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I managed to get a nurse to assist and together, we manage to get the cast off of Michael’s arm. Although there is a slight bit of chafing and a bruise, I can’t see anything wrong.


“Have you been doing the exercises, Michael?”


“Sometimes, but…”


“Michael you need to do the exercises every day to avoid muscle wastage.”


“I know but there are times when I’m tired and…”


“This tiredness has it been recent or were you like that it before your accident?”


“Since the accident.” He sighs. “I’m sorry David that I ruined the evening but…”


“I think we need a run full bloodwork to see if there is something happening there.” He goes pale. “But don’t worry, I will look after you.”


“Thanks, it’s nice to hear that.” He sighs and then winces when I jar his arm a bit.


“Sorry.” I smile apologetically. I recast his arm using a lighter cast. “This cast should make the exercises easier as it’s not so heavy.”


“Yeah that will help.” He rubs his eyes.


“Come on, let’s get you home.” I help him up and feel mollified when he leans against me as we walk back to my car.








I help him into bed and am surprised when he grabs hold of my arm. “Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?”


“Yes of course. Do you want a hot drink, like tea?” He nods and I head to the kitchen. “What tea do you have?” I ask, pausing at the door.


“I’ve only got one type, the normal one. In the cupboard above the kettle.”


“I’ll be right back...don’t go to sleep. You need to drink it.” He scratches his head and ten minutes later, I come back and he’s reading. “Here you go, sit up and drink this. What are you reading?”


“Captain Astro. It’s the last edition of him…”


“How many times have you read it?” I ask.


“A lot, he’s always been my hero. I’ve been reading him since I was 10 years old.”


“I see.” Actually I don’t. You are a grown up for heaven sake! “So before your headache, how did you enjoy the evening? My pool skills need help!”


“It was fine. Though I am not sure what impact Justin embarrassing Brian like that will have on his business.”


“I don’t quite follow your reasoning. Brian doesn’t strike me as a man who gets forced into anything; he wasn’t exactly objecting.”


“He was trying to be polite.” He argues.


“The last thing they were being when dancing and kissing was polite!” I laugh. He sighs and I take the cup and the comic off of him. “You need to get your rest. Give me a call tomorrow perhaps?”


“Oh, of course I will. What time’s best?”


“Either during lunch between one and two or after six.” I go to kiss him on the forehead but he lifts his head so our lips connect. Not bad, not bad at all.








Brian is just staring at me. “You are kidding, aren’t you?” I shake my head and lift his leg out of the water and start to massage his calf. He smiles encouragingly at me. “Emmy saw him put your name down?”


“Yeah, he told me that when I was going to get my name taken off.”


“Remind me to thank them both. As make-out sessions go, it was one of our best! Never enjoyed brandy so much.” He laughs and when I pause, he wiggles his toes. “You’re slacking.”


“You were mean...” He looks surprised and pulls his leg out of my hand then joins me down my end of the bath. “You know that’s a particular spot for me, you used your weight as an advantage.” I mumble and he grins before kissing me softly. “Thank goodness the office is soundproofed!”


“It’s not. Anyone nearby would’ve heard you. Why do you think the music suddenly got loud?”


“Brian!” I look at him and hope he’s joking. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”


“Nope. But it will be. We need to defend our title next year!”


“Oh for crying out loud…”


“Yes you were!” He snickers smugly.








I can’t help but chuckle as I carry out the coffee. “What’s amusing you?” George asks.


“I’m reminded of the Golden Girls!”


“So who is who?” Randolph asks, nodding.


“Oh you are definitely Dorothy! I think Vic is Blanche. For innocent looking alone George is definitely Rose and that leaves you, Rodney, as Sophia for the quiet wiseness.” Emmy tells us pulling out his pad. “Now wedding...we have location, guest list needs to be finalised, and food we will come back to nearer the time. Dress code and date need to be confirmed. It is going to be mightily hot soon and I don’t do wilting blooms so grooms are a definite no-no.”


“The wedding can be held inside that’s nice and cool and then we can get a marquee for the outside to take the edge off the heat.” Randolph advises and I try not to grin too much at how close he and George are sitting.


“So do you think there might be a double wedding?” I wink at Vic.


“Are you talking about Michael and Dr David?” I laugh. “I heard that there were new kings crowned at Babylon…”


“Kings? Babylon?” George looks confused...oh yes, he’s definitely Rose! I tell them what happened and show the video of them dancing. “Even in my youth, I couldn’t do that!” He sighs as Justin does the standing split.


“They celebrated their coronation very loudly too!” Emmy cackles then frowns. “But Michael was being a major pain in the ass and ended up leaving early because his ploy didn’t work.”


“Maybe if I offered him money that would work?” Randolph ponders.


“That’s not how Michael works. He wants Brian and the life he believes that Brian will offer him. You know to become a man of leisure...” I tell him.


“Everyone has their price, I mean look at Markus…”


“What about him?” I ask worriedly.


“I offered him $2 million to leave and he accepted…”


“You are fucking kidding me!” Vic growls. “Franc must be devastated.”


“No not really, she wanted to offer the money but knew he wouldn’t take it from her.”


“She wanted to pay him to leave? I don’t understand, they seemed so happy.” I look at Emmy, who looks equally confused.


“Oh they are but she was worried and couldn’t figure a way out of it...so this was the best solution.”


“How is this a good solution?” I demand.


“He’s on medical leave. So he leaves now and then goes into partnership a bit like what she has with Nathan in the comic book store.”


“Randolph, let me explain.” George pats his hand. “It is not what you think. Markus has accepted a loan from Seabird to leave the police force because Franc, for all her fire-balling, was terrified of him returning in case he got shot again. He accepted because he loves her more than the job. So he will find something he wants to do and go into partnership.”


I hand Emmy another napkin to both wipe away the worry sweat and the tears of relief.


“So back to Michael...” I fan myself in relief.


“No there is no back to Michael. What we need, now I have it in mind is a Golden Girls marathon!” George declares. “I spotted the boxed set earlier…”


“I concur Rose!” Randolph laughs and follows George inside.


“Ems, can you do some prodding to get Michael and David to at least first base.” Vic whispers and I nod my encouragement.


“Leave it with me.” He whispers back. “I feel that we need to inject a little competition for David’s attention.”


“What do you mean?” I ask.


“You know that Michael has given Brian permission to date Justin.” We gape at him and he rolls his eyes. “I know, right? But what if we give him a reason to focus on David? Like I said, leave it with me. An opportunity will present itself. Now come Blanche and Dorothy, we have a marathon to watch and mimosas to make!”








I lift his leg over my shoulder and press it back towards his stomach and inhale his scent. Then I stop and look at the vision in front of me. “You really do have the most perfect set of cock and balls I have ever seen.” He stutters out a breath as I lick him from base to tip and take him down whole. He stamps his foot and when that is followed by his hand in my hair, I start to slow down.


“Oh yeah, like that. Nice and slow...oh yes! Hey why’d you stop?!” He gasps and looks confused and then grins when I waggle my eyebrows. “What’s the wager this time?”


I grin at him. “I will last longer than you. So when you come and then I come, we total it up and that’s how many times I get to get you off whenever and wherever l choose to. But factoring in your age, it will only be once a day.”


He doesn’t take the bait, and in fact, he looks very self-assured. “That’s a high stakes wager. Are you sure you want to take that on? Remember the oysters bet you lost?”


“I’m not going to lose…” I tell him smugly. “...on the floor; let’s 69.”


Fifteen minutes later, I shoot down his throat and slump own. Eventually, I lift my head up and look back at him.


“You were saying?” He drawls, stroking my trembling thighs.


“I hate you. With a passion.” I grumble when I can finally speak. “How did you not come?! I feel slightly insulted!”


He swats my ass and I turn round to face him and snuggle into his arms. “I have an advantage. You’ve heard of the legendary King of C&E Liberty, right?”


“Yes...oh God, is that you?!” He nods. “Oh for crying out loud! I would never have made that bet if I had known that the Stud of Liberty Avenue was also the King of Control and Edging!”


He bursts out laughing. “Is still the King, just haven’t had a reason to control myself in a while. But can you excuse me for a minute...oh fuck yes!” He yells as he shudders underneath me.


I narrow my eyes at him and then it hits me. “Hang on how long was that?!”


“In total?” He pants before turning, grinning almost ferally at me. “25 minutes.”


“Oh fuck!” I groan.








I had such an excellent day today. I’ve said hello to Ruby and now I want to tell daddy and papa about our school project!


“So how was your day, Sonny Boy?”


“So exciting daddy! We get to look up our trees but you and papa need to help.”


“Look up your trees?” Papa looks a bit confused.


“Yes. We all have trees according to Mr Lodge and we have to look up our an...anc...people who were before us.”


“Oh! Family trees, is that what you mean?” Daddy laughs. “So who are you going to do it on?”


“You won’t be cross if I did it on papa?” I ask and he shakes his head. “Oh goody, can we start after dinner, papa?”




I am so happy and when we start to look through the websites with daddy and Aunt Jennifer. We find out so much!








Wow this place is incredible! Not as good as Britin but certainly better than my place.


“Red or white or I have Pepsi?”


“I’ll have what you’re having. What is that lovely smell?”


“Dinner. Have a roasted chicken and some sautéed potatoes with vegetables and, in deference to your heritage, a tiramisu for dessert.”


“Oh great. Do you need me to help at all?”


“No, you take a seat. We will be right there.”




Instead of sitting down, I follow him into the kitchen and discover him talking and laughing with a dark haired man.


“Oh that is perfection! Are you sure I can’t persuade you to give me the recipe?” David smiles.


“Keep asking and I might just cave.” The guy simpers. “Now shall I...oh hello!” He notices me standing in the doorway. “Is this him?


“And you are?” I bristle, coming to stand next to David.


“Oh I am the chef du jour to this wonderful man. Now, David you are all set. Is there any...”


Dr Cameron and I no longer require your assistance for the evening.” I tell him firmly.


“Well David and I now have a weekly arrangement so I will leave when he tells me. David, are you finished with my services for the evening?” He looks at him and I feel my temper starting to rise.


“Yes, thank you Manny. I will see you next week.” David smiles at him and leads him out.


“Shall we eat?” He beams at me when he comes back in. “I think he’s done an excellent job, for his first few days.


“And how did you find Manny?” I ask, sitting down heavily and making sure I wince.


“Emmy told me about him. I was struggling to find somewhere different to eat because of my schedule and bumped into Emmy, who recommended Manny.”


“Oh did he indeed?” I grumble. “Wait, I have an idea! Why don’t I get dinner for you? Then I can be your chef du jour instead.”


“How is that going to work?” He looks puzzled. “Manny does a week’s worth of meals and…”


“Well, I’m not doing anything until this cast is taken off and I’ve always wanted to learn cook. So if you don’t mind being a guinea pig, maybe I could cook for you?”


“Oh, that would be nice. Now come on, let’s eat before it gets cold.”


I smile at him and make a mental note to call Emmett when I get home!






I settle back in the booth and try to hide my smirk as the plan worked perfectly! Michael rushes to join me and is, as instructed, carrying an iPad and an eager expression.


“So before we start, when did you see David and why didn’t you tell me?” He asks with a slight edge to his voice.


“I didn’t see him as your tone suggests. I bumped into him coming back from an event I was catering and we got to chatting. As for why I didn’t tell you, why should I tell you about everyone I bump into?”


“Well he is a person that I am interested in and am seeing.” He points out.




“Oh I see. You’ve finally decided to reciprocate the interest he’s been showing in you! So what do you want to know…”




“Starting from where?”


“How long do I boil an egg?”


Are you fucking kidding me?!






It’s been a week since I lost the bet and despite being out and about he’s not even tried to cash in and to be honest, it’s put me on edge! Okay, so he has been away for four days on business but before that nothing. I even visited Kinnetic six times in one day, but nothing!


“Yerrrooowwwllllll!” Custard howls from the window seat and dashes to the door. I have to smile because it’s the first time Brian’s been away longer than a night so he’s missed his den-mate. I just about manage to get to him before he crashed through the door. As I pick him up and open the door, Custard is straining in my arms.


“Let him go!” Brian laughs. “He’s got claws and enthusiasm!” I take his advice on board and Custard almost leaps from my arms to his! “Hey boy, how you doing?” I watch as Custard kneads and nuzzles him while purring like a motorbike and I do feel a bit jealous…


...Custard has always been a bit aloof with me though I know he loves me but the way he took to Brian instantly was a bit galling!


“Daddy!” Gus screams and dashes out to greet him in his PJs and Custard immediately drops to the floor and heads towards the house. My jealousy evaporates when he winds himself round my legs and chirrups before heading inside.


“How was your trip?” I ask as he comes inside and drops a soft kiss on my lips. “You want to see Ruby first? I think she’s grown at least an inch since you’ve been away.” He nods before heading upstairs with Gus and the boys trotting after him.


I head to the kitchen to check on the jambalaya. An hour later, he’s down and in the garage.


“Dinner in ten minutes!” I call out.


“Be right there!” He calls back.






As much as I love building up my business and signing clients, I love coming home more. It has everything I need and want.


“What’s for dinner?” I sniff appreciatively. “It smells wonderful.”


“Jambalaya. I cooked it yesterday. It always tastes better the second day.” He smiles up at me as I wind my arms round him. “Chicken and king prawn. Have you ever had that?”


“No, let’s eat. I have something for you afterwards.”


We were supposed to eat in the dining room but ended up eating in the lounge from one bowl with me in his lap. “So I take it you signed them?” He nods round a mouthful of chicken.


“Oh, that’s so good!” He takes the fork out of my hand looks at me for a few seconds. “Are you okay with cooking?”


I’m surprised by the question. “I love cooking! I take lessons from Franc onboard and now I have Emmy on land…Why do you ask?”


“I don’t want you to feel like a...a housewife. Or like a...”


I burst out laughing. “Brian, you idiot! I own two successful businesses! And while I’m not as quick as you are at batting people’s demands back, like you, I don’t do anything I don’t want to do.”


“Good. So can you show me how to cook it?”


“Of course.” We finish the dish in between kisses but now my patience has run out.


“So what did you get me?” I wriggle round to face him.


We got you. Now sit there.” He plonks me on the sofa and leaves the room coming back in a few minutes later with a box. I go to speak but he puts his hand up. “It was Gus’s idea. You know his family tree project?” I nod. “Turns out that you have Scottish ancestry in you and a Taylor Tartan.”


“I do?” He looks surprised and then beams when I hand him the box. “What have you done?”


“I got you a kilt and all the caboodle that goes with it. I also booked a table at Hansley’s Pub & Grille for dinner for tomorrow night.” He’s just looking at the kilt and the Converse sneakers, when he pulls out the Sporran bag, in plain dark blue leather, he drops everything on the floor and looks at me with such love my heart flips. “Yes, Gus, Ruby and I have one too. And you and I will be going to his school for show and tell wear...”


“Bed now!”






Oh he looks gorgeous in that kilt! As we take our seats opposite each other I get up and find the maitre’d and we are put in a more secluded booth.


“Why did you get us moved?” He asks as he slides into the corner seat.


“Has better leg room.” I reply and he shrugs before opening the menu.


“Oh Scotch Eggs sound nice as a starter.”


“What on earth is that?” I laugh at his enthusiasm for his food.


“Hard boiled eggs, wrapped in sausage meat, then rolled in breadcrumbs and deep fried.”


“Sounds artery clogging!” I snort. “Order one for Gus to try.”


“Yes and I will make sure that Gus gets it.” He laughs.


“May I take your drinks order gentlemen?” The waiter asks.


“Is it proper Guinness?” I ask and Justin looks confused. “Sometimes they import but the proper stuff comes from Ireland.


“Yes sir, it’s the proper stuff sir.”


“Two pints please, half an inch head with a clover.”


“Of course sir. I will be take the food orders when I return.”


I nod at him and look at Justin still engrossed in the menu. “Be right back.”


“Okay.” He grins at me.


When I come back five minutes later, he is looking astonished and puts the menu down when I retake my seat.




“You aren’t serious?!”


“I am claiming my first minute. So go take them off...as a proud Scotsman you shouldn’t be wearing them in the first place.” He leers at me and after a minute, I get up and head to the bathroom. I take out my phone so that I can fit my boxers in my Sporran and head back to the table.


“Phone please.” He smirks knowingly.


“Gentlemen, your drinks.” The waiter smiles. “May I take your food order?”


“Yes. Can we have a starter of the Scotch eggs for him and the wings for me and a Shepherd’s Pie to share?”


“Thank you sir.”


“Oh excuse me, can we have two of the Scotch Eggs? One is to take away. Brian, do you think that…”


“No I don’t. I don’t think I can wait for our food to come.”


After five minutes, I start to relax. Big mistake. After I have taken a few sips of my Guinness I freeze as I feel his foot starting to creep up my calf.


“Brian.” I gulp when I realise what he is going to do. He’s going to claim his minute at the table! I close my legs to try stop his progress but he simply looks at me.


“You made the wager, you lost, you pay...so open.”


Slowly I let my legs fall open and I have both of his feet making their way up my kilt but then I have an idea. I scoot back a bit so that he can’t quite apply the pressure he wants to. I smirk at him as his feet retreat.


“Oh wow that looks great!” I grin as the waiter approaches with our food.


“Excuse me, would it be possible for me to sit next to my partner before you place the food on one plate? I’m sorry I should’ve said we like to share our food.”


Oh fuck no!


“Of course, sir.” The waiter replies solicitously...I see a big tip in his future.


In less than five minutes, he’s moved next to me and we start to eat. The egg is delicious and I get so wrapped up in eating that it isn’t until I start on the 2nd wing that I feel a warm hand creeping up my thigh and I swallow hard.


“What do you think of the food?” He asks as his hand wraps round my cock.


“Abhdk!” I reply.


“Isn’t it.” He starts to leisurely stroke up and down. “But I think the dressing could do with a bit more salt.” He reaches for the pot that the honey mustard dressing came in and puts it between us. “So give me a minute.”


As he starts to stroke, the combination of the speed and the thrill of exhibitionism gets to me and I am struggling to keep from yelping.


“Drink your stout, my stout man.” He purrs in my ear. “It will cool you down a bit.”


I inhale half of the pint of Guinness in 30 seconds and then lean against him. “Yo-you’ve ha-had over a min-minute.” I pant in his ear.


“Then come now. Come now and come hard!” He growls back and I grab the pot and stick it up my kilt and lean over the table as I explode. He takes the pot away from me and heads to the bathroom while I sit dazed at the table.


When he comes back to table, he waves at the waiter. “I am so sorry but we need to get back home for our son so can we have the pie to go as well and may I buy this pot, he thinks it’s adorable.”


“Of course sir, and the pot is on the house.”




As we pull up outside home, I shake him awake. He was asleep the moment we got in the car. “Come on you... let’s get you in bed.”


“Are we home? Did we take the food?” He mumbles. I nod and salivate as his stretching shows his creamy stomach, which I love blowing raspberries on. He shakes his head and rubs his eyes. “Why did you take the pot?”


“So you know when you’re going to be coming wherever we are going.” I purr in his ear.


“Can we go to the back seat? I need to you to throw up my kilt and fuck my brains out.”


I have never ever gotten out of a driver’s seat so fast!


As he gets out, I tug him to the back of the car and open the trunk. “Hands in legs apart.” I order. As he gets in position, I stroke his globes under his kilt before slowly lifting it over his back. When the cool air hits his skin, there is a skittering of goosebumps and he gasps.


Softly and slowly, I work him open and soon, he’s riding my fingers while reaching for the travel blanket. I tuck it under his hips and lean on his back as I whisper in his ear. “Are you ready?” He spreads his legs a little wider and nods. When I slam into him, he makes this wonderful noise that halts my thrusts because it sounds so sexy I almost lose it.


“Hold on.” I growl and start to hammer into him. Soon his legs are flailing around me as I nail him time and time again as he is yelling into the recesses of the car.


“Oh Christ! Oh fuck! Back...oh my God yes! Yes! Yes! Now! Harder! Now!” He demands hotly.


I lie flat against him and piston as hard as he demands. And once again...we come together.



Chapter End Notes:

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