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The Candidate

Part 4

The next few days went by in a fog. Brian had round after round of interviews and question and answer sessions and local TV appearances. He answered the same questions over and over again.

Was he gay? How did that impact his campaign?

Was he in a relationship? He said sort of and surprisingly no one really pursued it. He thought they must surely know about Justin and the bashing at the prom by now, but no one took it any farther. He wondered if they were afraid to bring up the bashing with him. He wasn't sure himself how he would react to that question.

Another surprise was how little he was actually asked about policies that he would implement if he became mayor. He could hardly believe that his personal life was more important than issues.

Brian was scheduled to appear at the Hispanic center for a meet and greet this evening. Justin had arrived for dinner and kissed him goodbye, wishing him luck as he headed off with Charles.

Brian had answered most of the usual questions when he caught a glimpse of someone arriving who looked very familiar. The man sat down in an empty aisle seat near the back.

"Shit!" Brian thought. "I wonder what he's doing here." The word ambush rolled around inside his head.

"Mr. Kinney? Mr. Kinney?" a voice called him back to the reality of his situation. "I asked you if you would favor greater accountability by public officials."

"I don't know about greater accountability, but I certainly favor officials taking responsibility for things they do and for the programs under their care."

"Is that so?" Jim Stockwell stood and asked.

"Yes!" Brian retorted, now knowing for sure what Stockwell had planned.

"So are you accountable for sabotaging my campaign?"

"Yes, Mr. Stockwell," Brian replied making sure everyone knew who he was talking to, "I am."

"So Mr. High and Mighty here thinks that it is all right to use whatever underhanded and dirty tactics he can to achieve his ends. Is that the kind of mayor you want?" Stockwell demanded looking around the auditorium.

There were whispers and rumblings. Brian knew he had to nip this in the bud. "I can't speak for the kind of mayor these people want, but I can speak for myself." Brian waited till a pin drop could be heard. Stockwell stood fuming, waiting to hear how Brian was going to get out of this one. "I ran a campaign to bring you down," Brian admitted.

"Behind my back and while I was paying you to promote me!" Stockwell said triumphantly.

"Correct. I promoted you until your views became so anathema to me that I couldn't stand it any longer. Then I had to take action."

"So you went behind my back. You and your faggot lover made those disgusting posters!" Brian could see Stockwell's blood pressure rising. He hoped he didn't have a stroke in front of him. On second thought maybe he hoped he would have a stroke.

Brian noticed some raised eyebrows and gasps at Stockwell's choice of words. If he goaded him a bit, he might really self destruct. "My faggot lover and I certainly did. Your homophobic tendencies, as you just demonstrated, needed to be brought up short."

"How dare you call me a homophobe, you sick bastard. You disgust me! You lousy fag!"

Some people had moved toward Stockwell to try to shut him up and restore order. He allowed himself to be steered toward the exit. Suddenly he turned and yelled, "Fag!" one more time. Then he stomped out and those ushering him closed the door behind him.

Brian knew everyone was waiting for his reaction. He took a deep breath. "Calling me a fag is of little consequence, ladies and gentlemen. I am a fag. I have embraced that word since I was a teenager. I'm also a queer and a fairy and a pansy. There's a much longer list that I won't force you to listen to. I wear the badge proudly. That's what I am."

With that Brian stepped down and he and Charles went to get some refreshments. As Brian sipped the sickly sweet punch they had on the refreshment table, he received a lot of positive feedback about how he had handled Stockwell's tirade. He was rather surprised that in this macho Hispanic world so many people were indicating that they might vote for him. He began to realize the value of the truth and its effect on people. Maybe Charles was right.

After an hour people began to leave and Brian was at the limit of his handshaking tolerance. He asked Charles to get them out of there. Several people wished him luck in the campaign as he left the building.

By the time he reached the loft he was exhausted. He hadn't realized how much gearing up for these things took out of him. He said good night to Charles and the car drove off. He turned towards his building in time to see Jim Stockwell step out of his doorway.

"Been waiting long, Jim?" Brian said sarcastically.

"You think you're such hot stuff. I haven't even got started on you yet. You'll never get elected to anything, including dog catcher."

"I thought that was what you were going to run for next," Brian retorted.

He thought for a split second that Stockwell was going to hit him.

"You are fucked!" Stockwell yelled.

"Calm down, Jim, and learn a few things. Tonight I showed you how to handle an ambush. I hope you aren't going to waste any more of my time."

"You haven't seen the last of me!" Stockwell declared and stomped off down the street.

"Somehow I fucking knew that would be the case," Brian said to himself as he unlocked the front door.

Moments later as he slid back the loft door, he actually prayed that Justin would be there. He needed his lover badly!

Suddenly arms were around his neck and a slim, warm body pressed itself against his. His mouth was covered by soft, insistent lips.

"Umm," he groaned, senses reeling from the fulfillment of his prayer. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Right thing to say," Justin whispered and pulled Brian inside.

The next thing either knew they were naked on the bed and Justin's condom-covered cock was pressed against Brian's spasming hole. Justin kissed the back and side of Brian's neck.

"It's all right," he whispered.

He felt Brian shiver a little bit and pressed forward with his hips. The tip of his cock forced its way through the first ring of muscle. He felt Brian gasp and tense up. He waited for the man to relax and be ready to accept more.

"We'll be all right," he continued.

His hips thrust forward and he was farther inside. He waited briefly before his next thrust impaled Brian fully.

"You'll be all right," he repeated like some weird mantra.

The man looked back at his lover and Justin leaned against him finding the lips he wanted, caressing and licking.

"All right?" he asked as some strange ending to the litany of promises he had been making.

Brian moaned slightly and exhaled. "All right," he agreed.

The dance began, Justin taking full control, allowing Brian to relinquish all responsibility. Somehow he knew this was the best thing he could do for his man.

Justin's strokes were firm and deep, trying to convey to Brian the strength of his belief in him, and in them. He bit at the back of Brian's neck and licked the spot. He nipped at his shoulder blade and licked there. "I want to devour you," he whispered by Brian's ear.

He heard and felt a rumbling growl escape Brian's throat. "Fuck me! Hard!" Brian begged and Justin did.

When they were finished they lay in each other's arms, not speaking for awhile. Brian stared into Justin's blue eyes, seeing the trust and love there. He wondered if Justin ever saw the same thing in his eyes, because he felt love and trust for the boy, but he was so good at covering his feelings with that veneer of nonchalance and smartass wit that kept his true feelings secret from the rest of the world.

Justin stared into hazel eyes that seemed better now, more relaxed and together. He had seen fear there when Brian first arrived, and that was so unlike the man. He wondered what had happened tonight, but knew he needed to let Brian tell him. Questions would get him a quick retort and Brian would shut him out. He wished Brian would tell him in words the love he saw in those hazel eyes.

Brian sighed.

"Are you all right?" Justin asked.

"I had no idea that things would be this fucking hard when I agreed to run for mayor," Brian admitted, shaking his head.

"Yes you did," Justin replied, showing no sympathy at all.

"What?" Brian stared angrily at the young man.

"You knew it was going to be hard. You knew they were going to dig into your life. You just thought that it would happen and then all go away, but they keep bringing up the same things over and over again."

"Yeah," Brian said ruefully.

"So, get used to it."

"I don't think I can."

"You can do anything you want to do," Justin declared.

"Stockwell," Brian said out of the blue.

"What about Stockwell?"

"He was at the center tonight. He tried to ambush me."

"No shit?"

"He tried to make out that I tricked him and lied to him."

"What did you say?"

"I accepted everything he accused me of, but I also made it clear that I'm not sorry. He deserved what he got."

"Good for you," Justin said.

"He was here, waiting for me at the door, when I got home."

"Here? No!"

"Yes, down on the front steps. He's not through with me yet."

"He can't hurt you. If you stick to the truth, he has nothing to accuse you of."

"He thinks he's the injured party. He's out to get me."

"Brian, you're smarter and quicker and have more integrity than he has in his little finger. Don't worry about him."

"Remember when you confronted Chris Hobbs on Liberty Avenue?" Brian saw Justin flinch at the mention of that name. "He said you were fucked. That's what Stockwell said to me tonight. Do you remember what I told you?"

"That I had made a real enemy."

Brian nodded. "Look what he did to you. I wonder what Stockwell is planning for me?"


The next day Brian did another round of interviews and meetings. He began to wonder how politicians did this day after day, always on, always nice to people. It was quickly wearing thin, but he held it together and Charles told him he was doing very well.

By dinner time he was tired, but sat through a rubber chicken candidates dinner at the Lebanese club. There was to be a question and answer session afterwards. This was the first time he would be pitted against his opponents in this race. He hoped he was ready.

Once the tables had been cleared and the candidates introduced, the floor was open for questions. Brian noticed that the deputy mayor, Allan Billings, handled himself very well. He was pure white bread, church going, Bible thumping, holier-than-thou. Brian detested him immediately, but couldn't fault the way he handled himself. He reminded him slightly of Stockwell and began to see why Charles or any other liberal would not want him running the city.

There was a woman, Janet Ferrino, also running. She was rather timid and had not too much to say. He thought she would probably try to do the right thing as mayor, but her lack of fortitude for the task meant she would never be elected.

The other candidate in the session was Jamal Jefferson. He was a young black businessman who campaigned on freer and easier protocols for business. That was his one agenda. He seemed to know a lot about that, but not much about some of the other topics. He had a wicked sense of humor and didn't back down from any question, even if he had no idea how to answer it. Brian liked him. He began to think that he could really do something with Jefferson's campaign. With a bit of polish and coaching, Brian thought even he would vote for him.

"Mr. Kinney, where do you stand on less regulation for business?" Brian was asked.

Brian was forced to take his mind off how he would direct Mr. Jefferson's campaign and try to figure out what to say in answer to this question. He made a mental note to try not to let his mind wander.

"I think simplifying business regulations would probably be a good thing, as long as it doesn't decrease the safety and benefits of the workers."

That drew him a round of applause. Christ, he was good.

Suddenly he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Stockwell was back and he had brought someone with him. Fuck! Brian's stomach did a flip. It couldn't be! But it was. Brian thought the rubber chicken was going to come up.

Brian's mind was racing. He didn't hear the next question or the answers. Someone said his name and he glanced up. "Could you repeat the question?" he asked.

"Is lifestyle an issue in this mayoralty race?"

"I've answered that question many times already," Brian sighed. "I don't suppose it is for my opponents." He looked tellingly at each one. Mr. Jefferson grinned back. "But, I suppose it will be, for me, as long as this campaign lasts."

"What about for the rest of your life and the afterlife?" a female voice asked.

Brian cringed. Shit! He knew she was there but he never expected her to actually get up and speak. "I try not to make it an issue, mother," Brian said with ice in his voice.

"Oh, but darling, it will be when you burn in Hell." The audience gasped.

"We'll let God or whatever afterlife there is take care of that."

"See, he is a non-believer," Joanie continued. "The Bible says he is doomed and he refuses to repent."

Brian felt his blood boiling. How dare she come here and pull this shit in front of all these people. He took a deep breath. "Mother," he began, keeping his voice level and with as little venom as possible, "this is hardly the place or the time for this discussion."

"I think it's exactly the place and time. People need to know what kind of person you are."

"Well, why don't you tell them?" Brian baited her, knowing what he would hear, and that she was going to say it anyway.

"You sleep with men," she said with a sour look on her face. "You have a teenage lover. You never come to visit me."

"Why would I?" Brian retorted. He heard another gasp from the audience at his seemingly callous statement to his mother. If only they knew.

"Of course, no one's good enough for you, darling."

"Now, mother, be truthful. You don't want me visiting. You don't think I'm good enough to spend time with you."

Joanie stared at her son. "After what you did to your nephew, I don't."

People were waiting to hear what he had done to his nephew. Brian had had enough. "My nephew accused me of molesting him, after I caught him stealing money from my wallet. I was brought in for questioning by the police. My mother and sister believed every word the little monster said, never even talked to me about it before they called the cops. Eventually my nephew admitted that he had lied and nothing had happened. All charges were dropped, but you can see how forgiving my loving family is. Maybe that gives you some inkling as to why I keep my distance."

Brian saw the look of hate on his mother's face. She turned on her heel and marched out of the room, Stockwell close on her heels. There was an uncomfortable silence in the hall. Brian knew he needed to get out of there. He stood up and realized that his knees were a little weak. He grabbed the table for support.

Finally he said, "I think I'm finished for tonight." He found the strength in his legs to walk down from the platform and out the door, his back like a ramrod. Charles caught up to him outside and they quickly drove off.

"Were the charges dropped, Brian?" Charles asked with a worried look on his face.

"Yes," Brian sighed, his head pounding. "Do you want me to quit now?"

"No, absolutely not. You handled that as well as could be expected. What the fuck kind of family do you have?" he had to ask.

"Damned if I know! I wish I didn't have one at all."


When Brian got to the loft he took a long drink of Jim Beam. He so much wanted to get drunk, but he had promised himself not to do that as long as he was running for mayor. He wanted, no he needed, something … someone. He wanted Justin, but he had told the boy not to come over tonight, knowing that he wouldn't be home till late.

He picked up the phone and stared at it for a minute. He pushed Justin's number.

"Hello?" There was no reply. "Hello? Brian? Are you there? You know I have caller ID. Brian, what is it?"

"My mother, she was there tonight."

"I'll be right there. Wait for me."

Brian cut the connection. When had he become so dependent on Justin? He was the only one he ever needed for comfort. He was the one he wanted when he felt miserable like now. He was the one he could depend on to rush to his side. He was the one who mattered.

Brian's head was pounding, but he made sure he didn't take another drink. He sat on the couch, his head thrown back and his eyes closed. "Hurry!" he prayed.

Justin slid back the loft door and saw Brian. He was at the couch in a second and had Brian cradled in his arms. The man moaned and whimpered.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"Headache! Bad!" was all Brian could get out.

Justin gently pulled him up and began taking off Brian's clothes and dragging him towards the bedroom. When he had the man naked, he pushed him gently down onto the bed and pulled the duvet up over him. He went into the bathroom and got the headache pills and a glass of water. He forced Brian to open his eyes and take the pills. That done he threw off his own clothes and climbed in beside Brian. He cradled the man on his chest, rubbing his back and whispering softly to him that it would pass.

After a few minutes he felt Brian relax a little bit. The pills were beginning to work. He could tell that Brian was drifting off. Sleep was the best thing for him now.

While he waited to be sure Brian was asleep, he thought about what he was going to do tomorrow. She had to be stopped.

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