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His Lean and Meaness

Part 4

Debbie’s POV:

“Sunshine!  What are you doing here?”

“I work here don’t I?”

“Of course you do honey but I thought you’d take the night off”

“Deb I’m okay really I am and I need this job”

“Well ok if you’re sure; Hunter’s on tonight let him handle the heavy stuff”

“Hey you don’t have to treat me like a baby, I can pull my own weight, besides I get enough of that at home”

“What’s the asshole making you pull now?”

“Stop, he’s just hovering again”

“What do you mean hovering again when did Brian ever hover over anyone unless in bed of course”

“Deb you of all people should know him better than that; I don’t know what’s with all of you, you say you care about him but…”

“We care Sunshine but the asshole…”

“See that’s what I mean he’s not an asshole, sometimes maybe but not all the time”
”What do you mean honey?”

“After the bashing he was always hovering around me doing little things for me, taking care of me, giving me whatever I wanted”
”Except him”

“That was different, he’s different now”

“Yeah meaner”

“That’s not true, he took care of me then and this weekend”

“Oh really”
”Yes really”

“Well you can tell me all about it later we have customers waiting…what’ll ya have honey?”

This kid is so hung up on Brian I hope he doesn’t get hurt again.  He’s so sweet and trusting I still think he has his head in the clouds, just like my poor Michael.  Oh well I hope Justin wises up; still I have seen some changes in Brian I know the asshole loves him maybe he’s even told him this time.  Well Sunshine certainly deserves to hear it.  Phew it’s busy here tonight I’m glad Justin came to work.

“Hunter can you clear that table?”

“Sure Deb”

“Hi Ted”

“Hi ya Deb, sure is busy tonight”

“Yeah no booth I’m afraid”

“No problem I’m solo”

“What’ll ya have?”

“How about a chicken caesar salad”

“Since when do you do salads?”

“Since I got used to eating with Brian and Cynthia”

“Well isn’t that something, ok I’ll put your order in; coffee?”

“Yes thanks”

“How was it at the loft; get to hear some down and dirty sex?”

“No Deb it was a real eye opener”

“What the asshole do now?”

“Who else?”
“ Ya know Deb you really have to stop calling him that, he’s really not that bad and he’s a very gracious host”

“Let you watch huh”

“No; he made up the futon for me, got me extra blankets and even laid out clothes for me the next morning and then the two cooked breakfast”

“Well I’ll be damned”

“Yeah who knew”
”I bet it was all Sunshine”
”No it was all Brian”

“Well will wonders never cease”
”I’ve grown to appreciate the man, I’ve seen a little of what Justin sees in him and he’ll do anything for Justin”
”I’ll bet as long as he gets his cock sucked”


“Aha! I knew it he had that kid suckin’ him off after he almost got killed wait till I get my hands on him”

“No Deb, it wasn’t like that, it was Justin”


“He woke up with a nightmare…”

“Poor Sunshine I didn’t know he still got them”

“Well he whomped Brian good in his sleep”

“Bet Brian was pissed”

“No not really he woke Justin got him calm but Justin couldn’t go back to sleep, so he helped him”

“Helped him how?”


“Oh…bet Sunshine had to pay him back”



“No he said that was for him then the two went back to sleep”


“That’s exactly what I thought; Deb Emmett’s been right all along these two have a very deep connection that no one will understand but I got to see it first hand and believe me I was the biggest skeptic and now I’m convinced”

“Ya know Ted I kinda knew that but sometimes”
”I know we’re so used to Brian fuckin’ up big time then somehow fixing it big time that we never get to see the real Brian, well I have seen and I’m proud to call him my friend”

“Now who’d want to be your friend Theodore?”

“Oh I don’t know some tall lean and mean asshole”
”I have no idea to whom you’re referring…Deb can I get some coffee?”

“Coming right up honey”

Amazing well if Brian can convince Ted that he and Justin are in love it must be true, the asshole.

“Hey Sonny Boy”


“Let me get that for you and where’s Hunter, you’re a waiter you shouldn’t be bussing this heavy stuff”

“Brian don’t you’ll get your suit all dirty”

“That’s what dry cleaners are for, don’t argue with me”

“I never could”

“Oh yes you can and you do all the time that’s what I lo…(whispering) love about you”

“Silly old man”

“I’m not old I’m Rage remember”

“My hero”

“There and please let the kid do this, ok, for me just for a few more days then you can go back to being your stubborn little self”

“Ok Bri for you”

“Hey Deb where’s my…”

“COFFEE…here asshole”


Amazing Brian Kinney bussing tables in an Armani suit never in a million years did I ever think I’d live to see that; perhaps Ted’s right I do have to give him respect.  He is a hero, grown up to become a real man with love and goodness in his heart; I’ve known it’s always been there but I guess it just needed a little Sunshine to let it out.  Well his lean and meanness is always full of surprises but somehow he doesn’t surprise Justin it’s like he knows that Brian will do the right thing, just like the Stockwell thing or with Jason Kemp.  He seems to know how to fix things.  I guess he does deserve our respect.

“Hey Deb wake up, where’d ya go, I’m hungry”

“What’ll ya have ass, uh kiddo?”

“I’ll have what he’s having”

“Chicken Caesar coming right up”

See full of surprises.


Chapter End Notes:



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