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I am so humiliated! David is not speaking to me whilst he attends to his car, or what’s left of it.

“Where’s Lindsay?” Michael asks sighing, as he sits down. “God, I would kill for a drink!”

“At her place.” I sigh. “I cannot believe my life is this now! Oh, how I would love to teach him a lesson. A hard one!”

“Who? Brian? You and me both.” He rests his head against the chair. “Do you know what is happening on Saturday?”

“Tasting for their fundraiser that the Montefiore Hospital is going to be hosting in a couple of months time, hosted by his boyfriend!”

“Boyfriend, whose boyfriend?” He frowns.

“Oh, you weren’t here when they were. Emmett something or other.” I look at my watch. “I am Queen of this castle, what would you like to drink?”

“I am not allowed to…”

“Like I said, I am the Queen. What do you want to drink?”

“Do you have some bourbon?” His eyes light up. “Oh actually, no, make it a brandy. Not a fan of that anymore.” I pour us two generous glasses. “I used to like that, but not anymore, he has forever tainted it. He forever tainted him!”

“Who has?” I frown.

“Taylor. His husband. I mean Slick was always a burr in my side. It was because of her that they got together. I would love for him to feel how it felt!”

“Oh, she is just intolerable!” I concur. “I heard that she has a child now.”

“Yep, I’m the father!” He crows, I splutter on my drink. 

“How on earth did that work out?!” I demand.

“Well, when Lindsay had her, she gave her up immediately. Seems that by some twist of fate, Slick ended up adopting her.”

“Lindsay had a child and didn't tell me?!” I gasp, reaching for my phone. She takes a while to pick up. “When were you going to tell me I am a grandmother?!” I put her on speaker and signal him to say nothing. “So explain yourself!”

“Who told you about that?” She sighs.

“It doesn’t matter! Why wasn’t I told?!” 

“Because I didn’t want anything to do with her and neither did the father. In fact he was delighted he wasn’t on the certificate! Now I am very tired. Besides, you barely acknowledged Gus or Jenny, so this outrage is ridiculous!” His eyes are popping out of his head. “So I am assuming that David told you...”

“What do you mean David? David knew?!” 

“Of course he did, he was the one that confirmed it. And until he was transferred out he looked after me…” She is quiet for a minute. “...I see. I need to get some rest. I will see you on Saturday, mother, and you too, Michael!”

“Lind…” Michael begins, but she’s hung up. “...you know, sometimes she gets a bit big for her boots!”

“Oh I know! The amount of scrapes and scraps I have had to get her out of!” 



I am pacing as I wait for them to arrive. “Edna, thank you for coming and bringing Carlton,” 

“Welcome.” She replies as I lead them to the lounge. “So what’s the matter?”

“Michael and my mother are in her house together and…sorry, please sit down.”

“And this is our concern why?” Edna sighs as they both remain standing.

“Because I never told her about my pregnancy. David wouldn't because of client confidentiality, so the person that told her is Michael. And he thinks that he’s the father, but he’s not. You are.”


I am stunned. I never in a million years thought that she would be saying this to us. 

“It was when we were in New York. You and I met in the Bacarat Hotel.” Her hand shakes as she takes a sip of her drink. “I am not making this up. I knew it was you the moment you came in the EOHOPS house.”

“So what do you want me to do with that information?” Carlton asks quietly.

“Whatever you wish. I just had some time to reflect on my behaviour, you have the right to know.” 

“Um. Well thanks I guess.” 

“I need to get out of here. Can you recommend a place for me?” I sit down quickly. “I am serious, there must be somewhere! I can’t stay here, knowing what I know I can’t!” She starts to cry, huge great gulping sobs. “She’s my sister! Edna, please help me get out of here!” 

“Calm down. Take deep breaths, nice and deep, You’ve burned a lot of bridges, so I feel the best place for you is with me!” She looks stunned. “He can move in here.”

“Who can move in here? Carlton? David would never allow that!”

“Why not? It's not like you are any different to me.” Carlton scoffs. “When all is said and done, regardless of our hue, we’re both yardbirds!”

“Of course, sorry, I didn't mean any…” She pauses and stares at us, her eyes widening and jaw dropping. “...surely not? You mentioned a...I’ve heard nothing but good things.” She shakes her head. “Julia has done nothing but sing your praises, your grades are incredible!”

“Where are you going now?!” I demand as she rushes out.

“Wait, please wait!” She calls, and is back in seconds with a sheaf of papers in her hand. “I used to teach, well art but I am have a great GPA. She suggested that I help at the college during the day. I wasn’t doing anything, since Brian insisted on us doing the night shift…” She babbles, pressing the papers into his hands and beaming. “Look! Look at it!”

I lean across to check it out and gasp. “That’s an A grade paper! You got an A!” I cry.

“More than one! Keep looking!” He flicks through, the are four A-grade papers and two A-minus papers. “You have one very smart boy. I hope that she has your brains and not mine! So why with you, Edna?”

“Because it will look like a punishment, and we can start to build our case against him without it looking obvious that we are.” She nods. “Now give me your phone and your keys!” Her handing them over without hesitation is a good start. “Leave the escape plan with me, just be ready first thing in the morning!”



Michael’s sitting flummoxed in the lounge, just staring at Lindsay. “So she is moving in here?”

“Yes. Dr Cameron wanted her removed, seems to have been a falling out” Edna explains.

“A falling out?! What happened Lindsay?!” He smirks.

“Surely you remember his reaction to having that vehicle outside his residence waiting to pick her up? As for the other reasons, he chose not to disclose them.” I explain. “The fact remains that this is the only logical place for Ms Peterson, so you will be moving to another house, just off Liberty Avenue.” 

“Really?!” Michael exclaims, getting up and grabbing his phone. “Well why didn't you lead with that?! How long have I got to pack?! Where is it?!” He shouts over his shoulder as he rushes out. “Finally, my own space!”

“Not you, Novotny! I am talking to Carlton!” As he comes slowly back in, I can’t look at Lindsay. Thankfully her head is down, but it's her  knuckles. They are bright white where she is clasping them so tightly. I raise an eyebrow at Edna.

“Lindsay, here, have some water.” She orders, and holds the glass out.

I turn my focus back on Novotny who is now furious.

“Him?! He gets to leave?! Why?!” 

“Because you are disruptive. He has complained about your constant stomping around and interrupting him whilst he is trying to study. Besides, it's nearer to school, the station and his job.”

“Job, what job?! Who would hire him?!”

“Again, none of your business. He has a job for which he earns a wage to keep as opposed to having it garnished for restitution.”

“Honeycutt?!” He explodes. “I bet it’s him!”

“As I said, I am just here to take him to his new residence.”



It took him just over an hour to get out, and for her to move in. I watch her unpack quietly.

“So what happened between you and David?” I sneer, knowing full well that when David came in that night, Nancy lit into him and insisted that Lindsay be removed from the apartment. He was only too happy to obey!

“Why did you tell her about my pregnancy?” She glares.

“It slipped out, I thought you had told her!”

“No, you knew I hadn't told her. I hadn’t told anyone but you, and even then that was after I had given her up. I know you, Michael, remember?” She sits down and taps her fingers against her cheek. “I don’t want anything more to do with this.” She sighs. “I just want to pay my penance and get on with my life…”

“Why the change of heart?!” I growl, coming in and shutting the door. “You were all gung-ho before! Have you forgotten what the Ghetto Queen did to us?”

“Have you forgotten what we did to her? To Brian and to our children?” She retorts. “The cold hard truth hurts, doesn’t it? And the truth of the matter is that he fell in love with Justin, is in love with Justin, and it will only be Justin.”

“Lindsay…” I go to sit next to her and try to take her hand but she moves to the window. “...if it wasn’t for Slick we…”

“If it wasn’t Slick, it would’ve been Debs, and if not Debs then any other person on the Avenue would’ve protected them, or didn't you see that?”

“Protected? What are you talking about?!”

“Emmett came to the prison….” She laughs as my jaw drops. “...yes, it was a surprise to me too! 

“What did he want? Why was he visiting you?! And why am I only finding out about this now?”


“Finding out? Why should I tell you anything about my time in prison, it’s not as if you asked anyway! I snap. “Whilst he came to the prison, he wasn’t coming to see me, it was a coincidence. Do you know that he runs a rehabilitation programme across the state, teaching prisoners to cook?” He looks stunned. “Him, Justin, and Slick do it.”

“Well he can include me in that as well!” He declares.

“Now I want to get some rest, so leave!” I yank the door open and he strides out. “Michael, you won’t get onto the programme....”

“Oh yes I will! I have all the cards where Slick’s kid is concerned!”

“And you’re determined to play them all are you?” He nods smugly. “Then you and David need to factor in your transition period, it’s women only!” I slam the door and lock it.




I hold Brian’s hand just to anchor him to the bed. He’s been in hospital for a week. He’s desperate to go home to see Baggie most of all, personally I think that everyone is relieved that it is discharge day!

“Oh, for crying out fucking loud, Ted, don’t start crying again! I am still here, do you not hear me yelling at you?!

“The whole hospital can hear you yelling, now stop!” Debs orders as she comes in, he goes quiet. I blow her a kiss.

“So, do we know what caused the seizure?” I ask, looking at George, who I met for the first time last weekend when he saved Brian’s life.

“We’re still investigating the bloodwork.” George replies tiredly. “I just don’t understand it, one minute you were fine then next you were struggling to breathe. Is there anything that tasted odd you can recall?”

“No, nothing. Everything that Ems cooked was perfection. I don’t…oh hi, Edna!” Brian beams as she comes in. “How you doing?”

“Okay, you are looking better. Lindsay wants to see you.” 

“What for? To gloat?” He scoffs.

“No, she says she wants to see something, something about your neck. No, I don’t understand it either, but she is insistent. Can she come in?”

“Yeah, why not, let’s just get this over and done with.” He sighs leaning back against the pillows. She opens the door, but instead of smugness, I see something else, but not sure what.

“May I see the back of your neck, Brian, please?” She asks, slowly approaching. In answer, he leans forward and Ems moves to let her in. “Thought so, see these lumps?” Now George is looking. “That’s what happens when he has them. Here, I found these in the bin at the back of the diner.” She hands George a bag, but I can’t see what is in it. “I noticed the rash, just before I was taken ill but thought nothing of it. It was a hot day, and I know you suffer from heat rash, but then later when I was on bin duty I found them.” She gestures at the bag.

“What is it, George?” I demand.

“Ground walnuts.” George frowns.

“No, no way would I have served walnuts to him, I know he’s allergic!” Ems yells, this time Brian looks stunned.

“You know? How?”

“Stud….” Ems takes his other hand. “...you may have lowered your defences when it comes to loving a certain bombshell, but I know you and food. If you are vehement in your hatred of something, it’s because of allergies.” Brian starts to go red. 

“And very few people know that. Amongst them, me and Michael.” Lindsay states. “And as the pre-tasting evening proceeded, he looked angrier and angrier.”

Start of flashback



This looks scrumptious. I cannot wait to taste absolutely everything. “Brian!” I protest as he pulls me back against him. “There are only two lobster rolls left!”

“Emmett is bringing more!” He chuckles in my ear. “He knows you and lobster!”

“Fine.” I sigh and relax. The door opening brings in Lionel and Matthias, much to my surprise. “They do know that David is going to be coming to this, right?” I look up at him.

“I don’t know. Let me…” Before he can finish, David enters. “Oh boy, here comes trouble.”

“Lionel, Matthias, what are you two doing here?” David exclaims. 

“Tasting for Sandrine, David. You know that I know her. What are you doing here? I thought you were off the committee.” Lionel drawls, David goes red. 

“Hey, Slick, over here!” Matthias calls out as she comes in. I look across at  Michael, who looks stunned. “I want to introduce you to someone!” As she saunters towards him, he gestures at Michael, who slowly comes over. “Michael, this is Slick. Slick, this is Michael, he’s one of my boarders at the EOHOPS house. He mentioned you when he moved in.”

“He did? Whatever for?” Slick smiles that smile of hers, the one that says a beat down is coming.

“Said you were a witch.” Matthias replies. “And told me about a sticker he put on the portrait. Said he...”

“So how do you two know each other?” Michael interrupts.

“I know her because she’s my sister, and I know him…” He points to David. “...because he’s Lionel's, ex. And Lionel, is my boyfriend, you never had a chance with me. I don't do questionable in mind, body, soul and heart and definitely not in cleanliness!”

“Your…” Michael begins.

“And, like him, I am exercising my option to remove residents from my abode. You have been nothing but trouble since you got there. You are to be returned to the custody house first thing tomorrow morning.” 

“The custody house?!” Michael goes pale, I nudge Brian to keep his snickering under control. “Oh, you think that’s funny do you, Brian?!”

“Yes, I do actually!” Brian calls back. “Isn’t this the same Matthias you told us about when you got back into town. Believe you said that he’s your boyfriend who is hung better than me. I am curious to know how you know that. Did you watch him shower, like you watched me in the back room?”

“Now where is she?” Matthias demands before Michael can answer. “Where is my little sweet Annabee?”

“Coming with her father.” Slick smiles. “Seems that he has a knack...” 

Everyone turns to the door as it opens, but it’s not Lindon and Annabee, it’s Sandrine, Philip, Elspbeth, and Lewis. 

“Adopted father, don't you mean? Now care to tell me, the birth father, Slick, where my daughter is?” Michael sneers then frowns when Slick’s smile widens. “And what’s funny about that?”

“She’s not yours, you idiot.” Slick snarks. “She’s his.” She points behind him as the door opens.

“Any idea what is going on?” I whisper to Brian.

“None whatsoever.”

“Wait, that's not Lindon! That's Carlton!” Michael exclaims. 

“Yep. She’s his. We did a DNA test, and there is no way on earth that she is yours. Lindsay made a mistake and assumed it was you when you woke up in bed together in New York, we ruled you out a long time ago.”

“How?!” Michael screeches.

“Divina. You do remember your father, right? Took a DNA sample from him. If there was anything from you in her, then there would be markers, but there wasn’t, which means she’s not yours. Have to admit that it has been fun watching you attempt to flex what little power you thought you had, but that time is now over. Knuckle down, Michael, you too, Nancy, take the lead from Lindsay and just get this shit done. Leave the past in the past and let’s just move on…”

“Oh, I will get it done, we both will!” Nancy snaps, having been standing open mouthed and stock still the entire time. “Come on, Michael! Let’s get back to our chores!”

End of flashback



We are sitting in silence. Brian’s test results are back. There were high traces of walnuts found in his system, Grimm and Roman are here as well, Grimm is on his phone. We watch him pace and talk. “Okay, let me know if you have anything else!” 

“Well?” Slick demands.

“Gone. Both Michael and Nancy are gone, but the prints are in. Both sets are on the packages.” 

“Oh my god, what were they thinking?!” Lindsay cries.

“This is Michael, he doesn’t think he just does!” Slick growls. “Where could they be?!”

“I don’t know!” Lindsay cries. “Honest, I don’t! I have been with Edna the entire time!”

“It’s true, she has, and I have had her phone. Nobody has called her or anything, I don’t believe she is involved. Look it has been less than 24 hours since they left, maybe...” The door opens again and this time it’s Blake, who comes to a surprised halt. 

“What are you doing here?” He is looking at George.

“What do you mean? As if I would be anywhere else!”

“Sorry, of course you would be here. Sorry, George, it’s just the…” Blake begins, but again pauses when Ems returns with coffee. “Emmett, where have you been for the last few hours?”

“Blake!” George growls. “He’s been here, what is this about?!”

“I was stocking Brian and Justin’s cabin. They need to get away, Teddy’s idea. But it’s your cabin, George. Your cabin, the lights are on.” 

“George, can I ask you a question?” Lindsay asks, having been staring at him intently since she got in, he nods. “Are you Lynette’s father?”

“Yes I am, and proud to be!”

“Thought so, it’s the eyes and the smile, but more importantly, how long have you had that cabin?” Lindsay asks. “By that, I mean, does my mother know you have it? Has she ever visited?”

“Well, that’s where we....”

“I see. And have your habits changed since, well you two um…”

“In other words, is the key still under the mat?” Edna intrejects, he nods and I feel a flicker of hope. “Grimm...”

“What’s the address?!”




We smile at each other. It was utter bliss to watch the horror on that twink’s face when Brian collapsed! His hysteria and panic was music to my ears.

Start of flashback



I keep an eye on the assembled throng. According to Nancy, these are the high ups of society, and I cannot wait to bring Emmett crashing down to the dung heap where he belongs. 

“Please, can you bring in the dips now?!” Emmett calls out.

“With pleasure.” I snicker, but put a sourpuss expression on my face as I slam both bowls down next to Brian. He doesn't even look up, just carries on talking to his husband like I don't exist. “Anything else, or should I wait in the kitchen with Nancy?”

“In the kitchen, please.” Ma declares. “You might as well start the washing up and putting the rubbish out!”

When I get back, I roll my eyes as Nancy. “Did you hear that?!” 

“Yes, we will leave it to Lindsay to sort out, once she recovers from her sudden illness of course!” She scoffs; we jump at the loud crash and dash inside.

“Brian?! Brian, are you alright?!” The twink screams.

“Justin! Move! Someone call an ambulance!” An old guy bellows. “On his side! Help me turn him on his side!”

Nancy and I watch as the twink begs him to respond, but Brian is wide eyed and unmoving. 

Ten minutes later the ambulance arrives, but still Brian hasn’t come around. 



“Have you heard anything?!” Nancy demands as I sit down, shaking my head. “So nobody has questioned you either?”

“No, nobody. Come on, tell me, what did you put it in?” I ask. “I did the guacamole and pesto, both a particular favourite of his. Enough to give him a very bad stomach ache.” 

“Oh my…” She giggles. “...I put it in practically everything! Such a shame!” 

“Yeah, a great one.” I snicker. “Explains why he went out like that. So, the diner is still closed. Have you spoken to Lindsay?”

“No, nor do I intend to!” She leans forward. “I am going to leave David after his mistreatment over his car. He won’t know that until he comes back, of course.”

“Comes back? Where is he?” I frown.

“Florida, for two weeks, at an all expenses paid doctor’s conference, so he won’t be checking the bank account to which I have full access, until he returns.” I sit back, nodding. “And don’t worry, I will make sure that you are looked after as well.”

“Thanks, Nancy, I wish I had aligned myself with you instead of Lindsay. It was down to her that we got caught the first time! If she had...oh wait, it’s Mother. Maybe she has news!” I laugh. “Hello, Mother, are we to…”

Five minutes later, we have a plan in place to get out of here. Brian has still not woken up, in fact he’s getting worse!

End of flashback

“Were you afraid that he might have…” I trail off.

“A bit, but then when he suddenly woke up, I relaxed. You should too. Let’s toast. To freedom and revenge!” Nancy raises her glass and we clink. “It still looks the same as it did before. He’s not changed, well except his predilections!”

“Who?” I frown.

“Dr George Schickel, this is his place and where we conceived Lynnette all those years ago. He’s made the odd modification, but nothing much. And with him and with David both at the conference, nobody will even think to look here!”

“What about Lindsay?”

“What about her? She is a cowardly turncoat. I just want to get on with my life indeed! I did not raise her that way. We fight tooth and nail to get what’s ours and pay back those who wrong us!” 

“Damn right!” I sip the wine. “Is there any food in here as a matter of interest?”

“Let’s check the cupboards.” She gets up and I follow. We search for something remotely appetising, but there is nothing.

“Fuck it all to hell!” I exclaim. “I am starving! How about we go into town?” She starts to shake her head. “Look, it's not as if they've got our mugshots up, that would be so embarrassing for them for a start!”

“Alright, let’s freshen up and go. There is an en suite and master. I will take the en suite, see you back down here in ten minutes!” 


“Sorry about that, Nancy, I had to...” I say as I come down the stairs, then gulp as I take in the situation we are now in.


“Had to what?!” Carl growls. “Do tell me what you had to do!”

Chapter End Notes:

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