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Leaving my last class I remember I had heard Michael's ringtone earlier. I didn't have the time between classes to check to see if he left a message due to helping a student with his project before the next class started. I pull my phone from my pocket and see that he did leave a message.

Once I'm in my car I dial into my voicemail and notice I have three new messages. One is from Hunter, one is Michael's, and oddly I have one from our neighbor, Eli. I decide to listen to Michael's message first. What I hear is Michael screeching about Justin throwing a drink on him at the shop this afternoon.

Okay, now I know Michael and Justin are never going to be bosom buddies, but they have been getting along quite well the last few months. I can't imagine Justin doing anything like Michael describes in his message. If it happened as Michael says it did, then he must have provoked Justin in some way. But I find that hard to believe as well, because Michael has done so many things over the years that would provoke anyone, but Justin has never reacted beyond rolling his eyes. Usually Justin simply ignores Michael.

However, from the moment I realized that Brian and Justin are truly in a strong, committed relationship, I started paying more attention to the mechanics of our little family.

It's obvious that my husband still sees Brian as a club boy. He either doesn't realize or, probably more accurately, refuses to acknowledge that Brian only goes to the club now in his capacity as the owner, except for once or twice a month when we all meet up to spend a couple of hours together with a dance thrown in here and there. Brian no longer drinks to excess and he no longer does recreational drugs. In fact Justin mentioned one evening that they smoke an occasional joint but only on very stressful days and never when Gus is coming to visit.

I had hoped to head straight home after such a long day but it looks like I need to head straight to Woody's. I quickly check Hunter's message which turns out to be a great message since he's letting us know that he will be home next weekend for a visit. I miss having him around all the time, but he's really enjoying his time at Harrisburg University.

Eli's message was strange. He wants to know what's up with Michael. He said he saw Michael this afternoon and they waved hello to each other, but then Michael suddenly started flapping his arms like he was a bird or something and walked into the house. I'm sure it's nothing; he was probably just shaking his arms due to the stickiness of the drink that Justin supposedly threw on him.

I toss my phone on the passenger seat and start the car. I guess it's time to find out what's going on.


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