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Blake and I suggested that maybe Brian and Joan needed a little time alone to come to grips with everything left unsaid between them. Although I know it will be hard, I really am hoping that Brian will get to know ‘Sober Joan’ instead of the Mommy Dearest of the past. It’s not that I think he can completely forgive her, or even make the decision to never bring it up again for both of their sakes. That would be expecting too much of the man I have come to love to the depths of my soul. But what I want most for Brian is closure... and acceptance- two things it seems more than likely I will never get where my own father is concerned. Based on what Joan said within the office, she’s willing to get to know him as the man he is, not mother him as the son she bore. It’s a big step for her, and I’m just hoping that Brian will meet her halfway.

“So you really think they will be okay?” I ask Blake, as we settle in at the coffee on Main Street to catch up on each others lives. It is so great to see him clean and sober. It’s like being with the same Blake he was when he first tried to get clean back in my King of Babylon days.

“Well, I know there won’t be any bloodshed, if that’s what you’re asking,” he responds. “Joan is really open to accepting her part in the rift between the two of them. She understands that her relationship is a direct result of action and reaction. I just hope that Brian is willing to understand where she was coming from.”

“But can you understand why he would be leery of her?”

“I definitely do. As quiet as it was kept, I’ve gone through something similar, but in my case it was just a little worse because my family comes from old money.”

“You mean Tom Butterfield is…”

“Yes, both he and I were born into the WASP nest of Florida’s Jupiter Island.” I gasp, knowing that the average mansion there cost $1.5 million dollars. Blake smiles gently. “I take it you know exactly where that is.”

“It’s where Craig always talked about buying a house for himself after I took over Taylor Electronics, and one of the main reasons I ran away from his plans for me. No way was I going to allow him to sail off into the sunset while I was stuck here working my ass of to fund his life. I might have been willing to at one time when I was younger, but that was before I found out about him having an affair with Ms. Hill, my Business Ethics teacher at St. James."

Blake nods in understanding. “Although I have a lot in common with Brian in terms of the physical abuse, I have more in common with you for how I was ousted from my family because I’m gay. But I also knew things about my parents that they would have rather been dead than to have leak out to the wrong people. In retrospect, it was probably safer for me to be told to get lost, than to have to be fished out of an ocean.”

“So how did you settle on Pittsburgh?”

“It was an easy decision, since my uncle was visiting at the time.”

“I still can’t believe he’s your uncle,” I mutter, looking down at the table.

“Why not?” I look up at him in surprise as he begins to laugh. “Oh, you didn’t think I knew about that? If it helps, he had nothing but high praise for both of your performances.”

I can’t help but laugh as well. “Nice to know I earned high praises indeed.”

“Uncle Tom is probably the most liberal priest ever.”

“I suppose he would have to be to be so… free that night. Did you know that Brian went to talk to him the week after it happened?”

“Blackmail him, more like,” Blake says before he sips his coffee.


“Yeah, it was more like blackmail, although it wasn’t put quite that way. I think in some way Brian may have been trying to get Joan to accept him, since he had something in common with her priest. Both Unc and I can’t be sure, but he was really upset about it. He said that after he talked to Brian, he was ready to move to another parish. But then he thought about it, and ultimately decided against it.”


“He said that if he could just change one mind to realize that we’re not perverts, but just people who are looking for the same things the world over, then he would feel as if he completed the assignment he was really given by God, although he used man to do it. He gets really cryptic like that sometimes, but I guess it goes with the territory.”

I nod my head and pick up my muffin. As I’m about to bite down into it, I feel lips latch onto mine. Automatically I rebel, knowing they are not Brian’s. Finally, I free one of my hands to raise my fist and knock my assailant upside the head.

“OW! Justin…”

I’m sputtering and wiping my mouth before I realize who the fucker that attacked me is. “ETHAN!!! You fucking… UGH!”

“Justin, are you okay?” Blake asks me as he moves to stand by my side. He reaches down to hold my clenched fist in his own. “Do you need me to call Brian?”

“I can’t believe you fucking hit me, Justin! But we’ll talk about that later,” Ethan looks at me, and then at Blake. “Look, I don’t know who you are, but you would do well to unhand my lover this instant!”

Instead of doing what Ethan ordered, Blake laughs. “Justin, how could you ever think to replace Brian with this Shakespeare-wannabe? Unhand my lover… My God, how old are you? Twelve-hundred and ninety-nine? Besides, you look more like you need to love a bar of soap.” I snickered.  

“You, like that barbarian he’s realigned himself with, obviously don’t appreciate the romantic and civilized approach to courting,” Ethan sneers.

“And from the looks of it, that’s exactly where you are about to end up… in COURT!” Blake warns. “Well to put it in terms you obviously want to emulate… BE THOU GONE, ye arrogant little puppy! Go ye back to thine unwashed hell from whence you’ve come! Before thy King Kinney comes to kick yon dumb arse for trying to turn HIS Prince into a frog such as thine own self.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to laugh. “Blake… Stop…. I can’t… Come… on… Let’s… let’s…”

“I know, and yes, Justin. I think we’re both done here,” he tells me. “Besides, if I don’t have you back in time, Daphne will hunt me down.”

“Daphne?! Oh, I knew she would be up your ass again as soon as my back was turned!” Ethan huffs. “I meant to address her the last time I saw you with her. You can’t trust her, Justin. She would do anything to see us separated!”

I lose all patience then. “For the last time, Ethan, THERE IS NO US! Get that through your head already!” I take a deep breath to calm my temper. It’s getting harder and harder to overlook the idiots who really don’t matter, but continue to make nuisances of themselves. “You know, I would tell Brian about this bullshit so he could make good on his promise to you, but I figured by not doing so, you would actually have a chance to achieve your lofty goals. Don’t make me regret it, Ethan. Leave me alone; go about your life and leave me to live mine in relative peace!”

As I move past him, he calls out. “This isn’t over, Justin! I will have you back! You’re my muse! We belong together, not you and that whore!”

I started to turn back to punch Ethan in the mouth but Blake stops me. “Come on Jus. He isn’t worth it.”

But Ethan wasn’t done. “Besides, maybe Brian isn’t the only whore after all. I wonder what he’ll think when I tell him about seeing you here with another man.”

I grab Blake by the collar, and looking into his eyes mischievously, I pull him in for a kiss. I made sure to make it a little more than chaste so that Ethan received a good show. Releasing Blake, I turn back to Ethan. “If you find it, I will be amazed.”

He looks both pissed and shocked as he utters, “Find what?”

“The fuck we give. Bye now!” As Blake and I walk back to the office, we have one of the best laughs either of us have had in a long time.


I am still standing here in this cafe, feeling totally fucking embarrassed, but more angry than anything. As I turn to rejoin my cousin at the table in the corner, I am stopped by some young guy I have never met. I try to move past him, but he blocks my way at every turn. Finally, I ask, “What is your problem? Do you need help or something?”

He smirks at me in a vaguely familiar way, but I can’t place it right now. I’m still much too aggravated by Justin’s behavior of just moments ago. “I was thinking that we might help each other,” he says as he looks at me up and down.

“Not interested.”

“Wasn’t asking for that, but trying to figure out just what he saw in you.”

“Look pal, I’ve had enough of being insulted for one day!” It’s true, I have. I still can’t believe that Justin just stood there as that asshole made me feel two feet tall!

“I get it, since you really were dissed royally. But we have a common goal that I think we should discuss.”

“Again, I’m not interested!”

“Oh, okay. So I guess I will have to find someone else who will help me split up Pittsburgh’s hottest gay couple.”

I couldn’t help my curiosity. “What do you mean?”

“Neither of us want Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor together.”

“Be that as it may, splitting them up my be harder than you believe. According to my sources, they’ve signed legal domestic partnership papers,” I tell him, and I can’t believe that I just admitted that information aloud. Up until now, I wouldn’t even acknowledge the possibility that Avery was telling me the truth when he informed me. I wanted to believe that Brian was lying when he told me that, but Avery’s new lover told him the night he filed the papers with the State Department.

“Well then all we have to do is make sure that they want to dissolve the partnership.”

“And how do you propose to do that? Apparently, you don’t know your prey very well.” Something tells me making a deal with this guy would really mean the end of me.

“You let me worry about the particulars and just follow my lead. There’s another guy who wants the same things we do, so we’ll have to include him. I’ll set up a meeting.”

“Who said I want any part of this? I don’t even know you!”

“You do, and I know you do,” he cajoles, and he’s right. Since Justin left, my music has been shit compared to what it used to be when he was there. I need him back!

“Fine, but…”

“Don’t worry, Ethan. I’ll find you when the time comes. Just be ready, and for the love of God, wash your hair!”


You know when I agreed to this, I thought it was a good thing. I mean, who wouldn’t think that Warden Stone owing them a favor would be a bad thing, right? Next time, I will learn to shut the fuck up or collect my payment up front. Because when I was asked to pay extra special attention to everything my new cellmate does and says, I never expected to have to deal with the whiniest, most petulant motherfucker I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.

“So what are you in for?” I ask, just to see what he’d say.


“Some bogus charges, but my boyfriend is working to get me out,” Novotny tells me.

Boyfriend? I would have pegged you to be straight.”

“Way to stereotype,” he sneers. “For your information, I am engaged to the Stud of Liberty Avenue.”

“Really? Then what are you doing in here? And why do you call him the Stud of Liberty Avenue if he’s your intended?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Well, fortunately for you, we’ve got nothing but time in here.”

“Why are you so interested, Mr…?”

“Bubble. They call me Bright Bubble in here.”

He snickers. “Well at least you’re not named Bubba, I suppose. Although I can understand the bright part of your name- I mean, neon green hair is so passe- but I’m not clear on the Bubble.”

I figure now is as good a time as any to teach him just why they call me Bubble. I walk over to him, looking him square in the eye. And without taking my eyes from his, I gut-punch him in the diaphragm. "Bubble guts, Novotny. One punch and I can give a guy bubble guts."


I will admit that it is incredibly satisfying to finally hear the silence of his voice, even as the nasally wheeze escapes him. Considering what I know about Michael Novotny thus far, I’m sure he deserves much more than just that punch, but if it helps him to curb his mouth, I think it will be well worth the efforts of beating his ass every time he gets out of line.

“What did you do that for?” he asks, as he continues to try to get his breath back.

“For two reasons, really. The first is because my best friend in this joint’s name is Bubba, and you should probably be thankful that you have me as a cellmate instead of him. He would have already torn your tart tongue out of your head to silence you, which brings me to the second reason. You are only to speak when either the guards or I tell you to. Honestly, it will save your life in here. No one likes a whiner, although they prefer screamers… but that’s in a much different context. If you annoy me too much, I’ll happily hand you over for a pack of cigs and an extra hour of television past lights out. Now I believe that you and I have a conversation to have.”

He moves to sit on the bottom bunk when I shoot him a look which tells him he’d better not dare to sit where I lay my head. I can already see the entitlement issues he has, which further let’s me know that if this becomes his permanent home, he won’t last long in prison. His kind- gay or straight- never do. But I am incredibly interested in hearing from his lips how he’s been fucking over Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor.

Yes, I know both men for reasons that no one needs to know right now, especially the best friend of Brian Kinney. He finally gets the message and parks his ass on the floor in the corner by the toilet. If one was to ask me, I would say that’s exactly where he’s always belonged, but everyone is entitled to due process, I suppose. I make myself comfortable on my bunk. Yeah, I’m taunting him but I don’t give a fuck.


I tell him to begin, and almost wish I hadn’t. His woebegone whine grates on my nerves almost as bad as the screeching does when he becomes excitable about something. In the back of my mind, I wonder if the Warden is recording this since he’s not only admitting to the alleged embezzlement, but other crimes as well. I will certainly have to find a way to whip his ass for getting a fake ID made, which allowed him to change Vic’s last will and testament. No, the man’s not dead yet, but his intentions to not only cut out Vic’s lover but his mother as well, wouldn’t have left them any money to even give the poor man a decent burial if he had.


And the sad thing is that he wasn’t done!

He spoke of the plans he’d concocted with Brian’s sister and Justin’s father to separate them, beginning with Christopher Hobbs. Who the hell doesn’t remember that infamous case? I want to fuck him up good for his part in that debacle, but outside of a few bumps and bruises, I’ve been ordered not to harm him too badly. They want him to stand trial, figuring that the sentences for his numerous crimes would be far worse than having the bastard escaping through the blissfulness of death. But it sure is tempting to put a period to the end of his existence.


But I also have to admit that his delusions of getting out of this unscathed- albeit pathetic in and of themselves- are also highly entertaining.

“So you never did answer my question about what you are in here for,” he tells me as he finishes his story. I decide to scare the fucker a little.

“Oh a little of this, a little of that. But the main charge is murder of a gay man who kept getting flip at the lip.”


And just as I intended, I scared the shit out of him… literally!


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