Forever in Darkness by confused_bliss



Summary: Brian is a cursed three hundred year old vampire. As the owner of Babylon, he uses that as his stage for seduction and feeding. No man can resist him. Justin Taylor is about to enter his world and slowly change his reality. How will primal Brian respond?



Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Anti-Melanie, Jealousy, M/M, Out of Character, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Magical/Supernatural
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26 Completed: Yes Word count: 77953 Read: 40507 Published: Jul 24, 2021 Updated: Jul 27, 2021
Chapter 11 by confused_bliss


Justin watched with wide-eyed fascination Brian's slow but prowling gait, unable to pull free of his primal gaze. The closer he came, the more Brian's eyes seemed to glow. Shaking his head as if in an inebriated stupor, Justin's eyes dashed around the room, thinking some distance was needed, if only to slow this down... to place his pull toward this all too mesmerizing man into perspective. He proceeded to back away, shaking his head in denial knowing he needed to focus on all the reasons why he shouldn't let this happen... and not the reasons he should. As he watched the beautiful man closing in on him, Justin realized the should's were far outweighing the should not's.


He stammered out a nervous and desperate response, knowing Brian backing down was his only hope of remaining untouched, if that was truly what he really wanted. "B-Brian, umm I think we need to take a step back... slow down a bit," Justin whispered, still unable to pull his eyes free of the glowing ones of the man that seemed to be virtually hypnotizing him.


With a low, lusty growl vibrating deeply within his throat, Brian rasped out, "We've been dancing this little dance far too long, my boy. It's time to stop fighting me, Justin."


"There's something about you, Brian. Some intangible thing I can't name... you are so different. Why can't I resist you? What is it about you that makes me feel I should be hurling myself into your arms, although common sense dictates me to run far away?" Justin babbled on, continuing to back away from him, to find his progress halted by the post at the foot of Brian's massive bed.


Brian reached him immediately, hooking Justin's arms behind the post with one of his own as he pressed their bodies flushed together, his erection impatiently nudging against the body of his much-desired prey. His eyes devouring Justin's mouth, practically salivating over it as a starving man would over the juiciest of steaks, he elicited a husky purr, "This is beyond either of us, Justin. I think we both must accept that this is simply meant to be. Running into my arms is exactly what you should do... and as for running away from me - go ahead and try, sweet boy. There is nowhere you can hide that I will not find you."


Justin visibly shuddered under Brian's intensely intimate gaze, seeing the lust growing in the hazel depths that possessed Justin as sure as any touch. When Brian lifted a hand to stroke the pad of his thumb along Justin's lips, looking at them with voracious need, Justin moaned as his head unconsciously turned in toward the touch. He knew if he didn't gain control of this exchange quickly he was well and truly fucked. Although, in all honesty, Justin knew that was most likely the position he most likely yearned to be enjoying. But still... he was Justin Taylor... he wouldn't go down without a fight, no matter how false it may be. Of course, he wondered just what effect any form of resistance would have on this not-so-sleeping tiger.


He decided he would see if this particular tiger would bare his claws. Justin didn't know where the sudden display of bravado was coming from... all he could determine was maybe it was just an act of desperation in a foolish bid for control over this blatantly predatory man. One that he clearly understood his chances of victory were slim to none. "Umm you know, if you didn't push so hard... just maybe the things you desire would fall into your hands much easier..." Justin whispered, with a pouty curl to his lips, instantly realizing he was on dangerous ground as he met Brian's ferocious and oh-so-determined gaze.


"It appears to me, little boy," Brian snarled as he thrust his hips meaningfully against Justin's, "I have in my grasp exactly what I desire. Now, all that remains is for me to possess it... a lacking I intend to rectify very soon."


Justin's eyes narrowed on Brian thoughtfully, unsure if his thoughts were right or wrong, yet brazenly continuing on, "Now, Brian... we both know you won't force something I'm not ready for. Just think of how much worthwhile it will be in achieving it... if you have to work for it."


"Enough talk, Justin. You have delayed me far longer than I wished to be. It ends now. And you are quite correct... I would never force you - coerce maybe - however, I don't see that as necessary. Do you know why, sweet boy?" Brian growled, as his hand freed Justin's arms, to trail down his side to clasp on the most perfect ass it had ever been his pleasure to touch. One he intended to do far more than touch... very soon.


With a guttural moan as Brian's fingers delved under the waistband of his jeans, sliding easily under his boxers to begin slipping his fingers into the cleft of Justin's ass, he squirmed only causing Brian's fingers to move deeper, his eyes fastening helplessly on the fierce eyes that continued to mesmerize him. His hands sliding up Brian's chest, Justin shakily asked, "I, ahh, don't remember the question. Can you repeat it?"


With a husky laugh, Brian answered, "It doesn't matter, Justin. Your body language tells us both the answer. You want me... almost as much as I want to be buried in your tight little ass. It's time to stop playing games and take care of the matter at hand... namely fucking you into total oblivion."


Justin slid his hands underneath Brian's shirt, toying with the edges of his wife-beater, before he foolishly teased the beautiful predator further, "You know, they say those that talk so much about it are really trying to compensate..."


Brian let out a harsh growl, as he slid both hands underneath Justin's pants to jerk him tightly against him, both hands probing the sweet territory he would soon claim. His eyes glowing savagely, he hissed in response, "You should never tease me, dear boy... most especially when you are in such a vulnerable position. I will add some more information for your consideration... you will be sleeping in my bed all day tomorrow... for when I'm finished with you, walking out of here will be a physical impossibility for you."


Swallowing deeply, knowing he had awakened the savage beast, finding himself more excited than fearful, he slid his hands upwards until his fingers began to tweak at Brian's cold, yet hardened nipples. Wetting his lips deliberately... tempting this sexy beast to lose control, not realizing what that could mean regarding Brian Kinney, he provocatively whispered, "Big talk, Mr. Kinney. Let's see how that works out for you."


Brian's hands clenched almost painfully on Justin before he released him as quickly as he captured him, his chest rising and falling, hands shaking as they ran through his hair in a determined bid to regain his control. He had been moments from extracting his fangs, if only to show his blond beauty just how much he had to fear... just how vulnerable he truly was, here and now. Brian closed his eyes, forcing his body to settle, knowing the revelation of who he truly was would most likely be too much for Justin. Scaring him away was the very last thing he wanted to do... not with him.


Justin paled as he watched Brian's apparent withdrawal from him, uncertain of how to approach him. Biting his lip in apprehension, Justin spoke, "Brian? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you. I was only teasing..."


"I know that, Justin. Normally, I can handle it... but you, my boy, are so very different. I just want you too damned much..." Brian whispered almost raggedly, his eyes moving over Justin in hungry need, as he continued to keep his distance.


With that, Justin's decision was irrevocably made. He wanted this man. He didn't care how little he really knew him; all that truly mattered was how much they wanted each other. Brian's entire demeanor spoke of a man in physical pain... and Justin knew he could relieve his pain. Without a doubt, there was nothing Justin wanted to do more. With a bright smile that lit up his entire face, Justin outstretched his hand, softly spoken words passing from his lips, "Take me to bed, Brian. I want my first time to be with you."


"The things you do to me, my sweet boy. Do something for me, please," Brian said, forcing his breathing to regulate.


Looking at him inquiringly, Justin asked, "What's that?"


"Undress for me. I fear your clothes would be torn asunder if I attempt it... and I'm trying not to go at you like a wild animal on our first outing," Brian answered, unsure of how he would measure his extremely shaky control during his possession of him. He had never wanted... no - needed anything or anyone as he did this delectable blond. His mouth was almost watering at the prospect of finally claiming this boy. He didn't want to rush. He wanted to savor each and every moment... most particularly he wanted to savor him.


With a sultry smile, Justin slowly pulled his shirt over his head, watching as Brian's eyes darkened at the first sight of his bare chest, his eyes lingering on the nipple ring piercing one delicate orb. Next, he toed off his sneakers, before unsnapping his pants and lowering the zipper in an ultra-slow motion as if he had all the time in the world. Never taking his eyes away from Brian's hungry gaze, Justin backed the rest of the distance to Brian's bed, sitting down to remove his socks, before standing to hook his fingers into the side of his tight boxers... sliding them even slower down his legs than he had removed the rest of his clothing.


Justin watched as Brian's blazing eyes swept down the entire length of him, his head shaking in disbelief at the total sight of what he felt he had hungered to devour for so long. Brian commanded in a guttural tone, "Turn around."


Slowly, Justin pivoted to show Brian his bare ass, the same one that had been dominating his every waking thought from the first moment they had met. Thinking to himself, utter perfection... soon to be all MINE.


"See something you like, Mr. Kinney?" Justin purred, looking over his shoulder to see Brian licking his lips as if he intended to eat him up.


"You are the single most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on in my entire lifetime," Brian growled, advancing forward. "I'm going to worship that body until you are begging to feel me inside you... fucking you... owning that perfect ass like it was mine."


Clearing his throat nervously at the obviously predatory approach, Justin asked, "And do you want my ass to belong to you?"


Swiveling Justin around to face him, Brian dropped to his knees before him, his intent more than clear as was his determination to fully claim what he knew to be his. Curling his lips under, lifting his eyes momentarily from Justin's large, pulsing cock, Brian answered, "Your ass does belong to me. After tonight you won't even attempt to refute my claim."


Before Justin could gasp out any form of protest at Brian's abnormally possessive behavior, he felt his cock being engulfed in full by Brian's hungry mouth. Justin moaned at the first contact of Brian's lips, his hands immediately moving to sink into Brian's hair, sifting them in and out as Brian sucked him deeply into the back of his throat. His tongue seemingly competing with the suckling strokes, insatiable and starving for his blond perfection. Brian smiled as Justin's legs quivered, knowing his boy wouldn't last for long, although intending to ride it out for as long as he could. This is where his inexperience did him a disservice, Brian thought. The boy's first blowjob was given by not only the Brian Kinney... but a vampire as well - the poor boy was lucky to last a minute.


As soon as Brian had his first taste of Justin's precum all thoughts of slowing down left him. He almost howled in complete euphoria at the exquisite taste now slithering around in his mouth. He delayed swallowing it, not wanting to lose the special taste... however, satisfied in the knowledge soon he would partake of the entire meal. Brian wasn't sure why he was surprised by how different Justin tasted... he should have determined that at the moment he had enjoyed the small taste of his blood. It had been pure nectar, with this being even more so. Brian's eyes lifted to look up at a trembling Justin, eyes closed, head thrown back in total bliss under his determined ministrations, his own cock hardening even more as he watched Justin's rapt expression.


Brian decided to push him further into ecstasy. How he had wanted this to be slow... but he couldn't stand it. He needed his full meal... and he needed it now. Justin yelped as Brian reached down to grasp his cock, working it into his mouth as he sucked him... just needing his hands on the delectable organ. He backed off for a moment, knowing Justin needed to lay down, before he totally collapsed in mindless splendor. With a growl of primal intensity, Brian ordered, "Lay down, Justin."


Scrambling to do as Brian commanded, Justin looked up at the towering and now stripped Brian Kinney with a dazed expression. How had he undressed so quickly? Then realizing it didn't matter how... All that mattered was he was with this beautiful specimen of a man. Justin's eyes widened on the massive length and total size of the cock that would soon possess him. Never had he thought anyone could be so perfect, proportioned so flawlessly. Of one thing Justin was certain... This man was incomparable, and he was elated in the knowledge that this incredible man wanted him.


Brian crawled on all fours until he was directly on top of Justin. He feathered his fingers through Justin's hair, looking deeply into his eyes before mashing his mouth to the blond's. Mentally reminding himself to keep his fangs in check, knowing now was not the time to satisfy that particular hunger; however, determining that the time would come where he could safely feed upon this most delicious prize. But for now... all that mattered was completely possessing this exquisite creature; one that Brian accepted to have been created solely for him. His tongue made stabbing forays into Justin's mouth, learning each and every crevice, the deeper they kissed the more he wanted. When Justin moaned underneath him and began to respond in kind, with his own tongue thrusting and engaging, Brian was nearly undone.


That thought alone would normally be enough to startle Brian... but not now, not with Justin. He didn't care how limited his control was with this boy, nor did he care any longer how much he wanted him. Bottom line, he needed this blond vision entirely too much to fight the entanglements he felt tightening about him... and he was beginning to not only accept, but embrace the fact that this was simply meant to be. They were destined to be together... and nothing or no one would challenge that. For as long as this fever lasted within him for this luscious boy, he would not let anything come between them. And Brian had a feeling this could last for a very long time.


Reluctantly, Brian released Justin's mouth, deciding he could devour his mouth later... but for now wanting to return to the delicious feast he had been enjoying only moments ago. His tongue trailed down Justin's heaving chest, eyes blazing fiercely as he looked up at him, as he sexily growled, "My mouth is going to learn every inch of your body tonight. There will not be anything on you that will not be marked by me... or owned by me."


"Fuck. Just do it, Brian. Take me... I can't stand much more of this..." Justin begged, not fully understanding yet what he needed... only knowing he needed Brian.


"Soon, my sweet boy... but first I need to savor my appetizer," he hissed as his mouth once again swallowed Justin's throbbing cock, one hand moving to fondle his balls as the other slid underneath to play with Justin's opening. Smiling as Justin was unable to remain still against his mouth, Brian commanded, "That's it, Justin. Fuck my throat... that is exactly what I want. Give it to me - NOW!"


Without further delay, Justin's hips began pumping against Brian's mouth, his head thrashing on the bed in a bittersweet ecstasy, knowing he was so close to falling off the precipice, yet not wanting the ride to end. His hands clenching into the silky bedding, he gasped, "B- Brian, I can't last much longer. Feels so fucking good."


"Don't fight it any longer, Justin. Let it go. I want your fluids flooding my throat until I can't taste anything other than you..." Brian snarled, sliding both hands under him now to sink into the flesh of Justin's ass, yanking him closer, breathing in his incredible scent. Feeling Justin's muscles tightening, knowing he was just about there, Brian finished him off when he stabbed his tongue repeatedly into the weeping slit, his eyes lifting to meet Justin's as the blond shot his release down his throat.


Brian lapped up every last drop, before letting his cock fall free, sinuously sliding up Justin's body, kissing and nibbling along the way. Reaching his mouth, Brian whispered, "Kiss me, now... taste how fucking delicious you are..."


Justin moaned as he leaned forward to engage Brian's mouth in another deep, soul-defining kiss, tasting the essence of him upon Brian's tongue, intuitively knowing after Brian he would never want another man as he did him. Hands moving down Brian's back, until they clasped around his hips, he squeezed and clung to him, realizing he didn't ever want this night to end.


Pulling back, Brian gazed with rising hunger at Justin, before he said, "Rest for a moment... but we are far from finished here tonight. So many pleasures I intend to share with you... that was but one of them."


"If the rest are anything close to that, I'm not sure I will survive it," Justin said with a flushed face, the smile on his face beaming.


"Oh survive it you will, my sweet boy. I intend for you to be around for a very long time. This is only the beginning..." he drawled with purpose, as he once again claimed the blond's enticing lips in a devouring kiss of penetration, never doubting for one moment that this was just their beginning.




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