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I come out with a tray with two ginger hot toddies. Brian is sitting quietly under the blanket just staring down at the garden. He doesn’t even notice when I put the tray down and then I realise why, he is silently crying.


“Brian?” I whisper as I slide under the blanket into his lap; he sniffs and smiles.


“This has been the best Thanksgiving of my life.” He whispers back. “As a kid we didn’t celebrate unless it was my dad relishing giving me a beating. The amount of times he broke my bones, my presents and everything I worked hard for... I didn’t ask to be born but he h-hated me for being alive. Mom never did anything to stop him, just let him keep hitting me. Debs and Vic always…” He clears his throat hard. “Always came to my rescue and took care of me because it was the right thing to do and they love me. I always thought that Michael did too, but…”


We hear a little sniffle and look behind us. Heartbreakingly it's Gus, clutching his Leather Bear with his little chest heaving as he sobs. I get up and scoop my son up, carrying him back to his daddy and we both get back onto his lap.


“D-daddy. Your daddy hur-hurted you like that fo-for a l-long time?”


“Yes, he did.” He replies quietly.


“I-is that wh-why you wo-won’t let me s-see him?”


“Yes and…”


“What about y-your mom? Is that why too?” I am pleased when his voice starts to steady.


“Yes for my mom and partly for my dad. When I say partly, it’s because he died when you were smaller. But if he were still alive, he would never meet you.”


“Oh.” He takes a big breath and wipes his eyes. “Well, he’s very lucky he’s not here.”


“Why?” He asks.


“Because Chandra and I would tell him off and then get Custard to pee on him!” He tells us firmly. “Or poop in his shoes. Yes, pooping in his shoes would be better! But before that we would ask Rebecca to hit him in the knees with a bat on purpose! She would too, you know. Ever since my party, she’s been the bully monitor! Anyone that is being unkind, she tells them off and if they do it again, she then tells Mr Lodge. But not without telling them that she’s going to tell him. She’s great, not as great as Chandra great, but great!”


Although I don’t condone violence, the image of little Rebecca smacking his bastard father like she did with Michael makes me smile a little.


“You too?” Brian whispers and I grin.


“What’s that?” Gus points at the toddies, which are most likely cold now.


“Oh just a drink for daddy and I. It’s gone cold now so we’ll drink it later.”


“Daddy? Papa? Can we always do this, but without the crying part?” Gus asks, burrowing deeper between the pair of us for warmth, I get up and move one of the braziers closer. Once I retake my seat, Brian tucks the blankets tighter around us.


“Not sure what you mean?”


“After the big dinner and everyone goes to bed, can it be us but also Ruby, when she’s older, oh and mommies of course, to just sit here and cuddle? And be happy. Not sad, not sad anymore. Mr Lodge splained Thanksgiving to us. You have to be thankful and I’m thankful that you are my daddies that they are my mommies and she is my sister and I’m happy about that. Thankful and happy.”


“We can do that, if you promise me one thing.” Brian’s voice is thick with emotion and I can barely see for the tears in my eyes as Gus nods. “Promise me you will never change?”


“Why would I do that?” Gus yawns and burrows in some more. “I like being me.”


Four hours later, we were being gently woken up by Debs, my mom and Mel to go to bed. As I flop on my Brian pillow, all I think is that I can’t wait for Christmas!








I stare at the phone and replay the message. “Michael, its Lindz. I’m so sorry but my mother is unwell and I have had to travel to France to go and see her. I don’t know how long I will be there, but obviously this is more important. So I wish you well in your quest to get Brian by your side. Let me know how it goes. Goodbye, Lindz.”


“Let me know how it goes?!” I snarl as I throw the phone on the bed and recommence packing again. Five hours later, I am on a plane back to Pittsburgh still fuming, but feeling a little bit sorry for Lindsay with her ill mother. I shall call her when I get back to my apartment.








I scratch my bedhead and check on Ruby, who’s burbling happily in her bouncer seat. “How do you look so adorable all the time?” She grins up at me and I brush her cheek.


“Afternoon daddy!” Gus comes skipping in and hugs my knees. “Sonny Boy kisses!” He turns up his face with his mouth puckered in readiness. I swoop down and accept them happily.


“What are we doing today? Where’s papa?” He looks around.


“Well since we had such a busy day yesterday and everyone has gone home…” He looks disappointed so I put him on the table. “...you were still asleep and they didn’t want to wake you. But we’re going to grandma’s on Sunday, so today we’re going to have a family day where we just relax, okay?”


“Okay daddy. So papa is…?”


“In the lounge. He going to start building forts.” I grin at him as he wiggles off the table, very carefully, and then zooms to the lounge. “Papa, wait for me!” He shouts and Ruby giggles.


“Don’t encourage him!” I laugh.






I am exhausted and the apartment is freezing! I put the heating on and wait for it to warm up. Then, of course, I realise that I have no fucking food! Sighing, I head to the shops. When I get back two hours later, I am so tired that I just put it all away and go to bed!








I stare at the ceiling, tears of frustration pooling in my eyes and sliding down my cheeks. I can’t understand how he found out what we were doing! I feel like a fucking child the way he is controlling my life right now! At the knocking, I wipe my eyes and sit up. “Come in!”


The door opens and mother comes in. “How you feeling, darling?”


“Annoyed!” I carp. “What has happened to daddy?!”


“I don’t know!” She takes my hand. “But the most important thing is that we do as we’re told, for now. You and I know how your father works. He gets his feathers ruffled for a few minutes before realising who is really in charge.”


“True!” I giggle.


“I can assure you that my feathers are not ruffled!” Daddy strides in and sits down in the chair next to the bed. “I have simply dropped the scales from my eyes where you two are concerned. Have you called Michael?” I nod. “Good.”


“So daddy, what happens now?”


“You two live your lives and I live mine.” He replies, standing up and picking off a piece of lint from his sleeve.


“What do you mean?” I ask guardedly.


“Exactly what you think. All we have to do is agree the plans to...”


“Divide?” Mother starts to smile. “So we’re splitting the house down the middle?”


“Oh no. Sorry to disappoint you, dear but I am keeping the house to myself. You two are moving to the bungalow at the bottom of the garden. The plans are for there, to make it bigger. And when I say you are moving, I mean now.” He stands up to open my bedroom door and Sarah comes in with two other people. “Is everything in hand for Nancy?”


“Yes.” Sarah replies coolly and looks around. “It doesn’t look like she’s unpacked much so it won’t take too long.”


“What do you mean in hand?” Mother demands.


“Your things are already in the bungalow. It is just a matter of moving her in.”


“Ladies, I will leave you in the more the capable and determined hands of Sarah with her ladies. And Sarah, once this is complete, can you prepare lunch please?”


“Of course sir.”


“And call me Ronald. There is no more need for that stuffiness and protocol anymore.”


“Oh okay, Ronald.”


“Are you two screwing?!” Mother screeches.


“No, we’re not.” Sarah growls “And....”


“It’s no longer any business of yours what I do, Nancy. As of now, we are living separate lives. I do what I want and the same applies for you…”


“Well, the first thing I…”


“The first thing you need to do is find a means to pay for your life. I’m not sure what you could do Nancy as you have been out of the job market for so long. And as for you, try getting a job using your own, somewhat dubious talents, Lindsay.”




I look at the stunned faces of my estranged wife Nancy and her clone, Lindsay. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, soul and heart. It isn’t until Sarah and her helpers start to take Lindsay’s things out of her room that the reality of the situation hits them and the shouting starts. Four hours later, they are both in the bungalow at the bottom of the garden, the locks on the house and the garage are changed and I’m eating lobster and French fries, while watching Shaft with Richard Roundtree. I do love a classic movie!






The house is bursting at the seams. Everyone that was at Thanksgiving is here, including the pets!


“So how are we going to do this, sis?” Vic laughs as we try to navigate round the kitchen. “All I can say is thank God for leftovers!”


“Girls prep, boys wash up?” I suggest as that at least gets us some room.


“Done! You heard her, anyone with a co...boy parts goes and sits down!” Vic orders.


For the next two hours we laugh, joke and prepare food as the boys watch sports but I am watching Franc, who is watching Ray. “Ray, got a minute?!” She calls out and he comes to join us.


“What’s up?”


“What’s his name?” She asks, cutting straight to the point.


“Who?” He asks as a blush starts to creep up his neck and he starts to fidget.


“Who, he says. Did you gals hear that...who?” She chuckles before tilting her head at him. “I can access your phone and find out. You do know that, right?”


“Mooooom!” He calls over his shoulder.


“Francesca!” Veri calls back.


“Whaaaaat!” She whines back, but is smirking. “So…”


“Malcolm. I met him in a bar in Soho awhile ago. We are taking it super slow and that’s all you’re finding out!” He stalks back to the lounge muttering, I suspect, dark thoughts!


“I’ll get it!” Hunter shouts as he comes down the stairs and the doorbell rings. “Uh Debs!”


I notice that the room has gotten quiet and step in. There pouting with the ever-present folded arms is Michael! I look across at Brian, who looks up at him and then continues to talk to David.


“In case you were all wondering, I was in Los Angeles for Thanksgiving.” He snarks as he tries to step in, but Hunter blocks him. “Excuse me but this is my home, not yours!”


“No, this is my home!” I retort. “And you will damn well ask to come in!”


“May I enter, mother?” He drawls sarcastically, eliciting sighs and eye rolling.


“No, you may not! Go home, get some manners and we may possibly go from there.” I declare.


“Very funny.” He replies, managing to get passed Hunter, which pleases him no end. “So what are we having?”


As he comes further into the room, Frederick stands up and blocks him. “I played professional basketball for 15 years and nobody as short as you got passed me.” Michael starts to step back. “And besides you and I need to talk about you shouting at my little girl. I think now is a good time.”


All smugness now gone, Michael starts to fumble for the door handle. “Mother, Brian we will speak tomorrow.” He blusters before looking at a nonplussed Brian. “Remember Brian, I have your number.” He winks at him and scurries out.


Nobody says a word for a few minutes, but Brian is looking at each of us carefully before leaning across to kiss a confused looking Justin. “Do we even want to know what you’re doing, because you are clearly doing something?”


“No.” I reply.


“Then carry on.” He smiles and then bursts out laughing when Daphne yells yes and fist pumps.



Chapter End Notes:

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