano to help him and Justin get to where they need to be.

**Now Complete**


Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Business Brian, Established Relationship, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Post-series, Raw Sex, Rimming, Toppy Justin, Vulnerable Brian, Wedding
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben
Challenges: None
Series: Taxi to New York
Chapters: 88 Completed: Yes Word count: 298393 Read: 754541 Published: May 25, 2017 Updated: Nov 02, 2017
Frustration, Rage and Rathman by MissMerlot









I still can't believe what Gus said over the weekend, much less how I channelled my inner bi-aitch and gave Lindsay the slap down I had been itching to do since, if I am honest, the time the wedding was cancelled. Blake is so right about her. But at the time, I allowed myself to be persuaded by the opinion of her roommate Michael who said his, now I know, shit-shtick to throw me off my own opinion.


After lunch on Saturday, she went to bed claiming a headache and according to Mel didn't surface until late on Sunday morning. Personally, I think she was smarting from Gus’s suggestion and his reference to her age. I’m still cracking up at that one!


She’s also been keeping her head down here too. Millicent has kept to her word and she’s been sitting in her class. So far, there have been no complaints! Virginia, sorry Ginny as she has insisted we call her, is helping Cassia during Justin’s absence as he’s prepping for Rathman. She has been enjoying herself immensely now she’s not at Lindsay’s beck and call.


“Hi guys!” Lindsay calls out as she comes in. Although most don’t want to, we acknowledge her cordially. “What a hectic day and…”


She’s interrupted in mid-suck-up by Justin coming in, much to everyone’s surprise.


“What are you doing here, Justin?” Bernhard asks.


“Waiting for Ginny. I stupidly forgot to take her number and this was quicker. How have you all been?”


We all nod and smile then fill him in on our respective weekends until Malia and Ginny come in.


“Justin! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Malia asks.


“Yes, everything is absolutely fine! I just needed to speak to Ginny for a minute.”


Ginny goes absolutely stock still. “Me? Why?”


“Can you come outside for second so we can talk privately?”


I notice that Lindsay has also gone very still, but has that smug smile on her face as Ginny follows him out.


Ten minutes later, she comes back in looking a little shocked. “Ginny, are you okay?” Cassia calls out, coming in behind her. “Did you and Justin have a falling out? I saw you having a rather intense conversation…”


“Did you say something to him?” Ginny turns to Cassia, red faced.


“Ah, I see. Well yes, I did.” Cassia replies.


“Did you show him…”


“Yes, I did and…” Cassia begins but her sentence is cut off by Ginny flinging her arms around her and sobbing. “Oh my dear sweet girl, stop that! At least confirm you said yes.”


She nods and we are all looking confused. “Said yes to what?” Malia demands.


“Can I tell them while you compose yourself?” Cassia asks and Ginny nods then leaves the room, with Malia swiftly following.


“Cassia…” I begin.


“Justin has asked her to do the dialogue for Rage.”


Bernhard almost drops his mug. “Are you kidding?! It’s seriously coming back?!” I grin and nod at the same time. I take a quick look at Lindsay, but she doesn't look as upset as I thought she would be for her bestie. “That’s excellent news; she’s such a fan! Wait...she said that you showed him something?” Bernhard exclaims.


“Yes, I’m a fan too and she showed me her version of the comic dialogue and I showed it to Justin and there we go.”


I look across at Lindsay and wonder what her game is now?!








I went to Delicious Foods and got a fine selection of stuff before I went home and found Michael, lounging across the sofa and watching TV. Taking a breath, I head to the kitchen and hope that the news about the dialogue goes better than the other thing I am going to request....not request but demand.


“Michael, how has your day been?” I ask, bringing in the food and some beers.


“Okay I guess. What about you?”


“I found out something today that I know is going to upset you as much as it upset me when I heard.”


“Is this about Hunter?” He drags his eyes from the TV. So to ensure his full attention, I turn it off.


“No, it isn’t. It’s about Rage. It seems that Justin has found someone to write the dialogue for it and Cassia helped him.”


“Are you fucking with me?! Who is it? I shall warn them about how Justin is!”


“You remember my assistant, Virginia?” He nods, sitting up. “Well it’s her and she was recommended by his acolyte, Cassia.”


“What on earth for? She’s just an assistant!”


“Precisely! But she’s also a great fan; they both are!” I sigh, derisively.


“What’s with the fancy snacks?” He asks, opening his beer.


“Just fancied something different. However, we need to discuss the lease on this place.”


“What about it?” He asks, starting to help himself to the food.


“I want my name on it.” I watch him carefully. It’s very slight but he does pause before nodding.


“No problem; I can do that tomorrow.” He smiles.


“No, we will do it tomorrow. The agent is still open so let’s set up an appointment now.”


“Sure, no problem.” He smiles again.


“And we should set up a joint account for household bills, etc.”


“Why are you wanting this all of a sudden?” He continues to eat, but there’s a flash of annoyance in his eyes.


“It’s not all of a sudden. When we first moved here, I didn’t have a job but now I do. I want it to be all above board so there’s no confusion.”


“Okay.” He replies around a mouthful of food that turns my stomach.


I see your game Michael...such a shame you clearly don’t see mine. There is no way that you will end up with Brian once I get rid of Justin and get rid of him I will! Nothing will get in my way!






Ginny, as everyone has taken to calling her, is writing something but she shuts the book when I approach.


“Ginny, I just wanted to…” I begin.


“It’s Virginia and I don’t care what you want to do. I want to do the dialogue for Rage so that’s what I’m going to do. Now excuse me, I have some panels to work on.”


She walks out leaving me fuming and frustrated. It doesn’t help that despite my best efforts at heavy hinting, Gus has not asked me to come with him to New York! Oh no, he wants momma and Ruthie to come! I have to go to the agents for the lease this afternoon, after my last class. But Thursday, will be the day that mommy persuades her Lambskin that she should come too. After all, mommy knows best.






I try the bell again. Fucking hell! They should be home by now! She didn't reply to my previous texts or emails about the weekend, asking where they would be staying. Well other than to say where do you think, the best friend of Brian, who has a B&B is going to put us up?


I step back from the door and look at the house. I look up, half-expecting to see her peeking through the curtains but no such luck! I am about to head home when Hunter gets out of a car and comes up the path.


“Mel’s not in yet.” I tell him. “We were supposed to be meeting and…”


“I know that. I’m stocking her freezer.” He replies, letting himself in. Since when does he have a key?!


“I see. I’ll just wait in the lounge then.”


He scoffs a laugh. “No, you won't. Mel wouldn't like that, and as she’s my friend I won't let you do that. And as she’s my lawyer, I am way too scared of her to let you do that. But more importantly, she’s in New York already so once again, you’ve been caught in a lie. And once again, you need to leave!”


I can't believe it! They have gone already! I allow myself to be shoved out the door and it is only when Hunter yells his goodbyes that I come out of my stupor...and realise that he went out the back way. I feel so humiliated and furious...absolutely incandescent with rage!


“Mel! Why didn't you tell me you were going to New York with Gus today?! What do you mean why should you?! You are with my son and daughter and...what do you mean only Gummy? Where's Gus? But Hunter said that...Fine! I will call Brian then...oh, why can't I?” I sneer into the phone and then gape at it as she calmly tells me that Gus and his daddies are on a plane now and won't land for another two hours!






“Careful it’s hot.” Brian tells me, putting the cup down. “How you doing? Feeling calmer?”


I nod and lean back against him. I was so fraught last night and didn't sleep well. So this morning, he just told me to get dressed and follow him. I'm so glad he brought me here.


“Want to sketch or just be?”


“Just be.” I sigh and nestle into his arms some more, letting his embrace soothe me. The hot chocolate with extra cream and sprinkles and a chocolate stirrer is working its magic too.


“Twat.” He whispers before taking a bite of my stirrer and smirking. I hate it when he does that!






Cassia is crying in the corner as there is another set of pictures taken. Brian is standing just to the side with Gus, Gummy and Mel. Gus is in his other big-boy suit and Gummy has been an absolute angel and kept her shoes on!


It’s now question time.


“Mr Taylor! Mr Taylor! What do you…”


“Excuse me, it’s Taylor-Kinney. Justin Taylor-Kinney.”


“Sorry Mr Taylor-Kinney. What do you think inspires you to…”


“Not a what but whom. My husband. Although I don’t paint him per se, but I do think of him all the time and he’s my opportunity of a lifetime. To have his love and support in any decision I make, even the stupid ones, is all that matters.”


“How long have you been with your husband?”


“Married for a couple of months but with him since I was 17.”


“Where is your husband, Mr Taylor-Kinney?”


“Right here.” Brian drawls and steps into view. “I’m Brian Taylor-Kinney and so fucking proud of him. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, with anyone else...ever.”


“Brian... are you the same Brian Kinney, who runs Kinnetic?” The journalist calls out.


“Yes and to save you digging about and asking unnecessary questions, I was known as two things before I met him, the Stud of Liberty Avenue and God’s Gift to Gay PA. Despite that he still stuck by me from the moment he met me. Everyone knows what happened to Justin as a teenager and what a disgrace that was but we are not here to discuss the past. We’re here to celebrate my husband’s future...and Rathman is currently it.”


“Daddy!” Gus suddenly calls out. “You said a naughty word!” The laughter ripples around the room. “No donuts for you tomorrow. Papa, make sure he doesn’t have any!”


“Okay Gus, I will. And that’s our cue to go home. Thank you for your questions, thank you to Rathman for giving me this opportunity but goodnight.”


There is a round of applause as we head outside to get in the car. While we settle down, we both look at each other because, once again, there’s no Ruth and we’re beginning to think she’s avoiding us.








I am pacing. Arno is just staring at me and letting me walk it out. “Can you at least sit down for a minute before you wear a hole in the carpet?”


I glare at him and then freeze as the door knocks. After three attempts, I finally yell come in. Brian and Justin look wary.


“Okay, here’s the thing. I can’t, I’m sorry but I can’t...” I blurt out.


“We understand.” Justin looks tearful but is smiling as is Brian. “The fact that you even considered it was…”


“Justin, please stop talking.” I order and he looks somewhat taken aback but Brian is grinning. “When I said I can’t I meant, I can’t wait six months for a decision. So I have made an appointment for Tuesday. All you guys need to do is pony up.”


Justin immediately sits down. “A-are you serious?”


“Yep. Let’s do this and have done. But the deal is that nobody but us knows and nobody asks until 3 months after insemination. Deal?”


“Yes but we want something too." Justin has regained his voice. “If it doesn't work with you but with someone else, you both agree to be our child’s godparents.”


“Deal.” Arno laughs from the sofa.


“Oh, there is one other thing...” I smirk.


“You’ve got to be fucking kidding?!” Brian flings himself into the seat next to Justin.


“Nope…” I laugh.


“What? What?” Justin looks around confused and then it hits him. “Two days! I can’t have sex for two days!”


“No you can’t and you can’t wank either!” Arno laughs.


I have never seen two men who look so horrified in my life!



End Notes:

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