Thief of Food and Hearts by MissMerlot, soirsagrey, Midgardsnake

What happens when someone else starts playing mind games with Brian. How do Debs and the Novotny-Bruckners feel and who is the mysterious player? Messing with his food, fine...messing with his clothes...

Thanks ever to our wonderful betas, Kathy, Brandi and Bea

Disclaimer: we own nothing, not a damn thing, no copyright infringement is intended whatsoever.

Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Michael Novotny, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Anal Beads, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Ben, Anti-Debbie, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Friendship, Jealousy, Out of Character, Redeemed Behavior, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Spanking, Toppy Justin, Vulnerable Brian
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Emmett/Other, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 92 Completed: Yes Word count: 313181 Read: 410113 Published: Jan 01, 2018 Updated: Jun 18, 2019
You Overstepped...Now You are Out...And They're Off! by MissMerlot




“I am not sorry!” I growl hotly as I start on my shoes. “Table now!”

“Bossy boots.” He purrs and slowly starts to unbutton his shirt. “And neither am I, though you are not ripping that shirt off, it's Dior!” I give him the Gus really-Daddy look, and he snickers. “Well it is! Now come here and kiss me like you mean it.” I am in his arms in seconds. “Before you start my devilish dybbuk, a rusty spoon?”

“He overstepped, considerably.” I help him unbutton faster, and then look at the time. “Kiss you later!” I declare, and drop to my knees and dispense with his pants. “Mine!” I growl before slowly swallowing him down.

“Jeez!” He groans, and fists his fingers in my hair, I nudge him backwards and he rests against the table. I put my hands on either side of his hips and start to move. “Yours! Oh, do that tongue thing ag…yeah, that like that!” His cock is throbbing and leaping in my mouth; I will never tire of how it feels or tastes! “I am so close!” I speed up and his fingers flex and twist and his hips start to pump, I wince slightly as he pulls tightly before he floods my throat with his warm creamy seed. “Uh! Ah! Yeaaah!”

“Mmmm!” I moan around his cock and shudder while clutching his thighs.

“An...angry blowjobs, very nice!” He croaks before he starts to rub my skull. “I almost, as Daph says, snatched you bald. Can you stand yet?” I let his cock slide out then rest against his abdomen heaving in air. “That would be a no then?”

“Give me a minute.” I pant before lifting my head and sitting on my haunches, I beckon him down to my level, he coils around me and presses our foreheads together. “Would it be really bad of me to want you to…”

“Cyn is handling it right now.”

I bite inside of my lip guiltily. “Not fire, just warn him…”

“You already warned him, this is an official one.” He gives me a soft smile and brushes my lip. “You want to skip this?” I answer him by moving closer so I can rest under his chin for a second or two. “Let’s get cleaned up...again...”

“Guys!” Ted yells from outside the door. “Ten minutes!”

“Coming!” I shout back.

“I should hope so too!” He snorts.

“Is it me…” I reluctantly unwind myself from him and stand, then help him up and redress him. “...or is Ted getting braver?”

“No. He’s always been like this, but like the rest of the lost boys, the things that stopped us from being our true selves without being ripped into are no longer here.”

“True...” I yawn and then shake my head to clear it. “...I think separate showers are needed, will see you in there.” I smile at his quick look of pride. “I have already taken advantage of our relationship enough today.”

He says nothing but does laugh at my slightly wobbly walk to the door!




Nancy is looking smug. “So, she’s gone to her doctors in Pittsburgh.”

“Despite your constant lamenting, you are not a prisoner here. You can leave anytime you wish.”

“That’s not the impression we have been given!” She carps.

“Well that’s the way things are! Lindsay agreed to reside here until the baby is born, but she can come and go as she, and you, please.” Her face is a picture of pinched indignation. “Was that all you wanted to crow...I mean speak to me about?”

“These restraining orders, why do I have one?”

“Like mother like daughter. You know, covering all the bitchy bases.” I reply coolly. “So will she be going to see Lynette to piss on her happiness?”

“Happiness?” She scoffs. “He’s the help! Not what I want for her!”

“What do you want for Lynette? You didn’t like her very rich husband and you don’t like Frederick because he’s the help, what do you...good God, what the fuck has she done?!” I holler as realisation dawns and she jumps. “ want her to be alone! For what? To be at your...that’s it, isn’t it?!”

“So what if it is?” She tries to look superior.

“Have you just smelt your own stinking shit, Nancy? You reek! You want her to be alone and Lindsay to be settled and happy, don’t you? You want Lynette to be the one at your beck and call, looking after you into your dotage.”

“As is her duty!” She snipes.

Their duty, you have two daughters. I pity and envy you in a way.” She looks supercilious. “I am richer than you, so I don’t envy you for your very little monetary clout. No, I envy you because you have children, but pity you that you don’t and won’t love them equally.” She presses her lips together. “She is worth ten of her on any given day, but you only see the outside of Lynette and blithely ignore the inside of Lindsay. But then again, she’s your junior wraith isn’t she...only you are very much alive, even though your heart is dead.”

“Oh how very sanctimonious of you! Do not seek to lecture me on how to bring up my children!”

“If only you were doing that!” I stand up and point at the door. “Don’t let it hit you where the good lord split you!”

“As I don’t understand what that means, I think the correct response is up yours, Roberta!”

“Thus proving that your thickness is as bad as your rancidness!”

“Ooh piss off, you silly old bat!”

“Well since I am younger than you, that negates the old and my smart mouth is sharper than your dumb brain!” She slams out of the room so hard that the picture falls off the wall, I wait for a few seconds, staring at the phone console on my desk and wait for it to light up, then I press record and get back to what I was doing before she came in...


I look out the window as Nancy takes herself to God alone knows where. It is not here, and for that I am thankful. Pouring a glass of fortitude I press play...

“...oh thank goodness you picked up! I am on the cusp of murdering that cow in her sleep!

“So you are having a tough day too?” Lindsay sighs.

“You should hear the supercilious old trout, Lindsay! Telling me I should love you both equally, as…”

“I can see why you don’t. Just because she works, she thinks she’s the big shot of the family, completely missing the irony of nepotism in her case!”

“People like her never see their failings or inadequacies. What has she done to upset you, darling?”

I almost hang up the sweetness in her voice is making my teeth weep!

“She’s not in! I told her I was coming, well I did when I landed, and she’s not in!”

“She’s done it deliberately, of course, why not go to the office? Check out your future place of employment?!”

“Oh, Mother, I needed that, we always know how to make each other feel better don’t we? I think I will go, see how the other half actually lives.”

“What did the doctor say?”

“Progressing normally. Going to be a big baby though, not looking forward to pushing that out.”

“Have a caesarean instead, don’t push if you don’t have to. That’s another grievance I have against her, she was a big baby and took her time coming out!”

“Too much, Mother, much too much!” She laughs but then sighs. “So we didn’t get the reaction we wanted from me going then?”

“No, but we’re not prisoners here, we can come and go as we please!”

“That's not the impression Daddy and Auntie Bobajob gave!” She exclaims in annoyance. “In that case, Mother, pack, we’re moving back to Pittsburgh!”

“But the restraining orders…”

“Only apply to Brian. I haven’t received anything else yet, and until I do, I shall have as much fun as I can!”

“I think it is best that you come back here first. From what you’ve said, Mel can be sneaky and vicious. After all, the others were sent with her. She may be holding out on you.”

“True. She always did like someone else to do her bidding, but I refused to be her beck and call girl!” No, you were a fucking whore girl instead! “I will see you in the morning, Mother.”

I wait for a few minutes more before reaching for my phone and waiting for it to connect. “Arthur, it’s Roberta, how are you young man? Good, good. Listen, how far from processed are the other restraining orders? Why? Oh, just a little thing I overheard…”



‘I’m sorry, but we’re closing in minutes for a private function and…”


“Hi...uh, Mr Boyd, what are you doing here?”

“I’m the function.” He looks so adorable. “I was...uh told that I shouldn't wait for you to call as you tend to get lost in your craft.”

“My craft? I like that. So whom told you of this?”

“Our mutual friend, Brian.” He steps closer at my beckoning.

“So what has he planned for us to do? Or are we just winging it?” He pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me.

“I like the sound of those. They’re my favourite fruits, I can eat a whole kilo no problem.”

“Cherry and chocolate fudge sounds luscious. Will you require them to be boxed up afterwards so you can take them home for your sweetheart?”

“No, I would like to have them for dessert.” He goes back to the door and opens it and two men with a large picnic hamper each come in, put them down and walk out again. “I have brought dinner, would you like to join me?”

“Brought?” I repeat, and then just smile wryly and imagine the fun that Justin is going to have at lunch today! “So did he tell you what I like and dislike?”

“Yes. Oh, and you don’t need a miner’s helmet on full beam.” He pulls out a newspaper and spreads it out, I goggle at the headlines.

“You came out?!” I gasp sitting down in shock. “….but…”

“Second scariest thing I ever did!” He chuckles ruefully, and I pull myself together. He does not need gawking now!

“What was the first?” I ask, starting to undo the hampers.

“Calling you.”

“Oh.” I smile shyly at him. “Well, such bravery deserves a reward...first we wash our hands…”




I love Ems! He’s a sweetheart, but he is going to pay big! I am going to put on about 50 pounds at this rate! Charlie and Paul are standing guard outside the doors, and Ted is watching me like a hawk for any finger kicking opportunities I might be harbouring thoughts of! “Okay, we’re set, you can let them in now!” I call out to Charlie and he is almost run over by the gannet of the office...Mr Slim, of course, and he has brought his own plate!

“What is this?!” He breathes, his eyes growing huge as he takes in the feast in front of him.

“Pork, Orange, Pear and Fig Tasting.” I answer, and everyone just smiles as he slowly walks around the table looking at everything.

“Can you please say it passes muster so we can eat?” Brian grumbles with a smile.

“Muster.” He mutters and goes to pick up a piece of pork with his fingers.

“Pick wisely or use a fork.” I tell him firmly, he has a habit of putting back pieces that aren’t quite right for them!

“Sorry, Shell.” He smiles and grabs a fork. Ten minutes later, his plate is loaded and he is making his way to where Brian is waiting patiently, and the moment he sits down with him, other couples start to pair up.

“You owe me $20.” Brian tells him as he points at Percy and Gregory.

“Not necessarily. Just because they are sitting together doesn’t mean that...okay, he’s feeding him, pay you later?”

“Uh, excuse me, but why wasn’t I told about this?!” An outraged voice demands from the door and I inwardly sigh...ever since crack-bar-gate he’s been bitching about everything, saying that Justin is out to get him. “Is this a hazing thing, leave out the new guy?!”

“There is a strict anti-bullying policy at Kinnetic, and…” I bridle.

“And there is a non-fucking-fraternisation policy in place too...or doesn't that apply to King Kinney and anyone with a high ass and blonde hair?!” He spits. “I bet he gets away with fucking murder all the time because he gets to suck his dick!”

I watch Justin’s face and he looks a cross between fucked off, worried and hurt, but the gobby gasbag can’t see that, nor can he see the incandescent Cyn behind him!

“Before we dispense with your dubious and mediocre services…” Cyn growls, and he jumps. “...Justin does not abuse his position as Brian’s partner like that! What Justin does do, like anybody else would, is defend himself and his partner from any disgusting and pitiful overtures from talentless scribblers and small dicked twats like you! Charlie! Put that in my office and make sure it stays there!”

“Now hang on a…” He starts to protest but is hauled out before he can say any more.

“Shell, can you come and record this? Finch, can you witness?” We both nod and start to follow her out. “Oh, and can someone save us one of each, please?!”

Just as I am about to close the door, I catch sight of Justin. He’s stopped eating, and Brian is seething!

“Before I go, let me tell you something, Justin. Nobody thinks you abuse your position. If anything, you go to extreme lengths to avoid doing that. You were dead on your feet yesterday, but you still did the pitch. That’s not abuse, that’s professionalism! That berk has been in the business for 5 years, and he’s not got a quarter of your talent or a drop of your ethics. Reminds me of Grantham. Now eat! We won’t be long.”


“Listen to her, Justin.” I tell him firmly. “You don’t do that. He is just jealous that you get to be with Brian. And I have to admit that I am a bit too.” There is stunned silence. “You get to be with a man who puts his heart and soul into everything, especially loving you…”

“Schmidt!” Brian squawks but I ignore him and the death glare.

“...and making sure that you and everyone he cares about is happy. I mean, look at Emmett. He’s set him up with Drew Boyd...”

“You did?” Justin looks astonished.

“I didn't set up, I merely passed on pertinent information to interested parties, now, let’s eat!”

“Wonder how it is going?” Justin muses.

“He’d better keep it PG, or I shall have his ass and not in a good way!” Brian mutters as he stalks to the table.

“Like I said, just wants people to be as happy as you have made him.”



“So how are you and Brian connected?” He asks, checking the fudge for evenness before nodding his approval and putting them aside to cool.

“He represents Brown Athletics and I do their advertising...well, I did.” I sigh. “...I think I am going to be dropped after this.”

“Are you poor?”

“What?” I frown.

“Are you destitute? Sick? About to be made homeless? Anything that is detrimental to your well being that is not monetary?”

“No, none of…”

“Then you are worried about money and your image?” He bridles and glares at me.

“Of course I am! Do you know what it is going to be like to have to go on the field on Saturday?” I am surprised at how defensive I am!

“No different than what a school kid will have to endure every day when he or she is being bullied, except you have the money to walk away from that and live your life. Some kiddies have to fight just to stay alive and not harm themselves or others. And it's because of homophobia...which by the way is not a phobia or an illness, it is them being assholes! I read that somewhere, not sure who…”

“Morgan Freeman.” I supply and then look at him carefully. “What happened?”

“Usual thing, my big town flame was brighter than my small town could handle, brickbats followed, so I was out as fast as flaming possible. I believe they threw a party!” He stands in front of me and fixes my collar. “As my Aunt Lula says, the only person you have to live your life for is you, so make it a happy one. And try to make it happier for those who can’t make that happen for themselves.”

“Would you come to the game on Saturday?”

“I would love to. Though I know absolutely nothing about football, but I give good cheer...loud and proud!”

“Great. You will be in the players’ box if that’s alright? Unless you want to be in the thick of it, in the crowd?” He folds his arms and tilts his head. “Players’ box it is!”

“Thank you, the crowd, what kind of roughneck do you think I am?!”

“A Ralph Lauren wearing one!” I return and bask in the smile he gives me.

“Two seasons back.” He rolls his eyes and I frown. “The only reason I keep it is because of this place!” My frown deepens. “Mr Kinney details my wardrobe every season, I was going to throw it out but he insisted I keep it!”

“Why?” I chuckle.

“Apart from it looks good on me?! And...he wants his friends to be their best and look their best...oh I should’ve picked sense from nonsense when he said I should Lauren up today!”


“When I opened this place, I was wearing this shirt. He says it’s my lucky one.”

“Let’s hope your luck holds.”

“Yes, let’s.” He replies, and bumps my hip.





“So how are you feeling?” I ask him as he stares at his hands.

“Okay. I think I needed to just let it out, and…” He stops as the door knocks and I tell them to come in, he frowns at the person. “...who is this?”

“She’s the court stenographer, Cleo Thorpe.”

“I am here to record the sessions.” She explains.

“Isn’t that against my constitutional rights?” He demands heatedly.

“No, it is legal and normal practice, especially in trials that involve medical conditions.”

“What medical conditions?!” He stands up and snatches up his coat, much to my surprise. “I wasn't told about this, and I’m not comfortable with it! I want to reschedule!”

“Mr Novot...I mean Grassi, can you please sit down? The trial is less than two weeks away, and I will be very busy in the run up to it, with your case amongst others, and…”

“I am your priority! Get your PA to reschedule this for us and us alone!” He snarls, and storms out.

“What the hell?” Cleo turns back to me looking stunned. “Is that a symptom?”

“Of Munchausen?” She nods. “Not sure, but that is definitely a symptom of staggering and misplaced arrogance!”

“Amen to that!”




“So that is our decision. We are moving back to Pittsburgh.” I tell Auntie Roberta, Daddy and Lynette, the latter two are on the phone, but all of them are quiet. “So, when we arrive I want to arrange with you to see Gus and Jenny, and then…”

“Where are you going to live?”

“At the house, of course.” Mother replies to Lynette's stupid question.

“No, you will not be residing at my house. Find a hotel, or maybe, Daddy, you could lift the renting embargo to allow them to find something? There must be a hovel where they can set up their cauldrons?”

“Cauldrons?” I hiss. “You seem to have forgotten about the little matter of your so-called child, Lynette!”

“I haven’t forgotten my child. You agreed with Dad to have the baby in Texas, and you will stick to that.”

“Who do you think you are talking to?!” Mother demands. “You will not treat Lindsay like some baby producing vessel!”

“Why not? You two have treated me as less than human or a woman, and all because I refused to be one of the nest.”

“Moving on from your pity party!” I bitch, earning a smile from Mother. “That is the family home, and…”

“You are not family. I doubt we ever were. We’re estranged, and I hope to keep it that way. You will need to speak to my attorney with regards to visiting Gus and Jenny.”

I look at Mother, and she looks as blindsided as I do. “Lynette, the baby?” I repeat.

“Will be removed from your custody upon birth.” She clips out. “Dad, can you wrap this up? I have to get ready for...”

“More fucking with many fingered Freddie? Didn’t you fuck him enough when you were out yesterday?” Mother bites out, and we relish the look of disgust from Aunt Roberta. “You know, when you were supposed to be meeting with Lindsay?”

“Perhaps, Dad, you should suggest to your wife that she call upon the services of Lindsay’s fuck buddy in Canada. There must be an orgy somewhere that is into old, bitter, bristly and bitter meat?”

“Where the hell did you get those claws from?!” Auntie Roberta guffaws.

“It was something that Mel said. We went out last night for cocktails, and she was giving me some tips. Apparently, a mild conditioner keeps the hair, if it’s there, soft. I know that the last orgy she went to was in the 1970s when hair there and everywhere was de rigueur, but times have changed. Something to bear in mind, Miss Stewart.”

“Miss…” Mother and I exchange scandalised looks.

“Can you read this, Dad, and let them know the contents? I have to go.”

“Of course. You go, darling. I will sort this out.”

“Ronald!” Mother pulls herself out of her shock. “How could you let…” She pauses as he whistles then goes silent for a while. “Ronald, are you still there?!”

“Yes I am, so when are you coming back?”


“It’s just to give me a timeframe, you see, so I can point you in the right area. As you can't be around here, I have assumed you will want to live together?”

“What are you fucking about?!” I have lost patience.

“Temper-temper, and moderate your language.” Daddy rebukes me. “As for what, the restraining order covers a ten mile radius, which means you two can’t be near her…”

“Near who, for God sake?!”

“Lynette, of course. Now, when are you coming?”




I slide my hand under the sheet and stroke his morning wood. He stirs, but doesn’t open his eyes. “Justin.” I coo in his shell like ear, he pushes my face away. “Wakey-wakey…”


“Yes. Come and join the rest of you, we’re going to Italy…”

“Monday is my Faintday…” He mumbles as he turns on his back and spreads his legs.

“...yes, but today we leave…” Angry blue eyes fly open and fix on my face. “...I see you are unhappy.” I brush the hair off his face.

“Yes, you said you wouldn’t interfere!” He grumbles.

“And I haven’t. I have just booked an early dinner and a hotel to start our holiday off in style.”

“Where?” His eyes soften and start to flutter shut as I continue to stoke his fire.

“A little art deco place I know, which I think you will enjoy.” He starts to groan. “Almost as much as you are enjoying this, but I must stop, as you have to get up and get ready. I know how much you hate to be late.” As I start to move my hand away he grabs it. “The reservation is at seven. Come on, we must leave now…”

“It’s put it back…” He grumbles as I wrest my hand out of his grasp, then he hisses as I wrench the sheet off him.

“I am not getting out of bed!” He mutters crossly curling up like an angry dormouse. “You can eat on your own for waking me up so fucking early! And stopping!”

“Fine. I will see you in Italy…” I get up and saunter to the en suite. “...although I was so looking forward to making you faint in Paris from the experience of art, the food, a small bit of shopping, the hotel and the new position.”

“Paris?!” His head pops up and he looks over his shoulder at me. “As in Europe?”

“Uh-huh.” I watch him slowly uncurl then sit up. “Still want to stay there?”

“When did you organise this?” He looks at me in wonderment as he gets up grinning with excitement.

“I didn’t; the trip is from your parents, I am just there for the entertainment…”

“You say it like it’s a hardship.” He teases.

“Oh, it is always hard with you.” He wraps his arms around me, then starts to grind his hips. “I hate to stop you...but we really do need to get to the airport, the flight is at 1200.”

“Okay! Right, separate showers, call folks from the airport, then you, Bear, are going to induct me to the Mile High Club!”

“Yes Tigger!”


Cherry and chocolate fudge:

End Notes:

Please be kind and constructive, if reviewing. Thanks

This story archived at