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I am so warm. I am so warm and appear to have put on about 20 stone overnight. I look down, see auburn hair and hear wheezing. With some careful manoeuvring, I manage to get from under him and cover him back up. I grab my phone to check my messages then snort in disbelief.

“What?” Comes a sleep filled and muffled voice.

“Seems that our yellow bellied sewer rat came back in after we left. He dropped his phone in his haste to leave and it got damaged.”

“How? And what time is it?” He asks as he sits up, pulling the quilt higher up himself.

“Eventually she smashed the screen and minutes to...wow!” I stop talking and look out the window.

“Yeah, isn’t it beautiful?! A moonbow. It must have rained heavily last night.”

He starts to get out of the sofa bed. “How’s your eye feeling?”

“Great. Still can’t believe he was so reckless and unapologetic.”

“And cowardly, don’t forget that.” He scrubs at his nose and stretches. “I don’t suppose I could borrow a toothbrush?”

“Sure, come with me. Since you’re going to brush, want a coffee?”

“Mmm. And maybe a cookie or two.”

“Oh alright, since you pleaded so nicely.”

Ten minutes later, we’re back under the quilt, with him spooning behind. We’re just simply watching the sky as it lightens. “What’s the field trip for tomorrow?”

“No field trip. Lunar mapping, like they do in NASA. And no pre-cramming. I shouldn’t have told you that.”

“I promise not to do that...Sir.”

“Ah now, back to that subject. I did a little bit more research and I’m not sure that it is me after all.”

“It is. It just depends on how much of the lifestyle you want to adopt. If it’s just for the thrill of having a six foot two guy bending to your will, then it can be just that. But if you want to adopt the full life style then…”

“But how? I mean how is it that you want that?”

“The same way you want to do it. It’s just the way we’re wired. I, personally, couldn’t do it all the time. I would make an arrangement and get that need met.”

“So what are you?”

“I switch it up sometimes. But mostly, I sub. To dominate, I have to be in the right frame of mind. Where you can flick in and out, I can’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“You dominate all the time, but pick your moments to let that come through. Though there is a part of you that is submissive.” I feel my face warm up as I thought the same thing. “I still think you should go to an actual place to see how it’s done.”

“Okay.” I yawn hugely and burrow backwards. “We should get some sleep.”

“Yes, Sir.” His breath is warm against the back of my neck as he speaks. “Damn, yawns are contagious.” He says, smacking his tongue and pulling the quilt higher. “Can you set the timer for a couple of hours?”

“Mmmm.” I fumble for my phone already feeling sleepy and do as I’m told.

“See. A very cute little sub.” He mumbles cheekily.

“Behave and go to sleep or I shall send you home.”

“No, you won’t. You’re too comfortable and so am I.” He murmurs and throws his leg over mine.

“Smartass.” I mutter before my eyes drift shut.




I appreciate that this is a difficult time for her, but asking for this time off at this late stage especially when we have the showing tonight can’t be countenanced.

“As I said Lindsay, if you had given me a bit more notice, than I could’ve gotten someone in to cover for you, but…”

“Sidney, how was I supposed to know that this viewing was going to happen?” She pouts.

“Why can’t your realtor do it? Isn’t that part of their remit?”

“Yes. Normally this would be but this viewer…” She begins tightly.

“Sorry, but the answer is no. Now can you please continue with the set up for this evening?”

She stares at me in disbelief before she sighs heavily. “Sidney, you are aware that this is a very difficult time for me and I need to get my house sold to…”

“Life can be difficult for most people, but they keep on going making the best of the situation, which is what you are going to have to do today. So the sooner you call your realtor to reschedule this viewing, the better.” I stand up and open my office door. With reluctance and great annoyance, she finally takes the hint and starts to stalk out.

“Lindsay, if it’s not too personal a question, why are you moving? Is it just because of the split? I always thought you and Mel loved that place.”

“We did. But I am moving to another property, near Greenfield Boulevard.” She replies and I must have looked shocked. The properties over there cost a pretty penny. “I know. I was as surprised as anyone when my dear friend Brian told me just to pick one. And I picked this one.” I show him my phone. “It is unfurnished though, which is why I am selling my place to do it up.”

“Oh well, that’s very generous of him.” I reply and with a smug smile, she nods and walks out.


Brian has no idea how generous he is going to be and Daphne has no idea how much relish I will have redecorating that house of hers...I use the term loosely, as I am determined to make it mine!

I head back to my desk and make sure that people hear me lamenting over having to move my realtor appointment and it works like a charm. Cassidy says she will cover for me this evening. I head to Sidney’s office with my good news.



I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before! I have decided to make a list of all the things I am supposed to pay for, starting with my phone. I almost fainted when I went to get it fixed and they said that they couldn't just replace the screen. It cost me almost a thousand bucks. I start to prepare the invoice I will send to Brian, then I duck down behind the counter when I see a police officer stop by the door, but he doesn’t come in. It was an accident and besides I can say I was provoked, which is true.

I have had to do a major restock and add that to his invoice, which I will send once a month until he comes to his senses!

I pick up the Prada bag and double check that I have the receipt and then head to the store.




This lunar mapping stuff is really interesting. Okay, so it does help that Justin is a great teacher but I really want to know what I got for my photograph.

“Right class. Everyone should have had their photos back, except Mr Kinney.” He smirks slightly. “Now the reason I’ve kept his is because I want to show the class all at once.”

Everyone is looking at me and I want to shrink in my seat.

He puts it on the screen. “Now, what do people think of it?”

“It’s very ethereal. And calming. Even with the starkness of the branches, it’s peaceful. Where was that taken? I mean what part of the forest? I don’t remember seeing that.” Joseph, one of the more mature students, asks.

“Just where Catherine flounced off from.”

“It looks like there’s a smile in the corner.” Gregor points out. “Top right corner.”

“Oh yeah. Didn’t see that.” I smile in response.

“So class, this is what a 100% assignment looks like.”

“Thank you, Mr Taylor. I will try and keep up the good work.” I call out as my photo is passed back to me.

“It was a complete joy to grade.” He replies. “I don’t expect Mr Kinney to hit the mark every time. In fact, I would be disappointed if I didn’t have reason to correct him in some way. But well done, Mr Kinney. If I were you, I would frame that. It’s perfect.”

I blush all the way down to my toes!




I look again at the shoes that he says he has not worn and frown. “Sir, are you sure that you haven’t worn these shoes at all, not even in the house?”

“Like I said, twice already, no I haven’t.”

“Did anyone have access to the shoes?”

“They’re shoes, not a government facility!” He snipes and then, angrily, shakes his head.

“Well the problem we have here sir, is that there is a blood stain at the top of the left shoe and there was a toenail in the right. So someone has worn them.”

“Well it wasn’t me!” He retorts.

“Then why are you returning something that isn’t yours?” I ask.

“They are mine. I just mean it wasn’t me that caused that lot.”

“Well I am afraid that we can’t give you a refund or an exchange due to evidence of bodily fluids and detritus.”

“What am I supposed to do now then?!”

I put the shoes back in their box and slide it to him. “I suggest you find out who did and get the money back for the shoes from them.”

He snatches the box off the counter and almost barges through the people behind him to get out.

“Did you say bodily fluids?” The next customer asks. I nod and we both shudder.


As I head home, I am livid! Well, that’s another $500 he owes me!



I look around the gallery and grin in relief. It worked. She’s not here. I wave at Diana and she comes in with Mel. She has always wanted to come to a Bloom showing but was always put off by Lindsay being the gallery manager. And literally being put off by Lindsay, she always got to hear about the events after they had happened. So we took steps to make sure that she wasn’t here. It was a bit mean of us to book a ghost viewing, but needs must when the devil drives and that she-devil has been driving us mad for months!

“Mel!” Sidney exclaims, coming up to us. “Is a hug okay?”

“Of course it is, Sidney. We’re still friends, aren’t we?” She smiles and he embraces her warmly.

“Indeed, we are! Now where are you residing? Obviously, I didn’t want to ask Lindsay, now that you’ve moved out and she’s moving to Greenfield Boulevard.”

“She’s moving where?” Mel asks her eyes narrowing.

“Greenfield Boulevard. Her friend Brian has bought a house for her there; just told her to pick one at random.”

“Don’t suppose she showed you a picture of her new home, did she?” Mel sighs.

“Yes, she did. And I must say, it’s very grand.” Sidney frowns. “Is there something wrong?”

“There could be.” Mel mutters, digging for her phone and then scrolling through it quickly. “I don’t suppose it was something like that, was it?” He stares hard at the screen before nodding. “What else did she say about it?”

“That it was unfurnished and she’s using the money from the sale of her cottage to furnish it. I hope I haven’t got her into any trouble.”

“No, she’s gotten herself into trouble. Thanks, Sidney. Now don’t you worry about this. Let’s just enjoy our evening.”




I shake my foot in annoyance. Nobody turned up! I wait for my realtor to answer and yet again, it goes to voicemail. What a waste of an evening! At least if I was at the gallery, I would’ve been fed. And now Cassidy will get the credit for the showing as well. Why, oh why didn’t I double check the appointment?!

I look up as once again, there is a rumbling noise. “What on earth is going on up there?!” I grouse and head upstairs. I check the bedrooms and can’t hear anything. So I head to the bathroom and it is definitely coming from there. I look up to the ceiling and see a bulge then hear the rumbling noise that causes the room to shake. The next thing I know, I am soaked as water gushes from the now gaping hole in the damn ceiling!

“You have got to be fucking with me!” I sputter and rush out of the room, just in time for the boiler to crash through the bathroom floor! I run downstairs to survey the damage and want to cry in relief that I renewed that my fucking insurance yesterday! I am pissed though that this has happened now that Mel has left, she could’ve handled this!

Before I can do anything about it, there is a hammering on the front door so I squelch to answer it. I find Melissa Chanders on the other side. “Explain to me bitch! What part of leave my daughter alone didn't you underfuckingstand?!”

“Mrs Chanders now is not the time! As you can tell I am…”

“Opening a canowhipass you can’t close! Consider yourself…”

“Warned are you going to say?! Well to quote your daughter, consider me unbothered!”

“No I wasn’t going to say warned...” She pauses before a slow dangerous smile spreads across her face. “Consider yourself served.” She pronounces and pushes an envelope into my chest.

“What is this?!” I wail.

“The termination of your membership to the country club. Seems you have forgotten that it is my term of office now and yours was one of them that was up for renewal. How very foolish of you. Goodnight, Ms Peterson. Read it and weep!” She turns on her heel, laughing as she strides down the path.

I shut the door on her laughter and the gawking neighbours before I rip open the envelope. I can’t believe it... not only has my membership ending been announced to all and sundry, but Melanie’s has been approved!


As I screw up the piece of paper, there is an enormous crash as the rest of the bathroom joins the boiler in the lounge.

Chapter End Notes:

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