AU after Season 4. The year Justin turns 23, he and Brian get the news that over the next year he's going to gradually lose all of his hearing. The series tracks the next years of their life as they manage their new reality, after-effects of the bashing, their eventual move to New York, and their ever-evolving relationship. Told in first-person chapters from their points of view and some outsiders, with some angst, a lot of hurt/comfort, and loads of humor. Never any big relationship drama, always disability-positive, and no one ever takes themselves too seriously.
Rated: YA
Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny
Tags: Bashing
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 154 Completed: Yes
Word count: 780901 Read: 108372
ePub Downloads: 54 Published: Aug 30, 2018 Updated: Aug 04, 2022
A few years down the line, but AU after Season 4, for reasons that will become clear. NOT Michael-bashing! Additional Tags: Deaf Character/Disability, First-Person POV, Outsider POV
1. Chapter 1 - The One Where Justin Loses His Hearing by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 11] (7000 words)
2. Chapter 2 - The One Where Brian Learns Sign Language by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 6] (8158 words)
What was Brian up to during TOWJLHH, and what happens after? You asked, I answer.
Since there's more sign language in this one, a quick note about it: ASL grammar is completely different from English grammar, so no attempts to represent it in English are going to be perfectly successful. I went ahead and kept the signing parts (in bold) in English grammar just for ease of reading. I'm not Deaf but I'm in school to be an interpreter, so let me know if you have sign language questions!
3. Chapter 3 - The One Where Justin Gets Sick by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (8735 words)
I think everyone, even Brian, thought I understood a lot more than I did for a long time.
4. Chapter 4 - The One Where Daphne Comes to Visit by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 6] (5202 words)
I saw Brian first, standing at baggage claim, that smarmy half-smile on his face, holding a sign over his head like that guy in Say Anything: “The Inimitable Daphne Chanders.”
5. Chapter 5- The One Where Emmett Doesn't Babysit by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (4175 words)
6. Chapter 6 - The One Where Cynthia Tags Along by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (4881 words)
Simcom--simultaneous communication. Signing and speaking at the same time. Very, very hard to do well.
7. Chapter 7 - The One Where Justin Forgets He's Married by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (6339 words)
Not Justin POV, despite the title; we're hearing from his friend Gregory today. To refresh your memory, he's the first Deaf person Justin met back in TOW Brian Learns Sign Language, and he introduced Justin to Deaf culture.
8. Chapter 8 - The One Where Justin Does Good Work by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (5657 words)
You can't call Brian Kinney sweet, but sometimes you want to anyway. Ted POV, but you guys give me more views when I put Justin or Brian's names in the title instead of the POV character. I'm onto you.
9. Chapter 9 - The One Where Brian Meets Justin's Brother by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 5] (8301 words)
Now, Craig Taylor turned around from the hostess and there we fucking were, two foreign superpowers in the middle of a packed restaurant lobby. Negotiating Justin like a treaty, I thought vaguely to myself, though the metaphor didn't really fit, since I was always trying to pass Justin off to the highest bidder anyway and Craig, of course, didn't want him.
10. Chapter 10 - The One Where Justin Cries All Winter by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (12305 words)
"Brian says I'm crying all the time," I said.
Technically, what Brian said was more along the lines of, "I really should have gone with my gut your last allergy season and bought stock in tissues, because for God's sake, Justin, pull yourself together," but Brian's way of expressing concern is an acquired taste.
11. Chapter 11 - The One Where Brian Talks About Relationships by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 5] (3821 words)
"Why does everyone think they deserve their own personal fucking confession about how I feel about Justin? Who the fuck are we saying needs that in this equation? I don't need it. Justin doesn't need it. It's for you. You need it. And just fucking spare me. You want security, reassurance, sappy little platitudes? Get them from your own relationship, not mine."
12. Chapter 12 - The One Where Brian and Justin Take Manhattan by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 5] (4402 words)
I won't pretend there wasn't a part of me that thought Brian was still gonna bail. That he'd stand alone in that empty loft and panic and sneak out the back way and run for the hills or some shit, or that at the very least I'd wait in the car for half an hour and finally go up and have to drag him, kicking and screaming, off the bed platform.
13. Chapter 13 - The One Where Brian Does Some Shopping by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (2229 words)
"You always said rings were a meaningless heterosexual ritual," the blond one said.
"I know, but then I thought about it and realized how fucking gay it is for men to wear jewelry."
14. Chapter 14 - The One Where Justin Gets Better by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (5821 words)
"So," I said. "You know how you were thinking about asking your shrink to up your antidepressant?"
He looked at me warily. “Yeah.”
"Any further thoughts on that? Because I just looked at that painting you finished and now I’m thinking about killing myself, too."
15. Chapter 15 - The One Where Brian Isn't There by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (5653 words)
I really needed just some pure, naked h/c, so here we are.
16. Chapter 16 - The One Where Brian Doesn't Worry by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 3] (5113 words)
Takes place immediately after "The One Where Brian Isn't There."
17. Chapter 17 - The One Where Justin Goes to a Hockey Game by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (3996 words)
"I hate hockey," Justin said.
18. Chapter 18 - The One Where Justin Gets a Present by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (2670 words)
I almost called this "The One Where Literally Nothing Happens."
19. Chapter 19 - The One Where Brian Freaks Out by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (4936 words)
20. Chapter 20 - The One Where Brian Goes to a Party by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (3334 words)
21. Chapter 21 - The One Where Justin Freaks Out by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 5] (4726 words)
So, in case you have the same high-brow tastes as my son, here's a story about that...
22. Chapter 22 - The One Where Everybody's Scared, Part 1 by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 3] (5689 words)
Part one of...four? I think?
23. Chapter 23 - The One Where Everybody's Scared, Part 2 by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (7318 words)
Part 2 of 4. Next one's Brian's POV.
So this is heavy, and after some comments on the last one I feel the need to point out that if you don't like what I write, no one's making you read it *shrug*
24. Chapter 24 - The One Where Everybody's Scared, Part 3 by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (6623 words)
Honestly, when Justin got pneumonia, it was sort of a relief. (Part 3 of 4, and not really living up to the title so much anymore...)
25. Chapter 25 - The One Where Everybody's Scared, Part 4 by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (5689 words)
Brian kept his eyes on his paper. Stay away from the edge, okay? He got to be a little overprotective right now. I could be patient. (Part 4 of 4!)
26. Chapter 26 - The One Where Justin Finishes His Work by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (3750 words)
So, okay. Here's where we're gonna end this, with a list of shit Brian Kinney never, ever would have said if he had to voice it out loud. Things his hands said that he definitely didn't mean them to say. Maybe that seems like kind of a flippant place to finish, but... I don't know. You'll see.
27. Chapter 27 - Emergency Contact by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (3049 words)
Once, years before Justin lost his hearing, Brian dropped a shelf on his head. Set between seasons 3 and 4, fleshing out a reference from "The One Where Brian Isn't There." Requires absolutely no knowledge of the series, since it takes place before anything starts, and works as a canon gapfiller.
28. Chapter 28 - On The Table by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (3516 words)
Gus comes to visit and sparks a conversation Justin and Brian had thus far managed to avoid. Set in late winter or early spring, shortly before Justin's 27th birthday, a couple months after the last scene in TOW Justin Finishes His Work.
29. Chapter 29 - A Change of Plans by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (3850 words)
An innocent question from one of Justin's friends leads to him revealing something he's been keeping for a while. Also, Brian finds out about Grindr.
30. Chapter 30 - Long Night's Journey Into Day by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (4931 words)
Brian's in Australia, and Justin isn't answering his phone.
31. Chapter 31 - Do You Look at Your Life by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (4702 words)
Justin has an important decision to make, and Brian won't help.
32. Chapter 32 - Negotiations by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (3015 words)
After a brush with danger, Brian and Justin discuss their relationship dynamic.
33. Chapter 33 - Easy by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (5257 words)
Brian walks us through a brief history of times people have gotten themselves all twisted up over Justin Taylor.
34. Chapter 34 - One Bad Day by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (6403 words)
Everybody makes mistakes
35. Chapter 35 - Modern Love by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (4699 words)
A closer look at the ten minute courthouse ceremony Brian would later call "the greatest wedding the world has ever seen" From TOW Justin Gets Better
36. Chapter 36 - A Matter of Timing by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (4294 words)
Takes place shortly after the "The One Where Everybody's Scared" burn saga.
37. Chapter 37 - Respite by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 3] (2737 words)
Everything is fine, and Brian has concerns about that.
38. Chapter 38 - A Slight Inconvenience by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (4492 words)
Justin's sick on an important day, but Brian has it under control.
39. Chapter 39 - All Together by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (5162 words)
Worlds collide when Brian and Justin come home for a funeral.
40. Chapter 40 - The First Five Years by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (7451 words)
Eighty-eight percent of Deaf/hearing marriages fail in the first five years.
Let's check in on Brian and Justin's.
41. Chapter 41 - If They Can Do It by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (3569 words)
Brian and Justin interfere in Daphne's love life.
42. Chapter 42 - Dear Justin by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (9441 words)
Some of Ben's correspondence with Justin, from 2003 to 2010, as Justin's life changes.
(Helps to be very familiar with at least the first 26 fics, but you'll be fine, don't worry.)
43. Chapter 43 - No Apologies by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (4522 words)
The Michael/Justin tension reaches a breaking point. (Takes place shortly after "All Together.")
44. Chapter 44 - Absolution by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (4232 words)
Justin runs into someone he'd rather forget.
45. Chapter 45 - Something New by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (6605 words)
Brian, Justin, and Daphne tell their New York friends about the bashing, and Brian has some realizations about his new relationships here. Takes place shortly after "Absolution."
46. Chapter 46 - Family Bonding by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (3474 words)
Brian's out of town when Justin gets a phone call.
47. Chapter 47 - Anniversario by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (8269 words)
Brian gets some new perspective in Italy.
48. Chapter 48 - Mixed Doubles by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 4] (5612 words)
Brian and Justin reevaluate their old rules.
49. Chapter 49 - Under Pressure by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (9207 words)
Brian gets a little possessive when Justin's hospitalized.
50. Chapter 50 - A Kind of Magic by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (10393 words)
Justin's biggest show ever is opening on Christmas Eve, but he's not exactly feeling in the spirit of things. Brian helps.
51. Chapter 51 - Promises by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (4628 words)
A problem at Kinnetik has ramifications for Brian and Justin, and neither of them handles it all that well.
52. Chapter 52 - Laying on of Hands by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7626 words)
Justin's short two senses for a few days, and it's a nightmare.
53. Chapter 53 - Like Diamonds by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (12631 words)
Brian's perspective on the events of "A Laying on of Hands," and what happened afterwards.
54. Chapter 54 - Ducks in a Row by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5547 words)
“Look,” I said. “You don't run in and play hearing savior to the Deaf kids. Trust me. Trust me. I have screwed this up more times than I can count. No matter how much you think this time is different, no matter how much it feels like an exception, you do not rescue the Deaf kids.”
“Do not rescue the Deaf kids.”
She stared at me.
“Do not,” I said, “rescue the Deaf kids.”
55. Chapter 55 - From New York by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6836 words)
Justin gets an opportunity he can't pass up, but it's a little too familiar for Brian.
56. Chapter 56 - To California by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7444 words)
Justin hasn't been on his own in a long time.
57. Chapter 57 - And Back Again by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6143 words)
Justin's been in LA for four months, but will he make it home for Christmas?
58. Chapter 58 - At Home in the World by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 2] (5570 words)
What's fair and what's not isn't as straightforward as it used to be.
59. Chapter 59 - No Safer Place by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6799 words)
Eleven years later, the same group is at the same hospital, waiting for Justin to wake up.
60. Chapter 60 - You Must Remember This by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (6107 words)
Justin's got a long road back to where he was before the accident, Brian's being unprecedentedly amazing, and there is something, something in the back of Justin's mind that he just can't quite recall...
61. Chapter 61 - Sparks Fly by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4309 words)
Justin's trying to make a big decision, and Brian doesn't understand his hesitation. Things get heated.
62. Chapter 62 - Five by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5627 words)
Sometimes bodies don't do what they're supposed to.
63. Chapter 63 - Ah, Wilderness by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3629 words)
Justin is not the outdoorsy type.
64. Chapter 64 - House Call by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4211 words)
Brian still gives good advice, even when he and Justin both have the flu.
65. Chapter 65 - A Story in Two Parts by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5391 words)
A complete history of Justin vs. Tamiflu, expanding on a reference from "House Call."
66. Chapter 66 - Gender Reveal by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4967 words)
Brian showed Justin the world. It just wasn't the same world for both of them.
67. Chapter 67 - Miranda by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4275 words)
Justin doesn't know what's going on.
68. Chapter 68 - And to Hold by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7134 words)
Brian has some shit to work through. His perspective during "Miranda," and what happens after.
69. Chapter 69 - Tidings by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6982 words)
Brian and Justin come home for Christmas in the aftermath of "Miranda," with news.
70. Chapter 70 - Typical by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3243 words)
What a normal, non-crisis day looks like for the Taylor/Kinney household nowadays.
71. Chapter 71 - A House in Virginia by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6678 words)
Justin's started seeing someone, and Brian's not having the easiest time with it...but not for the reason either of them thinks.
72. Chapter 72 - Adaptation by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4294 words)
Justin's working on his bad habits.
73. Chapter 73 - And Many More by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2574 words)
Justin turns 30, Brian takes him on a day trip, nothing happens. Ohhhh it's so little and pointless...
74. Chapter 74 - Welcome by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4629 words)
Justin's daughter is born.
75. Chapter 75 - Keep Breathing by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4556 words)
Justin has bronchitis. Brian's in his wheelhouse.
76. Chapter 76 - Hiatus by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3307 words)
S3. Justin has an asthma attack from Ethan's cat, and Brian's getting sick of waiting. Requires no knowledge of the series.
77. Chapter 77 - The Thing About Fairy Tales by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (10980 words)
Justin's breakup with Ethan and reunification with Brian... How I think it should have gone. Requires no knowledge of the series. (Has small references to some series stuff and Hiatus, but you're fine if you haven't read them.)
78. Chapter 78 - Flashback by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3970 words)
Claire needs to talk to Brian, but she finds someone else instead.
79. Chapter 79 - Into My Night by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6090 words)
Justin can't sleep.
80. Chapter 80 - Kindred by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3963 words)
Brian really only knows how to take care of Justin.
81. Chapter 81 - Outrageous Fortune by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3884 words)
Justin's daughter has a medical emergency, and not everyone feels the same way about it.
82. Chapter 82 - Saturday Morning by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3213 words)
Molly needs a brother, and Brian fills in for Justin.
83. Chapter 83 - Bring Your Daughter to Work Day by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (1055 words)
There's a baby in the office, and Cynthia is not amused.
84. Chapter 84 - Pause by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (8127 words)
Something is very wrong.
85. Chapter 85 - Stop by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7744 words)
Something is very, VERY wrong. (Starts immediately where "Pause" let off.)
86. Chapter 86 - Atypical by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6598 words)
Set two weeks or so after "Stop." A follow-up of sorts to "Typical," this time from Brian's perspective. What a day looks like right now.
87. Chapter 87 - Sister Winter by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (8549 words)
Molly's having a hard time going back to normal after the events of "Pause" and "Stop."
88. Chapter 88 - Gratitude by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4771 words)
“I have just been informed,” Brian said, with an edge in his voice that told me not to ask questions. “That we are having Thanksgiving.”
89. Chapter 89 - Indoor Living by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6984 words)
Quarantine isn't all it's cracked up to be.
90. Chapter 90 - How Far We've Come by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6744 words)
Evan takes over with Justin when Brian catches a cold.
91. Chapter 91 - Until the Scenery Changes by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3995 words)
Brian keeps looking at real estate listings.
92. Chapter 92 - If My Heart Was a House by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3021 words)
Brian searches for a new place for him and Justin to live, but nothing feels quite right...
93. Chapter 93 - Home for the Holidays by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6449 words)
Our boys face some demons.
94. Chapter 94 - Meeting in the Middle by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5639 words)
Justin's working on his self-advocacy, and Brian has a lot of feelings about it.
95. Chapter 95 - Permanence by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6595 words)
Justin gets some news, and Brian makes some decisions.
96. Chapter 96 - The Big Easy by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3477 words)
Brian plans a bachelor party for a heterosexual.
97. Chapter 97 - The Best Medicine by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2449 words)
Brian and Justin spend a whole day in bed.
98. Chapter 98 - Pack up Your Troubles by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2801 words)
Brian and Justin prepare for their next big move.
99. Chapter 99 - Stitches by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3963 words)
Justin has a seizure, but it's Brian who ends up in the ER. They're okay.
100. Chapter 100 - Gonna Make This Place Your Home by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4145 words)
Brian and Justin move to their new house.
101. Chapter 101 - Underwater by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5813 words)
Justin can't breathe so well.
102. Chapter 102 - Michael and Evan by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5912 words)
Michael comes to stay at the house for a weekend while Brian's out of town.
103. Chapter 103 - Unsaid by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5568 words)
Justin gets some test results, Brian gets a new account, and they end up saying a lot of things out loud.
104. Chapter 104 - Comfort by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6347 words)
Bad days come in different forms.
105. Chapter 105 - Capable by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2940 words)
Brian gives a driving lesson.
106. Chapter 106 - The Happiest Place on Earth by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7249 words)
Thirteen-year-old Gus joins a branch of his untraditional family tree on a trip to Disney World.
107. Chapter 107 - In Place Of by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (8104 words)
The Taylor-Kinney household has some role-shifting when something goes wrong with Evan. It's not easy.
108. Chapter 108 - Better by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7842 words)
Justin might not be the best at multitasking.
109. Chapter 109 - Come On by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4893 words)
Brian makes an unpopular decision for reasons nobody quite understands.
110. Chapter 110 - Come Out by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (6739 words)
If Justin wanted Brian to know he was having a hard time, he could tell him, and if Brian wanted to know how Justin was doing, he could ask, and if knowing Justin needed him was enough to keep him here, he never would have left.
111. Chapter 111 - Come Here by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5782 words)
Brian explains why he went to London.
112. Chapter 112 - Saltwater by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5696 words)
The gang comes to check out Brian and Justin's beach house and have a lovely weekend, but not without a few hiccups.
113. Chapter 113 - Problem Solving by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3562 words)
Brian can't always fix everything.
114. Chapter 114 - Safe House by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (1827 words)
Justin has a nightmare at the beach house.
115. Chapter 115 - Three of Us by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2591 words)
Brian and Justin have a bad night. Evan's there.
116. Chapter 116 - Compound by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2917 words)
An interpreter comes into the ER for our heroes.
117. Chapter 117 - Lovers in a Dangerous Time by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2397 words)
This all hits different for sick people.
This story references the current COVID-19 pandemic. Please skip it if you’re not in a place to read about it.
118. Chapter 118 - Haunted by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3925 words)
Evan's past resurfaces, and Brian caves to the pressure.
119. Chapter 119 - Overnight by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4156 words)
Everyone gets locked in at Kinnetik.
120. Chapter 120 - How to Be Alone by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2678 words)
Justin has a problem, and a solution.
121. Chapter 121 - Sinai by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3135 words)
Evan's feeling drawn to something, and Brian and Justin have feelings about that.
122. Chapter 122 - Befriend by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4493 words)
Justin doesn't make new friends very often. Especially not hearing ones.
123. Chapter 123 - Coming of Age by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4932 words)
Two major life events intersect for Evan and Gus. Justin manages both.
124. Chapter 124 - Split Level by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2788 words)
Brian has his hands full, but doesn't really mind.
125. Chapter 125 - Hey Jealousy by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3368 words)
Someone's interested in Evan. Brian and Justin react...differently.
126. Chapter 126 - A Ballet by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2865 words)
Brian says it all the time: "Justin pulls his weight."
127. Chapter 127 - The Ballad of the Ugliest Lamp On the Face of the Earth by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3777 words)
Justin's art opening doesn't go as planned, and there's not much Brian can do about it.
128. Chapter 128 - Guardian of the Sick by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2314 words)
Justin finally gets his service dog, but there's trouble afoot.
129. Chapter 129 - The Week it Didn't Stop Raining by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3059 words)
A long time ago, someone called Justin a princess locked in a tower.
130. Chapter 130 - Duty of Care by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3865 words)
Brian has very little to complain about. But very little isn't nothing.
131. Chapter 131 - A Bigger Boat by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (1331 words)
Our boys go shopping, at a familiar furniture store.
132. Chapter 132 - Love, Justin (Part 1) by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (7361 words)
More letters between Ben and Justin, spanning from Pause to Unsaid.
133. Chapter 133 - Talking About It by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3382 words)
Brian's not one for acknowledging his trauma, but Justin doesn't have much of a choice.
134. Chapter 134 - Date Night by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2206 words)
Brian and Justin spend an evening in Manhattan.
135. Chapter 135 - Pain Management by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2544 words)
Sometimes Justin feels like screaming.
136. Chapter 136 - Dirty Magic by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4038 words)
Brian and Evan run into a familiar face at the club.
137. Chapter 137 - Three Acts by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3805 words)
Our interpreter from "Compound" works three medical appointments for Justin.
138. Chapter 138 - Love Justin (Part 2) by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3537 words)
More letters between Ben and Justin, starting right after "Three Acts."
139. Chapter 139 - April Showers by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (1837 words)
April reflects on what Justin, and others, have given her.
140. Chapter 140 - Awaited by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4808 words)
It's a big day for Evan, but it's not easy for Justin.
141. Chapter 141 - Sleeping with Ghosts by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2000 words)
Evan goes under anesthesia.
142. Chapter 142 - A Consult by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2342 words)
A new hire gets some tips from Justin at Kinnetik.
143. Chapter 143 - In From the Rain by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2408 words)
Brian wakes up in the middle of the night to an empty bed.
144. Chapter 144 - Miracle by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4305 words)
Brian tries to keep his promises.
145. Chapter 145 - Second City by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (10802 words)
Justin and company go to Chicago for a major art event, and Justin reconsiders his goals.
146. Chapter 146 - The Origin of Love by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (12797 words)
It's time for some conversations we've been avoiding.
147. Chapter 147 - Jellyfish by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (5146 words)
A week at the beach, where everyone takes a to speak.
148. Chapter 148 - Mother's Day by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (8143 words)
Brian's not used to standing on the sidelines of an emergency.
149. Chapter 149 - Fear by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (4807 words)
Evan does something unexpected, and Brian and Justin deal with the aftermath.
150. Chapter 150 - Interlude by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3459 words)
Everyone settles down after the events of "Fear."
151. Chapter 151 - The Art of Introductions by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (3421 words)
After a scare, Brian opens up a bit about Justin.
152. Chapter 152 - Happiness by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (2435 words)
Just a really good day.
153. Chapter 153 - Forever Hold Your Peace by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 0] (2530 words)
Daphne's wedding, finally.
154. Chapter 154 - Pride by LaVieEnRose [Reviews - 1] (4175 words)
Molly's figuring some things about herself.