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I am watching the car park and waiting for Kiki to come out. I can see Mercy’s car, but no Mercy, so I want to check if she is actually there or if Kiki is driving it.


“Ah, the accomplice. Who do you want to help commit a crime this time?” I scowl at Marilyn’s voice, then take my time turning to him. “Well, what are you doing?”


“Thought you were the soothsayer and all seeing eye, why don’t you tell me?”


He gives me a scathing look, which I return. “You deserve everything that is coming to you.”


“What is coming to me? The thanks from my best friend for proving my theory right you mean?”


“Oh and what theory is that?”


“All will be revealed to those who need to see it.” I retort. “Now excuse me, I am going to have something to eat.”


“Hadn’t you better put your valuables in storage? Anything can happen to that store of yours now that you are so very popular.”


I stop striding across the street and rejoin him, he smirks then inspects his talons. I think it is ugly for a man to have nails like that, but back to the knowing look and smugness that is his countenance. Much to my annoyance, she sent all my things that were in the house to the store; I have had to put it all in the apartment above the store,


“And what is that supposed to mean?” I demand.


“Which that?” He replies, then waves and smiles. “Oh, wait up, darling boy! So glad to see you out and about! And Ben, you have finally left Mr Boyd’s protection?! Can you get me a blue plate with a side of sunny side eggs, please?!” Even though he is shouting at them, he keeps his eyes on my face, but I have long mastered the art of remaining impassive. That is one thing I picked up from hanging around Kinney! “No you haven’t, not by a long way!”


“Haven't what?” I frown.


“Mastered the art of remaining impassive.” I can't hide my shock, I have heard tales of his abilities, but never seen or experienced it. “Brian, you will use his first name in my presence, taught you nothing. It is you that betrays you. You clearly show your yearning, your jealousy, and, of course, your love. It will never be returned, too much hurt has been caused. Never.” He gives me one more look, this time it feels like pity. “If you had only just left them alone, then none of the past would come to shape your future.”


He walks around me, then across the street. Finally I can turn around. I am surprised to see that Ben is waiting for him, they speak for a second or two then Marilyn shrugs. He looks back at me with a contemptible amusement. “As I said, Ben, it’s still a free country, even if he does try to be the warden of people’s lives! I am sure that neither Justin nor Mercy would have a problem with him being there, ignoring him will be bliss!”


“Will you two come if you are coming?” Mercy bellows out the door. Again, I make myself to stay where I am. “Ah, there you are, Michael! A word with you, please!”


I relish the stunned look on Ben’s face and saunter across the road, smirking as I pass him whilst formulating my words to show her that I was doing right by her.


I am even more delighted to find her in a booth by herself. Ben goes to join the toy and the psychic in the booth two down from us. This means I have her full attention. As I go to sit down, I wrinkle my nose at the smell of cigars. Looking across at Kiki and Uncle Vic, I clear my throat hard. “Since when has this been a smoking establishment?”


“What are you blathering on about?” Uncle Vic snaps.


“The smell.”


“What smell?” He frowns then sniffs. “All I can smell is bacon, fat, coffee and toast. Which is burning. Debs, the toaster!”


“Oh shit!” Ma exclaims and dashes to click it up. Everyone holds their breath as we wait for the wail of the fire alarm then sigh in relief. “That was close!”


She swiftly butters them and brings them to the booth. “There, now make sure you eat it all!” I sit down next to Mercy and Ma frowns. “Should he be there?”


“She asked me to join her, Ma, and I want…”


“You say that people ask a lot of things from you, but we find out that that they never asked, you just did. So, Mercy, did you?” She nods around a mouthful of toast. “Okay then. What is that face for?” She demands as I continue to look around the diner sniffing.


“You can’t smell cigars?” I cough delicately.


“Nope.” Mercy replies. “How come you can?”


“Uh...well there is a new neighbour of mine and he was...are you sure you can’t smell cigars?”


“Michael, I smoke them, ergo I can smell them, but no I don’t. So, the reason you are seated. Have you retained the services of an attorney?” The question surprises me, but not as much as her standing and gesturing that I should move. When I stand, she steps out, but after indicating that I should sit back down, she sits back next to me. I can feel all eyes on us. “So have you?”


“No, but why would I?”


“Because…” She begins, then pauses as the doorbell goes.


“Sorry for the delay, Mercy.” Barnabus declares as he strides to the booth. “So we are all set.” He plonks down opposite us and smiles. “Ems and George have finally agreed on a location! Seems kisses are a powerful persuasion technique!”


“Excuse me, Barnabus, Mercy and I are having a private conversation. Weren’t we?”


“Not really. I was asking about the attorney you need. Barney and I were meeting anyways.”


“Why do I need an attorney?” I demand.


“Justin remembered something and Brian told the police.” I look up at Ben, surprised to find him there. “And what he remembered is enough for you to be charged with accessory to kidnapping.”


“What nonsense are you spouting now?!” I snap.


“Gold called you on the day that he took Justin, told you that he had him and where he was taking him.”


“No he didn’t!” I exclaim.


“Uh, yeah he did. Justin recognised your voice.” My heart pounds because Gold did call me after I lied to him,. but I wasn’t really listening to what he was saying. I wipe my clammy hands on my jeans. “He also apologised for the loss of your great works in the studio fire. Remember that?”


“He did not say anything to me about having his to...about taking Justin!”


“So you admit that he called you?” Barnabus pins me back to the booth with a look.


“This is ridiculous. I will go the authorities and get them to make Gold tell the truth!”


“You can’t.” Barnabus retorts. “It is a sworn statement from…”


“An arsonist and kidnapper! I am a respected member of this community! I will make him retract his statement and tell the truth, I had nothing to do with what he did!”


“You can’t make him retract anything!” Ben growls.


“Yes I can! Mercy, can you let me out, please?!” She gets up and I storm towards the door. “I did nothing wrong…”


“Apart from lie about Brian being positive?” Ben yells. “You have banged on and on about what people do with the information they are given is their business, well now reap the consequences of your own inaction! Fact, you lied to Gold. Fact, he called you on the day he took Justin, why would he do that if you weren’t in it together?”


I throw my hands up in exasperation before wrenching the door open. “You will all see that the person at fault in all of this is…”


“Dead!” Ben’s voice stops me cold and I slowly turn around. “He died late last night. Killed himself, could not face dying of that and what he had done. So it’s time, time for you, now how was it you put it to Brian after he got shot? Oh yes, time to accept the consequences of being a mouthy asshole, and if you’re lucky you might live.”


“Ben, I never…” I begin, trying to suppress the shiver as I am gripped by so much fear. When did he hear that? Brian and I were alone in his room!


“Jesus, Michael!” Mercy exclaims. “You don’t need an attorney, you need an exorcism!”



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