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I look over my shoulder and watch as the light is snapped off in the bedroom. This means he is going to either go back to sleep or...less than a minute later his studio light is switched on...he is going to paint. Both of these are good, but the painting is better, as it means he is getting it out of his system.


I look down at the insistent tug on the log and smile at the behemoth that is Baggie, he whines pitifully. “Who do you think you are fooling?” I chide him and he wags his tail knowingly.


“Come on then!” I take off running but only get a few feet before he hauls me to the ground in the gentlest of ways. “Ooof!” I protest as he drops his anvil of a head on my chest. I ruffle his ears still disbelieving that he and Baloo have grown into this. “You are such a devil! Let me up!” I order but he merely makes himself comfortable before snuffling in my pocket. “Baggie come on!” I flail helplessly underneath him. “For crying out...get off!”


“Hey.” The laughter filled tones of Justin float down and I smile at him, with a chuff from Baloo, Baggie gets up. “Figured you could do with some help when I saw which jacket you took.” I sit up and he sits next to me. “Seriously you need to be firmer. Because he knows about that pocket.”


I sigh then smile as they wrestle with each other. Never have I see much love between two dogs. “I know. But…”


“It makes you happy?”


“Yeah. It's our thing, yeah I bitch about it but wouldn't have it any other way.”


“Give it to him then.” He orders and as soon as I take out the foil wrapped steak Baggie is back at my side. Drooling. “Hope you have some for Baloo.” I carefully halve the steak and feed our boys. “Brian…”


“I am scared too. Supposing they don't find him? And even if they do, he refuses to help!”


“Exactly. And from what Lionel has said he will be…” He trails off his face filled with fear. “...we need to speak to Slick, I can't, I can't agree to this.” He whispers fearfully and I gather my sobbing husband in my arms, helpless as to how we can get out of this and help Slick and Lindon.




“Good. Because I am not going to let you! Of all the ridiculous notions!” Momn's annoyed tones startle both of us.


“Just keep adding conditions. At the end of the day they want this.” I gape at Slick as she steps from behind Mom with a basket in her hand. “Brought breakfast.” She hands the basket to Mom. “Because you are one for early morning rising when you are stressing. And you don't eat.” She gestures at me, we both nod she knows us so well. “So she knows he ain't the dad. Keep saying adding conditions. Two things will happen, he will get bored or she will get wise and go after the other fish.”


“Other fish?” Mom queries as she begins to plate up the food. “Off Baggie!” I try not to snicker at his affronted expression, and fail. “Oh you mean David.”


“You do?” I query after getting a puzzled look from Brian.


“Yes it makes perfect sense. Well it does if you think about it. From what Mathias said, he virtually outed himself to her when he told of how he met Michael. This accord they have reached...I will flick your nose and no matter how big you are it will hurt!” Baggie retreats behind Baloo grumbling. “As I was saying this accord is that they have reached is everything to do with maintaining their positions, his secrecy and payback.” She pulls out two more bowls and then the smell hits us. Baggie starts to whimper and crawl on his belly. “I am coming to you!” She declares and takes the bowls to them, filled with their favourite food, turkey neck, kibble and bone broth. “Not one movement or I put it back!” They keep absolutely still, the only thing moving is the steady drip of their drool to the ground.


Brian turns and try to glare a me into silence as I start to giggle. “What?” Slick demands as she watches them eat their food. “For dogs this big they are surprisingly delicate eaters!” More laughter. “Come on what?”


“Was just remembering…”


“No you were not!” Brian attempts to stop me.


“Ah you have to tell now!” Mom demands.


“The first time they had it. Mr Chef here decided that he was going to go it alone one evening…


Start of flashback







“What on earth is that?!” I exclaim as I look in the roasting tray in disgust. “That’s not for dinner is it?!”


“Yes but not for us.” Brian declares coming out of the pantry with their kibble. “It’s for the boys, I heard Slick talking about it.”


“What is the it?”


“Turkey necks.” He beams as if this is the epicurean equivalent of manna from heaven for dogs. “Just the thing for growing puppies.”


“Stud. Two things, they are no longer puppies and secondly is this the first time you have tested it on them?”


“Yes to the first time, they are still my babies in my heart.” He stops scooping the meat juices into their bowls and glares at me over his shoulder. “Do I need to say it?”


“That if I tell anyone you will castrate me? No you don’t.” I stand on tiptoes to kiss his pinkened cheek. “But in all seriousness maybe all of that is a bit too much?”


“What do you mean?”


“You know what they get like when they have something new and delicious…”I peer in the roasting tin. “...well delicious to them. They get excited, especially Baggie and they have several pounds on you.”


“Oh I am pretty sure that they will obey their master’s voice.” He declares airily and starts to chop up the necks. I watch with morbid fascination as he carefully makes sure that they both have the same amount and wish that I had my phone with me because this is going to be good! “Right, let me go test. Want to see the masterful way I handle them?”


Keeping the smile firmly off my face I just nod and follow him to the mud room. “Get the door then.”


“Okay, uh Master. But might I suggest that you secure them and then give them the food? Again, several pounds of excitable dogs with their other favourite hooman holding food, which I have to admit smells good.”


“See! Now just open the door.” He orders.


I shake my head at his stubbornness and open up, being careful to be behind it, safely out of the way of their enthusiasm.


“Hey boys! Look what da...aaaah! Baggie wait! Stop! Down!” Brian screams as he runs back towards the pantry slopping their dinner over the floor. Baggie easily fells him, sending one bowl flying and the other about a foot in front of Brian’s head, which he then sits on begins to eat his tail sweeping across Brian's back. “Justin!” Comes a muffled yelling. “Help! Can’t breathe! Get him off me!”


I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I get up off of the floor and go and assist my idiotic husband. “Baggie!” I declare, he stops eating for one second before almost shrugging then wiggling his butt to get more comfortable. I grab the bowl then put it in the pantry and shut the door quickly. As I thought he would, he gets up and starts to eat the stuff on the floor along with Baloo.


“That was horrible! Dog butt on my hair! Dog butt! I think he peed a bit he was so happy! I need a fucking bath and not a fucking word to fucking anybody!” He shouts as he storms upstairs. I wait for the bathroom door to be slammed shut and with the boys help start to clean up the kitchen.




“So...um, where do you think I went wrong there?” Brian asks as he comes into the lounge and sits next to me.


“Everywhere.” I reply slightly mollified that he does look contrite and embarrassed.


“Sorry. I should’ve listened.”


“Yes you should have. But you were right about one thing, they did love it. And we need to take them to obedience class. Especially Baggie.”


“Hmmm.” He smiles at their slumbering forms. “I take it I am on walking and clean up?”


“Yes.” I reply then snort.


“What?” He sighs.


“I think that they are going to be huge. You know how delicate their system is.”



End of flashback


“But you took them to obedience class and they passed with flying colours. How are they so like they, well Baggie is?!”  Slick asks throwing them both a piece of bacon.


“They are very smart dogs!” Brian beams. “They did enough to pass and…”


“Reverted back to old habits the moment they got home?” Slick chuckles and laughs harder when we nod. “So let’s make a list.”


“List?” I frown.


“Yep. They think that it is us jumping through hoops, but it is so going to be them!”








I have never been so proud of Ronald as I am right now. When he realised who David was and said what he wanted to do, I was, at first sceptical to say the least. I could not understand it. But now I get it. Because of him, Lynette endured such hardship and callousness from her previous husbands and supposed Mother. We take away the thing he values most and then his freedom. Although we have held off for now, we have laid as much groundwork down as we can.


“Are you expecting anyone?” Lynette calls out to Oliver as the door knocks.


“Yes.” He replies as he heads to open it. “Hi George, how lovely to see you. Come in, come in.”


“George? As in Shickel?” I ask Ronald, who nods with a smile. “Why?”


“Because....” Oliver comes in with George. “...we have been doing a bit of digging ourselves.”


I look between the pair of them then at Lynette then George. “Oh my good…”


“What? What is it Kimmy?” Lynette demands worriedly.


“Seriously? Are you serious?!”


“Yes I am serious.” Ronald smiles tearfully. “Once we found out what we knew, I asked Oliver to speak on my behalf.”


“Behalf? Inkling?” Lynette questions.


“Your ex-mother, is one for oneupmanship and always will be. But she has the memory of an amnesiac especially when it comes to her past conquests. She fucks and moves on. Except in your case she couldn’t. I had always known that you weren’t mine biologically but you are mine in my heart. And, of course, she would never admit that she cheated on me. Well not until she could cause the most damage. So between Oliver and I, we went back in time…”


“Back in time? Daddy what are you talking about?!”


“I found your mother’s diaries. She detailed everything. Although she never used names, she did describe her concubines as she called them. And the way she described this particular man got me to thinking, especially when she said he was a doctor. And he was the last one.”


Lynnette slowly turns to George, who has tears in his eyes. “You?” She whispers.


“Yes me. I am your father.”


Chapter End Notes:

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