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For someone, whose home is a knockdown ramshackled mess, she is looking very smug and self-satisfied! She has been on Bloom business but seems to have come back to the office via a shopping mall. Yes, I pay her to shop...but for art and for my gallery, not for whatever the hell is in there!

“And what renaissance artist’s work did you find in Macy’s?” I ask her tartly as she sits down at her desk.

“Pardon, Sidney?”

“The bag you are attempting to slide under your desk is from Macy’s. So I am assuming that there is a piece of artwork which you are perhaps going to present to me for my birthday? Which was three weeks ago. Card still in the post, is it?”


“Let’s go and have a chat, Lindsay.” I smile tightly. “Now, Lindsay.”

Judging by the ramrod set of her spine, she is not a happy camper. Well, tough titties sweetheart! I do not like being taken for a ride!


I head to the sofa in his office where we always have our chats. But when I look up, he is sitting at his desk. My face flushes as I go to sit opposite him.

“Much better.” He says dourly.


“So what did you buy?”

“I was returning something and…”

“You have a bag, which you did not have when you left, ergo you shopped.” He interrupts.

“Sidney, I do not like what your tone is inferring.” I state primly.

“And what is that? That you cut short your visit to the art gallery and went to Macy’s to exchange whatever you bought the first time?”


“Paul rang. He was most chagrined that you had to cut your visit short to go back to the office for a meeting with Cassidy.”


“And he knew you were lying because Cassidy and he are dating. She has a migraine, which is why she is not in, but you skiving off meant he could tend to her. No, do not attempt to speak, just listen! You are on very thin ice here, Lindsay. Don’t get me wrong... I like you and admire your knowledge, but don’t mistake admiration for me being a sucker. Do not snowjob me ever again or you will find yourself attempting to find work in Alaska. I am respected in art circles. Can you say the same?” My mouth is dry with mortification. “No, I didn’t think so. Now go do the job that I pay you for; shop on your own time.”

Although I feel shaky, I smile and nod. “Understood, Sidney. It was this one…”

“Snowjobbing. Last warning.” He clips out before reaching for his desk phone and dialling a number. “Hello, Paul, yes. I have spoken to Lindsay. She has agreed to hand your next three showings to Matteus. Yes, it was very gracious of her indeed. I mean she couldn’t possibly do those and the next six showings we have over the next two weeks. Yes, lunch would be wonderful. I’ll call you to arrange.” When he hangs up, he looks at me coldly. “The job I pay you to do is not going to do itself in here.”

I feel sick to my stomach, but pasting on a smile of contrition, I head back to my desk.




“Kiddo, come on. Please, it was just a stomachache! The doctor said he’s going to be fine, more than fine.”

“Son, it was just a little tummy upset. It happens with babies. Their system takes time to adjust.” Carl tries to reach for Gus but I step back. “Son, listen to me. My children are grown ups, but they went through exactly the same thing.”

I look down at my son. He has gone from the Blair Witch Project crossed with Linda Blair from the Exorcist to the Little Grub he is, but with the serenity of a million angels. As usual, when he is happy, he sucks on his fist.

“Can I take him now?” Carl asks gently, and with one more look of reassurance from Debs, I hand him over. I make myself remain where I am as he takes him to his bedroom.

“Kiddo, come sit.” Debs orders, patting our chair and I burrow into her embrace. “Sssh. It’s perfectly normal to be petrified. After all, you can’t control everything. How about on Sunday, you guys come to ours and we try again?”

“Mmm.” I sniff then nod before I wipe my eyes. “He just went so red and screamed so much…”

“Carrots.” She chuckles and I frown. “My idiot son hates carrots and has since he was a baby.”

“Shame. They help you see in the dark...and there is a lot of dark in his world.”

“That’s better. There’s my Kiddo.”  She gives me a look, which again has me frowning. “I am so fucking proud of you, you know. Even if you didn’t have this money, I know that you would still have made this work.” She kisses my cheek. “Now, you have to pack for your camping trip tonight. Oh-oh, what is that face for?”

“Nothing…” I grin as I stand up. “...nothing at all.”



How the hell did Mel manage?! I look at the price of the last lot of food shopping her majesty ordered me to buy, and for a week it was $300! Yes, the food is good but $300?! I look up when the door opens and I am surprised to see the woman of the hour.

“To what do I owe this plea…”

“She’s expensive, isn’t she?” Mel snickers.

“Lindsay and I have come to an arrangement that is beneficial to the both of us.” I reply stiffly.

“Of course, you have. The reason I am here is to let you know that I will be representing Justin Taylor in the civil case against you. This is the last favour I do for you.”

“Favour? I don’t know why you are bothering. Any sane person will see that he provoked me into…Mel? Mel?! Where are you going?! I hadn’t…” I stop talking when she walks out of the store.

“Silly bitch.” I mutter to myself and go back to my invoicing.



I just stare and stare. I know Brandon Green and what he is like and oh my goodness, this man is adorable! He looks so nervous. I have sent him a DEFCON 1++ text and I can hear him running down the corridor, ignoring anyone that tries to get his attention.

“Sorry, Dr Stone, I need to speak to Amber!” He calls out.

“Understood!” Dr Stone shouts back.

I casually inspect my nails as he gets closer, and once again, look across at the long streak of nerves.

“Amber!” Brandon pants as he leans against the desk breathing hard. “What’s with the DEFCON?!”

“You are late for lunch.”

“Lunch? We had lunch plans? Are you sure?”

“No, we don’t. But you two, do.” I point behind him. He frowns but turns around and judging by the smile on the streak of nerves, this surprise has been well received. “Here is your coat, now get going. Between us, Yvonne and I have cleared you but you have to be back by three.” He nods and doesn’t even turn around to take his coat.


“So where are we going?” I ask a slightly bashful Emmett.

“Um...well I…”

“Max’s Allegheny Tavern. Table is booked in your name Dr Green in ten minutes from now. Start walking. And just one beer!”

“Thanks, Amber. So, Mr Honeycutt, shall we?”




He is the most genuine person I have ever met. He frowns as he looks at the beer in front of him.

“Just take a sip and if you don’t like it, we can swap it for something else.”

Sighing and approaching it like it is a nuclear bomb, he takes a tiny sip. “Hmmm, creamy and just a tiny bit bitter. Not quite a Cosmo but I can suck it down.” He cringes slightly at his phraseology and my smirking. “I mean, I can finish it.”

“Good. Now what do you want to eat?”

“Can we share the dry rub wings? I love wings but I can’t abide them dripping in sauce. I’m from the south and as well as being a gay anomaly, I don’t do sauce on wings!”

Okay the wings and…?”

“A salad? Your Studlinesses have to watch their figure, don’t they?”

“Not necessarily.”

“Oh don’t tell me you’re one of those nauseating guys, who nothing sticks to?”

“No, I’m bored.”

“Oh. I…”

“No! I didn’t mean with you! I meant I’m bored of what I do on any given evening. It’s the same thing: go out, have drinks, fuck and repeat! I want more stimulation, depth and meaning to my life.”

“Maybe you should take up a hobby?” He suggests.

“Like dating?”

“Well if you want, try that.” He smiles. “I hear it does have its advantages.”

“You ever done it?”

“Once. It was a brief, but delicious, experience.”

“Worth repeating? But with me?” I look down and put my hands under the table so he can’t see them tremble. But he has gone so quiet I think he’s left although when I look up, I find him gaping at me. “Say something?”

“Now what did you go and do that for?”


“Ask me out on a date before we have even finished this one.” He grins at me. “Though I am taking this as a positive sign that this one is going well.”

“This is a date?” I sit back and once again, delight in his company.

“Oh yes...surprise!” He laughs and puts another wing on my plate. “Now eat up. You’ll need your strength!”

“For what?” I pick the wing and temporarily render him mute.

“For uh...I mean...fighting off Amber for when she tries to wrestle the gossip out of you. I know a gossiphound when I see one!”

“So we’re going for the platter as well then?”

“Absolutely!” He chuckles and then signals for another round of beers, before leaning across the table. “I have mints, you’ll be fine.”



Treyvon and I are watching Mel put her stuff into her case and wonder what exactly she hopes to achieve from this date. Sighing, he gets up and locks the front door and then sits on the side of my desk. “Shall I start?”

“Oh, please do.”

“Mel, honey. This dinner you’re going on is it at a nunnery?”

Her head snaps up and she looks insulted. “I am going for smart casual.”

“If you are going to go like that, you might as well wear a wimple, because that sends an even clearer fuck off signal.”

She looks down at herself and sighs. “I was in court and then had to go see the idiot. I didn't think to…”

“Take off your shirt!” He orders briskly. “Quickly!” He open his drawer and pulls out a box. “You look like you can go without a bra. Aha, this is perfect! Legs shaved?”

“Of course, they are!” She exclaims.

“Tights off. Ems, call Mildred and ask her for the pumps second from the left in the right hand window.”

“Oh yes, they would be perfect!” I exclaim and reach for my phone. Ten minutes later, there is a knock at the door and Mildred’s assistant has the shoes. “Thank you, darling. Now you, my dear Melanie, put these on!”

She is just staring at them in awe. “On feet. Now! And why is your shirt still on your person, when you need to put this on instead?”

“Treyvon, I can’t not wear a...ooh my goodness where did you get that?!” She gasps and puts a trembling hand over her mouth. “May I buy it off you, please?”

“No, you may have it. I have been looking for someone to pass this onto. And you are her. When you are ready, pass it on.”

“I will. I promise.” She sniffs.

“Good. Now let’s get you gussied up for your snatch date!” Treyvon grins; she just nods and allows him to lead her away.

“I will end you; I will end the pair of you.” I mutter. “I will put them in a place where neither of you can touch them.” I look behind me to see if the coast is clear and pull out my phone then dial a number that only a few people know. “Good evening, this is Master Honey, may I be put through to Master please?” I hum a little tune as I wait to be put through and when he answers, I have to smile. “Hello Master, so I do believe he has found him. We need to gather our troops and protect them. Do I have your permission? Thank you. Bye, sweetie.” I heave a sigh of relief and smile.


Chapter End Notes:

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