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Chapter 4




On the way to Britin





i hope that Michael won’t make a big deal out of me coming separately but theres just something in me that suspects he’s not gonna let this go. I don’t know what his issue is with me, he never used to be like this. Sometimes I can’t help but feel like a toy that he was exited to get in the beginning but over time he’s gotten bored of and he now resents me being around. Should I tell Ben about this or would it just rock the boat too much, I think i need to really think this over before i do anything at all.






Something is seriously wrong but i don’t know what it is, in the last 3 months that i’ve known Hunter he’s never been this quiet. each time i have glanced back in the rear view mirror he looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, nobody his age should have that much stress to deal with.




“Are you ok back there, I’ve never seen you be this quiet before?”




“I guess, I’m just not sure how to handle Michael tonight. He always finds the smallest things to have a go at me for and i get a gut feeling that he’s gonna use me coming to Britin separately from him and Ben as some more ammunition to start an argument.” He replies and turns to look out of the window




“well how many other people will be there that will back you up if he does cause any trouble?”




“I doubt Justin would let him get away with much and Brian would definitely back me, i mean yeah they’ve been friends pretty much forever but i’ve noticed that they aren’t that close anymore. Emmet would be on my side so would ted and Mel.. ok so pretty much everyone there would support me except I’m not sure about Lindsey.”




“Why’s that?”




“well i don’t know what it is exactly but sh seems to have the same sort of jealousy issue that Michael has with Brian and Justin and the two of them have been getting closer recently so she would most likely side with Michael no matter what.”




I pull up outside Britin and as Hunter gets out he looks somewhat apprehensive but determined not to let Michael or anyone bring him down. I am so proud of him, my son definitely picked a good boyfriend there.










The door goes and i go to let Hunter in and i notice he’s a little on edge so as he steps through the door i give him a reassuring pat on the back and make a mental note to ask him late what it is thats bothering him. As we enter the living room everyone greets hunter though i spot that Michael did not look happy to see him, what the fuck is going on? 




“How did you get here since you decided you were too good to arrive with you’re parent’s” Michael sneered at Hunter. 




for fuck sake the night has only just started and this is going to be a long night if he carrie on like this for too much longer.




“Yeah, What was so wrong with you coming with Michael and ben? Lindsey said with an ice cold tone with her free hand on her hip the other holding her glass.




“Alex, Nick’s dad, dropped me off. The reason I didn’t come with Ben and Michael is because i’m staying at Nicks for the weekend it has nothing to do with me feeling better than anyone because i don’t. and i really don’t get what any of this has to do with you Lindsey so can we just get on with tonight, i don’t want to ruin anything for Brian and Justin.” Hunter responded curtly.




“Thank you hunter, now if everyone wants to come through to the Dining room, i’ll start getting the food out for you all.”




Jess and Alex’s brownstone





I can’t believe i didn’t think to ask them to help with the logo’s before, they picked one that looks fantastic. the only think that i’m not looking forward to is finishing up everything on the paperwork side of things, it’s always been something that bores me but my assistant is on vacation so i don’t have much choice but to do it myself until she comes back in 2 weeks time. I hadn’t even heard Alex come in so as he puts his hands on my shoulders and bends down slightly to kiss me on the cheek it makes me jump a little.




“I didn’t hear you come in, do you want me to cook something for dinner or get take out tonight?”




“Get take out, it’s been a while since we’ve had one. what do you think we should get, i’m thinking either Indian or Thai but i’ll let you choose” 




I Know he really wants the Indian, it’s his favourite so whenever the possibility of eating any indian food comes up he gets a small little glint is his eye so i don’t even answer his question and go to the drawer were we keep all the takeaway menus and pick up one for Talia’s takeout and give him a small smile and call to make our orders.




“so now that we’ve got food covered, which will be delivered in 35 minutes by the way, how was Hunter when you dropped him off. i know he has been anxious about going all day but i’m sure it will be fine he’s a tough boy.”




“He was quiet, way more than he normally is. At least he’s staying here for the weekend so if anything does happen he won’t have to deal with it too much and he can always call to get me to pick him up early if things get too ugly over there.” 




“well if they do cause him any trouble and he calls us to get him out of there they will regret it, nobody causes that boy distress and gets away with it.”




While i wait for the food arrive I go sit down on the sofa where i’m followed by Alex and i turn on the tv but instead of watching it my minds wanders to ways to help Hunter with dealing with Michael. That man is supposed to be a father to that boy but he only causes trouble, at least that’s all i’ve known him to do in the time i’ve known Hunter. someone should look into Michael a little more to see if they can find out exactly what his problem is with Hunter, in fact i know just the person. i pull out my phone to make a call and Alex gives me a questioning look but doesn’t say anything, in the 19 years we’ve been together he’s learned not to stand in the way when i’m after someone and i am definitely after Michael Navotny. 




“Hey Tara i need you do do me a favour…”









So far tonight has gone well.. as long as we all drown out the voices of the two grumps who seem to either want to make things uncomfortable or dig for information on things they have no business knowing, like mine and Brian’s relationship since i’ve returned and my career.




what has caught my attention is the distance that hunter has put himself between himself, ben and Michael and i can’t wait much longer to find out what happened because he looks edgy around Michael for some reason and i suspect whatever it is might be why Ben and Michael are off with each other as well.




“So Hunter who was it that brought you here tonight, i’ve never seen that car before?” i asked in a tone i hope didn’t come across like i was pushing for too much




“Oh that was Nick’s dad, i’m staying over at his house for the weekend so i’m being picked up by him later too.”




“Ooh who’s Nick? That’s not a name i’ve heard you mention before.” Emmett asks while tapping one of his fingers against his hand, his need for any kind of gossip getting him worked up and a grin is now firmly on his face.




“He’s my boyfriend” Hunter responded which was met with a huff of annoyance from Michael







I hadn’t told Michael and Ben about Me having a boyfriend because I knew Michael would do whatever he could to sabotage my relationship. For some reason he doesn’t want me happy, or at least not recently but maybe thats because he’s miserable now that Justin is back and he thinks he is taking away the chance of being back on track with his plan of getting together with Brian.  I wish he would realise that he would never stand a chance with Brian. But what harm could it do bringing Nick up here, there’s too many people that would put him in his place for him to do anything about it, right?







I can’t believe he has a boyfriend, who would want to date him i mean he is so rude and always complains about everything. And i’m not happy about him staying over at at his house for the weekend, he hasn’t asked my…our permission and as parents he should show respect and ask first. I know what ben said earlier about me staying at a hotel and that there is no reason for us to be taking him anywhere but i am certain that he was just over reacting again like when he mentioned leaving me and i am determined that i will get my way and he will be coming home with us tonight.




“I really don’t think you should assume that it’s ok to stay at other peoples houses, i mean you haven’t even asked us if it’s ok for you to stay over and as your parents i think we deserve that little bit of respect. Also isn’t it a bit rude to just expect them to pick you up from wherever like your own chauffeur.”




“Actually his parent’s have no problems driving me around if i need it, they said that since they do it for a living they don’t mind me using their cars only i get to be one of a select few who get driven by them personally at all times instead of any of their staff. not that there’s any problem with any of the staff their great but this is a much more personal touch, quite nice really. and since i’m going over their to get away from you and your endless moaning i don’t really think asking you permission to go anywhere is on my list of important things to do.” he replied with a smirk




The fucking ingrate is being rude to me infant over everyone and Ben doesn’t even try to defend me. And what’s this about being driven by them and not staff. what staff? 




“What are you on about?” 




“Have you heard of Costillo’s Car Service? 




“yeah but i fail to see what that company has to do with you staying, or not staying, at their house for the weekend.” Jeez this kid can’t keep his mind on one thing for very long.




“They own the company, actually Nick and I have helped pick out their new logo.”









Holy shit he’s managed to pull himself a good boyfriend there, i bet it will drive Michael crazy that while he’s struggling to keep his store running with a profit, Hunter is Dating someone who’s family has a company worth millions.




After all the shit he’s been giving Hunter recently i can’t say he doesn’t deserve this being shoved in his face but i’m not going to say anything about it or at least not too much because i have a presentation to do for them in a couple weeks and i don’t want him to get mad at me and try and ruin this for me in any way. They have finally come near the end of their contract with vanguard and i’m determined to get them, the best car service company deserves the best publicity after all.




“Can this not argument not wait until some other time, i wanted this night to be fun and to spend some time with family. I also will not have anyone starting unnecessary arguments in my house so either end it now or leave and continue it somewhere else.” Justin says calmly but i can see he is angry  that his night is being turned into drama.




Everybody turned to look at Michael knowing that he was the cause of the uncomfortable atmosphere but he seemed oblivious to it, but then again he is oblivious to most things.


“So how is your art going, it must be so hard having to be doing it all from here but i’m sure when you start selling things and getting shows i could give you some guidance on how to find your way and you’ll be fine.” Lindsey is using her WASPY attitude on the wrong person, does she really think that my stubborn little sunshine is going to fall for this bullshit.




“Actually i don’t need any help or guidance thank you, i got an agent 3 months ago and she has already managed to get me a show at the National Gallery of Art in 6 months time where i’ll have 10 pieces on display alongside another up and coming artist so i think my career is going absolutely fine as it is.” 




Justin takes a sip of wine  after delivering that smackdown and everyone else suddenly finds the plates and glasses very interesting and are trying hard not to laugh at the indignant look on Lindsey’s face or the pinched look on Michaels face, he clearly can’t stand that whatever argument he was wanting to kick off has been dampened and all attention is off of him.







How has he got a show? there is no way that he could possibly been able to book a show this quickly if he only just got an agent 3 months ago, his art is not that good.




More importantly why has nobody backed me up that Justin could use my experience in the art world to help him, he needs my help in order for him to be able to disappear off to New York and away from Brian. Also why has nobody, not even Mel, stuck up for me when he was less than polite in the way he brushed off my help. I’m not having that, not for one second.




“I don’t think you’re thinking this through entirely, i have years of experience in the art world and i would be the best person to help guide you so you can be the best you can possibly be. I’m sure you’re agent is great but does she have everything it takes to really help you reach your potential.”




“Lindsey, i doubt that he would have picked an agent that was inept. if he says he doesn’t need your help then he doesn’t need your help.” 




“Thank you Ted, i’m glad you can see i’m not stupid enough to hire an incompetent agent even if Lindsey can’t see that.” I go to defend myself but Justin just narrows his eyes at me and silences me


“For the record my Agent has been working very hard within the art world for 23 years and has looked after many different artists throughout her career like Daryl Henshaw who in his last show sold out and made almost $900,000 so i think with that kind of experience, my career is perfectly safe in Courtney’s hands so you will have no need to get involved at all .” 





Geez he gets one show and thinks he’s so big and special that he can talk to people like that, Lindsey has been the one to always encourage his art and he thinks he can speak down to he like that. Boy wonder needs to be taken down a peg or two. 




Hunter needs to be taken down a peg or two as well, i still can’t believe how he spoke to me earlier and not one single person stood up for me, not even my husband. He and i will be having words about this and there is no way Hunter will be staying over at his boyfriend’s house after the way he disrespected me. 




“I think you need to watch your tone there Justin, Lindsey is just trying to be helpful and you are just shooting her down. can you not remember who it was who was always supporting your art? you get one big show and you think that you can talk  down to people like this.” i can see the pissed off look in Brian’s eyes and smirk. He has always hated people being disrespectful towards his best friends and the fact that his oh so precious boyfriend has done that it won’t be long before he get rid of him.




“Justin was not saying or doing anything wrong, you will not speak to him or about him that way in this house or anywhere else for that matter. Now either you apologise and shut up for the rest of the night or you can leave now.” Brian has never snapped at me like this before, what has Justin done to him? he must have brainwashed him somehow. the sooner i can get Justin  out of Brian’s life and i take his place the better, then he can go back to being my Brian the way he always has been.







What the fuck is wrong with him tonight. i didn’t raise him to be this disrespectful, Sunshine and Brian have put so much thought and effort into tonight and Michael thinks he can treat people like this, no.. he needs to learn.




“ow, Ma! what the hell was that for” he howls as he rubs his cheek where i slapped him




“You don’t get to go into someone else’s house and be so fucking rude to them when they put in so much effort to make dinner for you.” i quickly turn my head towards Brian and Justin are seated, ignoring the mumbling coming from my son




“I’m sorry you two.”




“don’t worry about it Deb it’s not your fault, he’s old enough to know how to behave and chooses not to so he has to face consequences of his actions. Michael you can leave now, i won’t be talked to like that in my house.” Justin says with a fire in his eyes that i have never seen before.







I am absolutely fuming right now but i don’t want to make this night any worse if i can help it.




“Fine, come on Ben and you had better come too Hunter. After the way you have been acting lately and the way you have spoken to me tonight you don’t deserve to be rewarded by going over to your boyfriends house.” Michael commands as he stands up and steps back from the table




“No i’m not going anywhere with you, i’m going to stay over at Nick’s.”




“I SAID NO!” Michael shouts and reaches to grab Hunter 




“ENOUGH! you lay one finger on him and i will make sure you are arrested for assault. Neither Hunter or i will be going anywhere with you, as i said to you earlier on today i am leaving you so you need to go on your own to a hotel. Don’t even think about going back to the house because the house is not in your name and you have not got permission to enter so if you do i will have you arrested for Breaking and Entering and Trespassing.” i take a deep breath to collect myself.




Has he always been like this and have i just been blind to it. the sooner he is out of our lives the better, i don’t need someone like him casting a shadow over my life and after everything that Hunter has been through he doesn’t need Michael making his life harder or worse.







Ben’s outburst was not something i had expected and i think everyone was equally surprised since he’s normally the zen one.




once Michael stormed out everyone made their excuses and left and as much as i had wanted the night to go on longer i was also glad, so many things have been said tonight that i just need some time to process it all. Brian went to bed about a few minutes ago saying that this evening events had been exhausting but i just needed a few moments to myself.




Since when have i given Lindsey any reason to think she is the only person who can help me with my career?




What happened to make Ben Leave Michael?




Has Michael been violent towards Hunter before or was his attempt to grab at him tonight a first?






i go upstairs and get into bed with Brian and curl up into him and feel comforted as he wraps his arm around me. i fall asleep thinking through all the things that are happening and what i should do to help get this shit storm fixed and i expect it’s going to get worse before it get’s better.

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