[Reviews - 3] half-starPrinter ePub eBook

Debbie finds out it's never too late to say goodbye    

Rated: E
Categories: QAF US Characters: Debbie Novotny
Tags: Death
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 786 Read: 825
ePub Downloads: 0 Published: Feb 11, 2018 Updated: Feb 11, 2018
Story Notes:

All recognizable characters, events, etc.... are the sole property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.    

1. Chapter 1 by Jazzepoet [Reviews - 3] half-star (786 words)

Having recently lost a loved one and never getting the chance to say goodbye, it made me think about how Debbie never got the chance to say goodbye to Vic before he died. This is my take on what she might have said during a graveside visit.