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Well if Jennifer thinks that I am afraid of her, she can think again. And as for that thug Franc, well she’s ranks alongside Cynthia as being a hard faced cow! How dare she threaten me like that?!


I get out of the cab and look around. It's good to be back. I march up to door but before I can knock, it is opened and I am doused with water.


“What the hell?!” I yell as water drips down my face and when I clear my vision, I find myself looking at that bitch Franc! “Help!  Someone call the police!” I scream and fall to the floor cowering, putting my hand up to ward off another attack.


“Oh for the love of Liza, Lindsay get up!”  Ems cold tone startles me. “What on earth are you doing here?!”


I sit up and look around. “You saw Emmett; she attacked me!”


“No she didn’t!”  Emmett scoffs. “She’s been throwing water out all morning. We’re redecorating the place for Mel, Gus and Bumpy…”


“Bumpy? How infantile! Who gave it that name?”  I snap and snatch the towel from the hands of the neighbour.


“Gus did. And we like it!” Emmett snarls.  “Taxi!”  He yells and pulls me to my feet and before I know it I’m in the cab. “You need to tell him where you want to go. Though don’t say hell, it’s not fair for you to take anyone else with you!”


“Where to lady?”  He demands.


I give my parents address so I can go and get changed.  I shall be going to the police first to press charges against her.  But when I get to my parents, I’m surprised to find a removal van outside.


“What it going on?”  I demand.


“Lindsay? What are you doing here?”  Lynette comes out of the house.  “I thought you were in Italy?  And why are you wet?”


“Never mind that.  What is happening?”


“What do you mean what is happening?  Mother and Daddy have sold the house, they’ve moved to France.”


“When was this decided?!”


“Six months ago. They were surprised that you hadn’t come to visit them. Looks like I forgot to tell you about that...”


“Forgot?! How the hell do you forget something like that?!” I snarl dragging her back into the house.


“The same way you forgot you had a child and walked away.”  Her tone is glacial.  “How could you?  You made a great play of how you are a mother, an opportunity that was never afforded to me, much to your delight.  And you never let me forget that you are, what was the phraseology you used?  Oh yes that you’re…more fertile than Napa Valley.


My head is spinning. “So you didn’t tell me because you’re jealous because I’m a mother?!”


“No, this is because you’re a bitch.  Now I have put your stuff back in your cases and you need to be gone. The realtor will be here soon.”


“Excuse me lady, there’s someone out here asking for you.”  A removal guy calls out.


I slump against the wall in shock.  “Lynette, we’re sisters and…”


“You never treated me that way.”


“Mrs Williams, is there a problem? I thought the house would be cleared by now.”


“We’re just clearing out the remains.  Lindsay, this is the realtor Jennifer Taylor. Jennifer, this is my sister Lindsay. She’s just collecting her things and once she’s gone, can you secure the property?”


“Of course, it will be my pleasure.  You go on about your day.”


“Thank you. Lindsay I do wish you a very nice flight back to Italy.”


“Lynette…”  I begin but she ignores me and leaves me alone with Jennifer.


“Like I said Lindsay, all was not what it seemed.  Now get out of my client’s house in the next five minutes or I will have you arrested for trespass!”




She looks sucker punched and I’m glad.  I tap my watch and that spurs her into action.  She grabs her cases and storms out. She manages to hail a cab and I pull out my phone.


“Hi Brian, it’s Jennifer. I’m fine thank you. I think there’s a drowned rat heading your way.  Oh no, you need to see this!”


I double check the rest of the house and then close it up.






“Can I help you?” I’m almost drawing blood standing on my own foot to stop myself from laughing.


“I’m Lindsay. I need to speak to Brian.”


“Lindsay?”  I query and look through the list of his appointments.  “I don’t have a Lindsay on his schedule for today.  And he doesn’t take cold callers, I suggest…”


“You’re clearly new here. I’m the mother of his child, therefore, I don’t need to be on his schedule.


“Of course you are.”  I return her imperious tone. “I’ve met the mother of his child and you are not her.”


Her jaw drops to the floor before she glares at me. “Get Brian out here immediately! He will…”


“I can’t get him.  He’s not in the office and not expected back until…”


“Now.  Is there a problem Eliza?”


Lindsay whirls round to face Brian and immediately bursts into tears. “Oh Brian!  You would not believe what has happened to me today!”


“You went to Mel’s house even though you were told not to and got drenched. Then you went back to your parents’ house and found out they have sold it and now you’re here playing the woe-is-me victim act. Does that about cover it?”


She immediately stops crying.


“Daddy. I got my flower. Can I give it to Cyn now?”


“Sure Sonny Boy.”


There aren’t many heart melting moments with Brian Kinney but when he’s with Gus, he’s like a marshmallow… not that I would ever say that out loud. I love my job! It’s because of him that we have a flower stand outside of Kinnetic just so Gus can buy a flower for Cynthia. He starts to trot to her office.


“Gus! Lambskin!” Lindsay calls out and he stops before turning round.




“Do you remember me?”  She asks.




“Aren’t you pleased to see me?  I…”


“You look funny and not very pretty.” Gus shifts Leather Bear in his arm so as not to crush the flower for Cyn. “And no I’m not.  Daddy, can I go now?”


“Wait a second. Cyn!” He yells and she's in reception in seconds and immediately bursts out laughing.  “Flower delivery!”


“Ahem. Why thank you G-Man.  Want to go to my office and draw?”


“Yes Cyn.”  He takes her hand and she leads him back to her office.




“Eliza, isn’t it time for your break?”


“Yes of course.”


I wait till she’s limped away and then turn to Lindsay. “Is that clear enough for you?  There is nothing and nobody here for you.”


I watch her do her usual thing of hiding her true feelings. She wants to stamp, scream and demand but this is too public.


“Hey!” I turn around to Justin’s voice. “Meet you in the office?”


“Please.” I watch him sashay to the office before turning back to Lindsay. “As you can see I have a business to run so buh-bye.  Rowan!  Please escort her off the premises.”


“Yes sir, Mr Kinney.”


As he approaches her, she grabs her suitcases.  “The least you can do is call me a cab.”  She snaps.


“You’re a cab.”  I retort and stalk to my office.  


She is instantly forgotten when I see a very naked Justin lying on the sofa.



Chapter End Notes:

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