In the steam room at the gym...
Trick walks off mad: You suck!
Brian: I'm a gay man; of course I suck.
Michael: What?
Brian: You think I've never sucked a cock before, Mikey?
Michael: Well... maybe when you were younger... but... well, I've never seen you do it!
Ben joins in: Oh, he definitely sucks cock.
Michael, angry: How would you know? Have you seen him suck someone's cock?
Ben looks at Michael, one eyebrow raised.
Michael: Are you fucking kidding me?
Ben: Damn excellent technique, too.
Justin, smiling: Very excellent! There's this thing he does with his tongue...
Brian quickly grabs Justin and drags him to a more private area.
Ben smiles and shakes his head.
Michael pouts and stomps off.
Ben starts to laugh.