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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thank you all for your nice comments - I really appreciate them!


Chapter 15


Brian had just put Luke down for his mid-afternoon nap and was about to get some work done for Kinnetik when he heard his doorbell. For a second he cursed, cursing the person that was ringing his doorbell for possibly waking up his son. Not wanting to give the person any more chance to ring the bell again, Brian hurried to the main door of the house while keeping an ear on his son's nursery. So far he couldn't hear anything.


On his way to the door, Brian wondered who it could be ringing his doorbell. Jennifer wasn't due for a visit until the next day and Debbie and Carl would only show up in about three hours. Thinking that it was probably the mailman, Brian quickly opened the door.


He frowned when he saw a well-dressed woman in her thirties looking at him expectantly.


“Mr. Brian Kinney?”


“Yes,” Brian nodded, looking at the woman from confused eyes. “And you are?”

“My name is Keisha Williams and I am working for the Monongalia County Child Protective Services.“

Brian felt his blood turn cold when he heard her introduction. Child Protective Services? What did Child Protective Services want from him? He knew enough of the world to know that they would only show up if they thought something was amiss and he was a bad parent.


Clearing his throat, Brian stepped aside and asked the woman inside. He had been tempted to shut the door in her face and just hide in the big house, but he knew that would be a bad idea and would make him look really bad in the eyes of that woman. As hard as it was for him at times, cooperation seemed to be the way to go for this unexpected visit.


“What can I do for you?” He asked as he led her into the kitchen where he offered her a coffee which she declined.


“Mr. Kinney, we got a report about child neglect and endangerment concerning the child Luke Kinney.”


“Luke Kinney-Taylor,” Brian immediately corrected her, almost by reflex before he processed what she had said. “Child neglect and endangerment? Someone reported me for neglecting my baby?” As he went on, his voice rose and it was obvious that he was angry about the unfounded accusations. “Who reported me?”


“I can't disclose that information, Mr. Kinney,” the woman replied calmly, pulling a notebook out of her bag. She flipped open a page and looked at a report in front of her. “We have received information that you are neglecting your child and are getting drunk in front of the baby. We have also gotten information that you smoke weed in front of the child and leave him alone for several hours a day to get your sexual needs met,” she read from her notebook, then looked up and met Brian's gaze head on.


“What the fuck? What kind of bullshit is this? Are you kidding me?” Brian retorted furiously. “I would never do that around my son.”


“Mr. Kinney, I must ask you to calm down, please. I can understand that this is very emotional for you, but I must ask you to remain calm. I am not accusing you of anything, but obviously when we receive a report like that, we need to investigate and need to find out the truth.”

Brian sighed as he sank down in a chair opposite the young woman. “Look, whoever reported this was lying. I haven't had a drink in more than a year. Ever since I found out I was pregnant with Luke. The same goes for smoking weed or taking any drugs. I won't lie, I haven't always been innocent and I have taken recreational drugs in the past, but never around my son and not since I've gotten pregnant.”


“You must understand that we will have to follow up on that, Mr. Kinney and unfortunately your word alone won't be enough. Would you be willing to agree to a drug test?” Mrs Williams asked and all Brian could do was stare at her.


“A drug test?”

“Obviously, if you have nothing to hide as you say, that shouldn't be a problem, right?”


Brian didn't like the condescending tone of the woman and couldn't help but glare at her.


“No, of course not.”

“We will also have to speak to your family,” Mrs Williams didn't get further than that before she was interrupted by Brian.


“No fucking way! Look, I haven't had any contact with my family in years and they hate me for being gay and living my life the way I want to. If you talk to them, they won't be able to tell you anything of merit, they probably won't even know I had a baby.”


“You have no contact with your family?” Mrs Williams looked up at Brian and then turned back to her notebook to make a note.


“Not my biological family, no. As far as I know that is not a crime, is it?” Brian challenged her and was rewarded by a slightly embarrassed look.


“No, of course not,” she cleared her throat before moving down her notes. “You are raising your son on your own?”

“Yes, I am a single parent.”

“That must be hard,” she said sympathetically which Brian didn't buy for a single second. That woman had it in for him, he could see it in the way she looked at him condescendingly.


“It's not easy, but I manage.”

“Where is Luke's other father?”


Brian fidgeted a bit, before he ran a hand through his hair. “He's not involved. That's not a crime either, is it?”

“No, no it isn't.”


“You also have a second son? Where is he?”

“Gus lives with his moms in Canada.”

“His moms?” Mrs Williams raised an eyebrow at Brian's answer.


“A lesbian friend of mine and her wife wanted to have a child and I donated my sperm. He is being raised by his mothers in Canada.”

“You gave up your parental rights to your son?”

“Yes,” Brian replied quietly. Giving up his parental rights to Gus had been something he had regretted for a long time. He knew that one day it might look as if he didn't love Gus, when in reality he loved his children more than anything and he had only wanted what was best for Gus and had only wanted him to have the happy family he deserved.


“Because you were more interested in a life of sex, drugs and alcohol?” Mrs Williams looked at him in clear disapproval.


“Look, when Gus was born it was never the plan that I would be a father to him, but once he was there, I couldn't help but want to be a parent to him. I love my sons, both of them. More than anything else in this world and I would do anything for them to make them happy. Giving up my parental rights had nothing to do with me not wanting my child or not loving him.”


Mrs Williams only made more notes on her page in her notebook, before she continued asking him questions. She asked him about his private life, his professional life as well as about Luke and Gus for more than an hour and Brian couldn't help but feel an invasion of his privacy. He had never minded showing his sexual prowess to all of Liberty Avenue, but answering questions about his sex life to this woman who was clearly judging him was not his idea of an afternoon well spent. If he ever found out who had reported him on these bogus claims, that person would regret the day they had made the decision to get Child Protective Services involved.


After an hour the interrogation came to an end and Mrs Williams closed her notebook. “If you don't mind, I would like to take a look around the house and would also like to see Luke.”


“He's having his afternoon nap in his nursery,” Brian replied to her as he got up from his seat at the kitchen table and led her back into the main hall of Britin.


“This won't take long, Mr. Kinney and I won't wake him, but I am sure you understand that it is procedure.”

Brian didn't reply anything to that, not wanting that woman to know where he thought she could stick her procedures and instead led her around the house, showing her the ground floor first before moving up to the second floor.


Just as they were on their way to the nursery, Luke started crying and Brian immediately left the woman on her own and made a beeline for the nursery to see his crying baby.


“Hey sonny boy, what's going on? What has you crying like this?” Brian said as he carefully picked up the crying baby and rocked him gently against his chest. He couldn't help but smile when Luke immediately leaned into him and rested his tear covered face on Brian's chest. Within seconds the baby quieted down until he was only sniffling anymore.


“Are you hungry? Or do you need a new diaper?” Brian went over to his changing table and gently laid his son down, smiling to himself when he tickled the baby's feet and got his son's happy gurgling in response.


By the time he had changed Luke's dirty diaper and was ready to take him down to the living-room to give him his bottle he had all but forgotten about the woman from Child Protective Services and he came to a sudden halt when he turned around and saw her watching him from the door frame.


“I completely forgot about you being here,” Brian admitted sheepishly. “I am sorry.”


“That's okay,” the woman smiled at him and for the first time Brian felt like maybe she wasn't out to judge and get him, but was actually a rather genuine person.


“Look, why don't you go and continue looking around. I have nothing to hide,” Brian said quietly as he moved towards the door with a gurgling Luke in his arms.


“Where will you go?” the clearly confused woman asked in return.


“Downstairs to feed my baby. You can show yourself around on your own, he can't feed himself and needs me to do it,” was all Brian replied before he took Luke downstairs and focused on his son completely.


Another half an hour later Mrs Williams joined Brian and Luke in the living-room and watched as Brian played with his son on the living-room floor, making the baby giggle madly by hiding his face behind his hands and playing peekaboo with him.


“Mr. Kinney?” she interrupted the playing father and son duo.


“Are you done?”


“Yes, I am finished. I'll send my report to you within 5 working days, but so far I couldn't find anything that would be considered endangerment to Luke. Obviously I'll be coming back for unannounced visits to check up on Luke's continued well-being and we'll need you to come in for the drug test.”

“Obviously,” Brian snarked as he picked up his son and held him against his chest as he led the woman to the door, happy to finally get rid of her and get her out of his house. She had invaded his privacy for long enough as far as he was concerned.


Just as Brian was about to open the door, he heard a key in the lock and frowned when Deb and Carl appeared in his house. “You guys are early,” Brian just declared matter-of-factly as he looked at the couple that was carrying bags of groceries with them.


“Hey honey, I hope you don't mind. I was done earlier at the diner and asked Carl if we could come here right away. I missed my grandson,” Debbie cackled as she dropped her bags and took the baby from Brian and smiled at him. When Luke reached for her red hair and giggled at the faces she was making at him, Debbie cackled madly. “Oh baby sunshine, your grandma missed you so much.”


“Grandma?” Mrs Williams turned to Brian and frowned at him. “I thought you had no contact with your family. You said so earlier, Mr. Kinney.”


“Who are you?” Debbie frowned, not liking the tone the woman was using with Brian.

“Mrs Keisha Williams, Child Protective Services,” she introduced herself and watched as Debbie's jaw dropped.


“Fucking Child Protective Services? What are you doing here?”

“Debbie,” Carl admonished her use of the f-word and led his hand to rest on her arm in a calming gesture.


“Somebody reported me for child neglect and endangerment, reporting that getting my sexual needs met and drinking and getting high was more important to me than taking care of my son,” Brian spat, making it obvious what he thought of those claims.


“WHAT?” Debbie screeched, making the baby in her arms startle and look up at her with confusion and obvious fear.


“Calm down, Red,” Carl admonished once more, taking the baby out of Debbie's arms. It was obvious that Luke was only seconds away from a meltdown and having worked in the force for years he knew the last thing they needed was Luke crying like a banshee in front of that woman who was investigating Brian.


“Deb!” The glare Brian threw in her direction would have made stronger people shake, but Debbie just looked back at him and Mrs Williams indignantly.


“That is ridiculous. You love your baby. Everybody with eyes in their head can see that. You are the best father this baby could have wished for.” Debbie was talking herself into a rage when she was interrupted by Mrs Williams.


“And you would be? Luke's grandmother?”

“Too fucking right I am. And I can tell you that Brian here loves baby sunshine more than life itself.”


“Debbie is my surrogate mother. I told you that I didn't have contact with my family and Debbie kind of became my second mom. More of a mother to me than my real mother ever was.”


“Mrs...,” Mrs Williams began, but then stopped when she realised that Debbie still hadn't introduced herself.


“Novotny. Debbie Novotny.”


Brian frowned when he saw something like a glimmer of recognition flicker in the woman's eyes at the mention of Debbie's last name.


“Mrs Novotny, as part of our investigation we'll have to interview Mr Kinney's family and friends. Would you be available for an interview sometime during the week?”


“An interview? What do you want to know? Brian is a good father and whatever you have been told is absolute bullshit. Brian would never do anything to harm his children. That is ridiculous.”


“And you are?” The Child Protective Services agent asked turning towards Carl, not replying to what Debbie had said.

“Detective Carl Horvath of the Pittsburgh PD. I am the baby's grandfather for a lack of a better term.”


“Would you be available for an interview as well?”


Carl nodded and took the card she handed him, putting it away in the pocket of his jacket.


“Give me a call whenever you have time,” Mrs Williams nodded towards the card in Carl's hand and then moved towards the door.


“Mr Kinney, as said before, I'll be dropping by for further visits in the future. Have a good day everyone.” And with that she left and got into her car in the driveway.


“What the fuck was that all about?” Debbie exclaimed once Brian shut the door.


“This is probably somebody's idea of a bad joke,” Brian muttered angrily as he walked over to Carl and took his son back into his arms, holding the baby tight as it leaned into him.


“Do you have any idea who could have reported you?” Carl asked and it was obvious that he had switched into detective mode immediately.


“No, not really. I guess there are a lot of people out there who could have a grudge against me. Business partners, disgruntled tricks, hell... I don't know...”


“She seemed to recognise your name, Debbie,” Carl pointed out, not saying anything else.


“Yeah, I noticed that, too,” Brian nodded, looking at Carl. “Why would she?”

“Well...,” Carl began, but then fidgeted.


“Carl, you're reading too much into this. She might just have heard the name somewhere on the news after the Babylon bombing when Michael's name was in the press,” Debbie started, not liking what Carl was implying one bit.


“Or that god damn bastard went and reported me to Child Protective Services,” Brian spat, not able to believe that Michael, a person he had considered his best friend for years would do something like that to him.


“Brian, he wouldn't do that...,” Debbie started placating the angry man, but didn't get much further.


“How else would she know your last name and recognise it?” Brian raised an eyebrow in question.


“You're reading too much into this because you're angry, honey.”

“I am reading people for a life, Deb. And I am damn good at my job. When you gave your last name, there was a flicker of recognition. The name Novotny meant something to her.”

“He is right, Red. I have been interviewing people for decades and she clearly reacted when you gave your name,” Carl supported Brian's assessment.


“But... he wouldn't...,” Debbie was lost for words, not able to believe what the other two men were implying.


“Look, there is nothing we can do right away. Tomorrow I'll speak with my contacts in the Pittsburgh Child Protective Agency and will try to find out who made this bogus report. For now we should just try to calm down and have a nice evening. I for one am hungry.”


Debbie looked at her boyfriend doubtfully, but in the end nodded, knowing that Carl was right and the voice of reason as there was nothing they could do at the moment.


The three adults plus baby moved into the kitchen where Debbie immediately busied herself preparing dinner, the whole time praying that Carl and Brian were wrong.




“You won't like what I was told,” Carl said seriously as he looked from Debbie to Brian and back.


“Just tell me,” Brian sighed, by now resigned to the fact that it had been his best friend who had reported him to Child Protective Services. The more he had thought about it, the more it had made sense to him seeing how Michael had wanted him to get rid of his baby for months now.


Mrs Williams' visit to Britin had happened three days ago and by now both Debbie and Carl had given their interviews and Brian had gone in and done the drug test. Now Brian was sitting in Debbie's kitchen with Luke sleeping peacefully on his blanket on the floor.


“My friend in the Pittsburgh division told me that they didn't only receive one report, but two.”

“Two?” Debbie gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. “Who would do something like that?” She still wasn't believing that her son was involved and wondered who could be that cruel.


“I am sorry, Brian, but it looks like the reports were filed by Michael and Lindsay,” Carl said quietly, immediately seeing how much impact his revelation had on the young man sitting across from him. He watched as Brian's mouth opened and closed and then opened again, his face showing his obvious shock. Just like Carl Brian might have suspected Michael's involvement, but Carl could only assume how much it had to hurt to find out that not only your best friend, but also the mother of your other child were involved.


“Lindsay as well?” Brian whispered after what to him felt like an eternity of silence.


“I am sorry, son,” Carl nodded and then looked at Debbie. “I am sorry, Red, but it was the two of them.”

“Why?” Debbie angrily exclaimed. “Why would they fucking do this to their best friend?”


“Can you guys watch Luke for a bit?” Brian said, his voice deadly calm, surprising both Debbie and Carl with his request.


“Brian, honey? Are you okay?”

“I... I just need to be alone for a bit. Can you watch him, please?” Brian asked quietly, not meeting Debbie's eyes when he posed his question.


“Of course, son,” Carl answered quietly, shaking his head at Debbie when she was about to contradict him. He knew that she wanted to talk to Brian, wanted to comfort him and be there for him, but over the years he had gotten to know Brian Kinney quite well and he knew that what Brian needed now was some time alone. Time to process what had happened and make sense of it. As much as anyone could make sense of this awful situation.


Brian nodded gratefully at the older man and then got up, nearly running out of the kitchen. Debbie got an idea of how hurt Brian had to be when he didn't even stop to say goodbye to Luke, but just ran out of her house.


“How could he do this? How could he hurt Brian like that? And how could she? The father of her child?” She asked from teary eyes, looking up at Carl at her side.


“I don't know. I really don't know, Red...”




Brian drove around the city for what felt like hours. He had been so angry he had just gotten on the interstate and had accelerated as much as he could in his SUV. He just needed to crash something and if it was his car with him in it, he didn't care. The more he had sped along the interstate, the more he had slowly calmed down and after about an hour of just driving around aimlessly, Brian had left the interstate and had stopped at a small forest .


He had gotten out of his car and had run into the forest, screaming his frustrations at the trees and punching them until his knuckles had been bloody. Then he had sunk down to his knees and had finally allowed his emotions to run free. He had cried, allowing the hurt and pain of that betrayal to leave his body with his tears. At first Brian had been shocked by his own tears, not knowing where they had come from, not having expected them. Usually Brian had been so good at shutting out all emotions and feelings and protecting his heart from any pain, but now things were different. He had let Justin into his heart and Gus and last but not least Luke and along with them he had also made place in his heart for his two best friends only to find out now that they had betrayed him. This betrayal by his two oldest and best friends hurt more than Brian cared to admit and for a second he wished that he had never opened his heart to other people at all. But then he would have never been together with Justin and he would have never gotten pregnant and there would be no Luke in his life. A thought that scared the shit out of Brian when he realised that the thought of a world without his baby hurt even more than the pain he was currently experiencing.


Brian didn't know how long he had stayed in that forest, but he figured it had to have been a couple of hours as the sun was about to disappear for the day when he made his way back to his car. By the time he made his way back to Pittsburgh an hour and a half later it was already dark and evening had settled.


Knowing that he would have to return to Debbie's and would need to pick up Luke to get him home and into his own crib, Brian left the interstate at the exit for Debbie's house. Just as he was about to take the right turn that would take him into Debbie's neighbourhood, he changed his mind and turned left instead. About 20 minutes later he pulled up in front of Michael's and Ben's house. He was aware that this wasn't a smart idea, but the closer he got to Michael's home, the angrier he got again and the more he knew that he needed closure.


Brian stepped out of his car and made his way to the door, hammering on it with almost violent knocks.


“Open up! Open up, you goddamn asshole!” He yelled, not caring who could hear him.


“Brian? Is that you?” Ben asked carefully from behind the door, not opening it yet.


“Open the goddamn door, Professor or I'll kick it in. I swear to God,” Brian threatened hammering once again against the door.


“Brian, jeez. What is going on?” Ben asked after he had opened the door when he saw Brian's pained expression and the trails of dried tears that were visible on his face. “What happened? Is everything alright?”

“Nothing is alright. Why don't we ask your goddamn husband for the reason? MICHAEL! Get your fucking ass here!” Brian yelled, storming into the living-room, looking around for his once best friend.


“Brian, calm down,” Ben urged, not quite sure what was going on, feeling reminded of that night a year and a half ago when Brian had shown up at their doorstep totally drunk in the middle of the night, accusing Michael of infecting Justin with his ideas of what Brian considered to be an unacceptable image of relationships.


“I will not calm down. MICHAEL!” He yelled once more and only stopped when the man he had yelled for came downstairs and stopped at the foot of the stairs.


“Jeez, Brian. What's going on?”

“You know exactly what's going on. Don't play innocent with me. You've done it for years, but it won't work anymore. What the fuck is your problem? Why can't you just leave me and Luke the fuck alone!”

“Brian?” Ben asked, unsuccessfully trying to intervene.


“Why is it so hard for you to accept that I love my son and don't want to get rid of him? Why can't you see that I love being a father to my baby? You are dead to me after what you've done. And so is Lindsay. Don't ever think about contacting me again. You will regret the day you do!” Brian spat at his former best friend and was about to storm out of the house after having said his piece when Ben stepped into his path. Clearly the professor was a braver man than Brian had expected.


“What are you talking about, Brian?”

“Why don't you ask your husband, Professor? Ask him what he did. Didn't he tell you? Isn't that what married people in committed relationships do?” Brian sneered.


“Michael, what is he talking about?” Ben asked, turning to his husband, looking to him for an explanation of what was going on.


“Nothing, Ben. Brian is just overreacting,” Michael said quietly which turned out to be a big mistake. Brian had still been in the living-room and had been able to hear Michael's words which made something inside him snap.


“Overreacting? You fucking bastard! Tell him what you did! Tell him what you and Lindsay did,” Brian yelled angrily at Michael, Ben only frowning at the scene unfolding in front of him. He had never seen Brian like that. Not even that night when he had come here because of Justin leaving him. Now there was another kind of pain and hurt in Brian and it was palpable even for Ben.


“Michael, what is he talking about?” Ben implored his husband.


“Nothing, Ben. Lindsay and I just wanted to make sure Brian would be happy.”

“Happy? By having Child Protective Services take my child away from me? What the fuck is wrong with you?”


“Child Protective Services?” Ben could only frown in confusion.


“Your husband and Lindsay thought it was a good idea to report me for Child neglect and endangerment because getting my sexual needs met and getting high and drunk was more important to me than taking care of my son. Isn't that what you and Lindsay said to them?”


When Michael didn't reply, Brian wasn't surprised. Michael had always been a coward and had never stood up for any of his actions.


“MICHAEL!” Ben yelled at his husband in outrage, looking at him almost beseechingly. “Tell me it isn't true. Tell me you didn't do that.”


“Ben...,” Michael started, but was immediately interrupted by Ben.

“The truth, Michael. I don't want to hear any excuses,” Ben glared at him.


“We just want him to be the old Brian again,” Michael muttered as if that would justify his actions.


“I have a baby, I am a father. That Brian is dead,” Brian spat, before turning to the door once more. “Never ever contact me again or you will regret it,” he threatened before he left his former friend's house. As he made his way to the car he could still hear Ben's outraged voice yelling at Michael.


On the way to Debbie's house, Brian stopped in a parking lot of a supermarket to place a call to Canada. He told Lindsay the same he had told Michael and told her that she was never to contact him again. Ever!


“You'll never see Gus again, Brian,” the blond had then threatened and that was when Brian had exploded at her.


“Do not use Gus to threaten me. We had an agreement about visitation and if you don't keep up your end, you'll hear from my lawyer.”


“You have no right to him, Brian. You signed away your rights. So if I were you, I'd think very carefully about how you talk to me.”

“Are you threatening me, Linds? Because it's not working. My lawyer will be in contact with you shortly and you will regret using my son as a threat to me.”

“You have no rights, Brian. There is nothing your lawyer can do.”

“Yeah, you think so? Unlike you I do actually know the law and have talked to a lawyer about my chances of seeing Gus,” Brian said calmly, his revelation clearly startling her. She had obviously thought that he would feel threatened by her using Gus to put pressure on him. What she didn't know was that Brian had indeed met with a lawyer after he had argued with her about her role in Luke's life and in his life. He had already feared then that she would use Gus against him to get her way and had lawyered up just to be on the safe side. His lawyer had assured him that with all the money he had paid for Gus over the years and was still paying he had more than established his role as the boy's father and had rights to him, no matter what a piece of paper said. If they hadn't wanted him to be a father to Gus in the eyes of the law, they damn well shouldn't have taken his money.


“How about you catch up with Melanie about your current situation. I am sure your wife will confirm what my lawyer has said. And Lindsay, just so you know: The bank of Kinney is closed! Try making it in Canada on your own without all the money I am sending for Gus.”

“Brian, you can't do that. How is Gus supposed to live?”

“Well, you're his mother. I am sure you have a plan for how to provide for your kid. And I am pretty sure Gus doesn't need several thousand dollars a month. He's never that expensive when he comes here to visit me.”


“Brian, you will regret this. You will never see Gus again.”

“No, Lindsay. You will regret this. You will regret the day you tried to come between me and my sons. I expect to see Gus next weekend. You can drop him off with Jennifer. I don't intend to see you. Ever again!” With that Brian hung up and made a note to call his lawyer first thing in the morning the next day.


Two hours later Brian finally lay in his bed in the master bedroom of Britin and tried to sleep. He was tired, but yet sleep wouldn't claim him and instead he was tossing and turning in his bed, all the time thinking back to his friends' betrayal and how they hadn't even apologised once, but had instead justified their behaviour.


With friends like that, who needed enemies?


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