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Judging by the giggling and the panting, I do believe that Gus and Tyson have arrived. I open an eye and find myself staring at a snout. “Get down, Tyson.” I grumble. “Oh yuck! I said down for heaven sake!” I order, having been licked from chin to forehead. Gus giggles again then shifts a bit further up the bed. “Good morning, Gus!”

“How’d you know it was me, Grampa Vic?”

“The giggle. You have a very sweet and lovely giggle.” I sit up and swing my legs out of the bed.

“Shall I go and wake Daddy now?” He grins impishly.

“Yes, but remember to knock, okay?” I remind him.

“Yes!” He yells back, and then runs to his Daddy’s room, yelling that he’s coming to knock.

Ten minutes later, all four of us are sitting on the balcony basking in the sunshine. “So, what are we cooking?” I turn to Brian who is helping Gus with his juice.

“Emmett is catering and it’s a surprise he said.” He licks his lips in anticipation, I think, and then I look where he is looking...ah Justin is coming!

“Daddy, its Jussin!” Gus shouts and does his best appealing look.

“Walk, don’t run.”

“I will!” He shouts and then run-walks into Jussin’s open arms. “Neck bubbles Jussin! Neck bubbles!” He orders tilting his head as they approach the house.

Justin obliges and Brian grins. “Did you enjoy your boys’ night with Daddy, Tyson and Grampa Vic? Were you a good boy?”

“Yes and yes, Jussin. Now Daddy.”

“What about Daddy?”

“Bubble kisses for Daddy.” Gus looks between the pair of them.

“Why do you call them bubble kisses?” Brian chuckles.

“Because your cheeks blow up like you’re blowing bubbles when you’re finished of course!”

“Of course.” Justin nods sagely.

“So, are you going to do bubble kisses?” Gus begins to look concerned.

“Yes, but I need to put you down before I do that.” Justin explains and starts to lower him to the floor.

“Oh. I want to hug for a bit more as I didn’t see you last night! Daddy, you can wait for a few more minutes, can’t you? Pleeeeaaassseee?”

“I’ve waited this long for him, so yes, I can wait a few minutes longer.”

“Thank you, Daddy! So my juice Jussin, can you sit down so I can finish it and then bubble kisses?”

“Of course.” He sits down and, after a bit of adjustment, Gus reaches for his juice. “What time is everyone coming?” Justin asks Brian.

“Emmett is getting here at about one and said that canapes should be ready for serving by three, so about two.” He stretches and I catch the appreciative look that he gets. I think I will stay with Mel tonight!

“Finished!” Gus announces and wriggles off of Justin’s lap. “You can do it now Jussin.”


“You heard my Sonny Boy.” I reach for him and he blows on my neck before kissing me gently. “Hmm I think a bit more blow is called for.” He snorts and then kisses me like he may have missed me last night. As he wraps his arms around my neck, I pull him closer and get a little bit lost in him.

“Brian.” He moans softly against my lips. “Stop grinding, please.”

“Can’t help it.” I mutter.

“Try.” He orders firmly, and then licks his lips.

“Not helping.” I growl.

“That was a long kiss, Daddy.” Gus grins at me. “You missed each other lots and lots didn’t you?”

“Yes we did.” I reply, and then point across the garden. “Isn’t that Mommy with Uncle Ben and Jenny?”

“Where?!” He exclaims before waving frantically. “We can take Tyson for his walk now can’t we?”

“Yes.  Go and get his leash and your sunhat.”

“Actually, Gus, let me put some cream on you before you go, okay?” Dad tells him.

“Yes, Grampa! Oh, what about Jenny?!” He comes back onto the balcony. “Or would Mommy have done it?”

“Would Mommy have done what?” Mel asks as she comes up the stairs.

“Cream for Jenny. Grampa Vic is going to do me.” He explains. “Hugs and kisses, Mommy, Uncle Ben!” Hugs and kisses are duly exchanged, and Jenny clings to Dad as he carries her in to put some cream on her too.

“How you feeling? Nervous?” Mel asks.

“A bit. The devil spawn are manageable, but Arthur is an unknown quantity. And I don’t even know his surname, so I couldn’t even check up on him.”

“How very big brother of you.” She laughs, and then cocks an eyebrow. “You two can let go of each, other you know?”

“Don’t wanna.” Justin replies and pokes out his tongue for good measure.

“So.” Ben begins slowly. “Where is it?”

“Claire’s got it.” I answer ruefully and that makes Justin smile, which makes Ben frown. “She knew I would read it. So she emailed Jennifer to tell her to tell Justin about me never breaking my promises.”

Ben smiles wryly. “Ah, the infamous Kinney Unbreakable Promise. The amount of times he brought that up.”

“Speaking of which, you know that Vic has told them where we live?” Mel scratches her head thoughtfully and we both nod. “They’ll be around soon.”

“We’re off!” Dad comes out with the kids and a straining at his leash Tyson. “It’ll just be to the playground and back, about half an hour or so?”

“Yeah, perfect.”

“And I will pack an overnight bag if that’s okay Mel.”

“Of course it is!” She laughs, and once more out comes the tongue.

“Do that again, Tigger, and I will capture it.” I warn, so he lets it hover just on the inside of his mouth.

“For goodness sake, you two.” Ben grumbles. “Sit in separate chairs at least, it’s nauseating for those who are not as loved up as you!”

“You’ll find love.” Justin reassures him, but sits back down when I clear my throat. He turns to drop a sweet kiss on my lips. “Gotta send the email to my Mom so she can send it onto Mr Peterson.”

“What about?” I frown.

“I was going to tell you when you came around before your breakfast with Claire, but you fu...distracted me.”

“Three times.” I remind him and bounce him a bit.

“Seriously?!” Mel gasps.

“Yes. Well anyway. I well and truly dropped her in it with her folks because I…”

“Wait! Not a word before I get up there!” The melodious tones of Emmett ring out as he strides across the grass.

“It is uncanny.” Ben chuckles. “He could be on the other side of town and…”

“It’s a gift!” He laughs. “Now I am in need of your muscles, Benjamin. Did you get the wine I wanted, Mr Kinney? Not the ones you wanted, as mine go with this menu perfectly.”

“Yes, Fanny Craddock, I got the ones you wanted, and they are chilling as requested from nine pm last night.”

“Thank you.” He smirks and waves Ben in front of him. “No gossharing young man until we are all present. Won’t be long, in fact you go and do whatever and both Brian and Mel can also help. Many hands make light work. Do they not?”

“Will one of those hands be yours, Honeycutt?” I drawl as I follow them down the stairs.

“Of course. How do you think I conduct? And don’t call me Honeycutt!”


I can’t help but smile as Brian waves away Emmett’s objection before I head to the study. I am glad that I wasn’t here last night. From the pictures that Brian sent, Gus had an awesome time with his Daddy and Grampa, and I didn’t want to intrude on that. It had to be just the three of them… well four after Tyson just sat by the door and waited for Brian to cave. I log onto the laptop and start the email to Mom. I chuckle in memory of the expression on Lindsay’s face...Karma, thy name is Justin Cole Taylor!







Peter is not helping! “What?” He asks, fighting his smile.

“This one or that one?!” I demand again as I look at the shirt I have on and the one on the bed.

“The blue one, definitely.” He replies. “That way you won’t look like a string bean.”

“For crying out...Mom!” I holler and she comes in smiling. “He’s comparing me to vegetables again!”

“Peter.” Mom warns.

“He’s wearing green cords, with green socks and wants to wear a green shirt! If he wears his brown boots, he’ll look freshly planted if he stands still long enough.”

“Peter! Behave!”

“Would be more convincing if you weren’t smiling, dear.” Arthur comes in and looks at me and then the shirt. “Change the pants to jeans and you’re good to go.”

“Remember not to do your hair.” Peter reminds me for the fourth time. He’s not done his as he wants to share the experience of Uncle Brian’s fabulous hair products. “And you promised to share. You heard him, didn’t you Mom? Arthur?”

“I will share Petey. Don’t worry.”

“Don’t call me Petey in front of Uncle Brian! Mom, tell him!”

“Come on you three, let’s go.” Arthur is smiling but he’s got that pinched look he sometimes gets if a case is bothering him.

“Mom.” I stop her from leaving and nod at Arthur.

“Later, alright?” She whispers back.

“Alright.” I reply.

As we head to the car, I still can’t believe our life now and the life we are going to lead in Connecticut. I am so glad we’re no longer part of that family anymore. I think it has been Mrs Kinney who has been giving us the silent calls that we were getting. They started after Mom told her we were leaving, but one time Arthur picked up and swore like hell and they’ve not happened since then.

“I can’t wait to meet Gus.” Peter says. “I get to be a big brother for a change.”

“But I will always be the proper big brother...Petey.”





I indicate that Lindsay should sit down, and she does but gives her Mother a quick look. “Well, this has been interesting reading.” I look over the email at her and then at Nancy. “You must be so pleased with her. She’s surpassed your meagre talents when it comes to being vicious and treacherous with a thirst for cock when the mood takes her.”


“Quiet. So this is what you did: effectively stole from Gus’s support account and blamed Mel for it; cheated on Mel various times with both men and women, and ended up getting divorced; got Tasered after you tried to have your best friend, and Gus’s father, declared mentally incapacitated because he wanted to protect his son’s future from your clacking claws; lied too many times about too many things, but at least you managed to be gainfully employed for a while.”


“Yes. Jennifer and Craig kindly acceded to Justin’s request that they fill in anything they knew. Now, bearing in mind that I have a figure in front of me, what salary were you receiving as the store manager of that comic book store.”

“$50,000.” She sighs.

“So, where were you when the shit went down?”

“In Canada.”

“Doing what?” She goes bright red. “How many months are you anyway?”

“Almost four and a half.” She puts her hand on her stomach again.

“Doing what?” I repeat.

“Trying to…” She trails off going redder.

“So you have no idea who the father is?” I turn to Nancy. “Not like it was in your day. At least back then they kept the fucking between friends.”

“Ronald, that was in the past, and I have been faithful since then.”

“In mind and body, but not in heart and money. But, as I said, that post-nup is watertight so I would hold onto those dimes you have. Now, as I said to you, Lindsay, you are too much of a hindrance and embarrassment to remain here, so you will go to your Aunt’s in Texas. She won’t put up with, nor be proud of the shit you pull unlike some.” Nancy gasps but says nothing. “Once you have the baby, do let us know.”

“That’s it?” She frowns.

“Yes, that’s all. I will give you a couple of weeks to sort out your affairs.” She bobs her head quickly. “Two weeks, and I want an address from you as to where you are staying. I assume you are in a hotel?”

“Yes.” Her frown deepens and she looks across at her mentor.

“And the address of this Grassi woman.”

“What do you need that for?” Now Nancy is frowning as Lindsay writes it down and gives it to me.

“My reasons are my own.” I fold the paper in half and put it in my pocket.

“Daddy.” Lindsay starts to smile. “Are you going to buy their house for me? I…”

“No.” I cut off that avenue of happiness for her.

“But Ronald…” Nancy begins. “...you said something about a place for Lindsay to stay in.”

“My sister has a six bedroom ranch, I am sure she will find a room to her satisfaction.”

“But that’s not what I thought you meant, Daddy. I thought you meant my own place for when I come back with the baby. You will want to see your grandchild and we would prefer to live closer to you.”

“I am trying to see my grandchild, I mean grandchildren, and I include Jenny here. So nice of you to even inquire about them. However, seeing them is down to Brian and Mel.”

“But Daddy, I thought…” She tries again, this time with shimmering tears.

“And I thought I had a good wife and daughter. Looks like we were both wrong.”



“Thank you, Mel. I really do appreciate it, especially as she is so undeserving. No, please speak to Brian first, then let me know what you’ve agreed. Again, thank you.” I sit back, sigh and then reread the email from Jennifer. When I saw the part about the Tasering after she launched herself at Mel, and Mel wanting to press charges despite all she’s done, I knew I had to try and get that at least taken off of the table. Thankfully, Mel was amenable, I had to bite my request for a copy of the DVD back! Now the next bit of business I have is to show that Grassi creature and her ilk what happens when they interfere in the life of the man that gave me my first grandchild! One of the advantages of being in property for as long as I have been is you make many a connection...



“Thanks for letting me know, Ronald.” I just shake my head as he stands up. “I heard a rumour that something bad had gone down for him but not what. They really did this to Kinney?”

“Yes. Inhumane, that’s what it is. So can you get the message out to everyone?”

“God, yeah. I like Kinney. Self-made men always have my admiration. They’ve signed the lease for six months, and we have to give them three months’ notice. I will do that first thing on Monday and that’s them out of Pittsburgh. Nobody will rent to them.”




I sip the perfectly crisp Chablis, take my third French macaroon with salted nut caramel and finish it in one bite. “So, can you deliver to Connecticut Emmett?” He grins but shakes his head. “Recipe sharing? I will make her sign an NDA.”

“Oh no. Not even the KDG gets me to share my recipes.” He laughs, and then laughs even harder at my frown. “Kinney Death Glare. Although a certain amount of Gus sweetness did make me cave over the ice cream sandwiches.”

“Well, Arthur, what do you think?” John comes out having had his hair styled by his Uncle.

“Very nice.”

“Very nice?” They both snort and then chuckle.

“Fabulous?” I hedge.

“Much better.” Brian replies and then beckons Peter, who almost gallops into the house.

“So was it as bad as you thought it would be?” I ask John who shakes his head. “Told you so. Now I do believe you have a little cousin to finish reading to…”

Start of flashback



We are all silent as we take in the house. “It’s beautiful.” Claire smiles as she gets out, and is waving at a tall man. “Come on. Come and meet Brian!” She orders, Peter is immediately out of the car and striding quickly towards his Uncle.

“What if he’s still mad?” Junior asks.

“Then I doubt we would be here. Now just say sorry and mean it, okay? It’s not going to be that bad.”

“You think it’s going to be bad?!” He worries at his nail.

“We won’t know until we get inside, will we?”

“Okay.” He sighs and gets out then we walk to the house in silence.

“Brian, this is beautiful, really beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, you are Justin, right?”

“Yes, nice to meet you, Claire, and which spawn are you?”

Peter’s mouth drops open. “I-I’m Petey. I mean Peter! And he’s John Jnr.”

But Junior is focused on his Uncle. “Uncle Brian, I am sorry for everything I ever said or did, I Kinney Promise that I am! Can you teach me how to be fabulous please?!” He says quickly, blushing to the roots of his hair.

“Apology accepted, but you are far too young to be fabulous. Let’s start with awesome.”

“I’ll take awesome!” John smiles in relief. “Nice to meet you, Just…” He trails off and stares.

“First rule of being awesome; do not drool over your Uncle’s boyfriend.”

His mouth snaps shut.

“Brian!” Claire exclaims giggling. “Now, this is my husband, Arthur. Arthur, this is my brother, Brian.”

“Nice to meet you, Arthur. So what’s your surname so I can check up on you? I have to make sure you are alright for her.” He raises an eyebrow.

“Fitzgerald. Arthur Fitzgerald.”

“Good. I will check up on you, then give you the speech before you leave town with my sister and nephews. Let’s just have a nice time today, shall we?” He’s smiling but definitely not joking!

“Brian, calm your inner cave-brother down and let’s have some wine! I’m Justin. Nice to meet you, Arthur.”


“Honeycutt, you can stop trying not to listen and come out now!”

“Don’t call me Honeycutt!” Is shouted out, followed by Honeycutt carrying a tray of drinks. “I am Emmett Honeycutt. Nice to meet you, Arthur and Claire. Some perfectly chilled pink gin fizz?”

“Oh, I’m driving.”

“You can park your car in the garage and the service can take you back. Would you prefer that I mean?”

“Yes.” I reply, and reach for the drink, and Claire lets out the breath she was holding.

Suddenly there is a scream “Auntie Emmett!” I turn around and see a little boy walking as fast as his legs can go towards the house.

“Is that Gus, Uncle Brian?” Peter asks, and the look of pride on Brian’s face gives him the answer.

“Auntie Emmett!!” Gus yells again as he comes up the stairs and then stops. “Oh. Um, Daddy…” He immediately goes to Brian and he picks him up. “Who are all these people?”

“They are your family, Gus.”

“My family?”

“Yes. You know that Jenny is your sister, right?” He nods. “Well this is my sister, Claire, so she’s your Aunt and this is her husband, Arthur, so he’s your Uncle. Squeeze my shirt if you are following so far.” Slowly he squeezes. “Good. So these are their sons John Jnr and Peter and they are your cousins.” He just looks round eyed at all of us. “You okay, Sonny Boy?”

“Will they all be staying here?” He plays with Brian’s shirt.

“What do you mean?”

“Living here too?”

“No, they’re just visiting.”

“Oh. Hello everyone I’m Gus and she’s Jenny. And that’s my Grampa Vic.” He then looks around. “Where’s Mommy and Uncle Ben?”

“She’s gone back to the house to set up the room for Grampa, he’s staying with you tonight. And Uncle Ben has gone to pick up Grampy Carl and Aunt Del.”

“Really? They’re coming too?! Put me down please Daddy, I need to get Lucas so that he can stay with Grampa!”

“Yes. But first put away the leash and make sure that Tyson has water in his bowl.

“Who’s Lucas? And Tyson?” Claire asks.

“A cuddly elephant, and this panting behemoth is Tyson.” Vic explains, handing Jenny to Justin and then shaking mine and Claire’s hands. “Nice to meet you both and you two.” He smiles at Junior and Peter, who grin back.

“Oh, he is cool!” Peter cries. “Can I pet him?”

“It will be more like him petting you, but go ahead.” Vic laughs.

“Daddy! Can I show John and Peter the house after, please? You’ve not done that have you?”

“Yes, Sonny Boy, you can. I’ve not done that yet.”

15 minutes later, the boys and Jenny are in Gus’s room playing snakes and ladders.

“They’re here!” Justin smiles. We’ve had a really nice time just chatting and having some truly exquisite canapes. “Gus! Can you come and bring Jenny and the boys please?”

“Coming, Jussin!” He shouts back.

“Jussin?” Claire laughs.

“I’m his Jussin but his Daddy’s Justin.” He beams.

As the newcomers ascend the stairs, I stare at one of them and then gasp. “Well I’ll be damned! Carl Horvath of the 57th, is that you?!”

“Uh, yes, and you are?” He frowns a bit before he smiles. “Arthur Fitzgerald the III! How the hell are you?! This is my lady, Del, and this is Mel and Ben. This is Arthur.”

“Nice to meet you. So how do you know each other?”

“One of the best attorneys in the tri-state area!” Carl smiles at me.

“Now the gang’s all here, let us eat!” Emmett declares.

“I think…” John sighs an hour later. “...I need to walk off this food.” At the mention of the word walk Tyson’s ears prick up. “Can we take him, Uncle Brian?”

“Yeah, please, that would be great.”

“Can I go too, please Daddy?” Gus asks, then yawns.

“I think you, young man, should have a nap first.” Mel laughs when he just holds out his hand, and she leads him to his room while Ben takes Jenny.

“So you two, see that wooded area way over there? That’s his favourite place.”

“Okay. Come on, boys!” John calls and soon they are gone.

They come back out retaking their seats, and for a few minutes there is silence. “Shall we while we have the opportunity?” Claire asks quietly and Brian nods. “Here, Mel.” She hands over the envelope. While she had told me roughly what had happened, she never showed me anything. I watch Mel’s face twist in anger as she reads the contents, she is silent for a few seconds after she puts it in her bag.

“That bad?” Brian asks quietly.

“Yeah. There has to be something I can do, but right now can’t think of what. Oh, Ronald phoned me earlier. We need to discuss him, and most likely only him, seeing the kids. And I have dropped the attempted assault charges against Lindsay.”

“Okay and okay.” Brian nods before turning to Justin. “Speaking of Lindsay, what were you going to say earlier?”

“Ooh yes! The gossip! I have some to share too but you first Tig...I mean Justin.” He hastily corrects himself for the 3rd time in the face of the glare.

“So, as you know, DQ sent that to her parents and they dragged her around to our house to apologise to us…”

“To you? Why?” Ben frowns and Justin shrugs.

“Anyway, she starts to say sorry for what she did, and I said didn’t; you should be sorry for what you didn’t do. And then I told her folks about her being divorced and getting knocked up at an orgy…”

“That a point, how did you know that, Claire?” Brian queries. “In the diner you said about her getting pregnant, who told you?”

“Jennifer. She emailed me back and we got to chatting. Oh, and I have something to share too!”

“...and about her being divorced from Mel. Then he yells at her Mother about bringing Lindsay up with no morals and being in the gutter. Then I told Lindsay that if she came at Brian again I will fight her for him and then I emailed Mom this morning.”

“My Tigerish Tigger.”

“Now, Claire, you! Now you!” Emmett is squirming in his seat. “It has to go in chronological order or it doesn’t make sense!” He explains, and there are knowing smiles and shaking of heads.

“As you all know we met for breakfast but I was opposite Brian, facing the window, I saw her start to walk past and then stop. She sniffed the air like the hound that she is, walked away, then came flying in, crying and pleading with Brian to let her folks see Gus so that they will forgive her! I was sitting there seething, not only because of what she’d done to Brian, but she didn’t even ask about Gus. So I dumped oatmeal on her head, but that was after I announced to the diner that the Grassi woman had a book too. Then I told her to clean the booth up with either the cloth that Kiki threw in her face or her tongue; before I warned her off Brian too!”

“Ooh girl, that bitchslap with a side of oatmeal was caught on camera! So I think you should return the post favour...I am sure that it will amuse her father to no end. Now…” Emmett pauses to make sure he has our attention. “... so after you guys went, naturally Kiki came barrelling to see me absolutely fuming. So I did my civic and civil duty and told everyone on the Avenue about the book she had. She will get a very nasty surprise next time she tries to walk down the avenue!

“Legal, please.” Carl warns.


“Brian, if I may, can I see the notebook?” He nods and Mel hands it to me. “So this is the only one?”

“No, some friends of mine have the rest of them. He had quite the library.” He replies grimly.

“And your thoughts on your mother?”

“Dead to me.” He retorts.

“To us.” Claire corrects him and gets a small smile.

“I need to see the rest of these books.” I declare and it goes quiet.

“Arthur?” Claire squeezes my arm.

“Accessories. If you are in agreement. I think we can have them charged with child abuse. It might not get anywhere, but it will be put on record.”

“Ar...are you serious?” Justin asks, and I nod. “Is this something that you want to do, Brian?”

“I’m...not sure...I need to think about it.” His voice is so small.

“We will support whatever decision you make.” Vic gives him a one armed hug.

“Could they go to jail?” He looks unsure.

“If it goes to trial, then possibly.”

“But then everyone would know, wouldn’t they?”

“Not necessarily. We could ask for a closed court and the documents to be sealed afterwards.” Mel tells him, rubbing his arm.

“Tigger, can we talk about this tomorrow? The boys are coming back now.”

“Of course. Let me go and wake the kiddies, then we can have dessert.” As he passes Brian he runs his finger across his cheek, pauses, then tilts up his chin and kisses him adoringly. “Won’t be long.”

“Pistachio gelato!” Emmett smiles. “There’s one thing you are going to have to get used to, my dear Fitzgeralds, is that we are all about the nuts in this family!”

End of flashback




I stare at Mom and Arthur. “You are kidding me?”



“That’s what I am going to find out.” Arthur replies. “Now…”

“Has Uncle Brian had therapy or anything like we did?” I ask and Mom shrugs. “Maybe he should?”

“Maybe.” Arthur nods.

“So what happens now? He can’t let them get away with this shit! He can’t! They made it worse for him! Oh God…” I gulp in some air as I try to take on what they have just told me. I am so glad that we made the promise in therapy that we would never keep secrets from each other. I suggested to Mom and Arthur that they tell me and I tell Peter, as sometimes it is better coming from a brother rather than a parent, he also noticed that there was something wrong.

“John, if you want…” Arthur begins and I shake my head.

“I still think I should tell him.” I sigh and stand up. “But can you come with me?”

“Of course, son, of course.” Arthur drapes his arm across my shoulders. “You ready?”

“Yeah, Dad, I’m ready.” I reply and as I close the lounge door I hear Mom sniffle; and I am pleased that this time they are happy tears.


Chapter End Notes:

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