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Woody's seemed to be having a regular night of business for a Thursday. There were a few open tables along the back wall, so Gil, the bartender, didn't think anything was strange when as usual Michael Novotny-Bruckner came in, ordered a beer and louder than necessary told him he was meeting Brian Kinney. Then as always he added that he was also meeting their friends.

What was unusual was Michael flapping his arms before grabbing his beer and walking away; that was new. Gil decided he would keep an eye on him in case it became obvious that he would need to cut Michael off early and only serve him water. Hopefully Ben, Michael's husband, would also be joining them and he wouldn't have to handle a drunk Novotny-Bruckner; it had been a while, but once was definitely enough him.

Gil also realized that a few of the other patrons had noticed Michael's odd behavior as well; some even changed their direction just to avoid walking past him. He chuckled lightly when he spotted a few customers, including Drew Boyd, had cellphones positioned so they could surreptitiously film Michael as he crossed the bar to one of the larger tables at the back. He looked back at Michael who once again flapped his arms before sitting in the chair with the best view of the front door.

Customers sitting closest to the table that Michael had chosen quickly moved to other tables. However, Michael never noticed; his sole focus was the entrance to Woody's.

Michael wasn't happy when Ted and Blake were the first of his friends to arrive, followed soon after by Emmett, but he didn't say anything; he simply grinned at each of them as they joined him at the table. What he didn't know was each of them wondered if Michael was feeling sick since his expression gave the impression he was constipated.

Next to arrive, much to Michael's surprise, was Ben. However, before Ben could even kiss him hello, Michael spotted Brian making his way to the bar.

"Brian! Over here!" Michael shouted across the bar.

"What the fuck are you doing, Michael?" Ben jumped back from his husband and stared at him. He barely missed getting hit in the face.

"What? I'm just letting him know where we're sitting. What's wrong with that?" Michael asked.

"I don't think that's what he's asking about, sweetie." Emmett is staring at his as is Ted.

Brian approached the table wondering why everyone is staring at Michael.

"What's going on?" Brian asked, directing his question at everyone staring at Michael. Before anyone could respond Justin stepped out from behind Brian.

"Hey, guys," Justin said, warily watching Michael for any more odd behavior. He wasn't disappointed.

"What the fuck, Brian? You brought Boy Wonder! I thought you were my best friend!" Michael shouted.

The entire bar went silent as Michael suddenly flapped his arms, turned in a circle three times, barked like a dog, and then grabbed Emmett's Cosmo and poured it over his own head.


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