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January 4 (Part Four)

“Oh, Blake,” Justin whispered, his eyes misting over as he stared down at the little blue bundle with a full head of dark hair. Brian would have rolled his eyes at his sentimental twat, but even he was feeling a bit choked up. “He’s perfect.”

“He better be after nearly fifteen hours of labor,” Blake muttered, making the rest of the room laugh; and then he smiled tiredly as Ted took the new arrival from his arms and then promptly place him into Justin’s.

“I’m sure it was worth it in the end,” Justin said, cooing when two blurry baby-blue eyes opened and stared at him for a moment before closing once again.

“I don’t know about that,” Ted muttered, obviously not meaning to be overheard, and then yelped when Blake reached out and pinched him

“Are you saying our child is less than perfect?” Blake demanded, a mock frown on his face.

“Not at all, honey,” Ted said, watching his husband nervously. “I would’ve just preferred that you had left some feeling in my hand.”

Several people snorted, including Blake.

“That’s why you’re supposed to send some other sap in your place for the hard parts, Theodore,” Brian said, coming up behind Justin to study the baby in his arms; he smiled and couldn’t wait to see their own little Sunbeam in Justin’s arms. “And conveniently show up for the end.”

“Oh hell no,” Justin retorted, pinning Brian in place with the evil eye; Brian just grinned, showing he wasn’t serious. “If you aren’t there with me from the very beginning, I will hunt you down like the dog that you are and drag your ass back to the hospital with me. And if I have to do that, you will not like me at the end of it all.”

“You go, Baby,” Emmett snorted as he went through the stack of cards and gifts piled on a table by the bed and entering them into some book. “You tell him who's the boss.”

“Shut up, Honeycutt,” Brian said without heat, still too busy watching Justin, who, in turn, was watching and cooing over the baby.

“Besides, it’s not like he’d ever do that anyways,” Ted said as he claimed his son once more.

“Thank you, Ted,” Brian said, wrapping his arms around Justin’s waist and pressing a kiss to his temple when he leaned into Brian. “It’s nice that someone has faith in me.”

“Justin would only have to threaten to deny him sex once and that would immediately pull him back into line,” Ted smirked, taking the baby over to the table to change him.

“Ha ha,” Brian laughed mockingly, while flipping off the room in general; his jackass friends just laughed. “I’m surrounded by fucking comedians.”

“So, have you decided on a name?” Justin asked, looking at Blake.

“Well, after much consideration…” Ted said as he tossed the diaper into the trash, but was quickly cut off by a snort.

“Consideration, my ass,” Blake griped, casting an exasperated look at his husband. “Do you know what he wanted for a name?”

“I’m afraid to ask,” Emmett said, looking between the two of them.

“Bill S. Preston, Esquire,” Blake said, rolling his eyes. Brian guffawed and pressed his face into Justin’s shoulder to hold back another laugh, while the rest of the room looked confused. Fuck, he’d forgotten how young some of them were. “What the S stood for, I have no idea, but I put a stop to that real fast.”

“Were you trying to get your kid beat up?” Justin asked, watching Brian’s reaction with utter bewilderment.

“What? Bill is a good, solid name,” Ted defended; he swaddled up the baby once more and reached for the bottle a nurse had brought in a few minutes before.

“Yeah, it’s everything that follows that says, ‘please stuff me into a locker because I’m a mommy’s boy,’” Brian snickered; he rolled his eyes at Ted’s complete and utter nerdiness factor.

“Don’t you mean daddy?” Emmett asked with a wry smile.

“Nope, I meant exactly what I said; I mean with Ted…” Brian yelped and trailed off as Justin jabbed him in the gut with one of his pointy, little elbows. Twat. He’d deal with him later. “And really, Theodore? Bill S. Preston, Esquire? I can’t believe I’m even acquainted with you, let alone friends.”

“Hey, it was a cool movie!” Ted exclaimed, his chin jutting out defiantly. “My friend William and I went and saw that movie like nine times.”

“You are such a geek,” Brian mocked, laughing when Ted moved his hand just enough to flip him off. “I don’t even have words.”

“Well who was the only one that recognized it, huh?” Ted said, arching a brow.

“One word - Mikey,” Brian smirked, remembering when Mikey dragged him to see the movie, claiming as best friends it was something they just had to see. “Like I said…geek.”

“What movie?” Justin asked, still looking perplexed.

“Nothing you’d care to see, sonny boy,” Brian whispered, skillfully dodging another pointy elbow. “It came out when you were but a wee sprite. I doubt your mommy would have let you see it.”

Justin didn’t even bother to answer; he just flipped him off much to the entire room’s amusement.

“Later,” Brian promised, tucking his tongue in his cheek.

“I think we’ve gotten a bit off track,” Emmett said, looking back at Ted, who was rubbing the baby’s back, and Blake. “So, what is his name, honey?”

“Luciano Andrea Schmidt,” Ted stated with a proud smile; and all Brian could think was, ’that poor, fucking kid.

“That’s a hell of a name to live up to,” Justin said slowly, ever the diplomat. He and his WASP manners were going to be the death of Brian. “But suiting I think.”

“But we’ll merely call him Luc for now,” Blake assured them, exchanging a knowledgeable look with Brian, who managed to hold his tongue this time.

“Well, I think he is just too precious,” Emmett cooed, looking down into little Luc’s face as Ted wiped his mouth.

“Want to hold him Mr. Godfather,” Ted asked, smirking when Emmett just stared at him, utterly speechless for once.

“Oh, what; me?”  Emmett squeaked, fluttering his hand in front of his chest. “Really?”

“If you’ll accept it,” Ted nodded, handing the baby over to Emmett.

“Oh, I’d be delighted, honey; you know that.” Emmett whispered, his voice choked with tears as he smoothed a finger over Luc’s cheek.

“So, who gets the honor of Godmother?” Justin asked; and then smiled when Brian shifted him into a much more comfortable position and slid his hand under his shirt to splay over his tummy.

“Mel,” Ted said as he watched Emmett coo over his son.  “I asked her a few days ago.” He paused and looked around with a frown. “Speaking of, where are the girls?”

“Who the fuck knows,” Brian groused, bringing all eyes to him in surprise; he grimaced and explained. “They were standing in the corner over there whispering to each other furiously while Blake was snoozing. I told them if they wanted to snipe at each other to take it into the fucking hallway so they didn’t wake him up.”

“I swear to God, those two,” Emmett sighed, rolling his eyes in exasperation. “If I weren’t such a well brought up lady, I would have smacked them both for their attitudes lately.”

“So, what’s their problem now?” Blake asked grimly, well versed in the ups and downs of their favorite munchers; or currently, Brian’s least favorite, but he planned to keep that little tidbit of knowledge to himself.

“Me,” Justin admitted softly; almost too low for the others to hear.

“Justin…” Brian started, but trailed off when Justin just shook his head.

“You know it’s true,” Justin said, fixing him with his patented ‘I’m on to you,’ looks. “Lindsay has been a complete pain in the ass to everyone since our announcement.”

Brian scoffed, and pulled Justin tighter to him, wanting to protect him from his friend’s selfish and idiotic behavior. “Well she can go be a pain in Mel’s ass, because I’m not putting up with it anymore; and if she gives you any shit, you tell her to butt the fuck out. If she wants to play mommy, she can go to find some idiot to provide her sperm, grab the turkey baster and shoot it up her twat. This is our turn and she can fuck right off.”

“Oh, fuck, Brian; TMI,“ Ted grimaced and looked a bit green around the edges; actually, everyone looked a little green. Go him. “Must you? I really didn’t need that visual.”

“Tell us how you really feel, honey,” Emmett said, eyeing him a wry smirk; and then back to Ted with a much more genuine smile. “Anywho, I accept. Of course, I do; like you even had to ask.”

“Well, since that’s settled,” Justin said, a bright smile on his face; and then displaying his WASPy manners again, said. “I think it’s time we give the family have a bit of time alone. Besides I don’t know about any of you, but I am in desperate need of a snack."


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