The Stud, The Buds and The Duds by MissMerlot, brandi1111


This is a story about how a love of food and dog bring certain members of the Avenue to the loves of their lives.

Once again, love and thanks to our wonderful betas...Kathy, Bea and Nichelle xxx

Much love and kudos for the wonderful banner goes to Anja Witt xxx

I own copyright infrignement is intended whatsoever.



Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: 10k+ Word Count
Genres: Humor, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Ben, Brian/Justin, Brian/Lindsay, Emmett/Drew, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Completed: Yes Word count: 126635 Read: 173255 Published: Oct 23, 2017 Updated: Dec 24, 2017
Squirrelling, Cooking and Dumping by MissMerlot





I am stupefied by this reaction! It’s not as if I am having an audience with the Queen buck naked.

“How could you not tell me about this Norman?!” She demands again.

“Mom, why are you upset about this?” Gus sighs. “Why is…”

“I should be on the board too! I offered my emporium as an internship and…”

“But as of right now, you don’t have interns. Norm and everyone else does. With you being on the board without them, dad could be accused of...”

“Being unsupportive to his wife’s aspirations?!” She snaps and stalks out!

“She can’t be that pissed off. She didn’t slam the door!” Gus snickers and shakes his head. “But seriously, what on earth was that about?” I ask him.

“Oh for goodness sake! Is she still harping on about this?!” Effy is exasperated and she doesn’t do exasperated very often. “You know the GLC Board that she wanted to be let back on?”  We nod and sigh. “Well she has been…”

“Cockblocked and deleted.” Gus supplies cheekily.

“Yeah that.” She giggles. “And with Leda in Annalise’s ear and…”

“In her bed.” Gus snickers.

“Gus!” Effy shoves him playfully as she sits down.

“What? Is what I have said not the truth?” He laughs.

“Come on, seriously now. What are we going to do about your mom?” I demand.

“I think she’s already done something.” Effy declares and we both frown at her. “That is an YSL dress she’s wearing, last season’s and it retails at $500 brand new.”

“And…” I prompt.

“Wait, before you answer that... how do you know how much it costs?” Gus demands in amazement.

“Just because I don’t follow fashion, doesn’t mean I don’t know an investment piece when I see it. I’m just surprised she got it, that’s all. Seems a tad extravagant, especially after…”

“Edna-Fanny!” Lindsay shouts as she storms in “You will not question what I spend my money on! Who the hell do you think you are?!”

Effy stands up and takes a deep breath. “Your daughter in case you have forgotten and not something you have stepped in! And from now on my name is Effy! I will not respond to you, because it is just you, calling me Edna-Fanny, anymore! It sounds like a dowager’s vagina!”

We are all stunned into silence as without a backwards glance, Effy walks out and shuts the door quietly behind her.

“Norman!” Lindsay rails. “Aren’t you going to do anything?!”

“Yes. I’m going to take Effy to my first board meeting at YEP. Gus, do you want to come as well? Gus? Gus?!”

“A dowager’s vagina...did she really just say that?!”

“Yes, and to me of all people!” Lindsay snarls.

“It could’ve been worse, Mom.” Gus says as he stands up. “She could’ve said snatch. At least, she used the proper word. Let me get my jacket…” He walks out and before the door closes, I hear him start to chuckle.

“She needs to be the very least!” Lindsay demands.

“By whom?” I go to follow Gus. “She reciprocated your tone. If you want her grounded, then you enforce it. But know that I will give her extra pocket money, so either way she wins.”


“When did you get the dress?” I pause at the door and watch her try to stop from exploding further. “You know what... never mind. See you later.”


Ten minutes later, they are gone and I am impotent with rage and disappointment. I storm upstairs and feel my anger starting to dissipate as I look at my new wardrobe. I have been slowly replacing my clothes with the pre-owned ones. I couldn't believe it when one of the women came back with two more bags and about 10 shoe boxes. The shoes are just that tiny bit too small, but I shall get them stretched.

I can hear my phone ringing and it takes a few minutes for me to find it and by the time I do, it stops. “Oh for heaven sake!” I jab the screen to access my voicemail then listen incredulously before playing it again. “Looks like I don’t need your committee any more, Belinda…” I feel smug as I dial the number. “Hello, Melinda. It’s Lindsay, Lindsay Peterson returning your call. I’m fine thank you and yourself. Good, good...but I’m sorry to hear that the meeting with the GLC didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Want to talk about it…?”



I am so fucking proud of her! She is currently speaking to Charlie and he is loving working with Diana. I look round when I hear the door open and Norm comes in looking really annoyed.

“What’s up?” I ask him as he slumps in the seat.

“Family issue.” He sighs.

“What did she say and who did she say it to?” I grimace.

“It wasn’t so much what she said, it was the way she said it. To Effy. She was really, and I mean, really aggressive. Don’t get me wrong, Effy held her own against her but it was rather worrying.”

“Why worrying?” I tense up, I love Effy, and she’s a doll.

“The viciousness of her tone. She came in like Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf! It was such a surprise.”

I sit back and try to marshal my words without causing offence.

“Just, as Brian would say, spill it.”

“She’s highly strung and desperate…”

“For what?” He interrupts. “Sorry, but I just want her to treat Effy with kindness. She seems to resent that Effy wants to be her own person.”

“Norm, why did you marry her? I mean apart from that you had to.”

“I wanted to. At the time she was…”

“Wanted to? Didn’t you...I mean, do you love her?”

He pauses and sighs. “I think, no thought, that I did but as time has passed, I admit that sometimes I don’t like her. Why did you get Mel to leave her?”

“I didn’t. She ordered Mel to choose between me and her. Mel chose me and the United Nations, which is where she wanted to really work. Lindsay didn’t want her to go because it wasn’t a high enough position she was going for; not the quick and high climb up the social ladder, I mean.”

“So she’s always been like this?”

“About aspirations and appearances? Yes.”

“Oh Christ, you two look serious.” Annalise plonks down next to Norm. “What’s she done this time?”

“How did…” Norm begins.

“LFMOF…” She grins at his frown. “The Lindsay’s fucked me off face. Dusty said that it became so commonplace at the GLC, they had to acronym it as took too long to say!”

“Oh dear God!” He chuckles and then turns as the door opens and Gus and Effy come in chattering away. “Do not tell them about that!”



I just stand and stare at the place and reach for my phone. “Annalise, it’s incredible! How did you get this done so fast?!” I look around, and gone is every piece of evidence that this used to be a burger place. “Sorry, what did you say? I was just looking around. Yes, heading back there now…” I stride quickly to the back of the building and gape at what used to be the office and staff room, which has now been changed to showers. I feel a tightness in my chest and have to hang up so I can control my emotions.



“Odette!” I yell, looking around frantically.

“I’m here!” She calls out from the back and I rush to find her.

“Are you okay?!” I demand, checking her over.

“Yes. I am sorry to hang up so quickly, but this was just so overwhelming. Such kindness.”

“For the love of fuck! Couldn’t you have sent a text or something?!” I grouse with a smile.

“So what is this?” She points to two large containers.

“Towels and toiletries, of course. A local business supplied them. And we’re going to approach the GLC and other businesses to ask them to put notices up, asking their staff to raid their wardrobes and we have a town swap-meet.  All the money raised is going to be put towards getting the kids new clothes and...oh Odette, come here sweetheart, come here!”



I have another plan that is going to work. I am still fuming over Cyril deciding to retire without consulting us! I don’t care that we still have jobs; it is who is going to be our boss that is irritating.

“My Captain.” Heathan’s voice startles me.

“Jesus! Don’t creep up on me like that!”

“Sorry, my Captain. Am I the first?”

“Yes. As usual, you were the first to answer the call.”

“What are they doing now?” He looks across the street as two massive barrels are taken round the back after he signs for them with a smile.

“I don’t know, but the beginning of the end is coming. Now where the hell is the rest of the squad?”

“I can see Stanley.” Heathan points down the street and I slap his hand. “Ouch! My Captain, why?”

“Don’t draw attention to us!” I hiss.



Justin has finally forgiven me for my romantic gesture, but right now I am looking across the street at the idiots who are trying to look inconspicuous! Jesus, I have seen a cold sore stand out less!

“They still there?” Vic asks and I nod.

“What exactly is he doing? Trying to stare us into closing?” I laugh.

“Yes, that is the Captain Liberty Death Glare of Destruction!” Vic nods approvingly at the Napoleon that I had placed in front of him.

“He should stare at what he calls a dick. It’s not as if he’s going to be using it any time soon or in the future. At all. Ever.” Justin snorts.

“Yes, I have heard him shake hands way too much in my lifetime!” Vic shudders.

“Shake hands?” I frown.

“Michael only has his hand for company.” Vic explains slowly and when the penny drops, I throw away the rest of the Napoleon.



“Come men we must make haste!” I order as we carry bag upon bag of trash to the front of the building. “Did you make the call?” I turn to Heathan.

“Yes my Captain, but I do…” He pauses to take a breath. “Have a question. Why are we doing this?”

“He can’t open if they can’t see him and to make sure his humiliation is complete, let me make the special call.”




I can’t believe what these idiots are doing! I swat Brian’s hands away and drag the comforter off of the bed and go back to the sill. “I want to watch!”

“Hey, I’m the Stud of Liberty Avenue! I will not be passed over in favor of Captain Asshat, even if he did split his tights!”

“Oh come on. This is comedy gold!” I lean forward and even though he looks grumpy, he does slide in behind me and tucks the comforter around us. “I mean, why in the name of all that’s holy, would you wear white boxers under almost black and sheer tights?!” I feel the rumble of laughter vibrate against my back.

“If only he was straight...he and Molly might be perfect for each other.”

“You ever want into my ass again, you will take that back!” I order.

“Taking it back! Taking it back!” He gives me a squeeze and I laugh.

“So what are they doing now?” I yawn suddenly tired.

“Well, the press have gone. Clearly this is a non-story and…”

Two hours later, I wake up in his arms still on the sill. The warmth on my feet are Hero and Moonshine. “Brian. Brian wake up.” I nudge him gently and he slowly wakes up, rubbing his eyes. “Come on, let me make you a hot chocolate. Get in bed. Won’t be long.”

“Mmm. Boys, come!” He orders and shuffles to bed with the comforter wrapped around him.

“Cute.” I mutter to myself.

“I am not cute! I am devilishly handsome!” He yells at me and I giggle.



I am trying to chew as fast as I can. The longer I take, the more he seems to shrink. Finally, I can speak. “So tell me what this is again?”

“Savoury French toast…” He looks at the table.

“And you did what with it?”

“Seasoned eggs with sesame oil, salt and pepper. Soaked two slices of white bread in it, then fried it in the skillet until crisp on both sides. Fried the bacon and added avocado as I know you like it and some chilli oil.”

“And what do you think we should call it?”

“Call it?”  He looks confused.

“Yes, I want to be able to say I feel like a…”

“Y-you liked it? But you only ate half.” He stammers.

“Because it is deliciously rich, not because it was bad. I was saving the other half for you.”

“Oh.” He smiles, going slightly pink and then taking the half off of the plate. He takes a bite and then chews slowly. “Oh my fucking God, that is good!”

I watch with great pleasure as he inhales the sandwich then looks at me biting his lip.

“Yes, this is where you make another one!”


He leaps to the fridge and starts to take stuff out and it takes a few minutes for me to realise that he’s humming as he’s a start.

End Notes:

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