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As we step off the elevator, Justin and I are surprised to see Dale, Ted, Mel, and Jennifer waiting for us. I thought we would have at least a little more time before having to deal with the fallout from Michael’s revenge. Justin and I spent the weekend at the W, fucking, but not talking much. I suppose it was just our way of dealing with things; to absorb the shock and anger we were both feeling, but for me it was a little bit more than that. There was also A LOT of hurt, and I think Justin knew it, which is why he retreated to give me time to sort it all out for myself.

“We need to talk,” Mel says, by way of greeting.

“I figured, but can we do that inside? By the way, where have you been staying?”

“I stayed with Dusty and Marie. Gus is with them now. They promised that if anything else happened, they would call. Thankfully, although Gus screamed at the loud knocking and continuous bell ringing, he hasn’t been traumatized by all this shit. Not like the rest of us,” she whispers. It wasn’t hard to tell that she’d slept about as well as Justin and I have, which was not much. Fucking Michael!

Justin unlocked the door to the downstairs loft, each of us bracing ourselves for going inside. We were expecting to still see the mess that was left, but mercifully that’s not what we found. Ted clears his throat. “Between me, Jennifer, Cynthia, and Daphne, I hope we managed to put everything back to rights.”

I look over at Justin. And seeing the haunted look on his face, I know that we can’t stay here. Maybe we will again someday, but not now. “Thanks, but… well I’m sure we’ll be leaving this place sooner than we anticipated. We stayed in the Vanguard suite at the W over the weekend. We’ll probably stay there until Gardner vacates the house.”

“I think I’ll do the same until the property is ready, Brian,” Mel says. “I just… I went into the house for the first time before coming here and I just felt violated, you know?”

“I do.” All too well, is what I left unsaid, but I’m sure they all heard it anyway. Michael destroyed any minute chance he may have had to redeem himself with me. Clearing my throat, I ask, “So what did we need to speak about?”

“I’m going to start the coffee,” Jenn offered as the rest of us sat down. “I think we’re all going to need it.”

“I’ll help you, Mom,” Justin says, jumping back up. He’s been like that for the last few days. Even though he’s angrier than I think I’ve ever seen him, he’s also needed to keep busy as much as possible. I think it’s so that he gives himself time to talk himself out of going to see Michael. I don’t think there is a cop or cell that could hold Justin if he took that trip to the precinct.

“Wait, Justin. I think you need to hear this, too,” Mel tells him.

“I can still hear from the kitchen.”

“Be that as it may, I want you to sit next to me,” I say, trying to mask the plea in my voice. I… I just need him close to me right now. I actually feel like I’m going to fly apart at any minute.

He just looks at me, and then nods as he makes his way back over to the sofa. Once seated, he slides his hand into mine, interlocking our fingers. Although his grip is light I still feel the tension thrumming through him. Taking a fortifying breath, he asks, “Okay, what is it you want to tell us, Mel?”

“I went to see Lindsay yesterday. She’d been calling since Tuesday evening for a very specific reason. It seems that Michael and Lance went to visit her.”

“Wait! Lance is here? In Pittsburgh?” Justin asks, narrowing his eyes.

She hesitated for a moment before answering. “Yes, he’s here. He’s been here since Tuesday morning when he bailed Michael out of jail.”

“Michael was in jail? For what?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I didn’t tell you that Michael was arrested for breaking into Deb’s house?” Ted asks.

“No, you didn’t.”

“There wasn’t time to tell you. I mean with the meetings, landing a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, and reorganizing Kinnetik, you can’t blame Ted for forgetting, Brian.” Mel sighs. “Anyway, Michael said that he was going to check on Deb, but when he was caught coming out of her house, he had a fire box labeled with her name. It contained the will and some other papers.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with your visit with Lindsay?” I ask, and Justin squeezes my hand. I know my tone is starting to grate by the looks of exasperation on Justin’s face and the one of annoyance on Mel’s. “Okay, I’ll shut the fuck up. Continue!”

Mel snickers. “Thanks for saving me the trouble of having to tell you. Anyway, it turns out that the box contains Deb and Vic’s wills, but also some emails between Lindsay, Claire, and Michael; also some between Craig Taylor and Michael. But the most damning thing in that box is a the key and code to a safety deposit box, listed under Deb’s name but in care of Michael. The police are going to retrieve it tomorrow morning. She was calling us to warn us that Michael was up to something concerning Gus. He showed up there with Lance, demanding that Lindsay sign a petition granting him her parental rights. She reminded him that she no longer had them, and warned him to fuck off with the stupid ass idea that he would somehow get custody of Gus to make you choose him.”

“What the fuck?! He must be completely mental to think that anyone would give him custody of a damn desk chair, let alone a baby!” Jennifer spews from the kitchen. “Hell, I wouldn’t even subject Craig to his care, and I absolutely abhor that man!”

“That’s mighty humane of you considering they were in cahoots to break Justin and I up, Mother Taylor,” I drawl.

“Oh, Brian. You’re misunderstanding me. I wouldn’t subject Craig to him only to save all of our eardrums. However, Joan Kinney…” I smile at her look of innocence. She would rather torture my mother for being so neglectful that I had confused what the Novotnys did to me as love.

“Which brings me back to the box,” Mel says. “The thing is Lindsay already told me the contents of both Deb’s box, since Michael shared it with her, and what’s in the box at the bank.”

“But…” I can’t finish my thought as the constant pressing of the buzzer begins. “FUCK! I swear if that’s who I think it is…”

“I’ll get it!” Jennifer declares, and moves to answer the buzzer. Ted tries to intercept her but the look she shoots him could melt glaciers in the fucking Arctic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ted move away so fast since I’ve known him. Channeling her inner-WASP, she answers. “Taylor-Kinney residence. How may I help you?”

The screech coming across the intercom is deafening. “I want to speak to my brother right now! Let me in!”

I close my eyes at the sound of Claire’s annoying voice. “Sorry Ma’am, but until either of the Misters Taylor-Kinney advises that you are on the approved entry list, I can’t do that.”

“His name is Kinney, Kinney, KINNEY!  I don’t know what game Brian is playing but he needs to let me up NOW! BRIAN! BRIAN!”

“Oh my God, let her up before I have a bunch of fucking dogs camping out on the doorstep. If that screeching whine gets any louder someone will call the fucking K-9 unit and Piss-me-OFF P.D. will be right back here again!” I order, tempted to head straight for the bar cart. “What the fuck is she doing here anyway?”

“Why else? Her monthly payment is obviously late. It’s not like Michael is in a position to give her any more money,” Justin snarks. “Not that he ever was.”

“True,” Mel concurs. “But before she gets up here, there’s something you should know. Lindsay said that the other items within that safety deposit box confirms...”

“What?”Jennifer asks, just before pressing the buzzer to allow entry.

“That Claire Kinney and Craig Taylor were… are lovers and have been since Justin’s ninth grade year. And that’s not all… her youngest child, Peter, is Craig’s. It’s what Michael used as a bargaining tool to gain an entry to Craig so that the two could plot and plan on how to get Justin away from Brian. According to Lindsay, Michael was waiting until they succeeded to get Claire back.”

“But Craig is involved with Lori,” Justin states.

“He isn’t planning on marrying Claire; just keeping her on the side while he marries another WASP wife.”

Just as we hear the gate on the elevator lift, we hear a thud. Looking over to the gaping front door, we also realize what’s missing...: “JENNIFER!” I yell, just as I hear the low crunch of bone meeting flesh.”

“Brian, call the police!” Claire screeches as Jennifer drags her up by her hair. “Can’t you see this bitch assaulting me?! OUCH!”

Jennifer lands one more punch, and then pushes Claire back into the elevator. “Yes, Brian, call them! And make sure you tell them that my ex-husband’s whore is also Michael’s co-conspirator. God, she isn’t even much to look at. She must suck like a Hoover!”

“I don... don’t know what you’re talking about!” Claire retorts.

“Oh? You don’t?” I ask, still standing in the doorway, with my arms folded. “Well, let’s have the police sort out what’s fact or fiction, shall we Claire?” I ask with a calmness I’m far from feeling.


“Take my advice, Claire. Ask your john, Craig, for a lawyer. The both of you are going to need one.” I usher us all, minus Claire, back inside. Resting my head against the door, I mumble, “Now all we need is Saint Joan and the Avenging Deb to show up, and my already ruined day of rest will be complete.”

“Brian we need to call that detective… the one named Horvath,” Mel tells me. “The fact that he bailed Michael out of jail, and was privy to Michael’s plans but didn’t report it, makes him an accessory.”

“Okay we can get him on aiding Michael, but not much else. Besides we have no proof.”

“Did I forget to mention that Lindsay also said there were letters in that box, dating way before emails became popular.”


“So, they are handwritten… in Lance’s handwriting. They stayed in touch using handwritten letters, Brian. You know what that means?”

“Finally some good fucking news! We just connected most of the dots.” Justin says, smiling for the first time since Friday night.

“True, but it also means that his internet business is about to go kaput,” Ted tells us.


“He works for Thorne Industries, Brian. He’s outsourced, but he’s still affiliated with them.”

“I’m not going to go to my clients and tell them this!”

“You don’t have to. Remember that they were here on Friday during Michael’s rant?” Justin reminds me. “They gave their names to the officers who took Michael out of here, which means when his trial for filing a false report, and other infractions, they will be called to testify. And if Michael holds true to form…”

“He won’t be going down alone,” I whisper. “Mel, I need to add to my formal complaint against Michael. My real stalker needs to answer some questions before he’s able to skip town.”

“I doubt he’ll be able to do that.”

“How do you figure?” Jenn asks. “If he’s working for Thorne Industries, it’s not like he doesn’t have the money.”

“True, but when Lindsay and I were just about finished our conversation, she advised me to go to the D.A. handling her case. Because of the nature of her crime, and the fact that she is a flight risk, they don’t trust her. So although in federal prison, all of her conversations both on the phone and in person, are taped to find out if there was anyone else in collusion with her and Gui.”

“Holy shit! That means Stalkers R Us was taped during the visit,” Justin points out.

“Exactly, and Judge Stone knows about all of this already,” Mel confirms. “He can’t preside over the case due to having foreknowledge of all of this, but he can and will make sure that no evidence gets suppressed.”

“Michael is in some really deep shit this time, huh?”

“More like dead and stinking by the time this is all over. But I should warn you guys… because of Rage’s popularity, and the birth of Kinnetik Enterprises, there’s a good possibility that you’re going to be exposed as the men who brought down Stockwell. There was also a taped conversation within the safety deposit box. Lindz said that it had Michael’s meeting with Gardner Vance on it. I don’t know how true that is, but at this point anything is possible.”

“In that case, I’m not sure staying at the W would be the best of ideas either. At least here, we have multiple points of entry,” I say, looking at Justin.

He sighs. “I guess that seals it then.”

“Unless…” Ted interjects. When we all look at him, he clears his throat. “Unless there is a place with a short-term lease. You guys can afford at least that right now.”

“But then that leaves them to camp out at the offices,” I remind them of what’s really at stake- our clients’ privacy.

“Yes, but better that than to be sitting ducks.”

“If I may make a suggestion,” Jennifer says. “Why not just come out before the press gets wind of it? Then you can out any spin on it you want instead of allowing them to do it.”

“And?” I heard the unfinished thought, even if the others didn’t.

“And Ted’s right about the short-term lease. In fact there are several properties open in Sewickley, but there’s just one problem with that right at this minute.”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Yeah, she is staying in that area with Alex and his partner, Stephen.”

“How do you know?”

“I had a showing out that way on Saturday. I saw Debra, but she didn’t see me. I did see Vic, however. He said that she’s making some good decisions and progress without Michael around to drip poison in her ear.”

“Good for her, but I still don’t want anything to do with her.”

“You don’t have to,” Jenn says in a near whisper, before going on. “The bottom line is that you’re sitting ducks, as Ted said. You have to remember that it’s not just you anymore, Brian. Whereas you would have no problem telling the press to kiss your dick in a field, Justin has a bit more at stake because of what they did to him regarding the Hobbs farce of a trial. If I could help it, I know I wouldn’t let that happen to him again, even if he doesn’t acknowledge it. And I’m sure you won’t either.”

I lick my lips, thinking of all Jenn just said. The press was absolutely brutal when it came to mine and Justin’s history together, and then his numerous confrontations with Hobbs. It was a classic case of blaming the victim based on the lies told within that courtroom, and the covering up of the real crime of attempted murder by Pitts P.D. It was great when Justin didn’t know about it; I handled it. But then the fuckers found out where Justin was living when he was with Jenn and Molly; found out where he attended his doctor appointments and therapy sessions, determined to get a good picture and comment of the ‘Young Man who Incited Violence in a Wonderful Teen of Fine Moral Upbringing’. That’s how they repeated that fucking bastard Russo’s words at the verdict. Justin had nightmares of them chasing him for months, even after they had stopped. I won’t let him go through that again. As it is, there’s a good chance that they will start back up the closer we get to the trial. I can’t risk his mental health because I don’t want to be bothered with Deb, or that I long to give the BIG FUCK YOU to all of the naysayers who ever belittled or degraded what Justin and I have.

Sighing, I answer, “Fine, but Mel and Gus have to come with us. I can’t risk my son being exposed to the media, and Mel’s safety is important, too.”

“I can take care of myself and Gus just fine, Brian,” Mel protests.

“Be that as it may, this is how I want it. Right now, you only live five minutes away by car. If we do as Jenn says, it becomes almost forty-minutes.” I pinch the bridge of my nose in exasperation. “Look, you’re moving in with us anyway, right? So it only makes sense that rather than borrow someone’s sofa until the new place is habitable by our standards, that we pack everything up and put your place on the market.”

“And the duplex? What about it? Are you and Justin going to keep it?”

“It’s something that he and I will have to discuss at length. The bottom line is that the location is pretty prime considering how close it is to the airport and all the things we have to deal with. It makes sense for us to have it. But on the flipside of that, this place holds too many memories. At the moment, the bad is outweighing the good, but mine and Justin’s history is here. It’s not a decision to be made lightly or rushed out of idiocy coming to our door again.”

“I know how you feel Brian, but I also see your point about being near Gus. So I think we can begin the cohabitation project at will. As far as Deb is concerned… well we’ll just have to handle that situation as it comes.”

“Then the first thing we’re doing today is to finish packing up your house,” I tell her, and it feels good to actually have something to do other than drink and dwell. I need the activity.

“Okay, but leave my bedroom alone.”

“With pleasure. The very last thing I need to see is ANYTHING that reminds me you have girly parts.” I mock shiver, and for now the tension which has plagued all of us dissipates for the moment.


And that’s just what we need...

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