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Justin and Brian were sitting with Jen and Craig as Molly told them about agreeing to donate eggs to Brian and Justin. While Craig was disappointed that Molly didn’t want children, he was happy that he’d still have grandchildren. Jen worried that Molly was still too young to know what she wanted. But in the end, she realized that if Molly changed her mind later she could still have children of her own. Jen loved her daughter’s generosity which would offer both Brian and Justin a chance to have a child of their own and give Gus a brother or sister.


“When do you want to do this?” Molly asked.


“It’s up to you. We wanted to ask if you wanted to carry it or have someone else do it,” Justin asked, just wanting to offer the option again. Already knowing Molly didn’t want to do it.


“No thanks, someone else can carry it. Being an incubator isn’t my idea of fun. Plus, I planned to work the internship with Dad’s company, which means I don’t have time to deal with all the wonderful crap pregnancy brings.” Molly told them.


“Justin and I are going to need time to find a surrogate. Then we’d like to get started as soon as we do.” Brian told them.


“We can get my and your part over with now if you want. I read up on it and they just freeze everything until you decide.” Molly told Brian.


“We could use the same clinic I used with Lindsay,” Brian told them.


“How’s she going to feel about this?” Jen asked, concerned.


“It’s really none of her business,” Brian answered, still not okay with Lindsay.


“I know that, but in the end, it involves Gus, so she’s going to have to know.” Justin reminded him.


“Until the pregnancy happens, she doesn’t need to know. Which is going to put Mel in an awkward position. Since she’ll be helping us deal with the surrogate.” Brian told Justin.


“You could use one of our lawyers.” Craig offered.


“I trust Mel to do her job and I know she won’t say anything to anyone unless I tell her she can. It’s why I respect her, and won’t go with people I don’t know.” Brian told them.


“Just let her know if she needs to talk to anyone, Craig and I are available. It can’t be easy for her since everyone she knows, she can’t tell.” Jen told them.


“Trying to adopt another one?” Craig teased Jen.


“I just want to make sure she has someone she can talk to.” Jen told him, kissing him while Justin and Molly cringed and smiled at their parents.




Emmett kept changing his clothes. He didn’t want Drew’s family to see him as a rock star, versus the wholesomeness they saw in Seira. Seira told Emmett not to worry, but he’d never met the parents of anyone he was interested in before. And the fact that they were dealing with Drew coming out, and Emmett being the person who he came out for, made him twice as nervous. Drew even tried to tell Emmett to be himself, because his parents would have to get over any problems they might have with him. Drew said it meaning that nothing would change how he felt about Emmett, but Emmett, of course, thought that meant they didn’t approve of him.


Drew’s parents weren’t thrilled to find out he and Seira had been pretending, but it was more because they didn’t understand why their son couldn’t tell them the truth. His dad might be an alpha male, but he never once had a problem with the gay community. Both of Drew’s parents raised him and his brother Mark to understand that acceptance was the greatest gift they could give to the world. His mother dealt with how people reacted to her sister with autism and refused to let her sons treat anyone like they were less, regardless of the situation. Which is why she was hurt that Drew felt he had to hide from her and his father. She was bringing his aunt with them, which wasn’t for any reason other than Aunt Nell loved the beach. It’s why Drew wanted to get in on the deal with the others, because Nell would love to come here. Drew hadn’t explained to Emmett about Nell and he really didn’t see any reason Emmett would have a problem with her. Although he did ask his mother to explain Emmett to Nell, since she loved Seira.


“What do you think?” Emmett asked, wearing pants and a sweater.


“As I said, I only want you to be you. Trust me, my parents are only upset at me for lying to them.” Drew told him.


“You weren’t ready to deal with it. Which I understand after dealing with my family.” Emmett told him.


“They wouldn’t have cared, and I knew it,” Drew told him.


“DREWSIE, Let us in!” was yelled, while someone knocked frantically.


“Did your parents bring a date as well?” Emmett joked, going to the door.


“No, they brought my aunt. I should have told you,” Drew said, feeling like shit.


“Can we go to the beach now?” Nell asked, looking at the wall. “Becca said we could go.” She said once again to the wall, as Drew came over to her.


Emmett noticed her lack of eye contact. Then the way, while Drew hugged her, she stood there not returning it, only smiling to the wall. Drew’s parents came in, smiling at the sight, then at Emmett, who stood at the door, not sure what to do. Emmett’s first impression was that the two of them loved their family, and the second was Drew’s father was a giant. While Drew’s mother was tiny compared to the men in her family, which was only confirmed when Drew’s brother Mark came through the door.


“I hope you guys are ready to live at the beach today.” Drew’s father told Emmett, reaching out his hand to shake.


“It’s pretty much all we do since the island’s private,” Emmett told him, shaking the proffered hand.


“How are you two holding up?” Drew’s mother Becca asked.


“So far we’re just dealing with one reporter, who seems to hate Emmett,” Drew told them.


“Becca says you’re Emmett from Dark Angel. Are you?” Nell interrupted, looking at Emmett for a second before her eyes wandered away.


“Do you like Dark Angel?” Emmett asked.


“She loves your songs,” Becca whispered, as Nell started humming one of them.


“I could see if Brian could come over, if she wants to hear a few songs,” Emmett told them.


“Can he, Becca?” Nell begged, making Emmett laugh, since it was obvious she was a bigger fan of Brian than Emmett.


“As long as they want to.” Drew’s dad, Will, told her.


“Trust me, Brian loves meeting real fans, and I’d like you to meet my friends too,” Emmett told them.


“We’re here to get to know you, and a free trip to the beach never hurts,” Becca told them.


“We also want to make sure Drew realizes we love him,” Will commented, looking at his son.


“I should have told you guys, it was just that I wasn’t ready,” Drew told them.


“How is the team dealing with it?” Becca asked as Nell walked over to Emmett.


“Can we go see the water?” Nell asked, ignoring everyone.


“How about we get changed first?” Mark asked, leaving his parents and brother to talk.


“I want to go out there,” Nell said, pointing to the beach and sounding agitated.


“I know you do, but Emmett needs to show us to our rooms,” Mark told her, calmly.


“I want to go out there!” She tells him louder, getting everyone’s attention.


“Sweetie, why don’t we get changed then we can go out there?” Becca asked her.


“No! I want to go out there now!” Nell told them.


“How about Nell and I go out there, while Drew shows you to your rooms and then Nell and I can come back in time to change?” Emmett offered, to help defuse the situation.


“It would give us time to talk too,” Drew told his parents.


“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Becca asked, not wanting to make Emmett feel like he had to.


“Maybe it will make Nell see I’m her favorite and not Brian.” Emmett joked.


Mark took Nell out, telling Emmett to meet them outside, since he looked too formal to go for a stroll on the beach. He also wanted to give Drew and his parents time to talk, since his parents worried about Drew. Emmett changed and found them standing on the shore with Nell digging in the sand.


“She looks for shells to make things with. If she likes you, she’ll give you one.” Mark explained.


“I like him, but I can’t find one for him,” Nell said, still looking around.


Emmett sat down with her, watching as she picked up one rejecting it or keeping it in her pocket. He started looking around with her, showing each one to her, not sure what she was looking for. She picked up a few small intact seashells that reminded Emmett of Brian’s old bracelet. She let Emmett take them to look at before wanting them back.


“What are you looking for?” Mark asked, sitting on the sand.


“Emmett’s shell.” She told him.


“What does my shell look like?” Emmett asked her.


“Happiness.” She tells him, picking up a sand dollar.


“Why?” Mark asks.  


“Because he makes Drewsie happy, unlike Seira,” Nell told him.


“I like Seira,” Emmett tells her.


“But she didn’t love our Drewsie like you do,” Nell told him.


“No, she didn’t, Sweetheart.” Emmett agreed.


“I tried to tell everyone Drewsie was different, like me,” Nell told him.


“Not different, special,” Mark told her.


“Emmett can be special too if he wants to,” Nell told them.


“I’d love to be as special as you are,” Emmett told her, winning over both Mark and Nell.


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