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Although part of me is seething that I am still being forced to watch educational programmes if I want to watch TV, I have the best movie of my life playing in my head...the end of their pathetic relationship! It was estacy to watch him explode, I haven't felt such joy ever! He’s on the edge, soon this trial, like their bullshit romance, will be over!

Then I remember something, the press were there! I head to the guard. “Can you watch the news so I can watch it with you?”

“No.” He replies without taking his eyes off the screen. “You need to have a lights out in ten minutes.”

“But it is the afternoon.” I try to keep my annoyance in check.

“I know that, but we have a guard swap, and while that happens you have to be confined to your room.” He still doesn't look away from the movie. “And when that is done, you can come out until proper lights out.”

“And when is the new guard coming?”

“Ten minutes.” He repeats before turning to finally look at me and smiles. “And he doesn't like the news either.”




I heave a sigh of relief. “Okay, Justin, we will see you tomorrow, but will understand if you don’t turn up. No, let me do the calling around. Take care, give him our love.” I sink back against the counter and grab the glass, then throw it against the wall. “I can’t wait to get on the stand and destroy you!” I roar at the shattered remains.

“Feel better?” Mel’s voice is surprisingly gentle.

“Yeah, sorry about the glass.” I reach under the sink to get the dustpan and brush.

“Don’t worry about…” She peers at it and smiles. “...I wondered where it went. Thought she took it with her.”

“Huh? Who?” I stop sweeping and look up at her.

“Lindsay’s Lalique glass. She never used it, just put it in a display case under lights to show it off.” I just look at her. “Mind if I take a picture of it…” She starts to smile. “...I think she might appreciate the aesthetic of the way the shards glint.”

“How much did you hate that glass?”

“With the heat of the fires of hell!” She cackles, and I can feel the remains of my anguish receding. “Once she burnt dinner, though that improved it, when she was changing one of the bulbs.” She rootles in the cupboard for some paper, and between us we get it cleaned up. “Are they coming tomorrow?”

“Yep. Well, so far. He said that they need to speak to Arthur and Claire today, but they will be there.”

“She was just so…I have never seen her so hateful towards him. I mean she has spouted venom, but to say that. And to think she wrote it all those years ago, so it's not a recent feeling.”

“Hmmm. Like Arthur said, a diary is the one place you are honest.”

“Come on, this calls for take out and some comfort movies. Is Granger still picking us up tomorrow?”


“Can he drive it yet?” She chuckles.

“Nope, though he did try and persuade me.” I twitch a smile. “All eight and three quarter inches of persuasion.”

“As a matter of interest…”

“In both length and girth, yes Brian is bigger. Why’d you ask as a matter of interest?!”

“Remember when I walked in on them?” I smirk. “Well, I think Justin is about Granger’s size…” She starts to go red. “...and I just wondered.”

“You know your g-spot?”

“Yeah, though she claimed to never be able to find it! Funny how I could though!” She clears her throat. “What about it?”

“Well that’s our g-spot, and…”

“I know that!” She grabs wine glasses and I follow her to the lounge with the wine, shaking my head at this sudden change in conversation. “They’re monogamous. So what is that like? I mean have you ever…”

“That’s how I got sick. Think it was the second or third time we did it. Peter cheated on me, caught it from the guy, and...” She looks stunned and then angry. “...what's wrong?”

“Did you ever wonder why we never asked you about the HIV?” She pours almost half the bottle in my glass once we sit down.

“No, just figured you didn’t want to know. I came with it and that was how it was.”

“He said you gave it to Peter.”

“Who said...Michael said that?!” I can’t believe it, yet I absolutely can. “No, I was the innocent party in all of this.” I take a calming sip. “How did he say I got it?”

“At an orgy.” She looks at the floor before looking at me. “I’m sorry, Ben, I really am, but it works in a way.”

“How does him lying to the pair of you work?” I rub my eyes and check the time, I need a bath to soak away these last few days! “I am looking forward to tomorrow though. I think it is what we all need, just something to take our minds off of the trial and that aftermath. Sorry, you were about to say…”

“Well, Arthur doesn't know that...but he will.” She winks at me over her glass. “I will make sure he knows everything Michael told us!” She drains her glass and claps her knees. “But enough of this. You call the family, starting with Vic, and let them know that he's doing okay, then we reread the agenda for tomorrow and make sure we have everything, and then we watch…”

“Julia and Julia?” I say hopefully.

“Yes! And I will sort out snacks!”



I close the front door and put the hamper on the counter. Ems brought it over with Ted, but they didn’t stay. I sniff the contents and love his, no our, friends a little bit more.

“Ems didn't want to stay then?” He asks quietly from the door while fiddling with the cuffs of his robe.

“No. He said he loves you very much though, and Ted said the same and to eat it all.”

“Do you want the burritos...what was I thinking?” He snorts and comes in, though he still looks uncertain. “It’s not that dish, I will cook that…”

“Ribbit.” I wrap my arm around his waist and he breathes out. “Did you manage to get through to Arthur and Claire?” I start to unpack the hamper and he nods while chewing on his thumbnail. “What did they say?”

“They would send me a picture.” He replies, and then heads out again, leaving me somewhat baffled. I put the dish on, as per the instructions, and smile at the words at the bottom from Ems that he wants the dish back as it is from a set!

“Said if I see this guy that he is him.” He puts his phone on the counter and clears his throat.

“Hmm.” I ignore his smirk as I lick the spoon clean. “You do burritos and I will do wine.” Picking up his phone, I open the email and almost drop it in shock.

“Yeah.” Brian snorts. “That’s who they had therapy with.”

“I don’t believe it!” I gasp, staring at the picture.

“Should I be concerned?”

“What?” I reach for my phone and look up my books list.

“Justin? Yeah, the guy is hot, but…”

“Yeah, there is that, but there is something else that he is…” I finally find what I am looking for and almost sag against the counter. “...he is also the man, who wrote about the effects of PTSD and traumatic entrapment in abuse victims. He was the expert witness in the case of Bergin vs Abergin.” I feel the beginnings of hope as I had often wondered if he suffered from some form of PTSD. “Meet Dr Trevor Morris.”

He seems to stop breathing as he stares at the picture.


We are now in the lounge. It has been almost two hours since Justin told me who this guy is. He has downloaded his book on PTSD and traumatic entrapment for me, and I have read up on the Abergin case. I caught it on the news at the time, but didn't pay it much attention, but the more I read, the more I realise that I am Memphis Abergin. He had been abused for years by his parents and brothers, and, like me, escaped physically, but not as mentally as he thought. He finally snapped one day after his elder brother came around to visit, and they got into a row. A little prod from him ended up with Memphis almost beating him to death. He was hospitalised for months, and it was so unusual for the normally mild mannered...well that could never describe me...Memphis to react that way, saying he just felt like it...that Dr Morris was called.

“He said he offered and was on standby.” I stroke Justin’s palm and he nods at me to continue. “When I called Arthur and asked if we could speak to the therapist they spoke to. Jesus, Peter was right about her wasn’t he?”

“I think so.”

I sit back and it’s quiet. That nagging unsettling voice that is always lurking in the corner of my mind is quiet...well not totally quiet, but now it is quieter and has a name...PTSD...how didn't I see that’s what it was?! Not was...is?!

“You are not a mind reader.” Justin reads my mind. “Nobody wants to be broken as badly as you and Memphis are, but you had the mental strength to not hit back as he did. The only person you hit was yourself…”

“And you. Twice.”

“True, you did.” I flinch slightly. “When you were having a for-shit’s night sleep. I am unmarked and still here.” His voice is challenging. “Is that not also true?”

“Yes, and…” I slap my forehead and get up, pulling him up at the same time. “I think yours is the only stomach that is set to the same timings of a crockpot!”

“My stomach is set to a crockpot, the rest is set to you.” He grins, and then trots ahead of me to the kitchen.

“Ribbit!” I reply with a smile.




We have, of course, been watching the trial. We have had to be prepared according to our attorney. Now that ginger-nutter Grassi has well and truly dropped me in it, I am on tenterhooks every time the doorbell rings or my phone blares into life. Luckily, Mother has been an absolute rock of reassurance.

The thing that has helped our cause is to be painted as the unwitting victims in this poor-Brian-show. Mother and I are of the same mind: look what he has now. So he took a few smacks and was reminded of his place in life, big boohoo. And the constant flipping of Debbie, what she did on Friday, can be used in my denial of the blackmailing of her. It was not blackmail, it was insurance and safekeeping. This is what she told me when she gave me the money for my silence...just in case something happened to her.

“This is intolerable!” Mother jabs her phone off. “Mr Ronald Peterson requests that all correspondence and communications be via our respective attorneys!”

Intolerable is an understatement! His behaviour has been execrable, treating us like this after all the connections that Mother made for him during the building of their empire! Because of, oh yes, the other schism maker in our ever fracturing lives called Lynette, as it was she who reminded him of our ownership of the shares. So not only has he reclaimed the inheritance from Mother, but the shares as well. The final indignity of those being returned was that he bought them back off of us but at the same price they were bought by us. They are worth hundreds of dollars, but they were mere pennies when we got them! He has been most clinical in the severing of our ties.


I regard the picture of Lynette on my phone with intense hatred and pride in equal measure. I am proud of her manoeuvres, but hate that they are directed at us! As I said to Lindsay, she will only look so happy for so long, because we will have the last laugh. Although I don't have the contacts, or cache, here as I did in Shadyside, I do still get to hear how their lives are faring. She and the help are flourishing, although I have not yet been replaced in Ronald’s life, though I doubt anyone could tolerate him as long as I did. But back to the other pressing matter in our lives.

“Has he been in contact again?” I ask Lindsay, whose stroking of her stomach is giving me cause for concern. “You must not bond with it, Lindsay…” I remind her firmly. “...it will be brought up by its father. So, has he been in contact? I still can’t believe you weren’t aware of whom you were in congress with.” She looks embarrassed. “But then again, I don’t suppose you were concentrating on his face.”

“I am not bonding, it is just indigestion. And no, indeed I wasn’t.” She seems to take a trip down memory lane. “William Archer III, the entrepreneur and rather a good lover. I think I know when it was now. The second orgy we went to, he felt rather familiar! And yes, he has been in touch, he wants to come to the next appointment.”

This takes me by surprise. “Is this when the DNA testing happens?” She nods, but my pointed look does not get her to stop stroking. “Did you read the papers from her bulldog?”

She scowls and picks them up from the table, before tossing them back dismissively. “Risible, this is what they are!” I pick them up. “I have, of course, signed them, but like you said, it will never be brought up by her.” She starts to smile. “And once the DNA is confirmed, I will agree to bring up the baby with William. After all, a baby should be with its mother...its birth mother.”

“What?!” I gasp. This is news to me. “I thought that…”

“Brilliant!” She claps her hands and I heave a sigh of relief. “Believable to you, who knows me better than anyone else! So what I propose to William is that with a monthly stipend, payable in advance - there are expenses after all, like nursery, schooling, housing, medical bills, etc. - I bring it up with him. Then soon after it is born, we disappear into the night…”

“Perfect, just perfect. I want to ensure that she will never smile again, while wondering not only what if, but also where!” I hiss gleefully.



Everyone is waiting in the reception as we come in, and what I thought would happen doesn’t. Nobody goes quiet and tries to handle me with kid gloves.

“Hey sweeties!” Ems trills at us over a glass of something coloured blue. “Black and blue Bellini.” He finishes his off and grabs two of more before making his way over with Ted. We take the drinks and clink glasses. “I am going to say it once. When I get on the stand, I am going to marmalise them!”

“Marmalise?!” Ted snickers. “What TV show did you hear that in?!”

“Franklin.” I reply, surprising myself that I remembered it. “It was on in the 90s, and when I couldn’t sleep I’d try to find it to watch it. It was sweet and innocent. About a turtle and his animal friends. His best one was…”

“...a bear.” Justin smiles. “My favourite was Winnie the Pooh, about a beautiful bear. Can’t think why I love it even more now than I did then, although this Bear doesn’t exactly eat the honey from the jar…”

“And on that note!” Mel interrupts with a smile. “We need to go down...”

“This Bear does that…” I growl.

“To have food from flatware.” Ben chuckles, and punches me in the arm. “Now come…”

“And he’s done that after I’ve eaten too…”

“Brian.” Justin blushes.

“You started it!” Ems grins, and we both look at the handholding he and Drew are doing and smile.

“Have you told them your dessert choices?” Ben asks, and then frowns when Justin rolls his eyes. “What have you done, Kinney?”

“We were allowed to choose, and I chose what I wanted.” I return, tugging the back of my brat’s hair. “The point is that it has to be something I like.”

“Hmm.” He mutters. “Seriously, only you!”

“What’s he done?!” Drew demands, opening the door for us.

“Something annoyingly sensible and disgusting!”

I snicker at his indignation, and then come to an astounded halt. “Uh, Justin, do you recognise anybody in this room apart from us?” Justin, as usual, had zoned in on the array of appetisers, it takes a few seconds to get his focus, then his eyes go wide and he goes the reddest I have ever seen him. “Hi again.”

“Well hello there! How are you?” She grins at us. “Threatened to doctor anybody’s coffee or screamed any airplanes down lately?”

“Screamed airplanes down?” Ems titters. “Oh, this has to be good...explain!”

“I uh...may...uh…”

“Save him.” I laugh.

“Yes, this definitely can wait until after dinner!” She concurs, and he almost collapses against me in relief. “So, ladies and gentlemen, welcome, welcome. My name is Fanny Fuchs-Fasher, my team and I hope you enjoy the food we have prepared.” I didn’t think it could get quieter; we all exchange looks as she continues to introduce her team, with Ems checking the brochure and his eyes bugging out.

“So please sit, we have prepared dishes based on the elements and senses. Take your seats, it’s a bit like dining in the dark, but you can see what you are eating, we just don’t tell you exactly what it is.”

“We’re an uneven number.” Ben nods at Mel as we all sit down.

“Oh, I can partner up with you if you like.” Fanny says briskly, and Mel nods. “Right, before we start the first course of a mousse, we need to cleanse our palates. These are all vegan and organic palate cleansers: cucumber consommé, lemon gelato, mint foam and gin and vodka sorbet.” We savour, well I tried to, but Justin runs his hand up my thigh to get the gelato. I resist him, much to his indignation over the sorbet.

“Brian.” He protests as quietly as he can. “Can you at least please share…”

“Fanny…” I call out, silencing the room. “...as you know, Justin has a rather large...palate. May he have another one?”

“Of course.” She signals a waiter, then another is swiftly bought and he wiggles with happiness. “Now before we start on the menu proper, please, there is to be no photography, no asking for the recipes, and absolutely no doggie bags.” Drew and I exchange smirks at the heartbroken expressions on our mens’ faces. “To ensure that, please hand your phones to the wait staff directly behind you.”

Ten minutes later, sulks and pouts are replaced by astonishment as the mousse, which represents air, is tasted. It is mushroom, that is all she would say, but its texture is like the finest cotton candy. What it is served on is Italian music bread. It looks so fragile you think it might break.

“This is thinner than filo.” Ems breathes. “You can see through it. Incredible.”

“This next dish is called the claw of plenty. As you can tell, it is lobster.” She smiles as we each look dubiously at it. “A real lobster claw, now clip off the ends and use the straw first without looking!”

“Oh my!” Blake sighs as he tastes and then peers. “That is heaven! Guys, look inside! Look inside!” Inside is finely chopped lobster meat, bathing in the consommé. I just hand it to him...he resists for five seconds!

But it is the wontons where I draw the line. The wonton wrapper is chicken skin! Inside is finely chopped thigh meat with citrus and chilli. I am normally not bothered by food, but by being with Justin, I have come to appreciate it and as I watch him, I have an idea.

“Now for the lawn part of the meal…”

“Not one word, Kinney!” Mel warns, and I close my mouth.

“Okay then.” Fanny frowns as she looks around in confusion. “So, uh, this is the vegetable part of the meal and it is served family style.” The table is swiftly cleared and an oval of grass is placed down with chopsticks. “Again, feed your partners.” The first taste is what freshly mown grass smells like. Fresh and vibrant. “Now with this course…” Fanny smiles at Emmett. “...can you tell me what they are?” He takes another bite from Drew, and much to her admiration reels off a list of vegetables, half of which I never knew came in that size! “So the red tinged one?” She points at a bunch of foliage.


“Now this one stymied me.” He chews again. “It can’t be! Is that beetroot leaves?”

“They are indeed!” She grins. “Took me ages to find someone that can grow them that small. Now your desserts. The reason we let the guests decide on this course is at least you know what you are getting but not how. This is called the Egyptian course.” Giggles abound when the plates are bought out and there are pyramids of desserts.

“Each, we get one platter each?” Ted gasps as his is placed in front of him, and I sigh in relief.

“But we can doggy bag these, can’t we? Since they’re our choices?” Blake looks hopeful and I pray.

“No, sorry. No leftovers at all.” She winks at me and I hope nobody sees. “So begin…”

“Do you know who’s is whose?” Mel asks, and Ben smirks. “Specifically, which is Brian’s?”

“Ah yes, the cause of Tig...uh, Justin’s consternation.”

“The green one.” Immediately everyone digs in and I watch him. “I have to admit when I first saw it, I was like why but then the freshness and creaminess come through and…”

“I hate you!” Justin exclaims before scraping mine off my plate and onto his with an impish smile. “Ooh so much trouble!”

“What?” Ben demands, and starts on a pyramid and he pauses. “Granger, did you two talk or something?!”

“No.” Granger frowns. “This isn't here because of you talking to him?” He points at another.

“Okay, stop and let’s find out other whose is whose. And then who told you what to do!” Mel demands.

“So, clockwise from twelve o’clock, the gold leaf one is millionaire shortbread for Justin, the green smoothie is for Justin, vodka strawberry cheesecake is for Mel, the carrot cake for Drew, the baklava for Emmett, the hazelnut praline truffle for Ben, the meringue for Blake and the opera torte for Ted.”

“But that’s my favourite dessert…” Granger stutters. “...how did she know if you didn’t tell her?”

“Because I told her.” Dad steps into the room. “With a little help from my son, I wanted to say thank you for being there for him. And before you explain the screaming down planes comment, the reason Justin has two is because the millionaire is from Brian and the other is from me...he thought Brian had asked for a broccoli smoothie and he hates it! He makes Brian brush his teeth before he kisses him after he has it!” I just lift my glass in thanks and they all do the same.

“So the plane?” Mel prompts.

“Oh yes! First met them on the way to Paris, when Justin was a little keen to join the mile high club. He got loud when he did...three times!” He concentrates on eating. “But before that he threatened to jizz in the coffee of another passenger if he didn’t let them use the bathroom first!” Laughter bounces off the walls and he is not only vermillion with embarrassment, but he feels hotter than the sun!




I am reading the court papers and watching the recordings at the same time. If he has Munchausen I am a dead nun! “Looking good for a corpse, Sister Tre.” I snicker to myself at the memory of me in the nun’s habit I wore for Halloween last year, the fishnets itched. Then something on screen snaps my attention back to the matter in hand. After I rewind it and watch it again, I dial Arthur's office number, knowing that is where he would be, so important is the case to him.

“Hey, Trevor.” He sounds tired. “Before you say it, I was going to go home just as you called.”

“Good. Can you also call the son onto the stand at some point on Tuesday and tell Justin not to attend.”


“Just for that day. Please?”

“Yeah. Okay.”

“Now go home! Doctor's orders!”

“Goodnight, Trevor, and…”

“Home!” I hang up and rub my temple. “I will stop you, Grassi, I will expose you for the true monsters that you are.”



“So, inquiring minds want to know…” I wink at Brian. “...Fanny Fuchs-Fasher, is that tongue twister really your name?”

“No.” She grins at me. “It’s a kind of ice breaker for me when they hear it the first time.”

“Pity.” Brian drawls. “I think there is a particular lesbian, who would quite like to trip the tongue fantastic.”

“Brian!” Mel exclaims. “Oh you are so much trouble, give him one for me, Justin!”

“With pleasure, anyone else want me to administer divine retribution?” He looks around the table and hands start to rise. “Uh, Vic, can you…”

“I will be with Roberta!” I laugh.

“And Mel, my real name is Heather.”

Justin lollies:


Brian’s lollies:


Mel’s cheesecake:


Drew’s carrot cake:


Emmett’s baklava


Granger’s mousse:


Ben’s truffles:


Blake’s meringues


Ted’s torte


Chapter End Notes:

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