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The next morning Gus had an appointment with the specialist.  They didn’t really hide it from him but they hadn’t reminded him about it since before Christmas.  They didn’t blame him for panicking. Brian and Justin had discussed it and decided Justin would go with him this time.  Overall, Justin did better with that stuff so Brian would keep Brinn for the morning. They both could have their hands full.  Brinn woke up looking better but her nose hadn’t quit running since she woke up.

Gus came downstairs and looked down at his feet.  “We have to go, don’t we?”

“I’m afraid so.” Justin pulled Gus close.  “I plan to go with you unless you want your pop to go with you.”

“No, I want you to go.” Gus almost had tears in his eyes already.

“Gus, you have been doing so well.  I don’t think it will be so bad. Maybe you will get rid of the boot.”

“Good try, Dad.”

“When it is done you can choose to do whatever you want to do for a few hours.”

“And what if all I want to do is curl into a ball because my feet hurt too much to move?” Gus went into a full blown panic attack.  Justin hung onto him.

“Gus, I will be right there with you.”

“Do I have to go? I don’t want to. Everything is fine.  I can stay here.”

Justin put his hands on either side of Gus’ face and looked him right in the eye, “Gus, take a deep breath.  Another. Another….”

Soon Gus was a bit calmer but still too nervous to even eat.

Brian wrapped his long arms around his son.  “I wish I could do this for you, Gus. I wish I could make it better.”

Gus clung to him.  “It’s all my fault.  If it wasn’t for me none of this would happen and the two of you have been so nice about it.  You never tell me I’m to blame. If I would have just been more grown up…”

When they left, Brian was wiping Brinn’s stuffy nose as she whined about it.

Once Justin and Gus had driven away Justin touched Gus’ shoulder.  “What are you most worried about, Gus?”

“One of my toes is not so pretty.  It has started looking bad just the last couple days.”

“Well, then it is a good time for us to go.  Gus, if we aren’t careful it could be really bad.”

“Ya and a guy with half his toes is so sexy!”

“Gus, you are  never going to have issues finding someone to love.  In fact, it is more likely that you will have too many. I have to admit I am a little worried about you.  I am glad you feel free to explore a bit but you know there are a lot of parents who would not understand if their 13 year old son or daughter.came in and said they had oral sex.”

“I do know that, Dad.”

“And I have to admit I am a bit jealous you are getting to experience all this for the first time.  I never had interest in girls and it was obvious to everyone. I would have probably gone nuts if I had meet you or your dad at that age. All I did was sit in my room and jerk off.”

Gus admitted, “That’s what I was doing when you knocked last night.”

“I kind of figured.  If you like girls you got to experience a lot last night.”

“It really felt good, Dad.  I really wanted to….”

“Gus, you really are too young.  But I do understand it and I am sure you will take advantage of it all soon. Your pop is going to talk to you soon and I hope Peter will talk to you too.  Gus, we don’t want you to feel like we are being negative or anything but this is major stuff that will be a major thing for the rest of your life and it can be a dangerous thing.”

“Dad, I know but I do have lots of questions for Pop.”

After waiting in the waiting room for 30 minutes Gus was nearly beside himself.  Justin was glad a very young, attractive nurse came to bring them back to the room.   He was afraid he would have to carry him otherwise. Gus had to look tough for her but he still hung onto his dad’s hand.

They then had to wait again in the room.  Justin was getting angry. This stress wasn’t fair or good for Gus.  A nurse stuck his head in to tell them it would be just a few more minutes.

Justin stepped out and Gus heard him through the door.  “The doctor has five minutes to get his ass in here and see my son or I will blow this office out of the water, and if he doubts it, watch us. Don’t mess with your patients, especially if they have money and I have more than I know what to do with.”

Justin walked back into the room.  Gus was grinning, “Thanks, Dad.”

“This isn’t fair to anyone and I have money to throw around.”

Three minute later the doctor walked in. “Sorry about the wait,” he said. “I seem to be running late today.”

“I really don’t want to hear your excuses.  Your patients deserve your respect and not because they have money.   The fact that I have enough money to bankrupt you isn’t what is important here.  What is important is that you apologize to my son, who was so nervous coming here in the first place that it took every bit of his courage to get here today and you act like you are doing us a favor.”

The doctor took a step back.  His arrogance still showed but it had been knock him back a bit.

“I apologize.  It has been a busy morning.”

“Well, it could have been a busy morning for me.  I had a painting sell for over $200,000 last Friday in less than an hour.  How much did you make over lunch hour last Friday?”

The doctor looked a bit shocked, looking over at Justin, “I apologize.  Let’s take a look at those feet and see what we need to do today.”

He looked at Gus’ feet.  Justin realized it was the shots that probably hurt Gus the most. He held onto him tight as the doctor took a needle and stuck it into a couple of Gus’ toes. After removing a little more dead skin around his toes the doctor sent a nurse in to bandage his foot.

“Mr. Kinney, I am not sure what you said to the doctor but, Thank you.  He is so rude and uncaring sometimes and whatever you said to him shook him up. He almost looked scared when he came to the back.”

“My dad ripped him a new asshole for being rude.” Gus grinned.  “My dad is the best.”

“Oh, and Gus?”  The nurse started, “the doctor basically cleared you.  See your regular doctor in three months and if he says you’re good, you won’t have to talk to this guy again.”

Gus left without his boot but had to hang onto Justin since his foot was numb.  When they got to the car Justin kissed Gus as he got in the SUV. “So what would you like to do, Gus.”

“Have you checked in on Pop and Brinn? Is Brinn feeling better today?”

“Gus, I promised you some fun.”

“I know my foot is going to really start hurting soon and I can’t have fun if I know Brinn needs you.”

“Pop can handle her. We could just go watch a movie.”

“But we both know he is’t as good at it as you are and if Brinn is sad because she wants you, I couldn’t have fun.”

“Gus Kinney, have I told you lately how much I love you.”

“I love you, too, Dad.”

When Justin called home he could hear Brinn whining in the background, “Would you like me to come home, Baby. Our son is worried about his sister and offered to give up his afternoon activities to go home if Brinn was unhappy.”

“I hate to say it but something has come up at work.  Why don’t you find a place to eat and then come home so I can get Ted off my back.”

“We will be back in the next couple hours.”

Gus wanted to go to his favorite pizza place.  After Justin watched him devour a good portion of the huge pie and eating a few pieces himself they took the meager leftovers back home with them. When they opened the car doors they could hear Brinn.  Gus looked at Justin, “I told you he would need you.” Justin helped Gus into the house. His feet had started to hurt before they had left the restaurant so Justin had given him a painkiller. Gus was sleepy and a little dizzy from the strong medication.  Justin got him in the house and once he helped him sit he walked up to Brian and Brinn.

“I’ll switch you.” he reached out and Brinn grabbed onto him. “I have her.  Check if Gus wants to stay down here or go up to his room. Once he is situated you can get to work but he is too dizzy to do the steps by himself.”

Brian kissed him long and hard with a sniffling Brinn right next to him.  “You are amazing.” Brian saw Gus was already asleep so he moved him to the sectional and covered him with a blanket. “Looks like he had a rough day.”

“He did but everything is very good even though he had to go through hell again today.  He is done at the specialist unless something changes. He just has to go back in three months to our regular doctor to verify everything is good.”

“I have to get some work done but tonight I picture a tub full of amazing smelling bath salts and you and…..” He kissed him once more.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Justin smiled and turned his focus to his whimpering daughter.  She had already started to calm down, just being with her daddy. Justin’s mind flashed to his studio and all the ideas he had swirling in his mind and wondering if he would ever have time to work again.  Alice had needed to take time off for a family emergency and Becca helped out but she was helping at the Inn while they were busy. If Alice extended her time off he would need to look for more help. He loved his children and his husband but he was starting to wonder who he was.  He didn’t feel much like an artist when he never got to create. But then he looked at his daughter and the only place he wanted to be was here.

Gus slept most of the afternoon and eventually Justin lay at the opposite end of the sectional with Brinn.  Soon they were both sleeping too. Justin had no idea how long he had dozed when he woke up. He heard a soft whistling nearby and slowly sat up trying not to wake Brinn. Walking over in his socked feet with his tousled blond hair which was bordering on too long. Justin looked so young, so beautiful.  Brian’s heart nearly leaped out of his chest. He pulled him into his arms and kissed him softly. He lowered his mouth to Justin’s ear and said, “I need you.”

“Later, our kids are only a few feet away.  By the way, I think you need to plan on talking to Gus tomorrow. He has questions and I think you will need to be ready to answer them in detail.  And don’t be gentle. He needs to know the ins and outs….no pun intended.” Justin rested his head against Brian’s chest. I am almost a little jealous that he has his first time to look forward to.  I hope he finds someone as kind and gentle as you were and you need to tell him how to be that kind and gentle to someone else.”

“Well, that’s not going to be uncomfortable at all!”

“Just let him ask the questions and I think he will get around to all of it.” As Justin stood there in Brian’s arms Brian began sliding his hands into Justin’s waistband and then began massaging his cheeks as he brought Justin’s hips closer to his own.  Brian managed to slide his fingers down the crevice of his ass and began stroking Justin’s bud softly over and over. Justin’s head lulled back as Brian attached his throat. “I think we have company.”

Brinn had toddled over and pulled on her daddy’s leg. “How are you feeling, Sweetheart.” As Brian removed his hands, Justin picked up Brinn, snuggling her close.  

“I hungy.”

“Well I think your dad is cooking dinner for us so let’s find you a snack until dinner is ready.” He sat her in her chair and handed her part of a banana which she started eating along with some cereal he put down for her.

“Can one of you help me?” Gus asked as he sat up on the couch. “I need to use the bathroom but I’m afraid to stand up without someone to hold on to.”

“I got him,” Brian said as he strained the pasta. “I’ll finish this up and stick it in the oven in a minute.

Brian helped Gus stand up and caught him as he swayed.  “I don’t know what you gave me, Dad, but I am feeling very little pain.” He giggled as Brian just picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. Brian helped Gus pull down his pants and made him sit down as he relieved himself.

“So your dad tell me we should spend some time together.  I was thinking maybe tomorrow afternoon.”

“Dad said you would tell me about fucking.” Gus was really flying high on the medication.

“I am betting you aren’t even going to remember this tomorrow.”  Brian helped him stand up and pulled up his pants for him. He flashed back to helping him when he was learning to use the potty and was surprised his eyes misted over. He pulled Gus to him like he frequently did with Justin. He was growing up far to fast and tomorrow he would have to tell him all the details about sex. Was he really ready for this?

“Pop are you crying?”

“No, of course I’m not.” Brian picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.  He knew he might suffer for doing this later but he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it much longer.

Gus was screeching as Brian walked in with him over his shoulder. Brian set him down on the sectional again and handed him the remote.  Brian went back to finishing dinner. After setting Brinn down with some toys, Justin walked up behind Brian and wrapped his arms around his waist. Very quietly he said, “You better not have hurt your back.  I have plans for it. I thought maybe we could refresh our memories on everything Gus might ask about.”

“Do you remember anything about women? I really think he needs to talk to Peter.” Brian suggested.

“I will talk to Peter and see if he is willing. He cannot have too much information. I don’t want him ever to be scared or hurt when it comes sex.”  Justin replied. “Well, of course he is going to be hurt but he needs to know we are here for him no matter what and when he screws up, and he will, we are here for him too.”

Brian rolled his eyes, “Sure, Sunshine.” He had assembled a pasta dish of some kind and put it in the oven.

Brian pulled Justin in to his grasp again. He backed Justin up until he was pinned against the counter. Brian slipped his hand down to Justin’s crotch. “Becca said she and Peter would sleep here tonight.  She knows Brinn has been up the last couple nights because of her cold and it was the last night of vacation.” Tomorrow was Friday and then after the weekend the holidays were officially over and Gus would be back at school for the first time since Thanksgiving.  “We are going to have to figure out what we are going to do if Alice doesn’t make it back soon, too. You need to get back to work.”

Shortly after dinner, Peter and Becca strolled in. Becca picked up Brinn and started reading her a story as Peter and Gus settled down to a football game.  Becca looked up at Brian and Justin. “Go, we got this for the night.”

“Are you sure?” Justin asked.

“Sunshine, they have it.  Now I can have you.” Brian started guiding him away.

“Wait,” he reached into his pocket and handed an envelope to  Peter. Gus can have this before bed if he needs it. He tilted Gus’ head up and kissed him, “Only if you need it, Gus, and I am guessing you will need it.”

Next Justin kissed Brinn on the cheek, “I love you, Sweetheart.”  He then kissed the top of Becca’s head. “I love the two of you, too.”

Brian took his hand and pulled him toward the steps.  “If you take much longer I am going to be loving you right here on the rug by the fire.”

After they had gone to their bedroom, Justin noticed Brian stretching his back.  “You did hurt yourself when you carried Gus, didn’t you?”

“I don’t think I would say hurt but I did twist something a little.”

“Lay down and let me work out some of the kinks and then we will go take that bath you promised me.”

Brian didn’t argue.  He stripped off his clothes and laid down on his stomach.  Justin started on the shoulders and upper arms and worked his way down. He followed the spine working out some kinks.  When he got to the lowest part of Brian’s back he could feel it was tight. He carefully worked the knots out, not wanting to hurt him. As he slowly concentrated on certain muscles, Brian growned.

Justin leaned over him and put his mouth by Brian’s ear, “You Ok, old man.”

“Old Man? Old man, am I?”

Before Justin could react, Brian had flipped and pinned Justin down to the mattress. Pinning both Justin’s hands above his head with his left arm, Brian started torturing Justin. He tickled him any place he could reach.  Soon the tickling changes to feather light strokes.into cracks and crevices and then Justin began to beg. Brian reached lower and found Justin’s bud. His finger slid in and began to stroke and tease Justin’s prostate. Brian brought him to the peak and then slowly let him come back down.  

When Justin’s breathing returned to nearly normal Brian spoke softly, “This old man has lots planned for you, tonight.  Let’s get that bath running.”

For an hour they laid in the water, skins slick against each other. Every nook and cranny of their bodies were explored.  More than once they had to take a couple minutes to collect themselves. Justin looked up at Brian with a smirk. As he inserted a finger into Brian and rubbed his prostate he looked at him and said, “How are you going to explain what this feels like?” He rubbed again.  The only reason Brian didn’t come was his skill at prolonging sex but he pulled away from Justin to hold on a little longer.

“How do you explain what that feels like? I guess we could give him one of our smallest toys and he could find out for himself.”

“Brian,, do you really want him to find out the impersonal way or do we want to have him experience it the way I did.”

“Justin, I am glad you remember your experiences as wonderful  but that isn’t the way it always is and I don’t want him to feel the pain without knowing the pleasure and toys can bring that on.”

“I know I was so lucky to have you teach me.  It makes me think that an older man, even if it is only for a little fling, maybe is the way to go.  If he is kind and gentle…”

“It was easy to be kind and gentle when I had such a hot little body waiting for me.”

“Well, have you looked at our son lately.  He has men and women melting at the sight of him. He looks so much like his father.” Justin’s mouth roamed across Brian’s face.

“Right now I really don’t want to talk about our son.” Brian moved so their cocks rubbed against each other.

Together they stood and got out of the tub.  They drained the water and dried each other off leaving trails of kisses along shoulder blades and along muscle lines.

Lying on the bed, Brian straddled Justin’s abdomen as he gently kissed him and then slowly ran his hands over every inch of the upper half of Justin’s body. He spent time on every muscle and every line. Justin began to moan. Brian than moved and positioned himself, entering Justin slowly to allow him to adjust. As they moved together,  they focused on each other and together they climbed. As Brian began to fill Justin, Justin held on to the love of his life. This is how Justin wanted Gus to experience making love with the exquisite pain and pleasure but he had never met anyone who could do it like Brian.

Justin whispered into Brian’s ear, “I love you, Baby.  Never, never leave me.”

“You never have to worry about that.  I watched you with our kids today and, then, you just rocked my world in bed.  What would I ever do without you?” As their lips met they both fell asleep.

Peter watched Becca with Brinn.  His heart ached for her. He knew how much he loved children and as soon as they were ready for children they would figure a way to do it.  He was so thankful for his family and he knew Justin and Brian would help them any way they could.

When Gus was ready to go to bed, Peter saw the pain on his face. “Hey, Gus, jump on.” Peter squatted down and Gus climbed on his back. “Hold on.  I have your medicine for you once we get upstairs. Pete turned and looked at Becca, “Meet you in you old room?”

Becca nodded,  standing with a sleeping Brinn.  “Good night, Gus. I hope your feet feel better tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Becca.  I am sure they will.”  Gus relaxed against his cousin as they left the room.

Becca looked at the beautiful little girl in her arms.  She knew now someday she would have one of her own. She maybe couldn’t give birth to one but Peter and her would have children and they would be loved.

Peter walked into the bedroom and found Becca standing there with handcuffs in her hands. “I don’t think we want to know what your Uncles did in here for a week.”

“We probably really don’t want to imagine it…..well maybe.” He took her in his arms.  “Maybe we could play a bit ourselves.”

Becca got a twinkle in her eye. “Oh, I think we might be able to come up with something.” She snapped the cuffs on him and led him to the bed. Becca started to lock the cuffs in place and started laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“I was just realizing we aren’t very good at this.  How do we get your shirt off and, do we know where the key is?”  

They spent the next ten minutes looking for the key and finally found it on the floor near the bed. “They obviously were in a hurry to get the cuffs off.” Peter laughed.

“Well,” Becca untied them and pulled off Peter’s shirt and then  she locked them back in place. She tugged him over to the bed and after pushing him down she attached the cuffs to the chain above his head. “Now, we are ready for some fun.” As she clipped the cuffs Peter saw something flash across her face and felt her body tense up.

“What is it, Bex?”

“Are you sure you are ok with this?” There was a little tremble in her voice.

“I am fine with it, Bex,” Peter stretched his arms out as much as he could. “Come here, Honey.”  She slid under his arms for a quasi hug. “This is just for fun. If it isn’t fun for you, untie me, but trust me, Bex.  I am game for whatever adventure you want to take me on.”

A smile crossed her face that made him a little nervous. “You did say whatever, didn’t you?”

He hesitated for a second but then he said. “I trust you, Bex. You would never hurt me.”

With that Becca undressed herself and then yanked off Peter’s pants. As his penis sprung free she tossed the pants and brought her mouth down to it. She didn’t touch it but blew on it ever so lightly. “Oh, god, Bex!” His whole body trembled.

Becca looked around the room.  Her eyes landed on something that intrigued her.  On the nightstand was a small butt plug. She blocked Peter’s view so he had no idea what she was up to. She lubed it well and set it out of his sight.  Taking her underwear she blindfolded him the best she could. She began kissing him and working her way down his muscular body. Soon he was squirming. She began to slide her hand back and forth between Peter’s legs.  She wasn’t touching his cock but she was rubbing further back and soon she was grazing Peter’s asshole.

“Um, Bex, I have never messed back there. I‘m not into that like the rest of the guys heeeerrrrreee.”

Becca had begun to massage the edge and it brought Peter’s cock achingly hard. “I will take it easy on you but don’t you think it is a good idea for you to know what it’s like? Not that you are allowed to switch now.  No man can have you. So may I try this?” She ever so lightly put the butt up against him and slipped it in. It was small and slender and didn’t cause much discomfort but then Becca turned it on. The second the vibration started Peter yelped.

“Oh, my  god. I think I have found my prostate.”

Becca turned the plug and then began to move it in and out. “What do you want me to do, Peter?”

“Please, I need you.”

Becca lowered herself on his throbbing cock and soon she was almost sure she could feel the buzzing inside him as he drove up into her with all his power and Peter shattered into a million pieces as Becca came down with him.  She dropped forward so her chest was laying on him.

“Take it out, please, I can’t take it anymore.  Take it out.” Becca slipped the butt plug out and then she came up and curled up next to him.

“I didn’t ‘change’ you, did I?” Becca laughed.  

“Kiss me you crazy fool!” Becca kissed him deeply. “Bex, I will never stop loving you!”

Becca took the key and unlocked the cuffs.  “I like it when you can touch me.”

Peter  laid her down on the bed and he worshipped every inch of her body, trying a few things he had never dared before.  “Let me know if you get uncomfortable, Bex, but trust me, I would never hurt you.

Peter lightly pinned her down to the mattress and he began kissing her deeply with a little force. He pinned her hands above her head and pressed her deeper into the mattress.  He felt her body begin to go ridged he instantly let her go and took her into his arms. “We don’t need to play those games. I’m sorry, Bex.”

“No, I’m glad you did that.  It wasn’t nearly as bad as it used to be and I want to be free from  my old hangups. Please, keep trying. I know you wouldn’t hurt me. I really do.  I love you, Peter.”

Peter pulled her close and kissed her.  “I love you, too, Bex.”

Justin woke up at 4:00 a.m. He listened to see if Brinn was awake but she wasn’t.  He slipped on a robe and checked on her. She snuffled a little in her sleep but she was breathing fine and was in a deep sleep.  Since he was up he walked down the hall to check on Gus. When he opened the door a bit he thought he heard something. Softly he said, “Gus?”

“Dad?” Justin could hear the tears in his voice. “I got sick in bed and I don’t know if I can stand up.”

“Oh, poor baby! Let me help you.  Do you think you are going to puke again?”

“No, I just woke up about half an hour ago and my stomach hurt and then just a couple minutes ago I couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

Justin helped Gus take off his shirt and then started tugging on his pants.


“Gus, come on, I’ll leave on your briefs but…” as Justin tugged he found out Gus didn’t have underwear on.  Justin ignored this fact knowing the obvious reason why. He grabbed some briefs and helped him slip them on and then helping him with clean pants.  “Let’s go to the bathroom. I’ll let you wash up a bit while I get your bed sheets off.” Justin helped him walk to the bathroom and ran some water into the sink.  “You can stand here for a couple minutes and just wash up a bit. You don’t smell very fresh.” Justin smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I’ll be back in a couple minutes.

Justin came back to Gus.  “Well, you aren’t going to be sleeping here tonight.  Why don’t you come to bed with us for the rest of the night.”

Gus blushed, “I don’t want to interrupt you.”

“Oh, Gus, as much as I love your dad we do sleep sometimes.” He wrapped his arm around Gus’ waist and walked with him to the master bedroom.

“Dad, why did you come to my room tonight?”

“I really don’t know.  I just needed to.”

Justin tucked Gus in and the opposite side of the bed from Brian.  He then slipped some shorts on under his robe and took off the robe. He slid in between his two favorite men. Justin lay close to Gus and draped an arm over his body. Gus snuggled against him like he did when he was little.  Justin tightened his hold and the two were soon asleep.

It was after 7:00 when Justin felt Brian was awake.  He had come up with Justin letting him know he was ready to play. When the arm he threw over Justin encountered another body, he sprang back for a second.  He slowly looked over Justin’s shoulder to see if his son sleeping there. Justin withdrew his arm slowly and turned into Brian’s arms. Brian’s hands instantly went to Justin’s ass and pulled him close enough to feel Brian had a need. “We can’t do this, Brian.” He said it almost without sound.”

“Why not? As long as he stays asleep.”

“But, Baby….”

“Back in the old days they had twelve kids in a one room cabin.  They obviously had sex.” As Brian talked he began to trail kisses lower and his hand began to play with Justin’s cock.

“Oh, Brian.” Justin breathed the words in his ear. “We have to be silent.  Not a sound.” Justin turned his back to Brian and slid his shorts down. Brian, still nude from last night, pressed into him.  Justin bit his lip so he wouldn’t make any sound. Brian ground his hips tightly against Justin’s ass and then he barely moved and they both had an earth shattering orgasm. Justin dropped his head back grasping Brian’s head so their lips could meet.

After they had a chance to pull themselves together Justin got up to check on Brinn and threw some shorts at Brian. He slipped them on as Justin came back with a sleepy Brinn.  Brian reached up and Brinn dropped into his arms. Justin walked around and climbed in next to Gus who was waking up. Justin snuggled up to Gus while Brian held Brinn close.

“Sorry, Pops, I am sure you had plans this morning before getting up.”

Brian started to say something but Justin glared at him. Gus saw the look on Brian’s face. “I don’t want to know!” Gus quickly said. Justin reached around and started tickling Gus and soon the whole bed was full of giggles.  Brinn wanted to tickle everyone and they played until Gus said, “Um, I think someone needs to change Brinn.”

“Well, since I took care of you when you were sick last night, I do believe it is Pop’s turn.”

“Alright, Stinkpot,” Brian plucked Brinn off the bed and disappeared with her.

Justin stroked Gus’ chest.  “Are you feeling better this morning?”

“I am.  I think it was just the med doing something crazy to my stomach.” Gus turned to face Justin, “Thanks, Dad. You’re always there when I need you.”  Justin kissed him gently on the lips. “I will always be here for you, Gus. Always.”

After Brian had bathed Brinn and dressed her for the day, he stopped by Gus’ room.  “So have any ideas where you would like to hang out today so we can talk?” Brian asked him.

“Well, I don’t think it is something we  are going to talk about at the local sub shop.  Now the LIberty Diner might work, although if Debbie is working she would join us.”

Brian had to laugh, “You are right about that, Sonny Boy.”

“Pops, do you think we could just go to the Loft.  We could order Chinese and watch a dirty movie. I bet that could answer a lot of my questions.”

“The loft is a great idea.  The movie, not so much, unless it is the one you already watched. That might be a good place for us to start.”  Brian liked the idea of having a place to start. “How are your feet today?”

“Not too bad. If I take some regular stuff today it will be fine.”

“Shall we plan on leaving around 11:00?”

Brian brought Brinn down and looked for Justin.  He found him in the laundry room, throwing Gus’ sheets in the washer.  “Justin, we do have a housekeeper that will be here Monday.”

“I am not waiting until Monday to get these sheets clean.” Brian could tell something was wrong. “Justin, what is it?”

“Alice texted me. Her parents are going to need her another month.  Brian, I can’t do this alone anymore. I have a book deal I need to work on and without Alice I don’t have time to do anything but take care of the kids, and meals, and …..”

“Daddy, you sad?” Brinn looked at Justin.

“Oh, Sweetheart, Daddy will be fine. Come here.  Let’s get you some breakfast.”

After Justin put Brinn in her chair Brian collected Justin in his arms. “Sunshine, I will make a couple calls and see what I can do. Cynthia has my schedule packed the rest of the month.  But I promise I will try to figure something out.” Brian kissed Justin. “I love you, Sunshine. You are so amazing. By the way, do you think it makes sense to let Gus watch that movie again with me and let him ask questions as we go.  When he watched it with you he was totally absorbed. I think now he has questions and at least I will know how to start the conversation.”

“I think that will definitely get the conversation started. Baby, don’t offer too much.  Answer his questions, make him feel comfortable, but he doesn’t have to understand everything.” Justin leaned against Brian and kissed him so thoroughly Brian’s knees began to buckle.

“What was that for?”

“It is because of you I know what it feels like to be loved thoroughly both physically and mentally.  I never had the horrible experience you did but you still taught me what love is.”

Brian pulled him close again and said, “Damn, I must be good.” He kissed him on the nose. “You are easy to love.” They kissed until Brinn made her presence known and then they realized Becca and Peter were standing there, too. Brian looked at their faces.  “I don’t want to hear a word. Looking at your faces I can tell what you were up to.”

Peter grinned.  “Oh, we did! Thanks for leaving the playroom set up.”  Becca blushed. Joking like that still made her uncomfortable.  Peter pulled her close and kissed her. “I think we may just go continue at our place.”

“Oh, Becca, did you say you were willing to work with Brinn on Tuesdays and Thursdays? If you can give us those two days, your tuition will be paid this semester.”

“You’ve got it.  Thank you!”

Justin smiled at her.  “We will figure out times later.  Alice is gone probably through February so any help we can get.”

Brian and Gus left and after doing a few things around the house, including remaking Gus’ bed and after a little lunch Justin packed up Brinn and went to the studio.  After about half an hour of trying to make progress and keep Brinn out of trouble, Justin walked up to the Inn with her.

Mary was  rocking Matty in the sitting room.  She spoke softly to the two month old as he smiled up at her. She looked up and saw Brinn and her smile grew. “Matty, Daddy.” She began to wiggle in Justin’s arms.

Justin squatted down and set her on the floor.  “Remember to be gentle with Matty.”

“I be big girl.” She ran to Mary who gave her a one armed hug and kissed her head.

“Mary, if you need me I will be very near by.”  She nodded as she talked to the children.

Justin just needed a couple minutes with adults, especially John. Justin wasn’t sure what overcame him but he hugged John and held on. John looked at him, “Why don’t you go sit in the office.  I will get Mom to keep an eye on Brinn and be right in there.”

It was only a few minutes before John walked in with a couple cups of fresh coffee. “You ok, Justin?”

“I am.  It is just a bit crazy at our place and Alice is going to be gone at least another month and Brian’s schedule is insane the rest of the month and I need to work and….”

“Whoa. Take a breath. What can I do to help?”  

Justin took a minute and drank some coffee.  “Do you know anyone who I can trust Brinn with Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? We hired Becca to do the other two days. I have a book I need to be working on.”

“What do you think about bringing her here?  Mary loves her and I think it is good for both Brinn and Matty to have exposure to other kids.  I am sure Mom would be glad to watch her. She doesn’t feel like she has much to do since Mary had Matty so much of the time.  Maybe she could come to your place part of the time and do some cooking for you. She loves to cook for people. What do you think?”

“That would be amazing!  Everything just seems to be happening at once.  I just don’t have….”

“Justin, you can’t expect to be able to do everything.  You have helped us so many times. Let us help you. Let me go find Mom and we can talk to her.”

Ten minutes later everything was set.  Brinn was chattering with Claire as Justin walked out to the studio. Justin poured himself a shot of whiskey. He downed it and he started painting.

Brian and Gus drove to the loft.  As soon as they arrived Brian ordered a variety of Chinese for them and then looked at his son.  “I am not sure how to go about this, Gus. Justin said you were full of questions but we decided it probably would be good to watch this movie together and when you have questions we can stop it.  I haven’t seen it but your dad said it will help keep us on track.” The Chinese arrived and Brian started the movie.

Gus asked a lot of questions from, “Is it comfortable to be in that position and do they really move that slow?”

When the movie was over and they still picked at the food, Gus got serious, “Pop, you are on top, right?”

“Most of the time, yes, but never be with someone or that one who won’t switch positions.”

“Don’t you like being the bottom?”

“I never did until I met your dad.  I would do anything for him and I love it when he makes love to me.”

“ Why?”

“He makes me feel wonderful.  He knows just how to stroke me, especially when he rubs my prostate.”

“Then why don’t you do that more often?”

“Mainly, because I am too big a wimp.  It is much more work and painful to be the bottom.”

“The movie doesn’t make it look that bad.”

“Do you want it honest?”

Gus nodded.

“It always hurts but when you are with the right person the pleasure makes it worth it. If you are with the wrong person, it can feel like your insides are being torn apart.”

“That’s happened to you?”

“Ya, when I wasn’t much older than you and cried for quite a while, but …. Maybe you should ask your dad about this. He finds pleasure in the pain.  I get through the pain and find pleasure.”

“Pop, would you be mad if I decide I like girls better?”

“Gus, I want you to be happy.  I want you to find someone like your dad that is your other half. Your dad is amazing in and out of bed and I can’t imagine not being able feel him under me but if we could never make love again, I would never leave him. With you kids and your dad my life wouldn’t be worth shit.”

“I have to admit I want to know what it feels like.”

“What, what feels like?”

“What it feels like to put my dick into someone but, also, what it feels like to have someone inside you.”  Gus shivered. “I don’t know if I can wait….”

“Oh, Gus, please don’t rush.  Empty sex can really hurt. It can make you feel bad later.”

“I got it, Pop. And I will talk to Dad.”

The next hour Brian told Gus stories about his younger days.  He left out a lot of detail but kept in enough to keep Gus entertained. When they left Brian slung his arm over Gus’ shoulder.  “Gus, promise me, if you are ever feeling uncomfortable about something you did or are thinking about doing something, talk to us. And you know Peter would talk to you if it is something he can help with better than your dad and I although both of us do have some experience there too.”

“I promise to talk to you and not be stupid.”

“Trust me, Sonny Boy, you’ll be stupid but admit it and talk to us.And don’t do anything that risks your safety. ”

“So how did it go?” Justin asked when Brian and Gus returned.

“Do you think we can just hire a tutor and lock him in his room until he’s 18?” He dropped into a chair.  “He isn’t ready for this.”

“Were you ready?” Justin asked, rubbing Brian’s shoulders

“No, you know that.”

“I do, but would you have done anything different? Could anyone have stopped you?

“Of course not. But at least he has us and I think he will talk to us and if not to us, to one of his cousins.”

“I think that is all we can hope for.”  Justin decided he might set Brian up a bit.  Brian needed to know he was serious about getting more help. “So did you call anybody about help?”

“Oh, Sunshine, I’m sorry.  I meant to. I’ll do it….”

“Never mind.  I took care of it.” Justin walked away mumbling under his breath, “Like I do everything around the house.” He heard Brian walking up behind him but before he could touch him he shrugged away. “I really didn’t expect you to. Claire is going to help the three days Becca can’t.  She will come here a couple times a week and do some cooking for us and the other times I will bring Brinn over there. And by the way, I will be going to a few cities once the book is set up. It will be a promotion for the book before the book comes out. I will just be going to some of the galleries that have my paintings. You are going to have to be around more because I can’t take Brinn this time. And face it, as much as I love my daughter, I need a break.”

Brian came up behind him now and placed his hands on Justin’s shoulders, “I’m so sorry, Sunshine.  I know you do so much more in this family than I do. He tried to pull Justin back against him but he wasn’t budging. “Come on, Justin.  I said I was sorry.”

Justin stepped around him, “I need to make dinner. The kids will be hungry soon.”  

Brian didn’t follow him.  He walked back to his office and shut the door a little harder than he meant to.

Gus showed up in the kitchen shortly after the door slammed.  “Who slammed the door?”

“Your father.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing you have to worry about. How was your day? Did you get your questions answered?”

“Ya, mostly.  He did say I should ask you about something.”

“I know there are things you like more than he does so he said maybe I should ask you about it.  

“Go ahead and ask.”

“Well, Pop said even though you take turns sometimes you like to be…..you like it when….”

“Yes, I like it very much when your dad is inside me.”

“But he said it really hurts.”  

“It can but the right person will go slow and let you adjust and, some people like me, actually enjoy the pain when I am with your dad but that’s because he knows me and knows what I like and knows how to give me the most enjoyment but I won’t lie, the first time, when you aren’t sure what to expect it can really hurt but for me, that hurt can feel very amazing. Gus, just don’t let anyone force you.  Say NO if you aren’t comfortable with the situation.”

“Thanks, Dad. I think girls might be easier but I don’t want to miss out on something that might be really cool.”

“Love you, Gus. Oh, and don’t worry about us.  It was just a minor disagreement. We just need a little time to cool off.  I don’t think he even meant to slam the door.”

Justin invited Becca and Peter to dinner hoping to make it less uncomfortable but they already had plans.  Dinner was a little quiet but Gus had everyone laughing about going back to school on Monday and how he was sure everyone would have missed him greatly since he had been gone.  Justin knew he was really nervous about going back. It had been a long time and he still limped a bit although it was barely noticable now. He made note to himself to reassure him a few times over the weekend.  Brinn also had them all laughing when she offered a bite of her meal to Brian and when he went to take it she smeared it all over his nose and cheek. Brian laughed along with his family.

When Gus finished eating he asked to be excused.  Brian started asking him to take Brinn to his room with him for a while when Justin interrupted and said he didn’t have to take care of his sister. “I am going to give her a bath while your father cleans up down here.”

Gus looked over at Brian and you could almost see his mind saying, ‘what did you do this time?’ He loved his pop but he knew he wasn’t perfect.  Neither was his dad so it just showed he had a normal family. It never lasted long. They loved each other too much. He thought about what his pop had said earlier today.  Caring about the person is what makes a relationship special and that didn’t mean you just thought they were cute. He knew both of his dads wanted him to wait, at least a while. He was pretty sure he could deal with it.  At least most of it. He had to admit that after talking to his dad he was a little nervous about that.

Justin left Brian with the mess in the kitchen and went upstairs with Brinn.  Brinn loved taking a bath and Justin gave her lots of bubbles to play in. He shut the bathroom door.  He shut it to keep the room warm and to keep the world out. He knew he was being a bit irrational. Brian hadn’t done anything that bad.  Yes, Brian had said he would make calls but he had spent the day with Gus, having a difficult conversation to say the least. He was just feeling taken advantage of. Brian would never give up weeks of his job to take care of the house.  Even if he did, he couldn’t run the house, so why did he expect him too. That was just something he could do. But just because he could do it was he responsible for all of it?

“DADDY!”  Justin was hit by a blob of bubbles.

“I am sorry, Sweety.  I didn’t mean to ignore you,” He moved closer and gave her some of her toys to play with.  “I was just thinking about your dad. I kind of gave him a bad time that he didn’t deserve.” Justin didn’t notice the door move a bit. “He does his best and he loves us so much. And I love him so much but sometimes I just get tired.”

“Hi Dad,” Brinn said.

“Yes, Sweetheart, I know you’re there.”

Brinn pointed, “No, Daddy, Dad.”

Justin glanced up and saw Brian standing there. He stood and threw his arms around Brian’s neck.  “I’m sorry, Baby. You didn’t deserve that. I was just….”

Brian kissed him. “Shhhh.” He caressed Justin’s cheek.

“Daddiesssss. I need kisses.”

Both men dropped to their knees and started kissing her while she giggled and squealed. Their hands wandered back and forth below the tub. Justin began to move his hand up and down Brian’s inner thigh.  He just lightly touched his jeans, wanting to do so much more.

“I’m done.  Out please.”

“We need to wash your hair first, Sweetheart.” Justin said.  “I bet your dad will help us so we don’t get soap in your eyes.”

“Yes, please, Dad.”

Brian held her in a half lying position as Justin quickly washed and rinsed the golden strands. Together the men finished getting her ready for bed. After Brian read her three books she wanted Justin to read to her. “One more story while your dad runs a bath for your daddy, please?” he softly said.  

“Of course, Sunshine.” Brian softly said as he gave Brinn a goodnight kiss. She smelled so good.  He loved that baby smell. He brushed his lips across Justin’s and left them alone. Justin rocked and read Brinn one last story and then sang a song to her as he laid her down.

The sleepy, little girl looked up at her daddy.  “I love you, Daddy, Love Gus, love dad, love Alice, love Matti…..” and her eyes fluttered shut one last time.

As Justin walked into the bedroom it was dark except for the roaring fireplace and flickering coming from the bathroom. Brian stood in silhouette in the bathroom door.  It was obvious he was already naked. They met halfway. Brian’s hands slid under Justin’s shirt and pulled it off. His hands slid down Justin’s bare back and into the waistband of his pants. As his hands slipped around his shapely ass Brian looked deep into Justin’s eyes.  

“I’m so sorry I didn’t follow through.  I know I just take it for granted you will deal with the house and that’s not fair.”

“Oh, Baby, I’m sorry I was so bitchy. I just had tried to paint and Brinn is into everything and then, I don’t know, I sometimes feel like my profession, my painting really isn’t going anywhere because I don’t have time.  Of course, the kids are my first priority and I know you feel that way, too, but you just have me take care of it. I just need to know I can get away and work on my career. I will probably plan it for the end of February or March but I want to have new work done by then.”

By now Brian had worked Justin’s pants down below his ass and his fingers were working their way deep within.  “Are you up to some play? I thought a little pain might make you feel better.” Brian reached down and picked up a butt plug that they hadn’t used in a long time.  It wasn’t crazy but it was thick and longer than Brian was.

“Oh, god, yes!  Fast and hard and then I will…” Before he could finish, Brian pressed it all the way in and it was not coming out without coaxing. Justin’s head dropped back, “I, oh….” Justin’s knees nearly buckled as Brian rotated the object.

“Now it’s time for the tub.”

Brian led him to the bathroom and sat down in the tub making Justin sit in front of him.  Brian pulled Justin back against him which pressed the plug even further in him. He was still in pain but the pleasure was gaining quickly especially as Brian began to play with Justin’s chest, focussing on his nipples, pulling, pinching, flicking. When Justin was nearly crazy with need  Brian worked his way downward. He spent time rubbing his stomach and pelvis. He gently massaged and then started dragging his nails over the skin. Justin was a bundle of nerve endings. Brian just wrapped his arms around Justin’s shoulders and held him close while he regained his composure.  Brian bit his ear and softly blew on his neck, not helping him relax much.

“Baby, please, I need some relief.  I need….”

“We aren’t done yet, Sunshine.”  His hands now moved to Justin’s penis and brought him to the brink.  “Justin, take me. And feel how full you are when you go in and out of me, over and over.”

“Get on your knees, please, on your knees now,” Justin ordered. Brian had barely turned around when Justin carefully began to enter him.Once he had entered, he reached around and took Brian’s cock in his hand to distract him as he slipped in as slowly as he could.  When he was all the way in he began to move slowly and Brian tried to focus.

“Justin, what’s it feel like? You’re filling me while you are so full yourself.” That was all it took Justin’s whole body shook as he spasmed over and over filling Brian.  With Justin’s hand working on him Brian shouted as he lost control. They stayed together until they both regained some composure. As they got out, Brian told Justin to dry him off and then himself.  As Justin bent over to dry his lower legs, Brian began to play with the plug, tugging on it and then trying to push it further in. Brian did this until Justin’s nerves were nearly sparking. Brian began pulling it out, knowing there would be a sharp pain for a minute as the biggest portion had to be slipped out.  That was all it took. Justin again came, harder than the first time. Now, sitting on the edge of the tub, Brian pulled Justin back and easily slipped into him,holding him tightly against him as Brian quietly came. “Can you feel me, Sunshine? My love is in you. I hope I am enough for you, Justin.”

“You have always been enough for me.”

After they had gotten into bed, they laid together talking about many of the things coming up in their home.  They talked about Gus returning to school and the new daycare for Brinn with Becca and Claire. They decided, together, that they would have the cleaning agency send someone everyday so laundry and cleaning could be done without Justin helping.

The conversation went back to Gus and their hopes and concerns for him.  They both knew he wasn’t taking it a seriously as they wanted him to but what confident 13 year old would?  “Maybe we can convince him that if he practices his guitar two hours a day he will get skills that will help his love life when he is much older!”  Justin laughed as he ran his finger around one of Brian’s nipples.

“That actually might be a good focus.” Brian pulled him closer so more skin was in contact. “Why can’t I get enough of you?” He kissed him, invading his mouth with his tongue.

“Brian,” Justin pulled back just a bit.  “Before we get too distracted, we know how crazy it is going to get in the next couple months, how about we make guitar lessons our date night, time to catch up.  The teacher is very near the loft. Let’s meet there for a little private time while he has lessons. No excuses. We will be there every week, just the two of us.”

“I love the way you think, Sunshine.  I will have Cynthia block out my calendar.’  Now where was I?” Brian pulled Justin against him and they again connected mind, body, and soul.

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