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Author's Chapter Notes:

The story is almost over, but a lot happens between Spring Break and the end of the school year. Join me as we get a glimpse into the future for Gus and JR.

Spring Break came and went and life moved on for the young folks that Brian and Justin had so devotedly cared for since the death of their mothers. Gus was the happiest of the two because he had watched his loving relationship with his life partner being tested and they had come through the fire unscathed. Their commitment to each other was stronger than ever and gave Brian and Justin the feeling that they wouldn't have to worry about the future of their son any longer. Gus had even begun making plans for the first Summer Break from his Professorship at the University.

Gus had a gift with words just like his dad, which was the main reason Brian had been so successful as an ad man. Gus' main interest was still art, something he inherited from his mother, but he had a long history of keeping journals and writing down his thoughts. He had begun considering what he would do when school let out for the Summer and the wild notion of starting a novel popped into his head. He didn't need to find Summer employment thanks to careful budgeting and this was his one chance for some uninterrupted creative time. He had thrown the idea out there during the weekly dinner he and Jason had at Dad and DJ's house. He wasn't sure what reception the idea might receive, but he felt safe in offering it. He knew that neither Dad, DJ, or his sister would deride any idea he came up with. Gus was pleasantly surprised to see just how enthusiastic the entire family was.

A casual remark made in jest by DJ actually planted a germ of an idea in Gus' head and he decided to follow through on it. Justin had flippantly remarked that a story based on Gus' wildly diverse and colorful family would make one hell of a story. The more Gus thought about it and pondered on some of the stories he had heard about his Dad and DJ and the entire Liberty Gang, the more Gus agreed with Justin even if he had only been kidding. By the time Gus and Jason had gotten home that evening, Gus knew he wanted to write a semi-autobiographical novel about the family's history. He spent that night cuddled in Jason's arms throwing out ideas for the novel. Jason listened patiently with Gus' head nestled against his chest. It felt good to know that Gus had something to look forward to at the end of the school year. Jason loved going to work every day because his job kept his creative juices flowing and always gave him a sense of accomplishment. He had been concerned with how Gus would handle being away from his classroom for the three months between classes. The more Gus talked, the more Jason knew his lover would be fine.

For the next few weeks Gus visited every single member of his family, both adoptive and blood, and let them know what he wanted to use for his novel's theme. He had no intention of springing a surprise on them by using details of any of their lives without their consent. Rather than being disturbed by his intentions, every single one of them was flattered or just plain excited at the idea of having their rather colorful lives put down for posterity. Ben had been the most supportive despite his weakened condition. He told Gus about the books he had written that drew heavily on his own life. He also gave Gus a warning not to be discouraged if it took time to be published. Grandma Deb spent hours reliving some of the highlights of her life as the mother of all gay boys on Liberty Avenue. Many of the stories were already well known by Gus, but there were plenty of new ones too. Gus ended up interviewing everyone and packing in tons of stories that he could pick and choose from to write his story.

Of course his story, which would be a love letter to his dads and moms, would center around the wild ride that all four of his parents went through to be the loving couples they ended up as. Gus spent most of his time during the last weeks of the school year over at Dad and DJ's listening to their fascinating tales of the ups and downs of their early years. The first half dozen years they knew each other was enough to base a dramatic television series on in Gus' mind, which told him he had hit pay dirt with his plans to tell the world about the love between his dads. It even turned out that his moms had a wilder ride in their relationship than Gus had ever suspected since he only knew them as the devoted couple they had always been in Canada and was too young at the time to recall all the turmoil in their lives before moving to Canada. Brian and Justin didn't feel guilty for filling Gus in on some details about Mel and LInds since they trusted his judgment with the information and knew it wouldn't color his love for the women who bore and raised him with such tender loving care.

As Gus prepared himself for the Summer Break and his newest obsession, he didn't really notice that his sister was not half as excited by the rapidly arriving end of the school year. Her Summer was not looking near as bright to JR and it didn't go unnoticed by Brian and Justin, who unfortunately didn't know how to handle the growing distance between them. The truth was that JR had not been her usual buoyant self ever since the end of Spring Break. It wasn't that she was morose or walked around with a cloud over her head all the time....it was more that she always seemed lost in thought whenever she was around. When Justin had tried to use his gentle skills of persuasion to pry some information out of her about her trip to Alejandro's family estate, she skillfully avoided the topic with generalizations. Apparently she hadn't even confided much of her thoughts to her best friend either. When Brian and Justin got the opportunity to ask Gidge some questions about the trip, all she could tell them was that her and her boyfriend had a wonderful time and that JR and Alejandro seemed fine too. Gidge's relationship with boyfriend Kevin had become more and more serious and she didn't seem to miss spending as much time with JR as she once did.

What no one was aware of was that JR was suffering a great deal of conflict ever since her trip during Spring Break. The beginning of the trip had been fun, to be sure, but she constantly felt watched by the Reyes family and servants. Without being able to put her finger on why, she just knew she was being judged with every move she made. It had made her very uncomfortable. She had tried talking to Gidge about it but the girl was too wrapped up in being with Kevin and having the time of her life on the huge estate along with the many adventures the family provided for their guests. It sometimes felt as if the Reyes family were deliberately keeping her separate from her friends. She chided herself for her paranoia, but she couldn't shake the feeling that her every move and thought was on trial. Even more disturbing was the fact that she didn't feel comfortable with the idea of sharing her suspicions with Alejandro.

It had been obvious from the moment she met his family, that Alejandro practically worshiped his parents. He hung on their every word and she never heard him raise an objection to anything they said even when some of their political ideas didn't seem to jibe with things she had heard Alejandro expressing at the University. They were so old fashioned about some things that they had put the girls into a completely separate wing of the house from where the boys stayed. JR thought that was a bit unnecessary since Alejandro was still treating JR like a fragile flower and never went any further than some heavy kissing with her. It was during the final day of their visit that a casual remark by Senor Reyes to his wife that JR overheard made her realize Alejandro's parents thought of her as a possible future mate for their son. In effect they had been making sure that she was suitable choice during the entire visit.

When Alejandro was confronted with what JR suspected on the plane ride back to Pittsburgh, he didn't deny that he had told his parents that JR was the one for him. He had acted like it was an honor she should appreciate. JR, who had always been supremely independent in her thinking with a mind of her own, found herself feeling overwhelmed by Alejandro's behavior. She had all but decided to ease the man out of her life until she noticed that Noah had begun hanging around more frequently again ever since the return from Spring Break. Until recently Noah had respected the boundaries put up when she had started dating someone else seriously, but the more JR spent time with Alejandro...and she had to admit to herself that it was partly to discourage Noah...the more Noah seemed to be around. It was just one of the things that was confusing the young lady.

Things finally came to a head the last Friday of the school year. Final exams were over and all papers were turned in. Students were ready to bust loose after all the weeks of intensive study and hard work. There was nothing left but a couple more days of informality as young folks said good bye to classrooms, teachers, and fellow classmates. A huge party had been planned at one of the favorite hangouts near the campus and Alejandro insisted on taking JR there. She wasn't really in the mood to celebrate. She had far too much on her mind, including whether she even wanted to continue the relationship with her boyfriend after Summer vacation, which she had presumed he would spend back in his own home country. It was at the party that Alejandro announced his plans to stay in Pittsburgh for the Summer. He proclaimed it was to take Summer classes to enhance his education but JR felt a chill. She suddenly pictured herself having no free time to herself all Summer....with Alejandro keeping close tabs on her every day. She chided herself again on being paranoid, but she couldn't shake the feeling. She excused herself from the company of the small group she was with, mostly Alejandro's friends, and fled to the privacy of the ladies room.

When JR had composed herself sufficiently, she exited the bathroom only to run headlong into Noah. If she hadn't known better, she would have sworn he had been waiting for her. What amazed her, as it did every time, was the momentary flutter she felt in her chest when seeing him eye to eye. She had done everything in her power to squelch the quick thrill she got whenever she spotted Noah, but it hadn't worked yet. She was about to mutter an excuse and brush past him when he lightly laid his hand on her shoulder and she heard him speak.

"JR, will you please give me just one second of your time. If you do, I can promise you I'll never force you to see my ugly mug again. Please?"

There was something so plaintive in Noah's tone. Maybe it was just that she was in no hurry to return to Alejandro's side or just exhaustion from so many sleepless nights, but JR relented. She stepped back against the wall as two girls on their way to the bathroom brushed between the couple. Once they had passed and their giggles died down, Noah joined JR. Noah kept a respectful distance but stood close enough to speak quietly.

"JR, first of all I owe you a tremendous apology. I know I should have said something much, much sooner...and I'm sorry for that...but I had to work through a lifetime of painful indoctrination in order to understand what I truly felt. I've learned a lot about you..."

"You've been spying on me?" she interrupted harshly.

"No, no...that isn't what I meant. I've paid attention to what people say and I've gone out of my way to learn more about your family. JR, I'm trying to tell you that I realize what a stupid ass I was so long ago. You were right, I was judging your family and your upbringing....something I had no right to do. The truth is that I was scared...scared of what my father would think if I admitted to how much I cared for you. I knew he would never approve..." JR started to say something, but Noah spoke over her. "...but JR, I don't care what he thinks any longer. It took a while and the advice of two of the best men I know in this world, but I realize now that my father is locked inside a prison of his own making. He can only see the world through the narrow bars of his mind. He isn't ever going to open the door and see the world as it truly is. I wish to God he wasn't like that but he is. He tried to make me think like him, but I'm not him JR. I have a mind of my own and I see you and your family for the beautiful people you are."

JR was speechless, which was just as well since Noah was far from through.

"Don't misunderstand me JR, I'm not telling you all this because I want you to give me another chance...although I wish I deserved one...but I just couldn't bear for you to continue seeing me as the narrow minded idiot that you have all this time. I wanted to say something earlier but the truth is I knew in my heart that I couldn't bear it if you still hated me after I spoke to you. I also found it hard to get you alone," he allowed himself a small laugh. "You have so many friends always around you and that boyfriend of yours who always seems glued to your side."

JR started to protest, but realized in that instant that what Noah said was true. Maybe that was why she felt smothered sometimes.

"Anyway," Noah continued, "I couldn't let the school year end without giving you my apology. It is the least you deserve from me."

JR looked up into those grey eyes that had enchanted her from the very first day she spotted Noah and her breath caught in her throat. She could see how genuine the young man was being. She could also feel tension slowly dropping off her. For the first time in a long time, JR felt she could take a deep breath. It was a heady feeling and she felt unsteady for a split second. As she leaned against the wall, Noah reached out to her. It was at that instant that they both heard a deep and angry voice behind them. As they turned to the source of the voice, they could see Alejandro striding quickly down the hallway with a deep scowl on his face. He reached the couple at the end of the hall and pulled Noah back by the scruff of his shirt. JR moved to protest, but Alejandro raised his hand to stop her.

"I knew something was up when Bobby told me he saw this guy come back here while you were still gone. I've seen the way he hangs around you all the time. Kevin told me that Gidge said you two had a thing once," he growled at JR while glaring at Noah. "You never talked about him so I believed Kevin was exaggerating. Now, I am not so certain."

The implication in Alejandro's tone put JR on edge. She stepped between the two tall men who were now staring each other down.

"Just what are you implying?" she bristled. "For your information, I never really dated Noah but we did begin a friendship that ended in a misunderstanding. Noah was simply apologizing before you barged back here like a bull in a china shop, making all kinds of assumptions." JR was just getting started. "And what gives you the right to say who I can talk to and who I can't in the first place. You know, Alejandro, I'm getting a little tired of your possessive attitude. You don't own me and you can stop thinking you have the right to groom me for some future role you have in mind for me. I'm my own person and my future plans just may not be on the same track as what you obviously had expected of me."

It was easy to see that Alejandro had never expected such a reaction from the woman he had considered his future bride. He had expected to come across as her protector rescuing her from a bothersome pest. This JR was nothing like the fun loving and yet somewhat timid JR he had come to appreciate. His JR would never have spoken to him so harshly. In a matter of seconds the Latin suitor began to realize that he may have misjudged the young lady he had taken a shine to at the beginning of the school year. Before he got the chance to find his footing again and lodge a complaint at JR's behavior, she dealt the final blow to their relationship.

"I'm sorry Alejandro. I should have said something before now, but the truth is that I've been having doubts about the two of us for a while now. I think you are wanting far more from me than I'm willing to give you. I think you need to find a girl who enjoys being treated as if she was living in a bygone era. I'm not that girl. I'm a 21st century kind of gal and I have big plans for my future that don't include being kept in style in a gilded cage. I'm sure you'll find someone who fits the bill. I've certainly noticed how popular you are with the girls on campus."

With that, she stood on tippy toes and planted a peck on Alejandro's cheek. She took Noah's hand and turned to leave.

"If you'll excuse us, my friend and I have some things to talk over. Don't worry about me, Alejandro, I'm sure I can find my own way home. And I am truly sorry to do this to you without warning, but it was time to be honest...for both our sakes."

With that said, JR walked back down the hall with Noah in tow. She led Noah out the front door of the club and the two began walking towards the nearby campus. The air was just beginning to show the warmth of the coming Summer. They walked along in silence until they found a bench in front of the wide lawn of one of the main school buildings. JR stopped and took a seat, motioning to the spot next to her. Noah slid down to join her.

"Well now Noah, you were saying something about an apology and some changes in your life...."

To be continued........................................

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