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Ladies of Liberty

Chapter 11

“What the fuck is going on here?” Debbie exclaimed in her own unique style. “The lane looks like a construction site!”

It was the Memorial Day weekend, all of the happy travelers were back in the land of Liberty. And they all wanted the opportunity to exchange gifts, show off photos of the wonderful places they visited and regale the family about their exploits. However, instead of doing it individually, they all decided to wait for the Edna’s Treasures annual Memorial Day barbecue. The whole family was looking forward to it.

Debbie and Carl had driven up with Ben and Michael.

“Deb, apparently Molly and Owen loved their visit to the cottage a little too much,” Ben explained. “They ordered one.” Ben and Michael snickered.

“They ordered a cottage?” Carl asked.

“You’re shitting me, right?”

“No, Ma. John’s crew just started to clear the land. He said it should be done by the end of the summer,” Michael stated.

“Soon half of Liberty Avenue will have a cottage up here,” Carl chuckled. “Look at all that equipment,” Carl said as he pointed across the road. In the clearing that was once piled high with plowed snow, were bulldozers, cranes and other building materials. “Kind of reminds me of ‘Truckhenge’.” Carl and Debbie broke out into belly laughs.

“What’s ‘Truckhenge’?” Michael asked.

“Later, honey. We have plenty of pictures,” Debbie teased.

“We also have plenty of pictures of Graceland,” Carl contributed. Michael tried not to groan too loudly as Carl laughed even louder.


“Drewsie, honey, when should we let them in on our little secret?” Emmett whispered as he and Drew were helping to arrange all the garden furniture. Brian’s gardens were in full bloom, the tables and chairs were strategically placed to show off each arrangement of flowers and shrubs.

“Maybe as we’re showing the pictures you took of the ship. You know, here’s our stateroom, this is the pool and here’s where my Drew proposed and here’s where....”

“Ah ha!” Brian exclaimed as he stepped out from behind the table umbrella he was holding. “I knew something was up with you, Emm. So that’s why you’ve been avoiding me,” Brian growled as he narrowed his gaze at the flaming queen. “So you finally got your ring,” he added smugly as his eyes spied Emmett’s left hand.

“Honey,” Emmett said deeply, “I’ve always worn a ring. It’s just this one you can actually see.” The three men laughed as Brian’s eyes quickly scanned down the front of Emmett’s shorts and then back up again.

“I’m happy for you both,” Brian said sincerely as he gave his two friends a hug. “I take it you’re going to reveal your news a little later?”

“We thought it best over dessert,” Emmett confirmed. “And we have plenty of pictures.”

“Gay porn, I’m always up for that.” Brian leered suggestively.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for pictures of our ship and of the islands,” Drew explained.

“Damn!” Brian said as he snapped his fingers. “To tell you the truth, I’d rather look at pictures of your ship than Graceland. Debbie must have taken hundreds of them.”

“Can’t be any worse than Michael and Dr. Dave’s trip to Paris,” Emmett confided in a whisper to Brian’s ear. Brian nodded conspiratorially.

The three friends continued to arrange the garden furniture.


“Susan, why am I here in this god-forsaken lane?” Craig griped at his wife.

Both Justin and Molly had invited Craig and Susan to the barbecue. Jennifer posed no objections and Brian promised to behave. Molly hoped that for her sake and for Justin’s that both their parents would be stable fixtures in Bree and Taylor’s lives. If Brian had any doubts about Craig, he swore to keep them to himself. But that wasn’t going to stop Brian from watching Craig like a hawk for the day.

“You’re here because your son and your daughter, both of whom are parents of beautiful children, are hoping that you’ll put aside your ridiculous prejudices and be a grandfather to your grandchildren,” Susan said succinctly and precisely.

“Yes, Susan,” was all that Craig could reply. Craig was coming to the realization that if he wanted any contact with his grandchildren, he would have to try to be civil to his son’s partner. Partner, not a word Craig Taylor ever thought he would use to describe someone other than in the business arena.

“Good, because you see that clearing over there?” Susan pointed to the cleared tract of land that Molly and Owen’s cottage would be built upon. Craig slowed down as they drove by. “Your daughter is having a cottage built and they plan on using it … often.”

Craig remained silent but he got the point.


“You both look so tanned and so relaxed!” Emmett gushed as he greeted Jennifer and Seth. Even though they had been back from their honeymoon for a couple of weeks they still retained that sun kissed glow. Jennifer and Seth had just come through the front door of Edna’s Treasures laden with bags of gifts and several salads. Molly, Owen and baby Taylor had ridden with them.

“I could say the same about you,” Jennifer remarked as she eyed the tall queen. “Something’s different about you.”

“You’re not pregnant, are you?” Molly joked as she gave Emmett a kiss. “You’re positively glowing.”

“Heavens no!” Emmett stammered, waving his hands.

“Hold it right there, mister,” Jennifer commanded. “Hand it over,” she said as she reached for Emmett’s left hand. On it was a simple gold band. “Emm, something you’d like to tell us?”

“Um, it is what you think,” Emmett said quickly and in a whisper. “But I really want to tell everyone later, okay?”

“Okay, Emm. Mum’s the word. But be prepared to give details,” Jennifer smiled.

“Thank you, Mrs. Harris, and I will if you will,” Emmett smiled broadly as he winked.

“Oh, Emm,” Molly began, “my mother had a very boring honeymoon. All she and Seth did was nap!” Molly said as she burst into laughter.

“Ooooo!” Emmett squeed. “You must tell me all about it,” Emmett demanded as he spirited Jennifer away toward the kitchen. Seth had the good sense to blush.


“Craig, Susan, come in,” Brian said as he opened the front door of Edna’s Treasures to Justin’s father and his wife. He would gladly have had Justin greet them, but Justin seemed to be nowhere around, so the task fell to him. He had known that it must be Craig, because none of their other guests would knock, except for the Brenners and they were already there.

“Brian,” Craig said curtly.

“Hello, Brian,” Susan said with a sigh meant for her husband. “I see the site for Molly’s cottage is being prepared.”

“Yes, John is wasting no time.”

“I can’t understand why Molly would want to be in such an isolated spot,” Craig griped.

“It’s called peace and quiet,” Brian said pointedly. “If you choose to visit her and your grandchild, you might see why we like it here so much.”

Craig shook his head, knowing that the look on his wife’s face told him he better not say anything more.

“I brought chocolate chip cookies,” Susan said holding out the plate heaped with her cookies.

“Bree will be ecstatic,” Brian said. “All the food is in the sun porch, if you wouldn’t mind adding your cookies to the banquet.”

“Not at all,” Susan said as she grabbed Craig’s arm and dragged him out to the porch.


“Gamma Susan, Gampa,” Bree shrieked as she saw her grandfather and his wife come into the sun porch doorway. She barreled over to them wrapping her arms around his legs. “I don’t see you in forever.”

Craig laughed at her enthusiasm. He reached down and picked her up, kissing her cheek. “I love your welcomes.”

“Me too,” Susan laughed.

“You’re getting so big,” Craig said as he hiked his granddaughter higher into his arms.

“I know, Gampa.”

Craig smiled at Bree. He loved this little girl so much. She was smart and kind and happy. He couldn’t fault Justin and that man in the way they had raised her. “Is Taylor here?”

Bree bobbed her head. “Filled his pants,” Bree giggled.

“Really?” Susan asked with a smile.

“Yep, that’s what Auntie Molly said before she went to change him.”

“How do you like Taylor?” Craig asked wondering if Bree felt her position in their lives was being threatened by the new arrival.

“Taylor’s all right,” Bree said thoughtfully. “Doesn’t do much.”

Craig laughed. “No, babies eat and sleep and poop.”

“Yep, a lot of poop,” Bree agreed as her grandfather put her down.


“Hey, Emm,” Ted said approaching Emmett who was arranging food on the large table in the sun porch.

“Hey, Teddy,” Emmett said with his toothy grin.

“You’re looking very happy. That cruise must have really agreed with you.”

“You have no idea!” Emmett gushed.

Teddy studied his longtime friend. “What happened?” he asked after a minute. “Something’s different.”

“O, observant one!” Emmett waved his hand that sported the wedding band in Ted’s face.

“Oh, my God! You and Drew…?”

“Of course, me and Drew,” Emmett giggled. “Who else would it be?”

“That’s great news,” Ted said pulling Emmett into a warm hug.

“Sh, you can’t tell anyone until we make out announcement.”

Ted nodded before grabbing a beer and heading back outside.


“And this is Elvis’ bedroom,” Debbie said pointing to the picture in her photo album. “And the kitchen, and the living room.”

Brian nodded. “Nice,” he said dryly. Debbie had managed to corner him and bombard him with all her pictures of Graceland. They had been working their way through Elvis’ home.

“And here’s the games room,” Debbie continued. “I just love this room. I’m trying to talk Carl into letting me make a room like that at home.”

“Where the fuck would you put it?” Brian demanded. He thought the room was butt ugly.

“I’ll figure something out,” Debbie declared. “This is Elvis’ grave. It was so strange and holy standing there on the spot where the King is buried.”

“I’m sure it was,” Brian snarked.

“Oh, let me show you some of Elvis’ costumes. They have a whole museum of the things he wore.”

“You’ve seen one rhinestone encrusted jumpsuit, you’ve seen them all,” Brian observed.

“Asshole! Elvis was a real trendsetter.”

“Dada,” Bree interrupted. “Daddy wants you to start the barbecues.”

“Thanks, Squirt. Remind me to give you an extra cookie for rescuing me from Gamma Debbie’s picture extravaganza,” Brian said taking Bree’s hand and walking towards the barbecues.

Bree giggled as she walked with her father across the yard.


“Emmett, everything looks wonderful,” Claire said watching the tall man rearrange some of the dishes on the long table in the sun porch.

“Everybody always brings way more food than we need. Brian and Justin have leftovers for weeks.”

Claire laughed. “Brian would have you believe that he doesn’t do leftovers.”

“Don’t tell anybody, but Justin freezes a lot of it and then hauls it out without telling Brian where it came from.”

“Justin is a very clever man.”

“That he is, just like my Drewsie.”

“Your Drewsie?”

“My Drewsie is the handsomest, smartest, most romantic, sweetest…”

“Whoa there, my boy,” Claire laughed. “I have the greatest respect for your partner, but…”

“No buts, and he’s no longer my partner.”

“What? What do you mean, Emmett? What’s happened?” Claire said with worry in her voice.

Emmett flashed his ring and Claire’s mouth opened in surprise. “He’s your husband!”

“Correct on the first guess,” Emmett laughed as Claire hugged him in a manner worthy of Debbie.

“But you can’t tell anyone until we make the official announcement.”

“You can count on me,” Claire said with a big smile.


“There’s Sharon and Owen,” Craig said when he and Susan had their drinks. “Let’s sit with them.” Craig led his wife over to the Brenners.

“Good to see you,” Owen said standing up and making sure everyone had a seat.

“They certainly get a crowd for these barbecues,” Sarah Kingsley observed with her nose in the air. She had finally agreed to come to one of these get-togethers.

“Yes, the group seems to be getting bigger all the time,” Craig agreed as he looked around at the motley crew of attendees.

“I think it’s lovely that everyone wants to spend time together,” Susan threw in. She hated the snobbery of her husband and Mrs. Kingsley. If she had her choice, she’d go sit with Molly, but she hadn’t reappeared from changing the baby.

Craig snorted and took a long drink of his beer. “I wouldn’t be here at all if it wasn’t for my grandchildren.”

“Then you’d miss a really good time,” Owen said studying Craig Taylor with eyes that perhaps saw him for the first time.


“Emmett, do you know how to make a Long Island Iced Tea?” Carl asked coming over to Emmett.

“Why yes, I believe I do, and they’re very yummy. Would you like one?”

“Not for me. Debbie discovered them while we were traveling.”

“I’ll be happy to whip one up, and make one for myself as well.”

“Thank you,” Carl said as he followed Emmett to the bar area.

Emmett started whipping up the concoction adding all the kinds of alcohol that were required. “And some iced tea,” Emmett said adding the last ingredient.

“No wonder she likes those things. They must pack a punch.”

“They slide down really easy, and after four or five the sledgehammer falls,” Emmett laughed. He held out the glass waving it in front of Carl’s face so that the man would be sure to see his wedding ring.

“Is that…?”

“Oops, I wasn’t supposed to tell till we make out announcement,” Emmett giggled.

“I won’t tell a soul,” Carl pledged. “And congratulations.”

“Thank you muchly,” Emmett grinned.

Carl made his way back outside.


“Come and get it!” Brian called as his first batch of burgers and dogs was ready for consumption.

“Great day for this,” Carl said as he walked down the line. “Did you hear Emmett’s news?”

Brian raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, but no one’s supposed to know.”

“Emmett’s not a great one for keeping a secret, especially about something like this.”

“Yeah, ain’t that the truth.”

Carl moved away and Claire and Steve held out their plates. “It really is great news,” Claire said with a big smile.

“You know too?”

“I think Emmett has had trouble containing himself. He’s too happy. It’s written all over his face.”

Brian shook his head. It seemed like the news was out.

“Bri, can I get a couple of hotdogs for Bree and Patrick?”

“Sure, Sunshine,” Brian replied. He waited for Justin to say something about Emmett’s wedding. He dished up the hotdogs and when Justin still didn’t say anything, he concluded that Justin might be one of the few who didn’t know the big news. “Here you go,” he said handing his husband the plates for the kids. “And ask Emmett about his new jewelry.”

“Okaaay?” Justin said giving his husband a quizzical look.

Brian chuckled to himself. He could hardly wait for Emmett’s big announcement.

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