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Gus: “But, Dad-”

Brian: “No, Gus.”

Justin walks in: “What’s going on?”

Gus pouts: “Dad won’t let me have a pet.”

Justin turns to Brian with a raised eyebrow.

Brian: “No, Justin. You have no idea what he wants.”

Gus: “But, Dad, they are really cool. And I’d be the only kid in my entire school to have one.”

Brian: “Gus, they don’t make good pets. They’re dirty, they leave droppings everywhere, they bite-”

Justin sounds concerned: “Bite?”

Brian: “Yes, they bite. And they probably fucking smell hideous.”

Justin: “What kind of pet are we talking about?”

Brian: “He wants a bat. The kind that sucks your blood.”

Justin’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline.

Gus: “It’s not like they’re gonna turn us into vampires or anything. Besides they even dance.”

Brian and Justin: “Dance?”


Gus holds up his iPad: “Yeah, see.”


Happy Halloween, Everybody!

The End.
Deb Tanner is the author of 28 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 1 members. Members who liked Just a Little Scene for Halloween also liked 551 other stories.
This story is part of the series, Just a Little Scene. The previous story in the series is Just a Little Scene for Gus. The next story in the series is Just a Little Scene for Valentine's Day.
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