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“What do you mean you smell alcohol?” I frown.

“I mean this.” Officer Cook leans down and picks up a glass from the side of the chair. “First rule is sobriety.” He glares at Michael, who is now pale. “Your explanation is?”

“It was here when I got in.” Michael replies. “I picked up the glass to see what it was, you opening the door startled me and I spilled it on myself.”

I marvel at his ability to lie so quickly and easily!

“And when did you get in?” Cook heads to the cart and looks at the bottles.

“A few minutes before you did.” The sweat is now glistening on his forehead. “I had just sat down, and it was...” He is interrupted by the front door opening, I am going to enjoy this! “...there.”

“What a fucking day!” Is grumbled from the hallway. “Anyone in?!” Carlton calls out.

“In here!” I yell back, he saunters in, ladened down with books. “Hi...uh, everyone, what’s going on?”

“Spot check, and now an introduction. Carlton…” I smile at him. “...this is your fellow resident, Michael Novotny. Michael, this is Carlton Stone.” 

“Hello. Why are you spot checking already?” Carlton looks around the group before putting down his books, then scratching the crook of his elbow. 

“Why? Is there something you have to hide?” Michael demands snidely. “When did you go out?”

“And you are what to me now?” Carlton glares, scratching some more.

“Curious.” Michael sneers, then heads to the cart. “Because I found this when I got in…” He points at the glass in Cook’s hand. “...it isn’t mine, so care to explain how it got there?”

“No idea.” Carlton sniffs, I notice his eyes are really red. “I was registering for school, it took forever. So, who are the rest of you?”

“Oh, sorry!” I exclaim. This is Officer Cook, and they are Richard and Miranda Marks.”

“Nice to meet you, Carlton.” Miranda smiles before turning to Michael. “And what have you been doing?”

“What do you mean?” Michael bristles.

“Well, you’ve been here a good few weeks I believe. From what I can gather nobody has heard from you, hence the spot check. Carlton has been here less than a week, has already registered for school and put his resume on job boards. So I doubt that…” She points at the glass. “...is his.”


I hide my smile. Yeah, I am a product of my environment following in my folks footsteps, but when I saw Claire, met Slick, Lindon, and everyone else, I slowed my roll and thought if they can do it, born into or worked for, why can’t I? 

“What about drugs?” The idiot pipes up.

“What about them?” Richard is peering down the side of the chair and touching it.

“Richard?” Miranda prompts.

“Well, shouldn’t he be tested for them?”

“We will test both of you. As is the proper…”

“Excuse me, Officer, but I am not the one itching like he is coming down from a high!” He looks around basking in the silence. “He has been scratching since he got here. His eyes are really red. Isn’t that…”

“Let me see.” Cook demands, the idiot smiles wider. I roll up my sleeves and they crowd around to look at my arms. “Hmmm. You putting anything on that?”

“Rosehip oil.” I sniff then sneeze. “Allergies.”

“Of course.” Michael sneers.

“CBD oil is on the list, correct?” Officer Cook is still inspecting my arm.

“Yes, why? And why were you looking at the chair, Richard?” Miranda asks.

“Coming back to that.” He replies. “As for CBD oil, it is known for its healing properties, so I think a topical treatment could be allowed. Now back to the chair, could you touch here for me, Officer?” He points at the cushion in the chair. “Thoughts?”

“Still warm, so someone has been sitting in it for a while.” He goes back to the cart and starts dusting. “Mr Stone, you first, please.” 

“Sure.” I press my lips together hard as he takes my prints then Novotny’s. “When will you have the results?”

“By tomorrow, afternoon, at the earliest. So shall we go upstairs?” I nod, then gesture him ahead of me. He gives me such a filthy look that I am almost tempted to kick him in his backside.

“Whose room is this one?” Cook asks Matthias. 

“This is Carlton’s, the one opposite is Michael’s, and the one upstairs is currently unoccupied, but from tomorrow it will be.” 

“Let’s do his first then.” He points at me, I let them all in. “Were you in last night?” Officer Cook asks, looking around the room. I nod. “Very tidy. Can you open the drawers and take out the contents, please?” Whilst I do as I am told, I keep an eye on Novotny as does Cook. “Is there a problem, Mr Novotny?”

“Just wondered why he got this room, that’s all. I have been here longer.”

“He is taller than you, so needs the bigger bed.” Matthias replies. 

“Why couldn't the bed be moved into that room then?” 

“Because it’s a bigger bed, ergo won’t fit in that room, obviously. Now Is there anything amiss, Officer?” Matthias returns.

“Nothing that I can...oh wait, what are these?” He rattles a pill bottle, the fool almost cums on the spot. 

“Allergy meds. I have my list for you. Forgot to take them last night, as I was sorting out my forms. Also didn‘t think I would need them.” I pull out my folder and hand it to him. They read it in silence. “Can I take one now?”

“Of course! Do you have drops as well? Your eyes look really sore.” Miranda winces. 

“Yeah, in the bathroom. I won’t be long.” I cross the hallway then come to a furious halt. Turning heel, I stomp back into my room. “Can you guys come with me, please?” I gesture them ahead of me. There is a wet towel on the floor, a tap dripping and two empty toilet rolls on top of the tank. “Having seen my room, you think I left it like this when I finished up this morning?” 

“No.” Matthias sighs. “How many times have I told you to clean up after yourself, Michael?!” 

“I was going to, but I had to dash out this…”

“Has it been flushed?!” I wave at the toilet. “And what the hell did you eat that required one and a half rolls of toilet paper?!”

“Flush it now!” Cook demands. Crimson faced, Novotny does so. At first, nothing happens, but then for him, nothing good happens! The bowl starts to overflow, first with water, then toilet paper, and then the rest. “Oh, for fuck sake, everyone out!” 

“Not you!” Richard shouts at Novotny. “It is your mess, you clean it! Do you have a plunger and gloves?!”

“Yes, in the garage, won’t be long. I can’t believe you, Michael!” Matthias snarls before running downstairs. 



The only time I have seen Matthias that angry was with the food. I knock on the lounge door and wait for someone to say I can come in. When Matthias does he gapes at me.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding?!” Matthias snarls. “You didn’t get changed?!” I cringe at their looks of exasperation and disgust. “And I bet you’ve left all the crap up there as well?!” I don’t say anything. “Michael, you clearly need concise instructions, go and bring it down, dump it outside in the dumpster…wait, is the toilet working?” I shake my head. “For crying out loud.” He scrubs his face. 

“I am sorry. Like I said, I was going to clean it when I got back, and…”

“Sat down and had a drink instead.” Richard snipes. “Now, go and get your folder for us.” 

I bristle at his tone, but do as I am told. Then head outside to dump everything. They are still talking when I head up for a shower.


I say nothing to Carlton as we pass each other on the stairs. I pause at the lounge door and am pleased to hear nothing. “Thank god they’ve gone.” I mutter as I enter.

“We haven’t, we’re in the dining room!” Richard calls out. My heart sinks as I go and join them. “I can’t see them on there, maybe this is a recent thing? Ah, Mr Novotny, why haven’t these been signed?” He waves a sheaf of papers at me.

My heart sinks further. I had meant to get Matthias to sign them ages ago, but needed to deal with my getting my due first. “I got caught up in other…”

“In what other things? It is the duty of you and host to ensure that you live within the confines of the EOHOPS structure. You have already broken one rule, we do not believe that Carlton had the drink. For that there will be a punishment. Mr Novotny, when you read the papers, why didn’t you act on them immediately? I have heard about you; did you just decide to do what you wanted?!” Richard snaps.

“Of course I didn’t! Like I said, I just forgot and had other…”

 “Which were?!” Miranda barks, her face twisted in anger.

“I have been catching up with family and friends.” I fume in remembrance of their treatment of me this morning.

“Well you can stop that, they will understand. After all, this is your rehabilitation you are working towards. You need to have made appointments with sponsors by 1100 tomorrow, or provide a compelling reason why not.” Miranda snipes, as they all get up. “Now get a pen and get these letters signed! We will take them with us, I shall send you copies, Matthias. I will also recommend to the board that you are not penalised due to the selfish ineptitude of your tenant.” 

I gawk at her, but say nothing, just sign the letters and hand them over to Matthias. He signs them without looking at me. 

“We will see you tomorrow, Mr Novotny.” Richard declares. “Oh, don’t disturb Carlton, he’s not well.”

“Fine.” I mutter.

“Consequences will be dire if you are not in nor have completed the tasks assigned to you.”

“Is that clear?” Matthias glares at me. “And a plumber will be here by six to fix the toilet. Thank god there is no carpet or you would’ve been taking that up!”

“Yes, of course.” I murmur, thinking he is really hot when he’s angry! 



I shut the front door and rejoin Debs on the sofa. She hasn’t said much since I came in and it’s beginning to worry me. “Want a coffee or something?”

“No, it’s fine. Let me get dinner…”

“Debs, honey, what is it? Please tell me.” I beg.

“I lost my grandmother’s engagement ring.” She weeps. “And I wanted to ask you to marry me and have that as my engagement ring, with an inscription from you and…” She breaks down entirely, the only thing I can do is hold her. “I know it’s only a ring, but she meant so much to me.” 

“I’m sorry you lost it, and I...um, what?” I stutter. 

“Yes, I want to spend the rest of my life with you as Mrs Horvath.” She clears her throat. “So, will you marry me?”

“Of course I will!” I blub, and we hug each other tightly. “I cannot wait to tell him.” I chuckle, she joins me in uproarious laughter.



I fume as I look around the kitchen. The bowls from two nights before have been joined by another two as well as three mugs. I check the cupboard and take out a couple of plates, my annoyance ramps up as I look at them. They’re still dirty. I go to the dishwasher, open then close it again. Taking the stairs two at a time, I get to his room and bang on the door. It takes him a while to open it. I back up when he does. 

“What do you want?” He grumbles before pushing his way past me to the bathroom. He shuts the door before I can answer. He takes ten minutes, before making a show of leaving his towel on the floor. “Will pick that up in a minute.”

“You will pick that up now!” I growl blocking his way. “And then you will go downstairs, empty the dishwasher, then load it with the stuff you used.” 

“I have to be like you, Mr Teacher’s Pet, and sort my sponsors out...so no, I won’t be doing any of that, well not today.” He drawls before he heads back into his room and shuts the door. It’s not closed for long. “Have you been in my things?!”

“God no!” I shudder. “Christ knows what foetid state your things are. It’s bad enough sharing the bathroom!”

“You must have done! You were the only other person here last night!” He bellows. “I am going to call the police!” 

“Mr Novotny!” Richard calls as he comes up the stairs. “What the hell are you yelling about? I could hear you up the street!”

“He has stolen from me!” He exclaims, a vein popping in his head. “I want them back and I want them back now!”

“Want what back?” I frown before turning to Richard. “I did not take anything from him. I was out cold last night once the pill kicked in.”

“How convenient! Let’s search his room!” He starts to head in that direction, when Richard grabs his arm. “Let go of me! I want my things back!”

“Calm down, Mr Novotny. We are not going to search his room without an officer present. So, in the meantime, what exactly is it he is supposed to have taken?” He goes red before taking a few breaths and glowering at me. “Well, what is it?”

“I had some mens’ personal things in my drawer, now they are gone.” 

“Mens things, what mens things?” Richard demands. “You have to speak plainly.”

“I had some pads for um...my weak bladder and he took them.” He bites out.

“Ah, those. Well, you owe Mr Stone an apology. He didn’t take them, we did.” 

“You did?! What on earth for?!” He explodes.

“Mr Novotny, kindly lower your voice and apologise to both myself and Carlton for your behaviour, then I will explain.” 

“I apologise...” He grits out. “...to both of you, but you can understand why I assumed that it would be him.”

“Not really, no.” I retort. “And apology not accepted. So why did you take them then?” 

“Mr Novotny, you had to provide us with a list of medicines and the like that you require. Your list was blank. As this was deemed unnecessary it was taken. Is your weak bladder a recent development?”

“Um, yes, it, um, is. I was…”

“This needs to be checked by a doctor. So are you registered with a doctor?”

“Uh, yes, David Cameron. He’s my doctor.”

“Fine. Give me his contact details and I shall get one of the junior board members to make an appointment with him.”

“I can do it myself.” He declares.

“But you’re not going to.” Richard retorts. “Now his contact details are to be furnished. So, have you started to call the sponsors?” He looks pointedly at his watch.

“No. I had to wait for the plumber to leave…” He trails off, his face flaming. “...can I get to this tomorrow?”

“No. It is 0830, you can start making calls from nine, after you have picked up that towel and sorted out the kitchen. And before you try to blame Carlton for that again, he was asleep!” 

“Fine. So can I have them back then?”

“Have what back?” I frown. “Do you mean your things? Surely it is just a case of going to the pharmacy to get some more?” 

“Shows how much you know about that!” He snaps before turning back to Richard. “Well, can you get them for me, please?” 

“Am afraid not. Like all confiscated items, they have been destroyed. Now what size were they? Like Carlton said, I can just go to the pharmacy for you.”

Richard and I exchange bewildered looks as he goes still. “Do you think he’s alright? I don’t think I have ever seen anyone go that colour!” 

Chapter End Notes:

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