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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the delay again, but RL continues to be a pain; on a positive note, it's looking like things will start to calm again once I make it through this week. Or at least, I hope it does as I've been functioning on only about two hours of sleep per night for the past three nights. I really need sleep. 

FYI, this chapter is going be split in two; I didn't plan for this two-parter, but unfortunately it kept growing and growing and growing, and the next thing I knew I was over nine thousand words and I'm not even done. So, I hope to have the second part up for you tomorrow as it is mostly written; if not that, then for sure the day after. 

Again, thanks to all that continue to read and support this story despite my sporadic posting the past month or so. 


April 3 (Part One)


Justin strode through the door of Kinnetik, waving the receptionist, Sarah, as he went past, smiling brightly when she looked up from the phone and waved him on. Not that he needed any permission to enter a build he half-owned, but he did like to let her know that he was there just out of common courtesy. Plus, it was good to know that strangers couldn’t get past her to wander around in place that they shouldn’t


Striding down the hall towards Brian’s office, Justin sighed and rubbed his lower back; he couldn’t wait to get to the café and sit down as he had been running since seven this morning. Due to the appointment that Brian had made with Tak, all of his afternoon plans and appointments had to be crammed into the morning, and he was ruing the fact that he hadn’t synced their calendars recently. Especially given the fact that they were going to be leaving for New York tomorrow afternoon, and he would need the morning to make sure that they were both packed and ready to go.


He didn’t blame Brian for this however, as the appointment with Tak does take precedent and he only went off the information that Justin had provided him; it was his own damned fault for getting lazy. But damn, he would have preferred a nice, lazy lie in this morning before he had to run around, getting everything ready for the trip.


Shifting his bag to the other hand, Justin smiled as he came to Brian’s outer office and found Yasmeen and Cynthia standing behind Yasmeen’s desk, clearly discussing Friday and Monday’s scheduling based on their comments. Friday made sense, as Brian was only going to be in the office from six to noon tomorrow. And actually, on that thought, it would probably be better if they stayed at the loft tonight since he was going to be in so early; he should talk to Brian about that.


But Monday, he wasn’t sure why they were rescheduling Monday as Brian and he were planning to return on Sunday evening. But maybe they just didn’t want to deal with a cranky Brian if he had a packed Monday. Shrugging, Justin looked up, smiled and waved as Yasmeen and Cynthia finally noticed him.


“Justin,” Cynthia greeted with a smile; she stood up straight and walked over to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek; one that he returned. “We weren’t expecting you until around two; is everything okay?”


“Everything is fine,” Justin smiled, hiding his exhaustion as he knew they would mother hen him to death if he didn’t; and he really was fine. “I’m heading to the café to have lunch with Blake and Emmett before Brian’s and my appointment with the detective; and I just wanted to stop in and feed the beast. You know what he’s like if he isn’t watered and fed on a timely basis.”


“Please, tell me that’s not a code?” Yasmeen teased, smirking when Justin’s cheeks heated. “While it’s to my benefit that all of his appetites get fed, we don’t have the time for you two to get frisk today.”


“Yas!” Justin huffed, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. He was right in his previous assessment; she was getting cheekier by the day.


“What?” Yasmeen snorted with one eyebrow raised. “I know you guys far too well to ever believe that you’re actually in there merely discussing your creative differences some days. Why do you think I make myself scarce when Brian has scheduled a brainstorming session with you, and you alone?”


“She’s got you there, Justin; sadly, I know all too well just how you two resolve your disagreements,” Cynthia snickered; and Justin’s cheeks grew fiery as he recalled all the times that Cynthia herself had walked in on one of their ‘seal the deal’ fucks.


“She needn’t announce it to the world, though,” Justin muttered, scrubbing at his cheeks as he looked around the quiet office.


“Oh, sweetie,” Yasmeen chortled, shaking her head at him as if she thought him to be a sad and deluded person; which she likely did. “I don’t need to do that; you and Brian broadcast that well all on your own. Murph still blushes every time he passes by Brian’s office these days.”


“I really need to get that office fully soundproofed,” Justin muttered, casting a sheepish smile at the snickering women.


“You really, really do,” Cynthia agreed with an emphatic nod of her head. “We’dall be much happier not hearing just how much you love Brian pounding your...”


“Cynthia!” Justin exclaimed, his cheeks growing impossibly hotter.


“Oh, good one!” Yasmeen said, holding her hand up for a high five, which Cynthia happily delivered as Justin buried his scorching face into his hands. “If he gets any redder, we could put him outside and use him as a stop sign. Plus, maybe this will shame those two into behaving for a while.”


“I doubt it,” Cynthia smirked. “Brian would just take it as a challenge and then we’d never get any peace around here.”


“Point,” Yasmeen conceded with a knowing nod.


“If are both done with discussing my sex life,” Justin huffed and stared balefully at his two friends. “Is Brian available? I promise that I really am only here to drop off food before heading to lunch with Emmett and Blake.”


“Good,” Yasmeen said as she typed something into her computer; likely the instant message window that she and Brian kept up for when they needed to communicate when he was on the phone. She waited a moment and then nodded, before turning to Justin. “He should be done with his conference call in about five minutes or so. Do you want to drop that off and go, or wait?”


“I can wait for about ten minutes,” Justin shrugged, setting his bag down on her desk; he grabbed a nearby chair and sat down, mentally groaning in relief to be off his feet. “And then, if he’s still not off the phone, I can leave it with you and meet the guys.”


Yasmeen nodded and typed out another message; likely letting Brian know that Justin was in the office and waiting for him. Justin leaned back and turned to Cynthia, who was sitting on the edge of Yasmeen’s desk with a shit-eating grin on her face. He arched a brow and warily wondered what that smile was all about; something that made Cynthia’s grin broaden and her eyes twinkle with suppressed mirth.


“So,” she drawled, instantly garnering Yasmeen’s and his attention. “Have you talked to your mother recently?”


Justin winced. He so didn’t want to answer this question; but he also knew that if he didn’t, the two of them would instantly sense something was wrong and badger him until he caved and told them anyways just to get a little peace.


“Uh, no,” Justin hedged, blatantly ignoring Yasmeen’s sharp and instantly suspicious gaze. Damn that woman; it was times like this when he had no trouble believing that she was Daphne’s favorite cousin. They were just too much alike for him not to believe it. “I’ve sort of been avoiding her.”


“What did you do now?” Yasmeen demanded, her mouth pursing when Justin squirmed and looked away; and he briefly wondered if he could get away with not answering. But then he looked at her and saw the patented Chanders no-nonsense, ‘don’t fuck with unless you want to get hurt’ look and he caved like a house of cards.


“She and Deb showed up without an invitation and barged into the house without even asking when they heard that I was sick this past weekend…” Justin trailed off and cringed when Yasmeen snorted.


“And you became your typical, cranky self and chewed them out, am I right?” Yasmeen guessed, pinning Justin to his chair with a gimlet eye.


“I wasn’t very welcoming,” Justin conceded, groaning internally when Yasmeen snorted at his very obvious understatement.


“Like I said, you chewed them out and are now feeling like an ass about it,” Yasmeen said with a knowing smile; Justin scowled.


“You really are annoying, you know that?” Justin complained halfheartedly. “I can so tell that you’re related to Daphne.” Yasmeen just grinned maddeningly, making Justin roll his eyes. “Anyways, I have since been avoiding talking to her for longer than a few minutes at a time because, yes, I feel like an ass. Are you happy?”


“Very,” Yasmeen flashed a smug smile as she typed something into her computer; likely telling Brian all about their little contretemps, if you could call it that. And then she gave him the hairy eyeball. “Now man up and call your mommy!”


Justin rolled his eyes and nodded, not bothering to respond.


“And once you do kiss and make up,” Cynthia said, casting a sly glance Justin’s way; he sat up straight and gave a speculative glance, his nose catching the scent of fresh gossip. “You should ask her about her weekend. It was…enlightening.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Justin asked slowly, his interest piquing when Cynthia’s lips twitched as if she was trying to hold in a laugh.


“Just ask her about it,” Cynthia said again, adopting that mysterious air that always drove Justin nuts. “I guarantee you’ll love it.”


“That’s if Em doesn’t spill the beans first,” Yasmeen chuckled, letting on that she was in the know too. Justin’s gaze bounced between the two, but neither were forthcoming; damn, what had he missed while he’d been holed up at home sick?


“Point,” Cynthia nodded; and then she turned on her heel and headed back toward her office. “And it looks as if Brian is off the phone; so, I’ll let you get to that.”


“Cynthia!” Justin called; but Cynthia kept walking without a word, her mocking laughter filling the office. “Cynthia, you can’t just drop a tidbit like that and not say anything!”


Justin pouted when it became obvious that she wasn’t going to respond.


“I hate when she does that.” Justin huffed and then cast a speculative look at a serene Yasmeen. “I don’t suppose…”


“Nope,” Yasmeen said, smirking and popping the P on the end as she continued to work at her computer. “You’ll just have to wait; go and feed your man.”


“I hate all of you,” Justin muttered halfheartedly as he gathered up his bad and stomped towards Brian’s office door, Yasmeen’s hearty chuckles following him.


Opening the door, Justin entered the office and quietly closed it as Brian was still wrapping up his call and he didn’t want to interrupt. Brian looked up and smiled that shy, sweet smile that always made Justin want to melt into a little puddle of goo. He held out a hand and beckoned him over as he nodded to whatever the person on the other side of the line was telling him. Justin walked towards him and then froze, his eyes widening in horror at Brian’s next words.


“Yes, I’ll be sure to pass the message on, Kellie,” his husband said, his eyes dancing with laughter as Justin scowled and vigorously shook his head, waving his hand in front of him in the universal sign of, ‘don’t you fucking dare tell her I am here.’ Brian winked. “Yes, he and the baby are doing fine; I’ll be sure to pass the information on.”


Justin huffed and then continued his trek once it became clear that Brian wasn’t going to out him to Kellie; he lover her, but once she got to talking, he could never get her off the phone and he had far too much to do to indulge her today. Brian nodded again, making Justin giggle quietly as he rolled his eyes to the ceiling as if praying for help; he swiveled in his chair and then held out an arm, gently pulling Justin down onto his lap.


Justin huffed and tried to get away, certain he was far too heavy for this by now; but Brian held firm, pressing his brow to Justin’s temple as he wrapped the call.


“Alright, Kellie,” Brian said, his tone measured and very obviously humoring her. “We’ll get on that right away and then I’ll have them shipped off to you by no later than Wednesday of next week.” Brian nuzzled his nose against Justin’s cheek, and Justin sank into him with a silent sigh; someone was feeling affectionate today. “Will do; have a good day Kellie and I’ll talk with you later next week after you have the chance to review the new boards. Have a good day.”


And Brian leaned over and put the phone back into its cradle.


“Jesus fucking Christ,” he complained, wrapping his arms around a snickering Justin. “I thought she was never going to get off the fucking phone.”


“Poor baby,” Justin crooned, pressing little kisses over Brian’s lips and cheeks and eyes and any place he could reach; his husband hummed with pleasure and returned each of them with the same sweet softness. “Did the scary lady traumatize you…ow!”


Justin scowled and rubbed his ass where his husband had pinched it.


“Brat,” Brian smirked, and then rested his brow against Justin’s. “You’re here early; we don’t have to meet with Tak for another hour and a half.”


“I’m having lunch with Em and Blake,” Justin said, humming when his husband dipped down for another slow, sweet kiss; he could definitely get used to this. “But I wanted to bring this by before I went since you’ll likely be missing out on lunch again.”


Justin waved his hand in a vague gesture towards the insulated bag that was sitting on the corner of Brian’s desk, filled with cold grilled chicken, a salad, a container of balsamic dressing, cut fruit and some of Anna’s peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. He knew that his husband could never resist them.


“I would have gotten something eventually,” Brian huffed, but he also looked pleased that Justin had thought of him and brought him something to eat.


“I’m sure you would have,” Justin said, humoring his husband; something Brian was well aware of based on his scowl. “But now, you don’t have to worry about it.” He leaned in and kissed Brian, lingering a bit before he reluctantly pulled away; he was already running late and had had to text Blake and ask him to order for him as it was. “Gotta go; meet you at the precinct at two?”


“Are you sure you want to go,” Brian asked, running his hands over Justin’s back and down to cup his ass; Justin groaned because damn it, his husband wasn’t playing fair. “You could stay here and share this and get up to far more interesting things than the gossip fest waiting of you.”


“Oh, no you don’t,” Justin huffed, squirming in Brian’s lap. “You stay away from my ass, buster. It’s a hands-off zone for the rest of the day after last night.”


“I bet I can change your mind,” Brian purred; and for one split second, Justin almost caved because sore or not, Brian was always hot like this and knew how to push all of his buttons, the asshole. But he managed to dig down and find the resolve to resist.




“Not happening, you fiend,” Justin grumbled, tipping his head back as Brian pressed a trail of kisses down his neck; he bit his lip and hissed. “You have a hand; use that. I could barely sit before my bath this morning.”


“I warned you not to taunt me,” Brian chuckled, a wicked grin on his face as he was obviously remembering their fun and games the night before.


“I will be getting even,” Justin promised, kissing Brian firmly on the mouth; one that Brian deepened in an instant, kissing Justin until he was forced to come up for air. “You can count on that.”


“I look forward to it, dear,” Brian quipped, and then pressed his advantage, shutting Justin up with a deep kiss when he opened his mouth to respond. Groaning, Justin fell into the kiss until once again the need for air forced them apart.


“As I said, fiend,” Justin complained; but it was a weak thing at best, making Brian flash his infamous tongue-in-cheek grin. Justin shook his head. “Also, I had a thought.”


“That sounds terrifying,” Brian quipped, yelping when Justin pinched him in the side. “Brat! What was this thought?”


“We should probably stay at the loft tonight,” Justin said; Brian cocked his head thoughtfully. “This way you can sleep a bit later than if you were at Britin; and then I can drop you off at Kinnetik at six and head out to Britin to finish our packing, take care of what needs to be taken care of and then I can come back and pick you up at noon. We can do the rest from there.”


“Sounds like a plan to me, Sunshine,” Brian hummed, dropping a light kiss on his mouth. “Can’t argue with getting more sleep.”


Good,” Justin said and finally, and reluctantly, pulled himself away from his husband. He stood, and grumbled as the ache in his back reasserted itself. He rubbed it absently as he turned to face Brian. “Now, I really need to leave if I’m going to get the chance to eat before our meeting. Meet you there?”


“See you at two,” Brian agreed, stealing one more kiss before Justin turned and left the office to join his friends for lunch.


… … … … …



Justin toyed with the last of his fries, his stomach clenching the closer it came to the time he needed to leave. He knew that Brian was certain that Tak had good news for them, but Justin wasn’t so sure. He just had this feeling that, while they might get some good news, there was going to be a shit load of more bad news. Or, at least, that was the way it seemed that the investigation seemed to go for the most part – for every piece of good news the got, there were usually two or more pieces of bad news.


Sighing, Justin shoved his plate away and decided it was time to refocus on his friends; he looked up and caught Blake and Emmett exchanging a concerned look. They looked back and Justin waved them off with a wan smile; they already knew that the meeting with Tak was making him uneasy as he’d expressed his worries earlier. There was no reason for him to rehash everything for a second time.


So, Emmett nodded and did what he did best; distracted him with the latest gossip.


“So, you two would not believe what I saw this past weekend,” Emmett said, dropping his voice a notch as he looked around the café.


Not that he really needed to as the patrons there weren’t like those in the diner, where everyone was in everyone else’s business.


“A two for one pleather sale?” Justin teased, laughing and ducking when Emmett blew a rapberry and tossed his balled up napkin at Justin.


“Oh hush you,” Emmett sniffed, his nose in the air. “I’ll have you know that I have sworn off the pleather and stick to the real deal these days.”


“Mostly because Drew can’t keep his hands off of you when you do,” Blake quipped as he rocked Luc in his carrier.


“Well, one must do what he can to please one’s man,” Emmett preened, a wicked smile on his face. “And I do have to admit that I find the territorial side that those pants bring out very hot indeed.” Emmett paused as his eyes grew distant and smoky at something only he could see; Bake and Justin exchanged a look and snorted, bringing Emmett out o his little daydream. “But I’m getting sidetracked. Drew’s Neanderthal tendencies have nothing to do with this past weekend.”


“So, what did happen this weekend?” Justin asked with an amused smile on his lips as his friend practically vibrated in his seat with the need to dish the latest gossip. “I thought you were working on some obnoxiously over-the-top Sweet Sixteen party?”


“Oh, I was, honey,” Emmett groused, a disgruntled look flashing across his face. “And there has never a more obnoxious brat on this planet, let me tell you. I’mso glad to be done with that; I swear, if her mother called me for one moreteensy-tiny request, I might have taken the snotty, little brat’s tiara and shoved it somewhere unmentionable.”


“Do tell us how you really feel, Em,” Blake quipped, laughing when Emmett just rolled his eyes and hissed his displeasure.


“Seriously,” Emmett complained, his face pinched into a dark frown “Her demands were just above and beyond; at the final count, there were like 300 teenagers at this damned thing. She must have invited her entire class to it. And for entertainment, she wanted a photo booth, a character artist, a mime greeter, a Zoltar the fortune teller machine, jugglers and contortionists for their dinner entertainment, a magician for dessert entertainment and then a 10-piece band for dancing after dinner and dessert.”


“Jesus,” Justin whisled low, shaking his head at the extravagance. He remembered those kinds of over t-the-top, no-expense spared parties all too well when he was younger. “Are you sure that you were working on a birthday party and not a prom?”


“It was ridiculous,” Emmett huffed, shaking his head in disgust; and then he pulled out his iPad and pulled up some pictures. “Here, let me show you some of the pictures. I am rather proud of it despite the fact that the girl was a nightmare to work with. She chose to have a Mardi Gras-themed Masquerade in purple, black and gold.”


“Wow,” Blake hummed in appreciation; and Justin nodded in agreement. Emmett had really outdone himself this time. Emmett smiled and preened. “That is gorgeous, Em.”


“That’s the Crystal Ball Room at Silver Willows Country Club isn’t it,” Justin asked, recognizing the décor in an instant; as well he should have given the number of dinners and events he’d attended over the years there.


“Yes; how did you know…” Emmett frowned and then hit his palm against his brow and shook his head. “Never mind; I forget that you were born into this set sometimes. I’m sure you’ve been to a few parties like this.”


“Guilty as charged,” Justin said with a rueful grin; although, he didn’t blame his friends for forgetting that he had grown up as part of that world; it seemed like a whole other life to him. “Maybe not quite this elaborate, but pretty damned close.”


“Is that?” Blake asked as he shuffled through the pictures; Justin looked down and noticed that he was pointing to a dessert bar.


Gold-dust and white-chocolate covered strawberries?” Emmett snorted. “Yup. She wanted a whole sweets buffet that had a gold, white and purple theme with white-and-gold pretzels, rice krispie treats, caramel s’mores pops, and cake pops; and then there were the gold macaroons and wrapped candies, and don’t even get me started on the cake and cupcakes.”


“Christ,” Blake huffed, shaking his head as he continued to go through the event photos. “I was lucky to get a cake and ice cream growing up.”


“Same,” Justin snorted, as he watched the slide show. “My mom didn’t believe in overdoing it. Although, had I stayed in the closet like a good little boy and was living that happy WASP lie at home, my dad had plans for my eighteenth. But I said fuck no; like I wanted to be paraded around like some pampered prince for Craig’s friends to ogle.”


“It gets worse,” Emmett groused, again shaking his head in disgust. “Because, her highness couldn’t just have the same plate settings –  which were black, white and purple and quite tasteful if you ask me – or the regular cupcakes for herself and her spoiled, little Queen Bee entourage at the head table. Oh no, she just had to have gold-and-white place settings and designer cupcakes. It was ridiculous. That is one teen that needed to be told no a long fucking time ago.”


 “Someone’s cranky,” Blake teased, handing the iPad back to Emmett, who shut it down and packed it back away in his messenger bag.


“You would be too after deal with these people,” Emmett said, crinkling his nose as if he’d smelled something foul.


“I can imagine,” Justin said sympathetically; he knew all too well what a nightmare those society mother’s could be. “So, what scandalous thing happened at this teenage Hellmouth that had you all in a twitter?”


“Oh!” Emmett exclaimed, clapping his hands in excitement. “Right; I completely forgot where I was going with this. So, as I said, I was dealing with her highness and her mother, Queen Grandiloquent, when you would not believe who I saw there?”


“Lindsay?” Justin guessed, and then smirked when Emmett’s mouth dropped open.


“Wait…how did you know…?” Emmett asked, his mouth still slightly agape.


“I’ve seen her parents there before,” Justin shrugged, scrunching up his nose disdainfully. “And since Mel kicked her ass to the curb, there are few places for her to run, and mommy and daddy are one of those places.”


“So you already heard…?” Emmett asked rhetorically, pouting with disappointment.


“Oh, no,” Justin said, shaking his head in negation. “I haven’t heard anything; as you know, I don’t run with that crowd these days. Although, I really do want to take Brian for dinner one day just so he can experience a true WASP-off. I think he’d enjoy it.”


“Well, considering that he’s loved it every time you smacked Lindsay down,” Blake snorted, a wicked gleam in his eyes; Brian wasn’t the only that had enjoyed Justin taking Lindsay down a peg or two. “I think he’d be over the moon to see you take down those snooty assholes in a heartbeat.”


“I should take Deb and Carl as well,” Justin hummed thoughtfully; and then he giggled at the thought of those two at the country club. “I can just see the pinched expressions on all those pretentious assholes’ faces. But, we’re getting off topic. So, Lindsay finally showed her face to the country club set?”


“Yup,” Emmett said, popping the P on the end, a gleeful smile sliding over his lips. “But, I bet she wished she hadn’t after what happened that night.”


“Oh, do tell,” Blake said, nearly salivating in anticipation.


“You are such a gossip queen,” Justin teased; dodging the French fry that came flying his way. And then he too turned to Emmett with anticipation. “But seriously, do tell.”


“So anyways,” Emmett drawled. “So, I was talking to Queen Bitch and Princess Bitch when this person comes storming down the hall, frothing at the mouth. And to be honest, I didn’t even recognize her at first; I don’t know what happened to her, but her hair fried. It looked as dry as straw and brittle as glass; and nothing she did to try and smooth it worked. It like a big, old tumbleweed attached to her head. And then make up – I’ve seen clowns with less face make-up and as she got closer, I could see why. Apparently something happened, and she had these huge hives or pimples or boils or something all over her face and she was using this thick stage make up to cover up.”


“Did she?” Justin inquired mockingly, one brow arched. “Know anything about that?”


“No,” Emmett said; and then held out his little finger when Justin and Blake both shot him a skeptical look. “Pinky swear; I know nothing about this. Nor have I heard anything on the Avenue. And you know those gossipy queens wouldn’t be able to keep quiet if they knew anything. Anyways, so she sees me and starts to head over; and I’m dreading dealing with her bullshit, especially in front of my clients; but before she could get there, this annoyed, officious looking man strides over to her, halting her in her tracks.”


“Tall, dark blonde hair, green eyes, about sixty-ish?” Justin asked, something clicking as he recalled Cynthia’s words; he knew that her uncle was president of the club and if he remembered correctly, his mother was supposed to go to some event there on Saturday.


“Yup,” Emmett said with a curious smile.


“He’s the current president if I remember correctly,” Justin explained with a wicked smile; he knew that if the president was getting involved, whatever had happened had to be very bad; or, well, at least for Lindsay. “Joshua Moore or something like that.”


“Cynthia’s…father?” Blake coked his head and pursed his lips thoughtfully.


“Uncle,” Justin corrected. “Her father’s younger brother.”


“Well,” Emmett said, looking much like the cat that got into the cream; and Justin grinned back as he knew this had to be good. “Isn’t that interesting?”


“Isn’t it?” Justin smirked. “So, what happened?”


“Well,” Emmett said, leaning closer and lowering his voice. “He comes storming out of one of the dining areas, red-faced and positively fuming as he stalked over to her. And she immediately quells in the face of his anger and starts looking around for an escape, but doesn’t get far because two more of his staff are cutting off her escape route.”


“Seriously?” Justin’s brows shot into his hairline. “I’m surprised; usually they wouldn’t be so blatant about confronting her. If anything happens, it’s usually behind closed doors.”


“Not in this case,” Emmett shook his head; he cast a surreptitious look around and then continued in a confidential tone. “Whatever she did had him frothing at the mouth.” And then he pulled back to continue his tale. “So, anyways; she immediately starts simpering and trying to charm her way out of it in her typical Lindsay way – letting her hair fall around her face to appear more vulnerable and making herself small and meek and talking in that soft voice she uses to try and talk her way out of something.”


“Of course,” Justin huffed in disgust and rolled his eyes.


“But for once, it doesn’t work,” Emmett said far too gleefully. “This guy just looks at her like she’s something he scraped off the bottom of his foot.”


“I’ll bet she hated that.” Blake snorted, rubbing Luc’s cheek when he started to whimper and keeping it up until the baby quieted.


“Oh, she was fuming, sweetie; you have no idea,” Emmett chortled. “Anyways, so, he pulls himself up, a disgusted look on his face and he tells her, ‘Ms. Peterson, we at the Silver Willows have a certain image to uphold; and the only reason that you and your family have remained members to this date is the fact that your maternal grandfather was well-liked and well-respected in these circles. But there comes a time when even that thin hold becomes worn and snaps. And we simply cannot overlook your appalling behavior any longer. So, it is with regret that I must inform you that you, and subsequently the rest of your family, are no longer welcome within our halls. Your membership has been rescinded, effective immediately; please, do not return, otherwise we will have to take further actions against you. And I’m certain that you wouldn’t want this unfortunate information getting out, now would you?’ And then with that, he looked at her coldly and then turned on his heel and left.”


“So, that’s what Cynthia meant,” Justin hummed, shaking his head. “Fuck; I wonder what she did to get that reaction.”


“So, you didn’t plan it?” Emmett asked, looking a bit surprised.


“No,” Justin shrugged. “As I’ve said; while my mother still holds a membership, and we’re in good standing, I never go there unless I’m bored and want to fuck with the pretentious fuckwits – namely my dad. I wonder if Mom might know; I’ll have to ask her.”


“Or we could ask Cynthia,” Emmett hummed thoughtfully. “She’s always disliked Lindsay; I’m certain she could get the details.”


“If she’s not behind it herself,” Justin snorted; and he couldn’t help but wonder just how big of a role Cynthia played in the latest chapter of Lindsay’s Saga of Stupid.


“I’ll admit,” Emmett admitted as he sat back into the booth. “I hadn’t thought about that; but, I also wasn’t aware that her uncle was President of the club.”


“I’ll see what I can find out,” Justin said as he pulled out his wallet; as much as he wanted to stick around and talk further, he really needed to get going.


“Do,” Blake said, egging him on with glee. “And then tell us all about it.”


“Like I said,” Justin snorted as he set a few bills on the table and then closed his wallet and put back in his pocket. “Gossip Queen.”


“Pot, kettle, black,” Blake sniffed, sticking his tongue out at Justin. “I just want to see that nasty bitch get her just desserts.”


“Do tell us how you really feel, sweetie,” Emmett snorted, echoing Blake’s earlier sentiment.


“I’m afraid that my true feeling are fit for people’s ears,” Blake said with a vicious sneer; and really, Justin was beginning to think that Blake had a bigger grudge against Lindsay than he did. “I will say that I have been waiting for this day for three years though, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.”


“No argument there,” Justin said as he stood; and then he grimaced as his back twinged; fuck, he was so tired of aching and feeling fatigued and Sunbeam using his bladder as a trampoline. He was so ready for this to be over. “Now, as much as I’d love to stay, I better go meet Brian.”

Chapter End Notes:

FYI: A couple of people have asked about the larger text that I have been using lately. That is done on purpose for my readers who need a larger text (which I totally understand as I have very poor eyesight myself and small text strains my eyes even with glasses on). 

Apparently, once I started using Google Chrome, those readers couldn't adjust the text size for some reason and the tiny print is hard on their eyes. I have no idea why Chrome is doing this, but I haven't been able to solve it. So, I started using a larger font so that it will be easier to read.

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