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Justin woke up to Alice’s voice on Brinn’s monitor. He grabbed a robe and went into the nursery.  “I”ve got her, Alice. Good morning, Sweetheart. I missed you so much.”

As Justin picked up his daughter, Alice laid a hand on his back. “How are you, Justin?”

“Just the way you expect me to be.”

“You are one of the strongest men I have ever met and I know how much you love him.”

Justin wouldn’t look at her but said, “I will always love him but I can’t trust him and if I can’t trust him can I raise our kids with him?”

“You don’t have a choice.  Those kids belong to both of you.  The question is are you going to do it under the same roof or not.”

“Well, I can’t let him be alone with them, at least not right now.  Brinn is too young and with Gus the way he is right now. And Gus is in love with Lucky, just one more thing to think about.”

“I thought I saw the look.”  Alice chuckled. “Maybe he needs that distraction right now.  Do you think Lucky is aware?”

“I do.  I’ll talk to him today just to make sure.”

“Well, since you have Miss Brinn under control, I will go start breakfast.  Lucky arrived just as I was coming up.”

As Justin finished changing Brinn she put her hand on his face, “Love you, Daddy.”

“Oh, Brinny, I love you so much.”  He hugged her tightly

Brinn pointed to the door to the bedroom, “My dad,”

“Dad isn’t here right now, Sweety, but we can go find Gus.”

Brinn smiled, “Love Gussy.”

“I know you do, Baby Girl.”

Justin knocked on the door to the dining room. “Can we come in?”

“Gussy.”  Brinn shouted loudly

Lucky said they could come in.  “I’ll go check on breakfast.”

Justin and Brinn talked to Gus for a couple minutes but Brinn was hungry.  “I need to get your sister some breakfast. I’ll come talk after you eat.”

“Dad, I didn’t see Pops last night.  He didn’t stop by to say goodnight.”

Justin didn’t know what to say.   He didn’t want to upset him but he didn’t want to lie to him either.  “Gus, Brian is….”

“What did he do now?  I knew something was going on when you were gone but no one ever tells me anything. I’m sorry, Dad, that he is such a screw up.” He stretched out and Justin walked into his son’s hug.

“Gus, it isn’t for me to tell you but you have the right to know.  He is staying at the Inn right now but I will let him know you want to talk to him as soon as we speak.”  Justin kissed him just as Lucky came in with a tray of food.

“Are you ready to try feeding yourself today?” Lucky was saying as Justin left the room with Brinn. Justin had only taken a couple steps out of the room when Lucky came up beside him.  “Justin, I realize Gus has a crush. I just wanted to let you know I am aware but he seems to comfort him if I sing. Do you mind if I keep doing that? He really does seem to react well when I do it and a little crush….”

“Lucky, just let me know if it seems to get out of hand.”  Lucky nodded and went back to Gus.

Brian tried to contact Justin several times throughout the day but Justin’s only response was Gus wanted to talk to him and he deserved the truth. Brian responded he would be there after lunch.

As soon as Brinn had eaten lunch Justin put her down for a nap. He was just leaving for his studio when Brian pulled up. Justin stopped by Brian’s car.  “Gus needs to hear what happened from you. I will be at the studio for a few hours if you want to talk.”

Brian walked into the house and nodded at Alice.  He didn’t need to talk to her right now. Brian wasn’t sure what was worse, the distain or the pity he saw in her eyes.  Brian took a deep breath and walked into Gus’ room. “Hey, guys,” Brian noticed Gus and Lucky were playing a game. It was so good to see Gus using his fingers to move game pieces around. “That looks like fun.” He walked over and kissed Gus on the top of his head.  He shook hands with Lucky.

“Lucky, have you had your lunch break, yet?”

“No, i haven’t.  Justin said you would be coming so he thought you wouldn’t mind I leave the two of you for a bit.

“Go ahead, Lucky.”

“Gus is doing really well. If you have to leave before I am back in the room  he would be fine for a bit, right buddy? I would be within earshot and Alice is around too.”

“Thanks, Lucky.” Very softly Brian said,  “I will stay as long as Gus wants me to.”

Brian smiled at his son, “Want to teach me your new game?”

“What did you do, Dad? Don’t try to bullshit me.  The night Justin was gone there was all kind of noise out in the house and then you were acting funny when you came in here later and then you didn’t sleep here last night, did you?”

“You don’t miss a trick, do you?”

“I didn’t miss a trick, did I? You didn’t have some guys here while Dad was gone…”

“Your mom talks too much,” he knew Mel talked a lot when his past, “but, no, I have not been with anyone but your dad since a long time before we were married. Gus, I love your dad so much.”

“What did you do, Pop? I’m not a kid anymore.”

“No, you aren’t.  You are almost grown.” Brian walked across the room and picked up a book that was lying there. How did he tell his son what he had done?  How do you tell your son that you almost killed yourself to get off or you couldn’t control your drinking by yourself?

“Gus, you know I screw up a lot and I am just so lucky Justin loves me anyway. I screwed up.  I did something that could have killed me. If Becca hadn’t come in when she did I wouldn’t be here right now.”

Gus looked at his dad with wide eyes.  “What did you do, Dad?”

“I..so, Gus, I am guessing you have had mornings that when you wake up your penis…”

“Yes, Dad, I have woken up with a hard on and I have had a wet dream what does this have to do with you almost dying.  Jacking off can’t kill you, can it?” Gus looked concerned.

Brian had to smile a little.  “Gus, if you are doing it the normal way it can’t hurt you and it can feel really good, can’t it?”  

Gus flushed but nodded.  “Ya, it does but Dad?”

“Well, there is a way to make yourself feel even better but it includes not letting yourself breath.  I put a scarf around my neck but then I lost my balance and I couldn’t release the scarf. I couldn’t breath at all.  That’s how Becca found me and saved my life.”

“So, Becca, found you naked”

“Yes, I was on our bed not breathing.”

“Why, Dad? I know you and Daddy have a lot of sex.  He was coming home the next day. Once you start having sex do you have to have it every day? Would it kill you if you don’t have it?”

“No, Gus, I drank too much and couldn’t wait to love your dad.  I did something really risky.”

“But, Dad, what would Brinn and Daddy have done without you? What would I do without you? I love you.  Do you love yourself more than us?”

“Oh, Gus, I don’t love anyone as much as I love you three.  I would die for any of you.”

“But you almost died just for yourself.” Gus couldn’t roll over but he turned his head.  “I’m tired and I need to think.”


I have always thought we came first but maybe my mom is right.  You think with your dick first.”

As Brian walked into the entry, Lucky was approaching.  “Gus needs a friend. He may have some questions that you aren’t sure you should answer but if you are comfortable just answer them.  It is obvious how much he likes and trusts you.

Brian walked to his bedroom waiting for Brinn to wake up. He laid on the bed and inhaled Justin’s scent from the sheets.  There is no way he would ever forget that scent. Why was he such an…..”

“Daddy!  Daddy!” Brinn’s sweet voice came over the speaker.

Brian pulled himself together and went into the nursery.  “Your daddy is gone but am I good enough?”

“Dad! Hi, Dad.”

“Hello, Beautiful,”  he hugged her tight. “Did you sleep well?”

“Done sleeping.” She jumped up and down in her crib.

“I can see that,” he said swooping her up in his arms and throwing her high in the air.  She squealed with joy.

“More, Dad.”  Brian played with her for some time.  “Daddy!, Where is Daddy.?

“He will be home later, little one. Are you hungry?”

“Candy?”  Brinn smiled at Brian and gave him a big kiss.  

“Let’s see about some fruit and then maybe a treat.”

Brinn’s lower lip came out in a pout. Brinn’s lips looked just like her daddies.  He reached out and tilted her head up to his eyes. “Brinn, if you keep pouting there will be no candy and I will have to tickle you until you have to smile.”

Within seconds she was a beautiful ball of giggles. Brian was so split.  He wanted to spend more time with his kids although right now Gus needed time away from him but he also wanted to get to the studio and plead forgiveness.  

“Let’s go find Alice and your snack.”  

When they arrived downstairs Alice had a plate of fruit already waiting for her.  Brian figured she had listened to the intercom as he played with his little girl. Brian put Brinn in her chair and brought her food over to her. He sat next to her and picked up a piece of apple and popped it in his mouth. “Dad, my treat!”

Brian stuck out his lip now.  Brinn looked over and saw his pout. She took a piece of banana and stuck it in Brian’s mouth.  “I sorry, Dad.”

Brian had to blink rapidly to keep the tears from spilling out. Brian held her close, “No, Sweetheart, I’m sorry.  I love you so much.”

Alice saw the look on Brian’s face. “Miss Brinn, I think you can have a cookie now.  She sat it on the tray with a sippy cup of milk. I think it’s time for your dad to go to a meeting.”

“I really do.  You’re right, Alice.  Brinny, you play nice with Alice for a while and Daddy will be home in a little while after he paints some pretty pictures.”

“Love my Dad.”  Brinn hugged his neck  and then gave him a smacking kiss on the lips.  “Bye, Dad.”

Brian parked by the Inn and walked over to the studio. He slipped in quietly.  Justin was painting. He couldn’t see exactly what it was from where he stood but he could see deep colors and bold stokes. He could swear he felt confusion coming off the canvas.  

Justin stopped painting but didn’t turn around. “Hi, Brian.” He slowly turned around.  

Unsure what  would happen, Brian walked up to Justin. “Sunshine, I am so, so…”

Justin laid down the paintbrush and reached for Brian.  Placing a hand on either side of his face, Justin’s lips barely made contact with Brian’s  but both shivered down to their toes. Brian dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Justin’s waist.  “I am so sorry, I know I am an asshole.”

Brian pulled Justin’s shirt out of his pants and ran his tongue around Justin’s naval.  His tongue dipped below the waistband and soon his pants were around his ankles and Justin was balancing against a stool that had been behind him. Justin’s fingers entwined with Brian’s hair and as he began to slide on and off Justin’s cock, Justin’s eyes began to roll and his head dropped back.  He needed to feel whole and there was only one way to do that.

Justin pulled Brian’s head back to his mouth and as he kissed him he undid Brian’s fly.  “We need to be whole.” he said as he turned around. Brian entered Justin and slowly the rocked together and became one.

“Sunshine, I…”

As Justin brought his head back and turned toward Brian he said, “For once in your life, Brian, just shut up.”  There was a fierceness in Justin’s kiss sending both of them over the edge. As Brian held them securely together, Justin said, “How did Gus react?”

“He was confused.  He made sure I knew he felt I was selfish.  He wasn’t wrong.” Brian said as he slowly slid out of him and turned Justin around.   He dropped his head back to Justin’s and started lowering his lips.

“I need to get going.  The kids need me.” Justin pulled his clothes back into place.  He looked into Brian’s eyes, “I love you but right now I can’t live with you.”

Justin turned and started cleaning his brushes.  He felt rather than heard Brian leave the studio.

Brian walked into the Inn and didn’t even notice Claire sitting in the front sitting room with Matty. “Well, little brother, you look like you have the weight of the world around you. Come sit and tell me about it. You used to tell me your problems.”

Brian reached out and took Matty and sat in the chair across from her. He cuddled the little, sleeping boy. “You don’t want to hear about my problems, Claire.  I fucked up. I’m a Kinney, what else would I do. But it is going to be different for the next generations. Tony and John are going to make this place amazing.  They have already done more here than I could see in my imagination. And Peter….Peter will be the next CEO of Kinnetik. And Becca, I owe her my life and I will do everything I can to help her succeed.”

“I get the feeling you mean that, literally, that you owe her your life.”  

“I do, Claire. I wouldn’t be here for my kids or for my love if it wasn’t for her.”  Brian noticed Claire roll her eyes at the mention of Justin.

“Claire, I wish you knew him.  He is the most amazing person. His love and compassion for everyone….”

“Justin, I didn’t mean to hurt him…..at the wedding, I would have never ….I am messing this up.”

“Claire, you are not responsible for what happened to Justin.  He was having trouble because of his old injury. And, what I did hurt him more than anything else.  And the sad thing is both of the situations were caused by booze. We really are Jack and Joan’s kids.”

“Brian, I know I have never said this to you but I have always been proud of your success and probably, to be honest, jealous of it.  You were so much better off getting out of there. I didn’t have self confidence enough to do that and then when I was left by myself to raise the boys….I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t helped me out.  I know all those checks I got were from you. You never forgot before school shopping or Christmas or birthdays.” She looked at Brian. “I still don’t really understand why you would want to be with a guy but if my husband had loved me like that…” Brian stood and so did Claire.  It was a bit awkward, both because of Matty and because they weren’t sure they remembered how, but brother and sister hugged for the first time in decades. Brian felt Matty lifted from his arms. He was glad to have his big sister but he wanted his husband.

The next week became a routine.  Brian stopped by and tried to talk to Gus but he always acted like he was asleep.  Alice would have Brinn ready for breakfast and Brian would feed her. He would read her a book or play with her for about half an hour and then he would go into work.  Justin was never available. He did the same thing on the way home. By Friday, Brian’s mood had sunk low. He missed his family. When Gus refused to see him again he just left before seeing Brinn.  

Lucky looked at Gus, “Are you going to ever forgive your dad?”  

“Ya, I just don’t understand how he could….”  They had been talking about what Brian had done each day.  

Lucky noticed Gus wince.  “Is it getting bad?”

“When is it going to stop hurting?  Sometimes I wish they would just cut off my toes.  They always hurt.” Gus had been told that he would be going in for a little minor surgery the day after Christmas to get rid of some of the dead skin and then the doctor would be able to see if it was healing or what else would need to be done.  

Lucky climbed in behind him.  It had become a normal thing now. Lucky would sing a song to him as he rubbed his muscles to help him relax.  Gus would try different positions to give relief to the pressure points that had started to hurt. With help Lucky would try to get him out of bed a bit now but then his feet tended to hurt worse for a while.  Gus seemed to be leaning to one side as Lucky realized Gus’ shirt had gotten off to the side and he was stroking Gus’ bare chest. Gus dropped his head back on to Lucky’s upper arm. He reached up and rising to meet hit he pulled Lucky’s head down to meet his.  Before he could think about it Lucky was drawn in by this young man, no really a boy. Gus kept the pressure on Lucky’s mouth and Lucky instinctively parted his lips and Gus’ tongue shot in.

Gus felt Lucky get hard behind him and as Gus tried to slip his hand between them Lucky snapped out of it.  What the hell was he doing. This was a client, a boy but he didn’t kiss like a boy. Lucky extracted himself and excused himself for a moment.  

After Lucky left the room, Gus was scared.  Maybe Lucky would leave now. As he waited to see if he returned, Gus’ emotions were all over.  His hand slipped under his sheet and rubbed his cock. He was pretty sure he loved Lucky and he sure reacted to that kiss.  He still didn’t agree with what his dad did but as he ran his hand carefully on his cock and as he thought about Lucky, he grabbed a tissue so he didn’t make a mess.  Maybe he could understand a little better why his dad did what he did. Maybe he would talk to him tomorrow. As Lucky returned Gus let out a sigh and looked at him. “Am I in trouble?”

“No Gus, you’re not in trouble but I might be.

“I….it’s time to me to leave for the day.  I am afraid tomorrow isn’t going to be fun.  A specialty nurse is coming to treat your feet.  And….your dad will be here soon. You know he wants to see you.  Will you see him?”

“Ya, I think it is time for me to forgive him.”

Lucky started to reach out and pat his shoulder but retracted it quickly.  “I think that is a good idea. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Lucky, I love you.”

“Gus, …..I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Lucky stepped out just as Brian came in through the front door. Brian didn’t look like he had slept in days.  He was unkempt and looked thinner. “I know Justin isn’t around right now.” Lucky knew this because Justin was never here when Brian arrived. “But I need to let you know what happened.”  Lucky told Brian about the kiss and about Gus’ claim of love. “I will come in tomorrow because it is going to be a horrible day for him but that will be my last day. I haven’t been professional.”

“Lucky, I disagree.  You have given my son what he needs in a really tough time and you have been up front with us about the crush we all knew about. Please don’t make a final decision. Is tomorrow the day they are working on his feet?”

“Ya.  It won’t be easy on him or anyone in the house probably. I have encouraged Justin to take Brinn somewhere.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Oh, by the way, Gus wants to see you.”

Brian’s whole body seemed to lift a bit with that comment. “Thanks Lucky.”

Brian tapped on Gus’ door. “It’s Dad. I hear I am welcome?”

“Come in, Dad.  Yes, I wanted to see you.  I miss you.” Brian sat on the edge of the bed and Gus gave him a big hug.

“You are a screw up but I still love you, Pops. You just have to remember we all need you, even if you don’t think you need yourself.  I know Lucky just talked to you. He didn’t do anything wrong. I just had to kiss him. It feels so good when he touches me to help with the pain. And today I made sure my shirt was open so he would touch me.”

Brian couldn’t help but feel a little proud of his son.  That was something he would have done but he wasn’t sure he would have at the age of thirteen. “It feels pretty good to be touched doesn’t it.”

“Pops, I had to…...well, after he left I had to take care of something.”  Gus blushed. “I don’t understand exactly why you did what you did or why you would be stupid like that but I do know sometimes feelings just take over just don’t be mad at Lucky.  He thinks he is in trouble.”

Brian hugged him again.  “Lucky knows he isn’t in trouble.  But you do know he is way too old for you and  you are a bit too young to be in a physical relationship, don’t you.”

“I do but it really feels good.” Gus gave Brian a little smile and Brian realized it was beginning.  

“So do you think guys are for you?”

“Pops, I am a lover.  I don’t discriminate.”

Brian rolled his eyes.  “Your dad and I are in trouble!”

“Speaking of Dad, have you talked to him?”

“I’ve tried.  I’m not blaming him.  He deserves to take time but just know I am not giving up on our family.  I will always wait for him.”

Outside the door of Gus’ room a little voice called, “Dad? You there, Dad?”

Brian opened the door and scooped Brinn up and spent the next hour with his kids.  He loved this time and he really hoped he could stay long enough for Justin to arrive. They needed to talk about Lucky and Gus.  They needed to be on the same page. He was fairly sure they were. His mind wandered for a second needing Justin so bad.

Outside the door he heard a door.  “Alice, where is everyone? Did I see Brian’s car around the corner? Is he at the guest house?”

Gus looked at Brian and said, “Go get him Pops.  Dad misses you. I know he does.” Brian picked up Brinn and kissed Gus.  I will be here for you tomorrow night, OK? I will stay with you if you want me to.”  Brian walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. Alice pointed up toward the bedroom.  He kissed Brinn and handed her to Alice before going directly to the bedroom he wanted to be sharing with his husband.

Brian ran his hand through his hair.  He knew he looked like a mess. He tapped on the door and walked in.  Justin had just pulled off his shirt. Brian saw spatters of paint on it.  Justin saw him approach in the mirror. Brian’s arms went around Justin’s shoulders and Justin instantly leaned against him and sighed at the feel of Brian’s body.

“I’m covered with paint.  Join me in the shower?” Brian outwardly groaned as Justin dropped his pants. He stripped off his clothes as he followed Justin into the glass stall and Justin’s arm came around his neck and he pressed his body against him. “I needed to feel you.  The second I saw you I ….”

Their lips met and both needed more.  Tongues collided as hands groped to feel more.  They didn’t want to break the kiss but Justin needed more.  They both did. As Brian pinned Justin to the wall he entered him. He wanted it to last forever.  The movements were slow and steady and deep. Soon both men shouted each others names as wave after wave shook them.  They didn’t move for the longest time but eventually Justin pushed back from the wall. Brian turned him around and gently kissed him.

“I’ve missed you, Baby,”  Justin said, as they dried each other off.

“Sunshine, I….”

“Stop talking and fuck me.”

“I can’t, darling, but I will make love to you until you beg me to make you cum.” Brian pinned Justin’s hands above his head and his lips grazed Justin’s nipples over and over flicking them with his tongue and using his teeth to cause just enough pain to make Justin groan.  Brian let go of Justin’s hands as he drug his teeth lower. His fingernails scraped Justin’s sides causing his nerve endings to become ultra sensitive to everything. Brian’s tongue hovered around Justin’s belly button as his hands began to move along his inner thighs. Brian’s mouth was everywhere except the one place Justin longed for it to touch.  

“Oh, Baby, please.  I need to feel….” Justin let out a gasp as Brian’s tongue went along the  scrotum and then began circling the base of his penis.

“Oh, god, Brian, I’m begging you.  I need you too….I need to cum. Please!”

Brian’s tongue slowly ran up the underside of Justin’s engorged cock and then in one, smooth movement, he took Justin all the way in his warm, wet mouth, sending Justin soaring.  For a moment Brian was afraid he was having a seizure as his body convulsed over and over sending more and more cum deep into Brian’s throat.

Several minutes passed as Justin composed himself.  He snuggled into Brian’s arms as he said, “You are going to have to leave soon.  I don’t want Brinn to think you are back. It would be too hard on her.”

“I was hoping I was back.” Brian said quietly.

“I can’t,  I just can’t do it yet.”

“But it is almost Christmas.  I miss my family so much.” Brian blinked back tears. He sighed in resignation.  “Well, I came up here for a real reason. Gus made a move on Lucky today. He couldn’t help having a little pride in his voice.  “He shook Lucky up a bit. Lucky wanted to quit but, and I hope you agree, Gus needs Lucky right now. Gus realizes he shouldn’t have done it.”

“I do agree.  Lucky knows where to draw the line and Gus will follow the rules.” Justin’s hand meandered down Brian’s chest.  Brian captured i and brought it to his mouth, kissing the palm.

“Justin, where will you be tomorrow morning when they do the procedure on Gus’ feet?”

“I am staying here.  Alice is taking Brinn.”

“No, Sunshine, you are not staying here.  It will tear you apart and you know it.”

“I won’t let him go through it without family, no matter how much he trusts Lucky,” Justin said firmly.

“I will come over in the morning and be with him.  You take care of our daughter. I know she would love to see John and I think John could use a little company from his favorite girl.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I am sure. You spend the day at the Inn and I will stay with Gus.  By later afternoon, things will hopefully be back to normal.” Brian got out of bed and dressed in some clean clothes from the closet, “I love you Justin.  Please let me come back to my family.” Justin turned so his back was to the door. He couldn’t watch him go or he would stop him and he knew he wasn’t ready for that mentally.

“Goodbye, Sunshine. I love you.  I will be back in the morning.”

As the door closed Justin whispered, “I love you, Baby.”

Brian arrived at the same time Lucky did in the morning. “Can you tell me what to expect this morning? Don’t even try to talk me into leaving.”

Lucky explained that Gus would be pretty much out of it, hopefully, while the procedure takes place. He will cry while it is happening but he will be out of it enough that he probably won’t remember that later but as he comes out of the medication he will be in a lot of pain.  I am expecting that a lot of skin will be removed. The blisters have gone down and that dead skin has to be removed to protect from infection. There will be a lot of raw areas when it is done. I expect I will have permission to give him higher doses of restricted pain killers for a couple days. The good thing is usually by the second day it is better and by the third day, if there isn’t any infection, by Christmas Eve he will feel much better than he has since Thanksgiving.  I know he hopes to be able to go out to the big Christmas tree.” Gus had only been out of the room a couple times since he got home. “I’ll help Gus with his normal morning routine before it gets started.”

Brian took a deep breath and tried to get in the right frame of mind.  

When the specialist arrived Lucky went out and spoke to her.  Brian went in to be with Gus. He was a bit sleepy from some medication he had already been given.  “How ya doing, Sunny Boy?”

Gus’ voice broke as he said, “I’m really scared, Dad.”

“I will be here for you every minute.”

“I’m glad my moms aren’t here.  They would be nuts. I hope they are enjoying their vacation.”

“They really didn’t want to go.  They felt bad.”

“JR deserves a happy Christmas.  It isn’t her fault I was so stupid…..”  Tears rolled down his cheeks. “I don’t know why I ran away. I always knew you loved me.  It doesn’t matter what my last name is. We are family.”

“Some of us just have harder times learning things.” Brian held Gus tightly as he calmed back down.

The next 45 minutes was horrible.  Brian sat behind Gus and held him as he whimpered and cried in his sleep as Lucky assisted as they cleaned up his damaged skin.  He wondered if it would have been better to have this done in the hospital but they had discussed it and all decided Gus would be more comfortable at home.  By the time they were done, Brian’s cheeks were wet too. Gus continued to whimper and cry for another half hour from the pain and stress.

The specialist assured Brian everything went extremely well and left. Lucky insisted Brian stretch. Brian’s legs were starting to cramp so he was glad to move.  Brian watched as Lucky slipped into his spot. As he saw him start to stroke Gus’ chest so gently and calming he understood why Gus loved him.

Not wanting to wake up Brian asked softly, “Would you like a cup of coffee or something else to drink?”

“I would love a cup of coffee.”

“I’ll make a fresh pot.  I am going to give Justin a quick call.”  Lucky nodded as Brian slipped out.

“Brian, how did it go?”

“I wish you were here.  I could use a hug. It was horrible but I was told he won’t remember it.  He cried the whole time. So did I, for that matter. Our son is so brave. The specialist was very happy with the results.  She sounded very positive. Lucky said tomorrow would probably be a bad day but by Christmas he should be much better.”

“Thank you, Baby, for doing that, for being there for our boy.”

“I will always be here for all of you…….”

“I wish I could believe that, Brian.  I love you. Tell Gus we will be home for dinner and that we love him.”

Justin sighed as he hung up.

“Was that my brother?”  

Justin jumped at Claire’s voice.  He had seen her walk earlier but he had been involved with Brinn at the time.  Brinn was with John in the apartment right now and he said he would stay close to the front desk in case someone walked in so now he had to talk to her.

“Yes, Brian was letting me know Gus was resting.”

“Justin, I know what you think about me and I don’t blame you.  I just want you to know how glad I am you are there for my brother.  I don’t think he would be here if it weren’t for you and if he wasn’t here my boys and now my grandson wouldn’t be doing so well.  Brian assures me I didn’t cause your problems at the wedding but I want to apologize for all the heartache I added to your life over the years. You are an amazing young man and you and Brian, well, you belong together.  Your daughter is so adorable and Gus looks so much like his dad it is scary and from what I have heard he acts a lot like him too.”

Justin smiled, “He has all the best qualities Brian has.” Claire could hear the pride in his voice.  “He is loving and kind and so caring, especially when it comes to his little sisters. Brinn adores him.”

“Can I ask, when are you going to let Brian move back?”

“I  don’t know.  I can’t trust him with the kids.”

“Justin,” Claire took his hand, “Can you trust him with your heart?”

Justin thought about her words.  “I do. He owns my heart.”

“Maybe you need to let him own your heart and make him earn your trust. You can make him prove himself but suffering over the separation isn’t helping anything.  Seriously, have you talked about the real problem yet or are you so busy avoiding each other and my guess is the couple times you did ‘talk’ there wasn’t much time for talking.”

Justin looked at Claire.  “Thanks, Claire, you’re right.  All I am doing really is avoiding the problem.”  Justin hugged her. “I hope you’ll join us for Christmas. I know your boys would love it if you were there.  I have to warn you though, I am sure there will be some alcohol.”

“Thank you, Justin.  I will be there.”

Justin gave Claire a hug.  “Now I just have to figure out how to make your brother realize his value. Did your parents ever support him? Were they ever there for him?”

“Our parents never wanted a second child.  I am sure dad was drunk and took mom by surprise.” Claire chuckled coldly. “I was scared of my own shadow so I just did whatever Mom asked and stayed out of Dad’s way.  Brian just couldn’t do that. He had too much heart so instead of letting them see his pain he blocked all his emotions.”

“I figured out long ago he would rather block an emotion than face it except for love.  He has learned to love completely.”

John walked in with Matty in his arm and Brinn holding his hand. “Daddy, I big girl. My John love me.  My John love Matty.”

Claire went to touch Brinn’s gold locks and Brinn ducked behind Justin.  Justin scooped up Brinn. “Sweetheart this is your aunt Claire. She is John and Peter’s mom.  She is Matty’s grandma.”

“Grandma?” Brinn repeated.

“Just like your grandma.”

Brinn loved her Grandma Jenn so she must have decided all grandmas were good and threw herself to Claire.  “Grandma.” She hugged and kissed her.

Well, Claire is really your aunt…”

“Grandma is just fine, Brinn.  She is such a sweet little girl.”

“Thanks, Claire.  She has stolen our hearts,”  Justin reached for Brinn, “Are you ready to go see your dad and brother?”

“I see Gussy. He has booboos. Love Gussy.”

“Gussy loves you, too, Brinny.  It is almost a few days until Christmas.  Everyone will come to our house then so you will see everyone than.  Say goodbye.”

Justin bundled both of them up and they went to find the rest of the family.

When they arrived home Justin went in to see Gus.  Lucky was sitting next to him giving him a drink.Gus was very pale and very sleepy.  Lucky looked up. “He did so well. He will sleep most of the night I think. I wrote down the medication schedule for you. Your husband was wonderful today.”

“My husband loves deeper than anyone I know. Lucky, why don’t you go home for the night.  Alice had the day off so she can be on call tonight.”

“Is Brian staying?”

“I …”

“Sorry, that is none of my business.” Lucky apologized.

Lucky are you available between Christmas and New Year’s.  I will pay you double and after that I am guessing we will be able to start tapering off your hours. I know you have already had more opportunities.  You and I both Gus has needed you desperately but now he may need you in ways…”

“I agree but your son is special.  Don’t take me wrong, please, but does his father have a way of kissing that….”

“That is an understatement. My toes still curl.  In three or four years I am sure Gus will have started breaking hearts just like his dad.”

Lucky left for the day and Justin walked into the kitchen to see who  was around. Alice removed takeout containers and set down paper plates and bowls.  “Alice, where are Brian and Brinn?” Just then he heard Brian’s deep laugh in the theater room. “Never mind.  I’ll get them.”

“I will bring Gus some of his favorite lo mein and some soup.” Alice touched Justin’s arm. “When are you going to let your suffering husband come back?” She  didn’t wait for an answer as she walked away with the tray of food.

Justin walked into the theater where Brian and Brinn laid on the floor looking up at the screen.  Brinn was talking quickly, most of it gibberish. Brian gave his full attention to her and acted as if he understood every word.  This man wouldn’t hurt his girl

“Hey, are you ready for some dinner?”

“Dad, come eat.”

Brian stood and held her close. “I don’t think I can stay, Sweety,” he looked over at Justin.

“Please, stay.”  Justin extended his hand and Brian took it, pulling him close so their lips lightly brushed. “For dinner, that is.”

“I hope I get a little sweet dessert before I leave.I need food for my soul as well as my body.”

Brian set Brinn in her chair and Justin brought over a bowl of lo mein for Brinn who loved eating the noodles. Brian’s arm wrapped around Justin’s waist and pulled him close. “It’s three days until Christmas.  Two days from now is Christmas Eve. Please, Sunshine, let me come home for Christmas.”

“Dad, stay? Go nigh nigh with Daddy.”

“I would love to, sweetheart, but it is up to your daddy and I get the feeling tonight is not the right time.”  Brian leaned down and kissed Brinn. He then took Justin in his arms and kissed him with all the passion within his soul.  He picked up his coat and walked toward the door.

“Ah, Brian, dinner is 6:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Bring your clothes when you come but stay away until then.”

“I love you, Sunshine. You won’t regret this, I promise.” and Brian was out the door.

Justin got a flutter in his stomach.  He had to get a few things together in the next couple days.  He had plans for his husband and with Lucky agreeing to help with Gus, this would work. He was going to convince his husband that his life was worth so much more than he realized.

The next two days was a whirlwind of activities.  Peter and Becca spent a lot of time at the main house a good part of it with Gus.  Gus had bounced back faster than they could have expected. Peter and Becca took him to an appointment and the doctor put a walking cast on Gus’ leg so he was able to get around a bit.  He used a walker to help keep his balance but he was so excited to be mobile again. His goal was to be able to get into his own room in January. He was going to get back to school soon, too.

Gus, Peter, and Becca helped frost Christmas cookies.  Brinn helped too. By the time she was done she had more frosting on herself than on the cook. “Let’s get you in the tub, Miss Brinn.” Becca said and looked at Peter, “Would you like to help?” She brought her lips to his ear. “Maybe I will join her in the tub if there is someone there to wash my back.”

Peter growled low in his throat, “I will be up there in about 10 min.  I am going to get Gus settled and then I will be there.” His eyes followed  as Becca carried Brinn up the stairs.

Peter turned to Gus and Gus had a smile on his face. “Are you going to have sex with Brinn in the room?”



Peter had to laugh, “Not with Brinn there but hopefully soon.”

“What’s it like, Pete? What does it feel like to be…”

“We are not having this conversation, Gus. Soon enough you will have some girl, or are you thinking guys?   Either way, soon enough you will find someone, just don’t rush it. You need to get your feet up for a while.  I can tell by your face they are starting to hurt. Do you want to go to your bed or would you like to go to the theater room.  I am sure I can rig something up in there if you would like.”

“That would be great, Peter, but right now I know I would just fall asleep.  Do you think you could get that set up so I can watch a movie when I wake up?”

“Sure, Gus,” Peter could see that Gus had hit a wall.  He could barely move all of the sudden. Peter picked Gus up and carried him to his bed. “Hey, Gus, can you keep a secret?”

“Sure!” Gus replied.

“I am going to ask Becca to marry me.  I hope she will say yes but it won’t be until after we are done with school.  I love her so much.”

“I hope she says yes.  I like her. Now, you better go upstairs so you can see her naked.”

As Peter walked out of the room he had to laugh at his young cousin. One minute so wise for his age and in the next he was an adolescent just wanting to know about sex.

Peter walked into Brinn’s room and heard splashing coming from the bathroom. He knocked on the door.  “May I come in?”

“What do you think, Brinn, can Peter come in?”

“Come, Pete, come in.  Bubbles!

Peter walked in and saw a tub full of bubbles, a grinning Brinn in the middle.  Brinn played tea party and she didn’t notice Peter’s hand slipping in behind Becca as Becca helped Brinn get clean.  Peter’s hand washed her back but then grazed her breasts as he reached around for a bar of soap. He then dropped the soap and  his fingers slid between her lips and darted deep inside her for a couple seconds. She gasped. As they played their game Brinn started whining.

“I think someone is ready for a nap.” Peter got a thick towel and Becca handed Brinn up.  He looked down at Becca. “Don’t move. I’ll be back in a couple minutes.”

Peter put a diaper on Brinn and put a sleeper on her.  “No night, Pete. Nap time.”

“We will let you pick something out after your nap alright?”

She yawned and nodded her head. She laid down in her crib and pulled her favorite stuffed animal.  

The bathroom door creaked open. Becca stood there with her clothes in her hand and a bath towel wrapped around her.  She held her fingers to her mouth and took his hand still holding onto the clothes and the front of the towel. Becca started to cross the hall but Peter reversed her direction and rushed her into Gus’ room. Once the door shut the towel was flung across the room and Peter’s fingers were dancing in and out of her slit and playing with her clit.

“I want to hear you ask for more.!”  He stroked her over and over with one hand while he tried to get out of his own pants.  She screamed as he pushed her over the edge and then he entered her and as he slid in and out her arousal began to build again. He stopped for a couple minutes as his mouth sought out her sensitive nipples.

“Peter, don’t stop.  I want you to fill me, I want all of you?”

This time they shouted together and Peter filled her. “I love you Becca. I love you so much.”

She clung to him and they dozed for a short time. Becca ran her hand down his back and landed on his ass. She ran her fingers between his well formed cheeks and a shiver ran through him. She flipped him over and her mouth began trailing over his body. Together they again reached a climax that shook them to their core.

Justin spent a lot of his time Tina’s own room.  He had Peter help carry a couple things into that room.  He had told everyone in the house that Brian was coming back and that Brian would be spending a week in that room and he would be in there most of the time, too.  He would not explain much but he did talk to Gus about it.

“Gus, your dad and I are going to work this out.  I am afraid you won’t have much time with us this week but Lucky will be here every day and of course Alice and the rest of the family.  I hope you will help with Brinn, too. I am doing this for the family, for all of us. We are a family and that will never go away.”

“Dad, I understand. You and Pops do what you need to do.  I know you need each other. You deserve to be happy.” They hugged and Justin was off again to prepare for Brian’s return.

Christmas Eve the house was full of activity.  Brinn wasn’t sure what was actually going on but she was very excited to know all her favorite people would be in the house tonight and tomorrow.  John had called and let Alice know they would all be able to come. After talking to their guests and learning their plans, they found out that no one would be spending the evening there and Jim and Mary volunteered to stay on call the next two days.  They were going to celebrate next week with their family so they insisted Tony and John spend the time with their son and family.

At 6:00 pm the house was full.  Jennifer and Tucker had arrived and Jenn was helping Alice get food on the table.  Brian arrived along with the rest from the Inn. He dropped his bag in the laundry room and went to talk to Gus.  He was amazed at the progress his son had made in the last couple days. He heard little feet and turned just in time to swoop up Brinn and then his eyes landed on Justin.  Justin stepped up and kissed him. Everyone disappeared from the room. Jenn slipped Brinn out of Brian’s arms and the two lost themselves in their kiss.

Finally Peter said, “Hey, guys, do you think we can eat before you have sex in the kitchen?”

Everyone laughed and took a seat around the table.  Love and laughter filled the house. After the meal they played games.  Brian hadn’t seen his sister this happy since they were young kids. It was obvious how much she loved her grandson and Justin and Brian noticed when she kissed her son in law on the cheek as she took the little boy from him.  This was major progress for her. She was really trying and her sons were supporting her in anyway they could.

Jennifer and Tucker were the first to leave. They had to travel to Tucker’s family in the morning.  Gifts were exchanged to be opened later. Brinn had lots of hugs for her Grandma and Grandpa. Becca and Peter left at the same time the rest of the family headed back to the Inn.  They would all be back at the main house around 11:00 a.m. to open gifts and have pizza. After everyone had left, Justin took Brinn up to her room and a Brian checked on Gus to see if he was settled for the night.  He hadn’t had a lot of time to talk to him since the horrible day with his feet.

“I am so glad you are feeling so much better, Gus.  You are walking so well with the new cast and are your toes feeling better?”

“Ya, Pop, that wasn’t a good day but I really don’t remember a lot of it.  I remember your arms holding me and making me feel safe. When you and dad are around I never worry much but I have to admit it hurt really bad.”

Brian had to hug his son. “Gus, I am not sure I would have handled all that half as well.  You really haven’t complained at all.”

“I did it to myself, Pop.  I was stupid. I just got stuck on something so unimportant.  I know you and Dad love me. And I know my moms love me. What did I want, four last names?”

“You are so much smarter than I was at your age.  Do you think you are going to make it upstairs pretty soon? Has Lucky talked to the doctor about that or are you delaying it so Lucky can keep coming?”  Brian winked at his son.

“I am really going to miss him. I really do lov…. like him a lot.”

“I know you love him, and there is nothing wrong with that.  And I think you realize you are too young to stay in love with him.  I know he will be here full time for the next week yet. If you can steal a kiss or two…. but you need to respect his feelings.  If he says ‘no’....

“I know.  I just know everyone in the house …..well, I can tell by the way you all look at each other that there is a real connection after you have been together.”

“Yes, and I know you are very mature but you aren’t ready for that connection, yet, Sunny Boy.  Some days I’m not sure I am ready for it. I am just lucky your dad is very forgiving because I know most people wouldn’t let me stay.” He kissed Gus, “I am going up to bed now.  You know how to get us if you need us and Alice is in her room, too. I love you, Gus.”

“Love you, too, Pop.  I hope you make up with Dad.”

“I will do my best.”

Brian grabbed a bottle of champagne out of the wine fridge and went to his room.  Justin was still in the nursery talking to Brinn, trying to settle the little girl who had more sugar than usual. Justin held her and sang to her a song of love and as Brian listened his heart melted as his daughter started to droop.  Justin saw Brian and smiled. Brian’s heart skipped a beat. He would do everything in his power not to hurt him again.

Brian opened his mouth to say something when Justin put his finger to his lips.  “For the next 24 hours the last two weeks didn’t happen. I don’t want to talk about it until Christmas is over.” Justin stepped up next to him and stood on his tiptoes and put his lips up against Brian’s ear, “Love me,Baby.”

Brian’s arms went around Justin’s willing body. He looked deeply into Justin’s eye. One of his arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him tightly against him.  He moved his other hand behind Justin’s head and ever so slowly lowered his lips down. He barely brushed his lips across Justin’s. Justin’s hands went to either size of Brian’s face and pulled him down again. This time the kiss was slow and sensual.  Justin’s tongue slid into Brian’s mouth and Brian’s reached out to meet his. They both shivered and then sighed. Justin’s hands began to work the buttons of Brian’s shirt. Soon the red button down was on the floor. The kiss continued to deepen and the need began to grow. Clothes were removed and they were soon lying next to each other and hands were tracing muscles and hairlines. Justin placed one knee up on Brian’s hip and Brian entered him. Moving together, the tension between them grew and as their lips joined once more, their hearts and souls melded and they were both where they belonged.

Tony pulled the car into the garage and John immediately started taking Matteo’s car seat out of the vehicle.  Claire came around the car as Tony wrapped his arms around John’s waist. Claire took the carseat out of John’s hand.  “Guys, I am staying in the apartment with my grandson tonight and the two of you are spending the night in the upstairs suite.  It was booked for tonight but they aren’t coming in now but it has been paid for already. I have him and I don’t want to see you until at least 9:00 a.m.  I don’t want to think about it and I really definitely don’t want to know details but you are married and need time together. I have this little guy.”

John and Tony both hugged her. “Are you sure, Mom?”  

“I don’t have money to buy gifts this year with the Fines I had to pay and losing my job.  The least I can do is give you an evening alone…..and if you want to check on me, I understand.”

“Mom, you wouldn’t hurt Matty.  I know that. We will grab a couple things and go up to the suite.”

They each grabbed some clothes and John quickly grabbed a bag of surprises, not knowing if they had the energy for games. Tony kissed Claire again, “You come and get us if you need us.”

John and Tony held hands as they slowly walked up the steps. As they got to the door Tony kissed John. It was soft and  sweet, no demands and no expectations. John opened the door and once they were inside they shut it behind them. They turned on the fireplace but left the rest of the lights off. They both undressed and got into bed. They wrapped their arms and legs around each other and within seconds they were both snoring softly.  

About 4:00 a.m. John started awake and then taking in the fireplace and the room he remembered where they were and that Matty was fine. His body began to respond to the feel of Tony next to him. He slipped out of bed and located the little bag of tricks he had brought along.  He found a butt plug and slowly inserted it into himself. He wanted to feel Tony inside him and this would help. Very slowly John woke Tony by kissing his eyelids and his nose. He took one of Tony’s nipples in his teeth.

“John, Mi Amore”

John’s mouth continued to travel across Tony’s body until Tony was definitely wide awake.  Tony flipped John to his back and returned the kisses from his eyelids downward. Tony’s hand began to stroke John’s  erect cock and when he reached around to stimulate John’s prostate and he found the plug John had inserted. John looked at his husband.  “I want you inside me.”

Tony removed the plug and filled the space with his own cock. With John’s legs on his shoulders Tony pressed inward slowly stretching John out further as he continued until he had no more to give.  As they men kissed Tony increased the speed and more power to his thrusts as both men grunted in pleasure. Tony froze and tried to press even further in as he filled his husband with a shout. He collapsed onto John and after a few seconds he moved and propped his head on his hand smiling down at John.  “Merry Christmas, my love.”

The next two hours they played and slept and enjoyed the feel of each other.  Eventually, they showered, dressed and with one last long kiss they went to enjoy their son’s first Christmas with the people they loved the most.

Brian woke up very early feeling Justin pressed against him.  He pulled him close. He knew they still had things to talk about but he was home.  Justin awoke to kisses being trailed all over his body and as his arousal grew, Brian turned and offered himself to Justin. Justin gently entered the love of his life, absorbed by the feel Justin had to control and pace himself to bring Brian the full enjoyment he deserved. As Justin made the final thrusts he shouted, “I love you, Baby, I love you so much.” Shutter after shutter ran through both of them as they completed each other.

When Brian, Justin, and Brinn arrived downstairs, Justin went in to check on Gus.  He opened the door very quietly not wanting to wake him if he was still asleep. He was pulling the door shut when he heard Gus say, “Hi Dad.”

“Merry Christmas, Gus. Did you sleep well?”

“I did.  Do you think I could take a shower.  I feel so gross. It has been weeks since I could really get clean.

“I am not sure about a shower but how about a bath? We should be able to get you into our tub upstairs if you think you can make it up there.”

“Before all of this I might have been a little embarrassed but in the last 4 weeks you have all seen all of me anyway.”

“Gus, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, I have met a lot of men that have a lot less to their package then you do and they are fully grown.” As Justin was talking he had gotten Gus into a robe. “I am going to go talk to Brian and you start making your way to the stairs, alright?”

Justin explained to Brian what the plans were.  Justin brought Brinn up to her room and made sure she was in a safe spot as Justin started the bath water while Brian helped Gus climb the steps.  When they arrived in the bathroom Justin helped remove Gus’s walking cast and then they helped Gus lower himself in the water. He made an audible sound of pleasure as he felt the water roll over his body. Justin and Brian realized he might enjoy a little time alone in the big tub.  

“We’ll be in the bedroom so you can have a little privacy.” Justin smiled.  “I’ll help with your hair when you are ready.”

He blushed and nodded.  

Brian tried to distract Justin in the same way Gus was distracting himself.  Brinn was playing in her room, in eyesight of her dads. Brian’s hand was down Justin’s pants as he stood behind him.  “I love you, Sunshine. I will love you forever and always.”

“I really wish you could love yourself.”

“Dad, can you help with my hair?”

Justin helped him with his hair and then Brian helped get him out of the tub safely.  Once his leg was well dried the walking bood went back on. With minor assistance Gus dressed and comb his hair.

Gus wouldn’t admit it but he was tired by the time he was finished.  Brian helped him back down the steps and got him settled onto the sectional in the kitchen.  He was napping in a few minutes.

Justin and Brian, with Brinn’s help got ready for the family to arrive.  Somehow gifts had appeared. Most of them were for the kids. The adults had decided this year they were going to make a donation to a local charity rather than buy small things for each other.  Brian and Justin hoped to go to Ibiza sometime this spring, Valentine’s Day or their anniversary maybe. They would make decisions after everything settled down. Gus was improving but they needed to make sure he was completely healed and they would have to decide whether or not to take Brinn.  All that could wait until another time. As long as they were together that is all they cared about.

Soon John and Tony arrived with little Matty and Claire.  John and Tony were having a hard time keeping their hands off each other. Gus woke up just as the two of them snuck in the kitchen and they were caught in each other’s embrace. “Seriously, guys? I swear all this house thinks about is sex.” Tony and John laughed

“Sorry, Gus.  It is Christmas.  We were just giving each other a little gift.”

“Not so little,” John kissed Tony. “Why don’t you join the family around the tree? Do you need some help?”

“Maybe just to stand up.”  John offered him a hand and the three walked into the  living room where Claire sat with Matty and Brinn stood next to them jabbering away.  

Peter and Becca arrived last.  They, too, looked more in love than ever.  Gus had no doubt what they were doing to arrive late.  Brinn was like a little butterfly floating around helping open the little gifts they shared.  When the gifts were all dispersed and everyone was chatting Peter stood up. “I….um…..I have one more gift.”  He walked over and offered his hand to Becca. Becca stood and Peter dropped to one knee. He held Becca’s hand and looked up into her eyes. “Bex, I know we’re young and I am in no rush but, I love you and, Rebecca, will you marry me when we are ready?”  Peter opened a box with a beautiful ring.

“Oh, Peter, you don’t mean.  You really don’t…..I just can’t….” Peter heard her say lies and hate me as Becca ran out of the room.

“Becca! Bex!” Peter stood to follow her.John took his arm.

“Peter,”  Justin said. “Let me talk to her a minute.  Trust me, she loves you.”

Justin followed Becca and found her in a corner of the theater room, sitting on a cushion on the floor.

“I should have told him.  I lied to him. I know he wants a family.  I can’t do that. I can’t…”

Justin took Becca in his arms.  “Becca, you need to tell him. He will understand.  He loves you so much. He wouldn’t have asked you if he didn’t.”

In the living room, Peter was shattered. After some time Brian said, “Go find her, Peter.  If you love her you need to go find out what this is about.”

Peter heard Justin talking to Becca from around the corner.  What did Becca have to tell him?

Justin continued to hold her and talk to her, “Becca, in our family, children come in different ways.  Just because you are unable to have a child makes you no less of a woman.”

Peter stood in shock for a minute. His beautiful Becca who was so loving and so giving couldn’t have a baby.  He walked around the corner and tapped Justin on the shoulder. Justin slipped out and Peter took his Becca in his arms.

“Oh, Becca, why didn’t you tell me?  Why don’t you tell me now?”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t tell you. I started having trouble as a teenager after the years of abuse.  I started bleeding so bad there was nothing the doctors could do but sterilize me. I can never be a mother. I know how much you want a family.”

“Oh, Bex, you can still be a mother.  We can still have a family. There are a lot of kids out there that need homes and when we’re married and ready for a family maybe we can help other kids that have escaped a bad situation.  Becca, I can’t imagine a life without you. Please tell me you’ll marry me. Please.”

Becca put her arms around Peter’s neck. Through her sobs she said, “Yes, oh, yes.  I love you. I will marry you.” As they kissed a soft cheer went up. The whole family had come in.   Claire had been given a very quick explanation as they walked in. Without hesitation Claire started toward the front. Brian’s first instinct was to stop her but he let her go.

Peter and Becca were standing up when Claire reached them.  She put her arms around Becca. “Welcome to the family, Becca” And with that the tension seemed to lighten up and everyone felt like they had something to celebrate.

The remainder of Christmas was spent eating pizza and Christmas cookies.  They watched holiday movies and just spent time together. At dinner time they raided the fridge and Claire and Justin threw some things together and made a great hot dish for anyone who was hungry.  Soon Matty was getting fussy. It was time for him to go to bed and his family said goodnight as they left. Peter helped Gus get upstairs and then he and his future bride walked back to their guest house.

When the house was quiet and Brian and Justin were alone, Justin looked at Brian and took his hand. “I want you to go say goodnight to Gus and then go to Tina’s old room.  You will be spending the next week in there.”

“I’ll what?”

“Brian, before I agree to make this permanent you have to agree to spend your week in that room, seeing no one but me. Do you agree?”


“I don’t appear to have any options but I can’t imagine any better person to spend my time with.” and with that Christmas was over and they were on to new beginnings.

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