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Chapter 5

“Shit!” Justin exclaimed as he snapped his phone shut.

“What’s wrong?” the twins asked in unison.

“My partner, I’m meeting him tonight at Pappagano’s, and I just remembered I don’t have any clothes here. I mean I have clothes, but not good stuff. And, well, I’m the one fag in the whole country that has absolutely no fashion sense. At least according to Brian I don’t.” The twins burst out into laughter.

Justin pondered the situation then made a phone call.

“Emmett? It’s me, Justin. Yeah, I’m here in the Pitts. I need a really, really big favor. I’m kinda in the doghouse with Brian and he’s going to meet me here for dinner. I need to look really good for him. If I show up at Pappagano’s in cargo pants, he’ll divorce me.”

The twins cocked their cute heads to one side, as they watched a look of sheer horror come over their mentor’s face while Emmett was offering his fashion opinion to Justin. Troi` decided to take charge of the situation while Tre` distracted their stricken idol.

“Hi, Emmett, you don’t know me but I’m an art student at the institute. My brother and I have been working with Justin on a new project. Yes, we’re all very excited about it. Um, Justin seems to have gone all sorts of shades of green, and between you and me, green is so not his color. Oh, I agree, yellows and creams and deep navy. Yes, sounds fabulous. Torso? Of course, I know where that is. Doesn’t everybody? A new line? For the up and coming fag? Suitable for an upscale night on the town? Yes, yes! Sounds heavenly. Thank you so much. Yes, I know the bistro. We’ll stop in to show you. Thank you, Emmett, it’s been wonderful speaking with you.”

Troi` turned to Tre` and, in a shorthand twin-speak, Troi` relayed to his brother what the plan was. They could still put in about an hour more of work before the twins would help Justin go shopping.


“Hey Squirt!” Brian called out as he entered the home of Rachel and George. Cindy and Michelle were visiting their parents and were delighted to take charge of the little ones.

“Dada!” Bree responded as she flung herself into Brian’s arms. “Do I have to go home?” she asked with a pout. Bree did want to spend time at her Auntie Rachel’s.

“No, sweetheart. I came by because I’m going to the Pitts to have dinner with your daddy. I wanted to give you a goodnight kiss. If I’m successful, I’ll bring your daddy home with me tomorrow. You know how to reach me.”

“Yes, Dada, I know.”

“Patrick, your dads are home if you need them.”

“I know, Uncle Bri. You go have fun with Uncle Justin,” Patrick said knowingly. That boy was very smart about so many things.

“Yeah, Dada, then you won’t be so grumpy all the time,” Bree added. Brian sighed; his grumpiness was getting out of hand.

“Okay, Squirt. Fun with Daddy and no more grumpiness.”

Bright smiles lit up Bree and Patrick’s faces. Rachel chuckled as she showed Brian out.

Brian smiled all the way into Pittsburgh. He had come home from Part Deux, and primped and pampered himself. Dressed himself in his sexiest finery, made special reservations at the restaurant and special arrangements with a certain fairy godmother for later at the loft. Brian was, at the moment, a happy man.


“Justin, we did enough for today,” Tre` said.

“It’s time to get you ready for your date,” Troi` added.

“But it’s only four; we can keep working. There’s plenty of time to shop.”

“No, there isn’t. We have to go back to your place so you can shower and put on clean underwear. You can wear these clothes when we go shopping,” Tre` began.

“Then we go to Torso for a fabulous outfit and new shoes and then we head over to Emmett’s bistro because he wants to see how you look,” Troi` added.

Watching the twins speak was like watching a tennis match. The conversation flowed back and forth very quickly, it made Justin dizzy.

“What do I do with my car?”

“We’ll follow you home then drive you to Torso and we can drop you off at Pappagano’s,” Troi` supplied.

“You’d do this for me?” Justin asked in awe.

“Of course, Justin. Working with you is a great honor, not to mention how much fun we’re having and how much we’re learning,” Tre` said and his brother agreed.

“Well I thank you in advance. But guys, no fuchsia, tangerine or glitter,” Justin said with a laugh.

“We promise,” the twins said raising their hands in a vow.

“Okay, let’s go.” Justin and the boys shut down their computers, stowed their stuff and left the building.


“Oooo!” Justin and the twins exclaimed as they walked up to Torso and caught a glimpse of the window display.

Liberty Avenue was quite busy that afternoon, so after a quick trip to the loft for Justin to shower and shave, the twins drove back onto Liberty and parked as close as they could get to the trendy fashion boutique. However, they still had to walk a few blocks, completely unaware of the admiring looks they were getting, oblivious to the gossip they were inspiring. The beautiful blond entered Torso with his stunning raven haired bookends. A perky ‘fashion consultant’ scurried to attend to them.

“Hello, my name is Tyler. I’ll be your consultant this afternoon. How can I dress you?” Tyler gushed with the enthusiasm worthy of Torso’s former employee.

“He needs a fabulous upscale and very tasteful ensemble for a special dinner date tonight,” Troi` explained to Tyler.

“May I ask the venue?” Tyler asked very professionally.

Before Justin could answer, Tre` did. “Pappagano’s,” Tre` supplied.

“Very chic,” Tyler purred. “Oh my, look at all this gorgeous blond hair and those eyes, something in navy.”

“Exactly!” the twins said as they ushered Justin toward a rack of suitable suits.

As Justin tried on several examples of the latest and hippest, Tyler and the twins became further acquainted. Justin came out of the dressing room wearing a pair of deep grey pants, pale blue shirt, navy pin-striped sport coat with a matching tie. Tyler found an appropriate pair of loafers to complete Justin’s outfit.

“Do I look okay?” Justin asked hesitantly.

“Oh honey, whoever you’re trying to impress is going to be completely ga-ga over you,” Tyler said as he clapped his hands with glee.

“Guys? What do you think?” Justin asked his twin art colleagues.

“Beautiful!” they sighed.

Justin paid the bill. Tre` and Troi` exchanged numbers with Tyler (not going there) then the trio left Torso to walk over to Emmett’s Place for his final stamp of approval.

“Fabulous, sweetie! Brian is going to be totally impressed,” Emmett gave his approval. “Justin, honey, this is for Brian, isn’t it?” Emmett said as he pulled Justin aside to whisper in his ear, while eyeing the twins.

“Of course this is for Brian, but Troi` and Tre` helped me pick out the clothes. Do you think you can feed them a nice dinner for me, my treat. We’ve been working very hard on my new project.”

“Oh honey, I’ll take good care of your boys. Shall I get them a table here? Or would they like to go to the restaurant?”

“Not sure. They’re going to drop me off to meet Brian first and then I’ll send them back.”

“No matter, I’ll take care of them. You have a wonderful time with your sexy honey tonight.”

“I plan to, Emm.”

Emmett showed the trio out, assuring the twins that a hot meal courtesy of their grateful benefactor would be waiting for them. A five minute drive later and Justin was saying goodbye to the twins as the valet was taking care of Brian’s Vette.

“I’m impressed, Sunshine,” Brian drawled, startling Justin and making him jump. “Since when did you learn how to dress?” Brian kissed Justin’s temple, removing the sting of his snark then glared at the twins who were beginning to drool over the couple. The combination of Brian and Justin, dark and light was irresistible.

“Who are your little friends, Justin?” Brian asked in a low voice. Brian had stretched to his full height, pulling Justin in close. He towered over Justin possessively as he towered over the twins, menacingly.

Justin merely rolled his eyes at his needlessly jealous spouse then made the introductions. “Brian, these are my partners in my new art project. They’re handling the computer graphics and musical part of the project. Troi` and Tre` Donahue, Brian Kinney, my life partner.”

“Hi, Mr. Kinney!” the twins said respectfully and in unison.

“Mmm, lovely. I take it they do everything together.”

“Almost,” the twins replied.

“Peachy. Well, its been lovely, boys, but we have reservations. I’m sure I’ll see you again.” Brian glared but the boys were unaffected. The twins smiled prettily, bid Justin a good night then drove off back to Emmett’s.

“Brian,” Justin began.

“You don’t have to say it, Justin. I’m an asshole,” Brian murmured as he guided Justin into the restaurant.

“That’s not what I was going to say,” Justin stated stopping just inside the door. He turned and reached up on tiptoe to give Brian a loving kiss. “I love you, Brian, even when you’re jealous and marking your territory. I’m yours, always and forever. Now feed me, then we can go back to the loft where you can take your time marking your territory all night long.” Justin gave his spouse a brilliant smile.

Brian arched his brow, his eyes shining with love. Hand in hand, they allowed Alberto to show them to their table.


“Auntie Rachel,” Bree said as she got ready for bed.

“Yes, dear,” Rachel replied.

“Could Michelle and Cindy tuck me in?”

Rachel smiled. “I think that could be arranged.”


“Do you want to say your prayers for me and then I’ll get the girls to read you a story?”

“’Kay.” Bree knelt by her bed, as her Gamma Joan had taught her. “Now I lay me down to sleep,” she began. As she finished the old prayer she added, “Bless everybody in my family. I love them all.”

Rachel smiled. ‘That’s one big and crazy family,’ she thought to herself.

“Please make my Dada not be grumpy. I don’t like it when he’s grumpy.”

Rachel smiled. Out of the mouths of babes, she thought.

“And make my Daddy be home more. He’s gone too much. Amen.”

“That was lovely, dear,” Rachel told her as Bree climbed up onto the big bed. “I’ll send in Michelle and Cindy.” She kissed Bree’s forehead and left the room.

When the girls came into the room they found Bree sitting on the bed with her grey bunny in her arms.

“How did Mr. Bunny get here?” Michelle asked running her hand over the smooth fake fur of the bunny’s coat.

“I got him when we took Patrick home to his daddies,” Bree said.

“He didn’t want to stay with us women?” Cindy chuckled.

“Nope,” Bree said shaking her head. “He said we’d do girlie stuff.”

“Typical man for you,” Michelle laughed.

“Do you want us to read you a story?” Cindy asked. Bree shook her head. “No?” Cindy was surprised. “Is something wrong, Bree?”

Bree frowned. “Could I come stay with you?” she asked.

“Stay with us? We don’t even live here anymore, Bree. We’re at college,” Michelle explained. “We’re just home here for a long weekend.”

Bree sighed. “My Dada isn’t happy. He might not want me around no more.”

“Oh, Bree, that’s not true. Your Dada loves you. He’ll always want you around,” Michelle said giving Bree a hug.

“There will come a time when you’ll wish he wasn’t around so much,” Cindy informed her. Bree shook her head. Cindy just smiled knowing how protective Brian Kinney could be, to say nothing of Justin Taylor. “Your daddies love you very much, Bree. Everything will be all right.”

“Are you sure you don’t want a story?” Michelle asked, hoping to distract Bree.

Bree picked up her favorite storybook that she had brought from home with her bunny. She handed it to Michelle and snuggled down under her covers to listen.


Brian’s phone rang as he and Justin were coming out of Pappagano’s. “Fuck!” Brian griped as he pulled it out to see who was interrupting their beautiful evening. He recognized the number immediately.

“Gus? Is something wrong?” he said into the phone.

“No, Pop, sorry if I’m bothering you.”

“You never bother me, Sonny Boy,” Brian told his son. Justin elbowed Brian in the ribs. “What’s up?”

“Tomorrow’s Saturday,” Gus informed his father who handed his valet ticket to the attendant.

“I know that, Sonny Boy. Get to the point.”

“I … I was wondering if you could come get me and take me to the cottage for the weekend.”


“Can’t I visit with my Pop?” Gus asked trying to make his request sound like the most natural thing on earth.

“Don’t bullshit me, my lad. What do you want?”

Gus let out a put-upon sigh. “I thought maybe you’d let me practice driving in the lane.”

“Emmett might like to keep his cottage in one piece.”


“How is driver’s ed going?”

“I’m doing really well, but I need some practice and the moms…”

“Say no more,” Brian stopped him. “Justin and I are spending the night at the loft. We’ll pick you up at nine tomorrow.”

“Isn’t that kind of early?” Gus asked.

“Well, if you don’t think you can drag yourself out of bed by then, I guess we’ll just leave without you.”

“I’ll be ready,” Gus said quickly.

“Good, see you in the morning.” Brian’s car pulled up in front of them.

“Night, Pop, and thanks.”

“Don’t keep me waiting when I get there in the morning,” Brian warned.

“Never,” Gus promised with a chuckle.

“Night, Sonny Boy.” Brian cut the connection.

“What was that all about?” Justin asked as they got into their car.

“We’re taking Gus back to the cottage with us in the morning. And then we’ll have to pray to all the gods we can think of. He wants to practice driving in the lane.”

“Oooh,” Justin giggled.

“What?” Brian asked as he pulled out into traffic.

“I was just thinking about learning to drive. It’s one of those rites of passage things, you know,” Justin lectured him.

“Another public service announcement courtesy Professor Taylor. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Justin smiled. “What car are you going to let him drive?”



“Well, I’m certainly not letting him drive the Vette.”

Justin sighed in resignation. “Okay. I guess I can live with that. He’ll be safer in my car anyway.”

“Yeah, but will we be safe from him?”

Justin laughed. “Get us to the loft so we can get our fuck time in,” Justin urged.

“Shit, why did I tell Gus to be ready so early. We’ll have to get up at the fucking crack of dawn.”

Justin grinned. “Or we could stay up all night,” he whispered.

Brian stepped down on the accelerator. He liked the sound of that.

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