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Story Notes:

Another little scene that popped into my head after writing the first one. I hope you enjoy this one as well.


Brian has just turned down a trick's offer of sex in the bathroom at Woody's...

Trick: You suck!

Brian: Only those worthy of my expertise.

Michael (at the same time): No he doesn't.

Brian: Of course I do.

Michael: Stop it, Brian. We all know you're the ultimate top and they don't suck cock. I know you; you've never sucked cock.

Justin returns to their table with a round of beers in time to hear Michael's speech: He sucks mine every morning... and afternoon... and night... sometimes more.

Michael: Bullshit!

Brian: Like I said, Mikey, only those worthy of my expertise.

Justin grins brightly, wagging his eyebrows at Brian.

Brian grabs Justin and heads to the bathroom saying he needs protein.

Michael pouts and crosses his arms.

The trick slinks away.


The End.
Deb Tanner is the author of 28 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 1 members. Members who liked Just another little scene also liked 290 other stories.
This story is part of the series, Just a Little Scene. The previous story in the series is Just a little scene. The next story in the series is Just a little scene in Babylon.
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