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January 10

Brian stamped his feet on doormat to get any loose snow of his shoes and cursed under his breath once more for having forgotten the garage remote this morning. Something he fully blamed on Justin as he’d been the one who’d stolen it out of brian’s car in the first place. And then, to make matters worse, had distracted him by being all warm and cute and cuddly under his mound of blankets, so that Brian hadn’t even been thinking of work or the very early staff meeting he’d scheduled; and subsequently had to rush to when Cynthia had called to remind him to bring the financial printouts with him.

So, he’d run around, getting dressed to the track of his giggling, oh-so-sympathetic husband, who just buried himself back under the blankets after Brian’s mad dash out of bed. It then led to him leaving the opener by the front door, since he grabbed his secondary set of keys from the den instead to save time when he picked up the necessary financials.

See, all Justin’s fault.

He opened the door and walked into the house, setting his briefcase down on the table by it as he nudged the door closed with his foot. Pulling of his jacket, he hung it on the coat rack and followed his nose toward the kitchen, his mouth watering when he saw Justin plating up some roasted veggies and grilled salmon.

“Hey, honey, I’m home!” Brian chirped, tongue in cheek, smirking when Justin rolled his eyes and walked over to place their plates on the table.

“Fuck off,” he snorted, and then squirmed when Brian came up behind him, wrapped his arms around his waist and pressed a kiss to his neck.

“What no kiss from the little….” Brian snickered, and then grunted when Justin dug his elbow into his ribs.

“If you want to keep your remaining ball,” Justin said, giving him the evil eye. “I’d suggest you not finish that sentence.”

Brian laughed, but wisely remained silent; Justin was still sore over some comment he’d overheard while they were shopping the other day, (and boy had that idiot run like the hounds of hell were after him once Justin got through with him); and Brian was quite fond of his dick and balls being right where they should be. There was no way in hell he was going to test his husband’s resolve on this matter.

Pressing soft kisses along Justin’s neck, Brian smiled against his skin when Justin sighed in contentment and leaned back into his body for a moment, before turning around to give Brian a thorough welcome home kiss. Sighing, Brian pulled back as air became necessary and rested his brow to Justin’s and allowed the tension from the day to slip away.

Justin tightened his arms around Brian’s waist, stood on tiptoe to press his lips to Brian’s forehead and then wiggled out of brian’s arms. Reluctantly, Brian let his husband go and sat down at the table, while Justin grabbed a salad and the shallot vinaigrette from the refrigerator. He tossed the salad with the vinaigrette, set it on the table and sat down next to Brian.

He’d been doing that a lot lately; rather than sitting across or kitty corner to him, Justin would snuggle up to Brian, his hand somewhere on his body, saying that he just wanted to be as close as possible to him. Personally, Brian thought the little tease was just trying to drive him mad with desire as his hormones had kicked up another notch recently.

“So, I saw Ted today,” Brian said, cutting into his salmon with his fork, and then popped it in his mouth, groaning when the taste of chile, lime, cumin and cilantro burst across his tongue. God, Justin was the best cook.

“Oh?” Justin asked, a pleased smile sliding across his face as Brian continued to verbalize his appreciation. “Where at? I thought he and Blake were planning to stick around home until Luc’s one month check up before venturing out.”

“At the office,” Brian said a bit absentmindedly, far too caught up in his meal to notice Justin’s frown at those words. “He showed up for the weekly staff meeting at the last minute looking like death warmed over.”

“Brian!” Justin chided, startling Brian until he thought back on what he said. “Please tell me you didn’t drag that poor man…”

“Hey, not my fault,” Brian cut in with a frown. “I told him to stay at home.” Justin flushed and sent him a sheepish smile. “What we didn’t count on was Ted being a helicopter parent and Blake, fed up with his constant hovering, kicked him out and told him not to come back for a few hours.”

Justin snickered and went back to his meal. “I can see that; he’s definitely worse than you when it comes to fretting.”

“Fretting?” Brian huffed, casting a mock offended look at his husband; Justin just sniggered in response. “I do not fret, fuck you very much. Fuck, you make me sound like someone’s maiden great aunt. With you, it’s a legitimate concern I’ll have you know; considering how well aware I am of your penchant for getting yourself into trouble.

“Don’t listen to Daddy, Sunbeam,” Justin said, patting his stomach as he addressed Sunbeam. “He totally frets even if he calls it by another name.”

“Lies, Sunbeam, all lies,” Brian snorted, and then turned in his chair and leaned down to kiss Justin’s stomach. Justin giggled and squirmed. Brian smirked; he turned back to his plate and continued eating, rolling his eyes as he remembered the meeting. “So, he decided to come to the meeting instead; not that it did any good in the end.”


”Fuck, Schmidt, you look like shit,” Brian said as the zombie that was his friend and CFO lurched through the door and slumped into a chair, completely ignoring the curious looks shot his way. “What the hell are you doing here? I know for a fact that you have nearly a month and a half left of paternity leave as I signed the paperwork myself.”

“Blake kicked me out,” Ted muttered, his eyes a mere slit as he rested his chin on his hand; and, frankly, looked like he’d fall over at any minute.


“Ah, you were hovering were you?” Brian snickered, and then laughed outright when Ted shot him a dirty look and flipped him off.


“Like you’re one to talk,” Ted snapped, and then rubbed a hand over his face and smiled sheepishly. “I do happen to know that you aren’t exactly hands off yourself.”


Brian arched a brow.


“Justin and Blake talk,” Ted smirked tiredly. “Every single day apparently. I swear, between Justin and Emmett, the phone is always fucking ringing.” He paused to look at Brian, whose confusion must have shown on his face. “I’m guessing you didn’t know about that. The three of them are thick as thieves and talk to each other about everything. It’s been even worse lately as Emmett has been making noises about starting to plan for yours and Justin’s baby shower.”


“Baby shower?” Brian asked; dread coating each word as a chill tripped its way down his spine. “What do you mean baby shower?”


“Ah, you didn’t actually think you were going to get out of an Emmett special, did you” Ted teased, sniggering at Brian’s more than horrified look. “Yeah, not happening. They have been talking themes and colors and games and favors and food to fit said theme. Emmett has been salivating for this day; there is no way in hell he’s going to give up planning the baby shower of the year.”


“That’s enough,” Brian said, holding up a hand; he so didn’t want to think about this right now. He had a meeting to run in about ten minutes, and didn’t need the added stress. He’d deal with it when he got home. “So why did Blake send you packing?”


“Blake said that my going in to constantly check on Luc was waking him up before his time,” Ted muttered, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “And he said, if Luc doesn’t sleep then he doesn’t get to sleep. And if he doesn’t sleep, you can bet my sweet ass that I wouldn’t be sleeping. And thus, he kicked me out of the house in order to salvage his sanity and my well-being; because if I didn’t leave, he wasn’t going to be held responsible for what he did.”


Brian threw his head back and laughed; a deep belly laugh that startled the employees that had already gathered in the conference room.


“Yeah, you laugh now,” Ted said with a smirk. “But in about five months, you’re going to be in my shoes and it won’t seem so funny then.”


“Theodore, I’m already there,” Brian snickered, a wicked grin on his face. “Justin has reached the point where sex is a thing that must happen at least twice a day, if not more. Sleep is not a thing that happens right now.”


“Twice a day?” Ted asked incredulously.


“Sometimes three or four depending on his mood.” Brian shrugged and smirked when Ted’s jaw dropped. “Close your mouth, Theodore; we don’t need you collecting flies.”


“Lucky bastard,” Ted grumbled, sinking back in his chair with a huff. “I was lucky if Blake wanted to have sex a few times a week; especially at the end. He complained that his skin was far too sensitive and he didn’t want to be touched.”


“Justin’s sensitive too,” Brian hummed, flipping the folder in front of him open when he saw Cynthia walk into the room and nod, letting him know the were ready. “But luckily, for me, he likes that thin edge between pleasure and pain; so, it’s been a lot of fun.”


“Asshole,” Ted muttered, opening his own folder.


“Watch it, Schmidt,” Brian snickered, and turned to his gathered staff so he could start the meeting. “I can still fire you, you know.”


Ted snorted, but didn’t say anything as Brian brought the meeting to order. He spent the next hour going over the new accounts that had been brought in that week and got updates on the current campaigns in progress, finding out where they stood and where they needed to focus in order to bring them up to date. They had just finished going over staffing needs and issues, when Brian flipped to the financials, which he was going to take care of; but since Ted was here, he’d have the man do it himself.


“And so, I’ll turn it over to Ted, and he can fill us in on the details,” Brian said, sitting back in his chair and waiting for Ted to take over the discussion. But when a few seconds had passed without any noise from that direction, Brian turned and prompted him again. “Ted?”


But the only thing that came out of Ted’s mouth was a loud snore, followed by a grunt and snuffle, much to the rest of the staff’s amusement. Brian pinched the bridge of his nose and mentally rolled his eyes skyward, begging for patience as everyone else around him chuckled when Ted kept right on snoozing without a care in the world.


“Ted!” Brian shouted, startling the other man out of his slumber; Ted snorted and jumped, looking around blurrily as if trying to figure out where exactly he was. He turned to Brian and quelled at his exasperated glare. “Go sleep in your fucking office so I can finish the meeting in peace.”


Ted flushed and quickly gathered his things before heading towards the door, only pausing as Brian admonished.

“And for fucks sake, Ted; the next time Blake kicks you out, go bug Justin or Emmett; some of us are trying to work here.”


Justin laughed at the retelling of the meeting, even if he did glare and swat Brian on the arm when he was recounting his conversation on their sex lives. Brian wasn’t sure why he was surprised by that; it’s not as if their very active sex life wasn’t known far and wide on Liberty Avenue. They’d never bothered to hide it.

“So, baby shower?” Brian asked, arching a brow as this had been the first he’d heard of it. He should have expected it though; he’d seen the fervent gleam in Emmett’s eye right after he and Justin announced their pregnancy.

“Nothing you have to worry your pretty, little head about, darling,” Justin simpered and batted his lashes; Brian just scowled. “I’ll just tell you the date once it’s been decided, and you only have to show up.”

“But…” Brian trailed off with a grimace when Justin leveled a gimlet stare in his direction.

“And you will show up if you know what’s good for you,” he stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument. Brian frowned, but knew better than to say anything. “I don’t expect you to play the games or do any of the silly rituals, as I know you’ll probably break out in hives if you had to, but you will be here. I’ll leave you to entertain Gus and Hunter.”

“Yes, dear,” Brian sniggered, making Justin roll his eyes.

“Besides, it’s not like I’m doing much myself, as Emmett has taken complete control...” Justin trailed off with a funny look on his face.

Brian furrowed his brow and watched Justin’s look of utter concentration, wondering what the fuck was going on with his husband now.

“Oh,” Justin exclaimed softly, his hand flying to his belly, which had started to develop some curvature to it lately. “Oh, wow that is…”

“Justin…” Brian looked at the hand clenched against Justin’s stomach, and then took in Justin’s stunned face with no little amount of alarm; made all the worse as Justin paled, sending a frisson of fear rippling down his spine. “Is everything okay? Is there something wrong with the baby?”

“Oh, Brian,” Justin said, his eyes tearing over; and that did nothing to reassure Brian. “It’s…it’s… I’m fine. I’m fine.” Brian looked at him skeptically. “No, really, I’m fine. I promise. It’s just that…I just felt the baby move.”

Brian’s eyes flew to Justin’s stomach and in an instant he was on the floor his hands on Justin’s stomach. But try as he might, he couldn’t feel anything, much to his disappointment.

“Do, you feel it?” Justin asked hoarsely, his eyes shining with joy as he took Brian’s hands and moved them to a bit lower on his stomach. “Right there.” But Brian couldn’t and shook his head in negation; Justin made a disappointed noise. “Well, they did warn us that it might take longer before you could feel it. But still...”

“What’s it like?” Brian asked, his hands caressing Justin’s stomach with wonder.

“It’s kind of like this fluttery feeling?” Justin said with a frown. “Only not? Maybe more like popcorn popping. You know like these quick, little, bubbling jabs. I don’t know how to explain it.” Justin paused, a small giggle of wonder bubbling out as his hand tightened over his stomach. “I thought I felt something yesterday, when were watching the ultrasound; but then I thought, I had to be imagining it just because I could see the baby squirming around on the monitor.”

“I wish I could feel it,” Brian said, pulling his hands away with some disappointment. He rested his hands on Justin’s hips and pressed a kiss to his stomach, and whispered.

“Soon, Sunbeam; soon.”

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