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Author's Chapter Notes:

Just another, really long, smut-filled chapter for you. Enjoy! TAG & Sally

Chapter 18 - ‘S Wonderful.

“Is that stomach monster of yours finally satisfied, Blue Eyes,” Brian asked after Justin had eaten all of his Spam Hash and more than half of Brian’s.

Justin leaned back in his seat and rubbed at his rounded stomach. “I think so. He’s good for an hour or so, at least. Why do you ask?”

“Well, you told me I couldn’t ask the janitor up to help with my heating problems, so I’ve been waiting for you all week, Blue Eyes. You didn’t think you’d be getting away from me that fast, did you?” Brian whispered in the young man’s ear, sneaking a little bite to the tender lobe before he sat up grinning. “Besides, you said you wanted to learn everything I could teach you, and I’m not even started yet.”

“There’s more?” Justin asked with wonder in his tone.

“Sooooo much more, little boy,” Brian purred.

Justin abruptly jumped to his feet and trotted over to the bar. “Daphne, we’re leaving,” he stated with a kiss to his friend’s cheek.

Brian followed him a little more slowly, tossing the spare coins he had in his pocket on the top of the bar as a tip for Daphne. Before he left, though, Justin saw Brian pause for a moment, as if thinking through something complicated. The way the big guy’s face was all screwed up, it seemed like he didn’t care much for whatever conclusion he was coming to.

“Daphne . . .” He hesitated again even after he started to speak, but then took a deep breath and plowed on anyway. “Tomorrow night, the 19th, you need to be in a shelter again. It’s gonna be just as bad as last night, maybe worse.”

Daphne froze in the act of wiping down the bar and focused her gaze on Brian’s face with an apprising look. “Any partic’lar shelter this time, ‘Andsome?” She asked with a sideways glance Justin’s way.

Brian shook his head with a ghost of a smile. “Nah. I think they’ll all be okay this time. At least around here. Just be careful getting there and back. Don’t wait till the last fucking minute this time, okay?”

“Will do, Love. Thank yer fer the ‘eads up.” She nodded and smiled at Brian, who rapped on the counter with his knuckles twice, pointed to her and nodded back before turning to follow Justin out of the bar.

When they were a couple of meters down the street, walking  shoulder to shoulder in a companionable silence, Justin finally spoke up. “So, I’m assuming you can’t tell me how you know there’s going to be another raid tomorrow, right?”

“I’d rather not,” Brian replied without looking Justin’s way.

“You’re as confident about this one happening as you were about last night’s?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” the big guy answered.

Justin shoved his hands in the pockets of his trousers, hunching his shoulders and kicking at a small rock on the sidewalk. What was he supposed to think? What was he supposed to say? Brian’s prescient knowledge was completely inexplicable. How the heck could his otherwise rational and down-to-earth lover know these things? And not only did Brian know the exact date of ANOTHER raid, but he seemed confident that he knew which shelters would be safe. That was impossible, right? How was Justin supposed to react to his information? What was he supposed to do with this knowledge?

“Are you going to be flying tomorrow night?” Brian asked, interrupting Justin’s spiraling thoughts.

“Yeah. I have tonight off since Hobbs is back on rotation, but I’m supposed to be on again tomorrow.”

Brian sighed heavily. “I wish . . . Fuck, I don’t know what I wish.” Brian finally looked over at Justin. “I know you love flying - that it’s your job - but I just . . . Oh, fuck it.” He fell silent again, leaving Justin wondering what Brian was thinking inside that complicated mind of his.

They walked in silence for another few minutes, both so immersed in their own thoughts they didn’t have space in their minds for conversation. They were heavy thoughts too. So heavy that it actually slowed both men’s steps to the point that they were merely shuffling along. Finally, though, Justin came to a conclusion that he hoped would relieve at least his half of the problem.

“I don’t want you to tell me about any other raids you might happen to know about, Brian. Okay?” Justin voiced his request, stopping and turning to face Brian as he spoke in order to emphasize how serious he was about the matter.

“But . . .”

Justin cut Brian off before he could voice whatever his ‘but’ entailed. “I’m sorry, Brian, but I mean it,” he insisted. “See, the thing is, I can’t do anything with the information . . . I can’t keep telling my CO that I know about these raids in advance - he already has questions about how I knew of the last one, and if I tell him about this next one, there will be no end to all the questions. I was able to avoid telling them about you last time, but if I speak up again, they’re going to haul your rear in there and interrogate you till they get to the bottom of it. And since I don’t particularly want my lover being subjected to whatever torture the RAF Intelligence Service thinks is appropriate, I really can’t say anything.”

Justin looked up pleadingly at the taller man, hoping Brian would see his sincerity. “But that puts me in a really tough spot, Brian. I’m an RAF officer. I owe the Service my loyalty. And not only that, if I fail to tell the CO something that might save lives - including maybe my own life . . . Well, I can’t ethically NOT tell them without feeling like I’m to blame for any harm that comes to any of my fellow service members.” Brian nodded, obviously seeing the dilemma Justin was being put into. “So, since I can’t say anything without hurting you, and I can’t not say anything without it weighing on my conscience, I’d really rather just not KNOW.”

“I get it, Blue Eyes,” Brian replied sadly. “But, that leaves me in almost the same situation. If you had knowledge that could save lives - specifically the life of someone you . . . you really cared about - and you didn’t use that information to help them, could you live with yourself if they later got hurt because you didn’t say something?”

“Hmm,” Justin hummed, thinking how confusing this had become in such a short time period. “I don’t know what to do, Brian. I really don’t see any solution.”

“Fucking Catch 22,” Brian mumbled.

“Huh?” Justin asked, confused again by Brian saying stuff he didn’t understand.

“Catch 22 . . . You know, a paradoxical situation that has no good solution . . .” Brian started to explain and then caught himself. “Damn. That book hasn’t even been written yet, has it?” Justin looked at him even more confused. “Never mind,” Brian shook his head with a huff of unamused mirth. “The point is that we’re stuck.”

“I don’t want to give you up, Brian,” Justin asserted, defying the world enough to reach out and grab his man’s hand even though they were in public. “It would kill me . . . But if you can’t do this . . . If you can’t honor my wishes on this, then I can’t continue seeing you. I just can’t. I’m sorry.”

“Even if YOUR life might depend on the information I have, Blue Eyes?” Brian asked, looking so serious and intent that it gave Justin pause for at least a minute as they stood there together in the street with crowds of people passing by them.

Justin thought about it, but in the end, that didn’t change his analysis. “Even then, Brian. I just really don’t want to know.”

“Fine,” Brian replied after a heart-stopping pause. “I don’t like it, Blue Eyes, but I can see your point.” He gave Justin’s hand a squeeze and then let go. “I won’t say anything more. I promise.”

“Thank you, Brian,” Justin responded, all of a sudden unsure if he’d done the right thing and maybe a little disappointed that Brian had given in so easily.

“Come on,” Brian spoke up as he started walking again. “I’ve had enough of this introspection shit for one night. I’d rather fuck while we can, Blue Eyes.”

“That’s not exactly reassuring, Brian,” Justin responded as he trotted the few steps needed to catch up with his lover.

“Fucking is ALWAYS reassuring,” Brian insisted, a little loudly.

“Oí! Language, Mate,” a random passer-by admonished him.

Brian only shrugged and kept on walking. “Fucking is the only way you know you’re really alive. It’s the best way to tell the universe that you don’t care what the hell it’s agenda is. You’re not going to give in. You’re going to keep on living no matter what it hurls at you. So we fuck and say ‘fuck you’ to everything else.”

Justin might not have said it quite like that, but he did have to agree with the sentiment. That was the same attitude that got him through every single mission he flew. It was the motto the citizens of London had lived by since the beginning of the Blitz. It was the only way they could go on. They defied the Germans just by continuing to live. And Justin figured that it was as good an approach to life as any in wartime.

“Excellent plan, Brian,” Justin agreed and picked up his pace so as to make it back to Brian’s hotel that much quicker and thereby put that philosophy into action as soon as possible.

Brian seemed just as intent on getting started on their new pact as Justin and was taking such long steps as they neared the hotel that Justin almost had to jog to keep up. They ran up the front steps and into the hotel together. With a glance, they seemed to come to a mutual agreement that waiting for the elevator would take too long, so they both turned to the stairs without a word. And even after three flights of steps, they were both still so intent on their goal that they didn’t stop to catch their breath until they tumbled through the door and landed in a heap together on the bed, arms and legs already entangled.

While they rolled around, kissed, groped and moaned, a part of Justin's mind was engaged in wondering how he’d become this depraved after only such a short time of knowing the enigmatic hazel-eyed brunet. He’d never been the demonstrative type. He’d always been so restrained. Always worried about being found out. Caught. Exposed. But in just a couple of weeks, Justin had found himself essentially freed from all those constraints. He felt slightly out of control, but at the same time, so freed that he couldn’t really care sufficiently to stop himself. This thing - Brian and everything the man did to him - felt so liberating that Justin seemed to be turning into a different person. And he really didn’t care either.

In fact, he was feeling so abandoned right at that moment, that he didn’t seem to have any inhibitions left at all. It wasn’t Brian that was driving him at this point. Justin was the one flailing at their clothing, desperate to get to naked flesh, so intent on his goal that he actually ripped a couple buttons off his shirt in the process. Once he got his own clothing off, he practically attacked Brian to get the older man’s clothes all the way off as well. And the next thing he knew, Justin was rolling them both over, straddling the larger man’s body, and manhandling Brian into position beneath him.

At first Brian seemed to be just as caught up in the moment as Justin had been. However, as soon as the young pilot reached over to the side table and grabbed the ribbon of condoms Brian had left there earlier, the older man seemed to take notice of what was going on. Before Justin could grab the bottle of lube, Brian reached out and snatched it away.

“What, exactly, do you think you’re doing, little boy?”

“I’d think that would be obvious, Handsome. I’m going to put the lessons you taught me earlier today into practice,” Justin announced with a bold assertiveness that caused Brian’s right eyebrow to raise questioningly.

“I don’t think so, Blue Eyes. What gave you the idea that your second time out of the chute you'd be taking charge?” Brian questioned, plucking the condoms out of Justin‘s hand and then using his greater weight to flip them both over.

“I’m a fast learner,” Justin asserted, trying to grab back a condom packet even as Brian held them aloft, just out of his reach.

“Not that fast, Justin. NOBODY’S that fast.”

But, while Brian was distracted trying to keep the octopus boy’s hands away from both the lube and the condoms, Justin deftly squirmed out from underneath the larger man’s body and, in a move too quick for Brian to stop, he managed to wrap one arm around a long lean thigh, heave it up high enough to gain some leverage, and then overturn his lover once again. While Brian was still trying to figure out what the fuck just happened, Justin pinned him to the mattress, his one hand pressing with sufficient pressure at the base of Brian’s neck to hold the surprised Stud in place without completely strangling him. The other hand then skillfully yanked the ribbon of condoms out of Brian’s hand.

“What the fuck! Get the hell off me, little boy,” Brian demanded, beginning to struggle.

“I told you I was a fast learner,” Justin repeated with a huge grin on his impish face. “So fast that I was the squadron champion in our hand-to-hand combat course during basic training.”

“Yeah, well, when I need to take out a platoon of enemy commandos, I’ll give you a call, Soldier Boy. In the meantime, get the hell off me,” Brian ordered, biting off the words with a tone that sent immediate warning flares up in Justin’s mind.

Justin, of course, had simply been playing around. He hadn’t meant anything by his seemingly aggressive actions. But it seemed that Brian was taking it all much more seriously. Justin thought he might have even detected the tiniest spark of panic in the usually unflappable man’s eyes. There was clearly something here that he wasn’t seeing yet.

“Sorry, Brian,” he instantly apologized as he quickly rolled off his lover’s body. “I didn’t mean to get so rough. I guess sometimes my military training just takes over in the heat of the moment. Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m fucking okay,” Brian growled as he practically vaulted off the bed and stalked over to the dresser to get his pack of cigarettes and lighter.

Justin laid there on the bed, wondering what the heck had just happened, while Brian puffed at his fag like a locomotive engine. He thought Brian was overreacting a bit, but judging by how agitated the man was, there had to be a reason behind it. The young man knew enough from listening to the talk of his friends at the White Lion that he understood different men approached sex differently. Some of the guys there had said point blank they’d never let anyone cornhole them, while others professed repeatedly that they loved it. He’d always been doubtful about the idea himself, although he’d still wanted to try it at least once just to find out what it was all about. Now that he’d enjoyed the experience, he knew he wanted to do it over and over again. He didn’t know why anyone wouldn’t. But it seemed like Brian - as open-minded and experienced as the man professed to be - apparently belonged to the group not willing to be on the receiving end of things. Justin figured there had to be some story behind that decision, but he wasn’t going to push for it yet. He and Brian were still too new for that kind of discussion. He would let it slide for now, but planned to get back to it later.

He also planned to eventually get back to the idea of HIM getting a chance to try out his lessons on his lover.

For now, though, Justin was more than happy to be on the receiving end a few more times. And Brian HAD assured him there was a lot more still to learn. He really did want to experience EVERYTHING Brian had to offer, so it wasn’t a hardship to assume a less dominant role for the time being. If he could only cajole his skittish lover back into their bed.

“I really am sorry, Brian,” he apologized again, crawling to the foot of the bed so he could reach out and grab his lover’s arm. “Please come back.” Brian blew out a lungful of smoke and seemed to relax a bit in the process. “Come on, Handsome. I’m eager to see what my next lesson is. If it’s as amazing as my last one, I might just pass out before we’re done,” he added with a coquettish giggle that he hoped would entice Brian from his foul mood.

Brian looked down at Justin, shook his head with a trace of a smile and crushed out his cigarette in the ashtray on the dresser. But he did let Justin tow him back to the bed. Before he was out of reach of the dresser, though, Brian grabbed hold of his ditty bag and brought it with him.

“You do know that I’m going to take that as a challenge, right?” Brian asked, looking at Justin with a predatory gleam in his eye. “I mean, if I DON’T make you pass out now, I’ll feel like I’ve failed.” Brian smirked down at the waiting blond. “Are you sure you’re ready for that, Blue Eyes?”

Justin, who was simply glad that Brian had snapped out of his funk so quickly, merely smiled up at the man. “I think you’ve got your work cut out for you, Handsome. I can take multiple g-forces while flying without passing out. I don’t think sex is going to do it - not even sex with the likes of you. But you feel free to give it your best shot, though.”

“Oh, little boy, you have no fucking idea . . .” Brian said with a chuckle. He then unzipped the little leather bag, dug around inside, and came out with the mysterious shaking silver bullet thing that Justin had been curious about earlier. “Normally I would have held off on the orgasm denial lesson until much later, but since you claim to be such a quick learner, I think I’ll step up my training plan.”

“Orgasm denial?” Justin asked, not really sure he liked the sound of that.


“O-kay . . . So, then, what’s that thing supposed to do?” Justin asked, now eyeing the shaking bullet with distrust.

“Roll over and you’ll see,” Brian insisted, prodding at the younger man’s hip with the cold tip of the metal bullet.

Justin was torn between trepidation and curiosity. He was starting to get an idea of what the shaking bullet thing was for now. Was Brian really going to stick the thing up there? He supposed it couldn’t be any worse than having Brian himself inside him. But why would it shake? And did Brian seriously intend to try and make him pass out? Would that be a good thing? Applesauce, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything about that passing out thing.

“Come on, little boy. School’s in session and you’re gonna be late to class unless you get on your stomach and get your ass in the air in the next thirty seconds,” Brian ordered, poking more insistently with the shaking bullet.

Reluctantly, Justin complied, rolling over and pulling one of the fluffy down pillows under his chest to support himself. He could feel the mattress dip as Brian kneeled down behind him, nudging his legs further apart so he had room. Justin gasped when the cold metal of the bullet touched the skin between his shoulder blades and then lightly trailed down his spine. He was already so hard his cock was dripping with jism, and Brian had barely even touched him yet. The anticipation itself was enough to practically make the randy young man ejaculate. He didn’t exactly know what ‘orgasm denial’ was, but he thought Brian was going to have a tough time with it at the rate he was going.

“Good boy,” Brian whispered, leaning over his back closely enough so that Justin could feel the heat of the other man’s body just millimeters from his skin even though they weren’t actually touching. “Now, this, Blue Eyes,” there was a small whirring of a motor and Justin could feel the bullet thing start its shaking as the tip was pushed against the very base of his tailbone, “is called a ‘dildo’.” The shaking moved a hairsbreadth lower, just barely touching the tender flesh of his crack. “It’s a VERY handy little device. You’d be amazed what I can do with one. And I’m going to teach you every single trick . . .”

The thing slid a little lower, passing over his hole and moving inexorably down till Justin felt it pressing hard against a spot somewhere between his hole and his balls. It seemed to be a very sensitive spot, too. A spot that caused him to gasp as he felt an amazing twinge of pleasure. His body instinctively tried to arch up, so he could get more of the wonderful sensation.

“Oh no you don’t,” Brian huffed out a laugh as his free hand pressed down on Justin’s lower back, holding him in place.

That was okay, though, because the pleasant, tingling vibrations were still zapping through him.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Brian asked with a soft chuckle . . . just before he pulled the pleasantly rumbling little toy away from Justin’s perineum. “Unfortunately, since you’ve been a bad boy, you don’t get to have that. Not for long, at least.” Justin gave an unhappy little grunt that only made Brian laugh again. “Welcome to the Advanced Placement course on orgasm denial, Blue Eyes. Hope you weren’t planning on getting any rest tonight. It’s going to be a long lesson. Better start taking notes, little boy.”

“How is NOT touching me with your shaking bullet thing going to make me pass out, Brian,” Justin asked, a hint of irritation rising in his tone at having the fun little bullet thing taken away.

“Oh, never fear,” Brian chuckled evilly again. “I’m definitely going to be touching you with it.” He punctuated his statement by shoving the bullet - now slicked with lube and the vibration mechanism turned on to high - quickly into Justin’s unprepared hole, causing the young man to cry out, although it was more from surprise than pain. “I’m just not going to let you enjoy it too much.” The vibrations stopped abruptly. “Not until I’m ready. And by then you’ll be begging me to let you come. Which is when the passing out will happen.” The vibrations started again, on high, as Brian pressed the gadget upwards so that it made direct contact with that spot inside Justin that caused him to see sparks. “Trust me, Blue Eyes. YOU might be an ace pilot, but I’m a master of the sexual arts.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” was all Justin managed to say in response.

And then, just when the level of pleasure started to spiral upwards, Justin felt the bullet being yanked out of him, roughly enough that it actually stung a little, and the crescendo of pleasure crashed down again leaving the boy panting.

“You gonna take back that challenge now, Blue Eyes?” Brian asked, leaning down to lick his way up the younger man’s back all the way from his tailbone to his hairline. “I can make you come in only seconds, if you want me to, you know. Or I can draw this out all night. Until you’re screaming for me to let you finally come. Begging me. Pleading with me.”

Justin felt Brian’s teeth nibbling at his earlobe, the moist heat of his breath tickling over his cheek. Brian’s hands were now wrapped around Justin’s wrists, holding them immobile. But except for his wrists and the lips touching Justin’s ear, the only other point of contact between them was where Brian’s hard and leaking cock was lightly tickling across his lower back as Brian twitched his hips from side to side. It was so intoxicating and yet not enough. Justin wanted more. He needed to feel all of Brian. He desperately wanted to be touched. He needed to be touched. But he was also a stubborn, proud, determined young man and unaccustomed to giving in to anybody. He couldn’t just back down now, could he?

“Last chance, Blue Eyes,” Brian hummed in his ear. “Take back your challenge now and admit that I can make you pass out or else I’ll HAVE to prove it to you.”

“I ADMIT that you’re annoying as all get out, Brian. But I still don’t think you can make me pass out. Heck, at this rate I’ll be coming in less than five minutes, and then where will you be, Handsome?” Justin teased, bucking his hips backwards with enough force to finally make full body contact with the man hovering over him.

Brian actually laughed at his lover’s braggadocious words. “Okay, little boy. You’re on. Let the games begin.”

Justin shivered at Brian’s words.

Undoubtedly, Justin’s ego would someday be his downfall. Just like it was that day. Because after an hour, or two, or ten - he really had no idea how long he’d been lying there - he came to the conclusion that Brian was probably going to kill him instead of just making him pass out. In fact, passing out would actually be welcome at that point. He’d long since passed the point where he’d started begging. Brian, though, seemed to have gone completely deaf and simply carried on with the exquisite torture without relenting even a tiny bit.

And that darned shaking bullet thing . . . Well, if that thing wasn’t illegal under the Geneva Convention, it definitely should be. In Brian’s hands it should be considered a deadly weapon. The way he would tantalize with it, using it one minute to slide in and out of his rear end so smoothly, all happy vibrations and pleasure, only to have it pulled out without warning, or shoved deeper and the shaking thing pulsed on and off intermittently without warning, or poked into his prostate without any predictable rhythm, or, the worst of all, having it completely taken away just when he was enjoying it . . . Like he said, it should be illegal to do that to a poor, helpless RAF pilot like that.

By the time Brian had rolled Justin over onto his back, and started sucking on his dick, he was so exhausted he felt like his body was turning into a boneless sack of jelly. But even then, Brian didn’t relent. He simply refused to give Justin the release he needed. The begging, pleading, bargaining, even the threats, didn’t seem to work. He would just keep licking, sucking, nibbling and whatever, right up until Justin started to feel that happy little tingle of delight starting in his gut and then . . . Brian would ruthlessly pinch back his mounting pleasure without thought.

Finally, Justin totally lost his cool and screamed - forgetting completely where they were and that the other hotel guests might be able to hear them through the paper thin walls - telling Brian to fucking get on with it and fuck him already, damn it!

“Oooo! The Boy Scout CAN actually curse after all,” Brian teased with an evil grin. “But, since you asked so nicely, I suppose maybe it’s time to give you what you want. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you, Blue Eyes.”

Justin rolled his eyes, or at least he thought he did, he was so fucking exhausted he couldn’t be sure.

“Are you ready, Blue Eyes? Hold on tight.”

Justin obediently wrapped both hands around Brian’s sweaty biceps and held on for dear life.

“I didn’t mean that quite so literally,” Brian laughed as he leaned down and kissed the hell out of the blond’s swollen lips. “But I like it, so keep ‘em there,” he grinned.

Somewhere in the haze of the night, Brian had apparently already put on a condom and was lubed up. Not that Justin’s ass needed any more lube at this point, probably. But when Brian pulled the shaking bullet out for the last time and then replaced it with his own, nice, warm, thick cock, it felt almost like coming home. It was comforting. It was . . . nice.

“That’s my boy,” Brian cooed as he slid all the way home, pausing at the apex of his thrust, and panting slightly, seeming to need to catch himself.

Justin’s fingers turned white from how hard they dug into the tops of Brian’s arms and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly as wave after wave of pleasure overtook him. By this point, though, Justin was too worn out to care. He simply lay there and let the experienced older man take care of him. And it felt so amazingly good. He felt almost like he was floating.

Plus, this time, when the happy tingling started down by his navel and spread outward to his balls and his dick and his everything . . . this time Brian didn’t stop right at the best part. The initial tiny electric sparks just smoldered and grew and flared up and started to blaze and then, almost before he was ready - which was ridiculous, right, after Brian had kept him hanging on the edge like that for hours, but it was still true - the fire inside him exploded in a conflagration that washed over his whole body from the inside out, leaving Justin gasping and writhing. When it was at its height, he heard himself yelling Brian’s name and thought maybe he was crying too, but he didn’t feel sad. Not in the least. So why was he crying?

A heartbeat later, Justin felt Brian convulsing on top of him and then the reassuring weight of the big body draped itself over him, helping to quell the ongoing trembling in Justin’s own limbs.

Justin felt completely empty. Right at that moment in time, he didn’t need or want anything. He just wanted to stay right where he was with Brian’s cock still resting inside him and Brian’s body blanketing him and Brian’s scent anointing him. He felt like he belonged to Brian completely. And he was more than happy with that feeling. He never wanted to leave this place ever again.

Which was the last thing Justin remembered before it all went happily black.

When Justin finally became fully conscious again, he woke up to the sound of an odd whimpering sound and Brian’s calming voice murmuring something. “Shhhh, Blue Eyes. Shhh. It’s okay. It’s okay.”

Oh. Apparently that whimpering was him. That was strange. Justin didn’t feel sad or hurt or upset. He felt completely sated in a way he’d never dreamt was possible. But he supposed he’d better try and control the noises his body was making without his permission before Brian thought he was a mental case or something.

“I’m . . . I’m . . . I’m okay. I’m okay.” Justin managed to gasp out the words in a shaky voice that didn’t even sound like him.

Brian didn’t seem convinced though. He tried to roll off the top of the mewling mess of boy, reaching down to disengage himself from down there. But that only caused a new round of whimpering and complaints of, “don’t go. Please don’t go.” Dang nabbit! Justin seriously needed to get a grip on himself. “I . . . don’t . . . I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he hiccupped.

“Shhh! Nothing’s wrong with you,” Brian soothed, as he used one hand to try and calm down his emotional Blue Eyes, while the other gripped on tightly to the base of the condom.

“If nothing is . . . if nothing is wrong,” Justin sniffed loudly and wiped his arm across his face, “then why the heck am I crying?”

Once more, Brian started to pull out, which only made Justin wrap his legs even tighter around Brian’s body and pull him in closer. “Stay inside me,” Justin pleaded, exhaling loudly as he tried to calm his thumping heart.

Brian pulled his hands away from his softening dick and brought one hand up to play in the matted blond hair of his sweaty lover, while using the other to support his body weight. “Only for a second, ‘kay?”

Justin nodded. “What . . . what just happened?”

“You passed out. I warned you I could do it,” Brian replied teasingly. “But you’re okay.”

“I don't feel okay,” Justin sniffed again as he wiped absentmindedly at the copious amount of drying cum on his chest and stomach. “I’ve never had so much of this . . . stuff . . . come out of me before.” Applesauce! Why did he keep on talking, he was making himself sound like such a fool.

Brian grinned proudly. “I’m not surprised. I doubt you’ve ever had an orgasm like that in your entire life.”

“But why am I crying? I promise you it’s not because I’m sad. I’ve never . . . *sniff* . . . never felt better.”

“Don’t let it shake you, Blue Eyes. I told you this was the Advanced Placement course. Edging is like that. That’s the whole point of it. You end up losing yourself when the release finally comes. Trust me, kiddo, you’ll be fine,” Brian stated confidently enough to almost convince Justin of the truth behind his words.

“So you don’t think I’m a pathetic mess?” Justin asked hopefully.

“A mess, maybe, but not pathetic. You did just fine on that lesson, Blue Eyes. In fact, I’d say you passed with flying colors,” Brian assured him, adding in a kiss to affirm the statement. “But now I really do have to pull out or we’re going to have to have a lesson in fishing for a lost condom . . . which isn’t really my favorite lesson and I’d prefer to leave that for later . . . much later.”

“Okay . . .” Justin muttered, feeling so lethargic now that the emotional waves had passed by him that he couldn’t have held onto Brian any longer even if he’d wanted to.

A second later and Brian was gone, leaving him feeling even more empty, but this time in a good way. “There you go, Blue Eyes. You just rest now. I’ve got you . . .” Brian’s words seemed to fade out, but he could feel the man’s strong arms still wrapped comfortingly around him. A few minutes later, right before Justin fell asleep for good, he felt Brian gently wiping him down with a warm wet cloth. “Mmmm. Good . . .” was all he managed, and then he was out for the rest of the night.

*Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep*

*Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep*

*Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep*

Justin was pulled out of the most restful sleep he thought he’d ever had by the musical trilling of Brian’s strange little light box clock thing. He rolled away from where he’d been using Brian’s chest as a pillow and stretched his arms out above his head. Mmmmm. He felt so good. So happy. So . . .


Applesauce. His rear end felt like it was on fire. What the heck was that all about?

And then the night before started to come back to him and Justin blushed so hotly he felt like his cheeks were going to catch the pillow he was hiding his head in on fire.

“Good morning, Sunshine,” Brian sang out as he plopped back down on the bed next to the flustered young man. “How’s my wanton little sex pot doing this morning, hmmm?”

“Don’t look at me,” Justin mumbled through his pillowy protective barrier. “I can’t believe I . . . we . . . did . . . well . . . THAT . . .”

Brian seemed to find Justin’s protestations hilarious, and broke out laughing so hard he was rolling around on the bed. “Aw, Blue Eyes, you’re fucking adorable. You know that, right?” When Justin still refused to let him pull the pillow away from his face, Brian slapped him playfully on his bare ass. “Come on, Justin. I spent, like, two hours, with my tongue up your ass last night and YOU’RE the one who’s embarrassed?”

Justin heard him but still wasn’t going to come out.

“Whatever,” Brian said, his tone amused. “You’re welcome to hide out here all day, if you really want, but I’ve got to go. As much as I would love to spend another day lying around here fucking you silly, I’ve got meetings and work shit I’ve got to get done.”

“You’re leaving?” Justin asked, sticking his head out enough to speak clearly and pouting just a little.

“Yep. Sorry, Blue Eyes, but I have to go make some money so I can afford my stylishly lavish lifestyle,” Brian answered, rolling over to leave a kiss on Justin’s exposed shoulder since there weren’t any other kissable spots available.

“I guess I should probably get up too, then,” Justin admitted as he reluctantly came out from under his pillow. “I never did make it back to my rooms yesterday and I haven’t been there in a week.” When he realized Brian was still lying there next to him looking at him, though, Justin almost retreated back under his pillow but in the end decided instead to man up and deal with the situation head on. “I . . . I’d like to thank you for . . . well, everything . . . Yesterday and last night . . . It was . . . It was all so amazing that I don’t have words for it, Brian. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure, Blue Eyes,” Brian answered with a smirk. “I don’t think anyone’s ever thanked me for fucking them before, though.”

“Well, if you . . . you know . . . did THAT to all the others, then they really should have thanked you,” Justin insisted even though he knew he was once more blushing like a fool. “You’re a great teacher, Brian. You deserve thanks. And more . . .”

“Anytime, little boy. Anytime.” Brian turned away, obviously done with the whole gratitude thing, and got back to his feet so he could pull on a pair of pants. “How about we get cleaned up and blow this popsicle stand then?”

“Popsicle stand?” Justin gingerly shimmied off the bed, wincing at the way every single movement hurt his rear end. “Ow.”

“You okay, Blue Eyes?” Brian looked at him with concern.

“Just a little sore,” Justin admitted.

“Let me look,” Brian insisted, coming back over and basically pushing the younger man down on the bed again so he could carefully examine Justin’s behind. “Hmmm. It’s red and a little swollen, but I don’t think there’s any real tearing. Do you have some lotion at home? I’ll remember to get some before next time.”

“I’ll be okay. I think,” Justin asserted, even though he wasn’t one hundred percent sure of that fact himself. “I just wish I didn’t have to fly tonight. How the hell am I going to sit in a cockpit for hours during a mission?”

“Well, you could always call out sick,” Brian suggested with a hopeful look.

“I don’t think so. They don’t give us days off for homosexual sex injuries, Brian.” Justin returned Brian a defiant look.

“Just be careful, okay . . .” Brian started to speak, but then fell silent as soon as he remembered their pact not to speak about whatever it was that Brian might know.

“I will, Brian. I promise. And you be careful too, okay?”

“Will do, Blue Eyes,” Brian said with a resigned nod. “Now, since neither of us is getting any younger and we’ve both got places to be, let’s get the hell out of here and get on with our day. Sound like a plan?”


Chapter End Notes:

12/4/17 - 'S Wonderful by Benny Goodman. So, who needs plot when you’ve got smut, smut, smut . . . LOL. Okay, so there’s a little bit of plot hidden in there somewhere. You have to look for it, but it’s there. Next up, though, we get a really plotty chapter, so it should all balance out, right? Sally & TAG.


Research: Not really. Unless you count that hour or so TAG spent alone in the bedroom getting inspired to write the shaking bullet scene and the rimming videos Sally was forced to watch for purely academic purposes, of course . . . (TMI?) Oh, and if you haven’t ever read ‘Catch 22’ by Joseph Heller, why the hell not? It’s the most amazing book about WWII ever (well, one of them, at least) although it wasn’t published until 1961 so Justin wouldn’t have read it yet . . . Catch 22.




-Fag - Believe it or not, back in the day, the word ‘fag’ meant a cigarette, not a gay man.


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